Bad Customers!


Well-known member
do you guys at mac get a lot of the paraben people? we get a whooole friggin lot...
a couple of direct quotes from the paraben people (that's what i call them)

" do you have any lipglosses that are safe".
they're all pretty safe if you ask me. but if you keep asking stupid questions i'm going to start chucking them at your face- thus, making them not so safe.
"so, how did your company manage to come up with a foundation that doesn't cause cancer"
...she didn't actually know what a paraben was, nor did she know why she thought they caused cancer. i think she read a sentence out of the e-mail she was sent about the subject and wasn't expecting me to know anything about the topic.


Haha at my store (we do skincare, haircare and makeup also) we get the paraben people and the all natural people... the ones that come in looking for natural skincare but don't belive it is natural or the people who are scared of parabens but have no idea why.

I also ALWAYS get the people who don't belive you are a trained makeup artist when you tell them they ask things like "Are you sure?" no... I just imagined that 9 months of my life.

My favourites are the one who interrupt you when you are with another customer. I was helping a lady the other day finding a shade of blush and anoher lady came up to me (she had walked into the shop about 30 seconds prior) and said "I don't have time to stand around here waiting for you, I have 3 children with me (no children in sight) and I need you to get me this product" so I excuse myself from the other customer and tell her I'll be right back with her and apologise as I was on my own. The product the lady wanted was out of stock and so she tells me "Help me find something the same" and so I do and as I take it to the counter for her the other lady I was with said, I'll be back and walked out (after I had been with the other lady maybe for about 5 minutes).
So when I was done with the customer I waited for the other customer to come back so I could apologise and offer her a complimentary makeup application for the trouble, but she didnt come back and I actually worried about it all afternoon because I felt that I had neglected her and felt horribly about it.
The next day, the customer who had bought the product came in first thing and returned it *sigh* THEN about an hour later the first customer i was with came in and complained and was yelling at me about how she was disgusted and I apologised over and over saying how sorry I was... to which she said... I don't care. Then I said to her I was hoping she would come back (at which point I got interrupted by an 'I bet you did' and then she stormed out) but I didnt get to finish telling her so that I could apologise and offer her a free application...
So pretty much she didnt come in for an apology, she just came in to yell at me...
But of course... the customer is always right.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caralea
Haha at my store (we do skincare, haircare and makeup also) we get the paraben people and the all natural people... the ones that come in looking for natural skincare but don't belive it is natural or the people who are scared of parabens but have no idea why.

I also ALWAYS get the people who don't belive you are a trained makeup artist when you tell them they ask things like "Are you sure?" no... I just imagined that 9 months of my life.

My favourites are the one who interrupt you when you are with another customer. I was helping a lady the other day finding a shade of blush and anoher lady came up to me (she had walked into the shop about 30 seconds prior) and said "I don't have time to stand around here waiting for you, I have 3 children with me (no children in sight) and I need you to get me this product" so I excuse myself from the other customer and tell her I'll be right back with her and apologise as I was on my own. The product the lady wanted was out of stock and so she tells me "Help me find something the same" and so I do and as I take it to the counter for her the other lady I was with said, I'll be back and walked out (after I had been with the other lady maybe for about 5 minutes).
So when I was done with the customer I waited for the other customer to come back so I could apologise and offer her a complimentary makeup application for the trouble, but she didnt come back and I actually worried about it all afternoon because I felt that I had neglected her and felt horribly about it.
The next day, the customer who had bought the product came in first thing and returned it *sigh* THEN about an hour later the first customer i was with came in and complained and was yelling at me about how she was disgusted and I apologised over and over saying how sorry I was... to which she said... I don't care. Then I said to her I was hoping she would come back (at which point I got interrupted by an 'I bet you did' and then she stormed out) but I didnt get to finish telling her so that I could apologise and offer her a free application...
So pretty much she didnt come in for an apology, she just came in to yell at me...
But of course... the customer is always right.



Well-known member
My colleague once had a customer who wanted a heroin-chic look.


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Originally Posted by KristyVictoria
Yes, and it was called Jet. I had a tube. Too bad you guys don't make it anymore, I loved it.

Just because we want grey lipstick doesn't make us bad customers!!!

I have almost 4 tubes of that stuff.

no no, I did not mean wanting grey lipstick meant she was a bad customer! It was more that she was stoned out of her mind...and when she asked how much the lipsticks cost and I told her, she said "UH UH! No way am I 14 dollars for no lipstick!" and then she peaced out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caralea
Haha at my store (we do skincare, haircare and makeup also) we get the paraben people and the all natural people... the ones that come in looking for natural skincare but don't belive it is natural or the people who are scared of parabens but have no idea why.

I also ALWAYS get the people who don't belive you are a trained makeup artist when you tell them they ask things like "Are you sure?" no... I just imagined that 9 months of my life.

