Barbie Loves Mac Now Online!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by girlstar
I see you're from Mississauga.. just out of interest, what store was this??? That manager sounds like a real a**hole.

MAC freestanding store at Sq 1-I have interacted with that manager once before and she was really nice so it's a bit shocking that she was like that today!

I think I will just go to the Bay counter from now on.


Originally Posted by Shimmer
Do you like your spouse all the time? I'm not talking about loving him, I'm talking about liking him?

Same thing.

Quite honestly, it's the nonsense that the general public isn't given the opportunity to purchase a doll, or the variation in policies from one store to the next.
Do I think MAC artists should have perks for working there? Well hell yes. Any other collection, ANY collection really, where there's a widespread though limited edition release, certainly.
Something where it's obviously limited to VERY small numbers and super hyped? No, I'm sorry, I don't think it should be "OH SHIT we only got 18 in, there are 11 of us working here, and Sally's getting one for her mom so that leaves six for sale to the general public..." and the MAs who work at the SAME MALL for Dillard's get to reserve THEIR own barbies as well so...well, there goes 4 more...
That's ridiculous.

I may like MAC, but I don't have to like all of their policies, and this particular release STINKS.

i heard that they were only on temp hold for potential staff for three days to give them the opportunity, and then will be released for sale on counter ... as far as i know staff wasnt allowed to call and personally hold them it was first come, first serve ....

either way, i think critisim is fair and i dont think you have to love everything MAC ever does, it just seemed like it was getting a bit harsh ...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by plumage
ok so, ive been a long time lurker, part time poster and im a little confused... i seem to see this kind of talk alot from members on this site... constantly bashing and degrading not only the products and new launches, but the staff, artists and company as a whole ...
if you all hate MAC so much, why are you so obsessed?
(im not trying to start a fight, its a serious question ...)
more and more, i see these kind of vicious complaints and it seems a little hypocritical.... why is so bad that they were holding half of the stock of barbies for staff purchase? some of those mac artists live and/or work at locations that prevent them from getting to a store on the day of the launch ... MAC consistently and faithfully supports and values their employees and i think thats a reason to celebrate, not slander.

i just dont get all the anger, if you love MAC, then LOVE it. dont trash it.

Well while we all love MAC products sometimes their policies or customer service is definitely lacking. In each case mentioned on here people described specific situations to highlight a particular problem.

I think this release could have been handled much better. Yes I agree with you that MAC employees deserve to have perks and to be able to purchase dolls as well but what was described in a lot of situations I read/experienced today went way beyond what was reasonable.

To add to Shimmer's relationship analogy: I can love you and still speak my mind if I feel I'm being mistreated. My love of MAC does not trump my need to be treated with respect in any sense of the word.

Blind worship of anything is just plain stupid.

I will still buy MAC but I will buy it from a place where I feel that my patronage is appreciated.

Hopefully they will learn from people's experiences and do better next time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by plumage
i heard that they were only on temp hold for potential staff for three days to give them the opportunity, and then will be released for sale on counter ... as far as i know staff wasnt allowed to call and personally hold them it was first come, first serve ....

either way, i think critisim is fair and i dont think you have to love everything MAC ever does, it just seemed like it was getting a bit harsh ...

What they were "supposed" to do and what they "really did" are apparently two entirely different things, depending on your location. :/


Well-known member
I have to agree. It's crazy what is going on with the Barbie release and it's too bad because I for one feel seriously turned off and sometimes disgusted with what is going on and all these people that through whatever means get their hand on the collection JUST TO MAKE A PROFIT by reselling at outrageous prices. It's such a shame because it is actually quite a lovely collection and I'm saddened that true lovers of MAC, Barbie and makeup are missing out because of the abuse

I used to work in retail and the customer's demands should always come before the employee. It's good and proper business practice. Whenever new stock came in we were not allowed to purchase until two weeks later if the merchandize was still available. As employees we already got great perks - the discounts and access to special tools and experts. It's along the lines of the rule whenever there's some sort of a contest to win a prize, trip or money the exclaimer always says "employees and immediate family members of employees are not eligible to enter".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by plumage
ok so, ive been a long time lurker, part time poster and im a little confused... i seem to see this kind of talk alot from members on this site... constantly bashing and degrading not only the products and new launches, but the staff, artists and company as a whole ...
if you all hate MAC so much, why are you so obsessed?
(im not trying to start a fight, its a serious question ...)
more and more, i see these kind of vicious complaints and it seems a little hypocritical.... why is so bad that they were holding half of the stock of barbies for staff purchase? some of those mac artists live and/or work at locations that prevent them from getting to a store on the day of the launch ... MAC consistently and faithfully supports and values their employees and i think thats a reason to celebrate, not slander.

i just dont get all the anger, if you love MAC, then LOVE it. dont trash it.

