Got mine too! Thank god! Two of my friends and I made the hour drive this morning (apparently there is a new freestanding store that wasn't listed on mac's website yet...YAY!) and were there an hour and a half before the doors opened! We were 1st in line!!!
We asked the MA when she got there how many barbies they had and she said they had 16 but that they had some phone orders for employees but weren't doing anymore (she told us to keep it quiet, as if we were going to be ok with that) so now they had 11 or so. Well, WHILE we were standing at the counter buying our dolls, the manager was constantly answering phones and he stopped ringing us and wrote down some information that the person on the phone gave him, then typed it into the computer, printed out a receipt, stuck the receipt to a barbie, put it in a bag, and brought it to the back. People were freaking out!!! I don't know what he was doing, but it looked like a phone order to me!
Also, the girl behind us claimed that she was there first, but that she was "sitting on the bench across the walkway", and she brought her whole family and together they got 5 dolls!!!! There were actually only 10 in the first place, so it only left 2 for the remaining 30ish people in the line behind us. It was sad to watch the people who didn't get one.....I couldn't even stick around and look at the other barbie stuff right then cause it made me want to give mine away.