My favourites are the one who interrupt you when you are with another customer. I was helping a lady the other day finding a shade of blush and another lady came up to me (she had walked into the shop about 30 seconds prior) and said "I don't have time to stand around here waiting for you, I have 3 children with me (no children in sight) and I need you to get me this product" so I excuse myself from the other customer and tell her I'll be right back with her and apologise as I was on my own. The product the lady wanted was out of stock and so she tells me "Help me find something the same" and so I do and as I take it to the counter for her the other lady I was with said, I'll be back and walked out (after I had been with the other lady maybe for about 5 minutes).
So when I was done with the customer I waited for the other customer to come back so I could apologise and offer her a complimentary makeup application for the trouble, but she didnt come back and I actually worried about it all afternoon because I felt that I had neglected her and felt horribly about it.
The next day, the customer who had bought the product came in first thing and returned it *sigh* THEN about an hour later the first customer i was with came in and complained and was yelling at me about how she was disgusted and I apologised over and over saying how sorry I was... to which she said... I don't care. Then I said to her I was hoping she would come back (at which point I got interrupted by an 'I bet you did' and then she stormed out) but I didnt get to finish telling her so that I could apologise and offer her a free application...
So pretty much she didnt come in for an apology, she just came in to yell at me...
But of course... the customer is always right.

Dude, that sucks! When that happens, it is soooo hard not to say, "Do you not see this person who came in BEFORE you standing here?" I don't understand why so many people do this. I was actually at a local grocery store at the customer service desk, and the man behind the counter was helping me. This woman came up with some stuff in her hand going about about something. He interrupted her and said, "EX-CUSE me. I am talking. I am trying to help THIS customer."

When she walked off, I told him he rocked.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ductapemyheartt
no no, I did not mean wanting grey lipstick meant she was a bad customer! It was more that she was stoned out of her mind...and when she asked how much the lipsticks cost and I told her, she said "UH UH! No way am I 14 dollars for no lipstick!" and then she peaced out.

i <3 the ones who are stoned and then complain about spending money. ummm pot's not cheap either dude and it sure as hell doesn't last as long as a lipstick.


Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Dude, that sucks! When that happens, it is soooo hard not to say, "Do you not see this person who came in BEFORE you standing here?" I don't understand why so many people do this. I was actually at a local grocery store at the customer service desk, and the man behind the counter was helping me. This woman came up with some stuff in her hand going about about something. He interrupted her and said, "EX-CUSE me. I am talking. I am trying to help THIS customer."

When she walked off, I told him he rocked.

With some people I would love to do that, but I like my job too much :p I'm sure punching people in the face woudn't go down too well either...
I guess working in retail has taught me to be a patient and undertsanding customer so I"ve gained something, cause I always feel sorry for the swamped MAs in other stores so I kind of just tell them I can wait and have a look around if they like :p


Well-known member
Okay, so the other day, I was helping a customer pick out a lipstick and I saw this girl creeping on the counter. She looked like she was holding a tissue up to her mouth and was staring at me! The other customer and I picked out a good lippie and I rang her up. After she walked away, the customer holding a tissue to her mouth came up to me.

I greeted her and acted like nothing was out of the ordinary. She explained that she had just had surgery [she is still holding the tissue up to her mouth, btw] and told me she needed to pick out a foundation. I told her to have a seat and I went to grab a couple of colours to match her. When I was returning, she took the tissue away from her mouth and I saw blood all over the tissue and on her teeth. My stomach churned and I was mega grossed out.

Seriously. It's a makeup counter, not a hospital. I should not see blood!


Originally Posted by ductapemyheartt
Okay, so the other day, I was helping a customer pick out a lipstick and I saw this girl creeping on the counter. She looked like she was holding a tissue up to her mouth and was staring at me! The other customer and I picked out a good lippie and I rang her up. After she walked away, the customer holding a tissue to her mouth came up to me.

I greeted her and acted like nothing was out of the ordinary. She explained that she had just had surgery [she is still holding the tissue up to her mouth, btw] and told me she needed to pick out a foundation. I told her to have a seat and I went to grab a couple of colours to match her. When I was returning, she took the tissue away from her mouth and I saw blood all over the tissue and on her teeth. My stomach churned and I was mega grossed out.

Seriously. It's a makeup counter, not a hospital. I should not see blood!

OMG number one rule of leaving the house... let alone going somewhere where people can touch your face... is make sure there is no blood or any other bodily secretions visible... ick
Its like women who come in with coldsores who say yeah I have a bite or something...


Well-known member
About 2 weeks ago, at my counter we were really slammed on a Saturday. I walked over to the front side of the counter where we had our lipglasses and slimshines and someone had written in lipstick ON THE COUNTER - "Can I get some f*cking help around here?" How rude! I have no idea how long that was written on our counter. Some people have a lot of nerve. Also, it is so annoying when people deface our display units. Someone took a Penultimate eyeliner tester and drew little cartoon pictures on our Chill unit. Nice, huh?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkbeauty27
About 2 weeks ago, at my counter we were really slammed on a Saturday. I walked over to the front side of the counter where we had our lipglasses and slimshines and someone had written in lipstick ON THE COUNTER - "Can I get some f*cking help around here?" How rude! I have no idea how long that was written on our counter. Some people have a lot of nerve. Also, it is so annoying when people deface our display units. Someone took a Penultimate eyeliner tester and drew little cartoon pictures on our Chill unit. Nice, huh?

I have heard about people doing that with the lipstick. I saw a lady take out a lipglass display because someone didn't get to her fast hit the floor with a thud they all fell out of the display and rolled all over the place. Yep, that's gonna make someone want to help you.


Well-known member
someone almost made me cry today. =(. i did a ladys makeup and i was like oh do you like it and she kept saying she had to ask her husband if he liked it... then he comes in.. no hi no how are you.. "oh it looks all cakey.. it looks like you have makeup caked on your face it looks awful" and she was like it doesnt look natural? *translation, 'i think it looks natural but i'm afraid you'll disagree with me'*.. "no it looks awful it looks like you piled all that powder shit on your face"... everyone was like no it looks great but he just says that and walks out.. it made me feel like shit, i think i did a really good job and she was half retarted w/ the questions she was asking so not only did i do a good job but she was annoying and he was really mean. =(.


Well-known member
We get those kind of customers too. It's the women that can't think for themselves and have to keep looking at their husbands for approval or asking their husbands if they look okay. It's pretty sad that these women are that way and can't decide on their own.


Originally Posted by xStarryEyedX
someone almost made me cry today. =(. i did a ladys makeup and i was like oh do you like it and she kept saying she had to ask her husband if he liked it... then he comes in.. no hi no how are you.. "oh it looks all cakey.. it looks like you have makeup caked on your face it looks awful" and she was like it doesnt look natural? *translation, 'i think it looks natural but i'm afraid you'll disagree with me'*.. "no it looks awful it looks like you piled all that powder shit on your face"... everyone was like no it looks great but he just says that and walks out.. it made me feel like shit, i think i did a really good job and she was half retarted w/ the questions she was asking so not only did i do a good job but she was annoying and he was really mean. =(.

People really don't think...
I know from personal experience that it can really hurt when someone is that tactless... I love my job and pride myself on the work I do and when people just feel like being horrible because they have a bad day they don't think about how you are going to feel when they leave, its kind of like treating MA's like they arent actual people... unless no one else goes by the whole 'treat people how you like to be treated' saying


Well-known member
i get people like that all the time who can't think for themselves but this was just different... he could have just said he didn't like it you know? i spent time on her. i answered her stupid questions ten times (she kept asking the same fucking things over and over and over) but in my head i was like "just be nice, you really really need the sale".. and then he comes in and says all that. i mean it's bare escentals- it doesn't look cakey unless you really really try hard to make it that way.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkbeauty27
We get those kind of customers too. It's the women that can't think for themselves and have to keep looking at their husbands for approval or asking their husbands if they look okay. It's pretty sad that these women are that way and can't decide on their own.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkbeauty27
About 2 weeks ago, at my counter we were really slammed on a Saturday. I walked over to the front side of the counter where we had our lipglasses and slimshines and someone had written in lipstick ON THE COUNTER - "Can I get some f*cking help around here?" How rude! I have no idea how long that was written on our counter. Some people have a lot of nerve. Also, it is so annoying when people deface our display units. Someone took a Penultimate eyeliner tester and drew little cartoon pictures on our Chill unit. Nice, huh?

Wow. People seriously have no shame!
Talk about immature...

Originally Posted by ms.marymac
I have heard about people doing that with the lipstick. I saw a lady take out a lipglass display because someone didn't get to her fast hit the floor with a thud they all fell out of the display and rolled all over the place. Yep, that's gonna make someone want to help you.

WTF? She literally knocked it over because she wasn't being tended to? What is wrong with people?!!? I can't deal with grown women who act like 2 year olds. I woulda hit her over the head with it.. lol. just kidding, but holy crap people are nuts.

Originally Posted by Nyla2120
The other day I had this mother & daughter & as I am applying the foundation to the daughter the mother literally keeps grabbing her daughter's face & turning it towards her while I am still trying to work on her. I was getting so annoyed! I swear I wanna ask these people if they came for my help since *I* do this for a living, or if they just want the help of their clueless friend/family member. Because if that is the case, I am happy to hand you a sponge & leave you two on your own.

LOL! How obnoxious! Don't you just wish you could say these things to people without the risk of losing your job?


Well-known member
Yes, she knocked it off the counter because we didn't there fast enough in her opinion I guess. We were slammed, a few minutes before a co-worker had told her that someone would be right with her. She took off after that. If she had stuck around, the only person that would had been helping her would have been security, and he would have been helping her out the door.