I'm more disappointed than angry. The above quotes of mine were meant to be a bit more sarcastic than raving anger (as indicated by the "LOL" after my statement). I'm not going to waste that much energy getting truly pissed off over makeup. I do love my MAC, but after all, it is just makeup.

The problem I have is with the inconsistencies. Different rules at different places.

I agree MAC MAs should be able to buy them as well. I never said otherwise. BUT we as customers are being told that even the MAs can't hold them and that MAC won't do presales for us, yet certain stores are ignoring that. A lot of counters felt like it was OK to break the rules, but only to the advantage of their employees.

Originally Posted by plumage
.... some of those mac artists live and/or work at locations that prevent them from getting to a store on the day of the launch ......

The same could be said for plenty of their customers, but MAC didn't hold any for them. That's just a crummy double standard.

Originally Posted by plumage
...constantly bashing and degrading not only the products and new launches, but the staff, artists and company as a whole ....

I personally have had problems with some employees and have never made a sweeping statement about all MAC employees being bad, so I can't speak to that statement.

Obviously I love the product or I wouldn't be on the board. I am going to disagree with them from time to time though. You say that you notice a lot of negativity towards MAC, but have you also noticed the tremendous amount of positivity? It goes both ways. I think our members like to discuss and debate the good and bad points of the MAC product/launches/artistry/experience. If we all got on the site and nodded our heads, smiled and did nothing but talk about only the good things, it wouldn't be honest. Or that interesting.

Originally Posted by plumage
.....MAC consistently and faithfully supports and values their employees and i think thats a reason to celebrate, not slander....

Speaking as a former MAC employee, I can tell you that isn't always true. Most of the time it is. MAC MAs have a lot of perks, but it's not all sunshine and bunnies. As far as refering to our comments as "slander", slander by definition implies a false statement. If we are talking about actual events or our feelings, slander does not apply.

Originally Posted by plumage
...i just dont get all the anger, if you love MAC, then LOVE it. dont trash it.

It's just not that black and white. I don't and I'm sure most members here don't feel that they can guarantee they will either love MAC all the time or dislike MAC all the time. I'm entitled to my opinion, as you are to yours, and I am going to speak my mind whether it be in favor of or against a MAC practice. Simple as that. BTW, I am not burning my MAC doll in effigy in case anyone was wondering.


Well-known member
Hmmm, I wonder how happy all the employees are with the way things went down as well.

You know what? My counter got 0 dolls. That's right: ZERO.

I will be writing Estée Lauder about this, and expressing my feelings about living in Canada, and the way MAC marketing (a Canadian startup) is handled here, no less. I am sorry. I know I'm not from a very populous country, but I am sure, if we had even 3 dolls at our counter, they would have sold out - the MAs themselves would have bought them, if no one else had.

Now I wasn't so interested in the doll myself - it's just the principle. I think MAC is being run in a way that makes me, as a customer, feel somewhat manipulated at times. They really took advantage of "Internet Leaks" and created loads of buzz - but to have it all sold out in so little time... Someone in the marketing/research department needs to be asked some questions - they could have sold a lot more of the collectibles if this had been better researched AND, even better, there would have been greater customer satisfaction.

As for MAC hatred/employee bashing, I don't like to see it either. I love MAC, and every single girl at my counter was super excited about this launch, and all came to talk to me about how much they liked it, and to see what I bought. There was a real feeling of excitement, and although I read about launch parties with some longing, I doubt they would have been as chummy as my experience! So, on that level - at the face to face level, I love the MAC experience. As for Corporate EL, I am not feeling the love.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ginger9

I used to work in retail and the customer's demands should always come before the employee. It's good and proper business practice. Whenever new stock came in we were not allowed to purchase until two weeks later if the merchandize was still available. As employees we already got great perks - the discounts and access to special tools and experts. It's along the lines of the rule whenever there's some sort of a contest to win a prize, trip or money the exclaimer always says "employees and immediate family members of employees are not eligible to enter".

Well said!!! You said everything that I was going to say.I used to work in retail and we were never allowed to hold merchandise or anything of that nature. That's just not right and unfair. period. I had no problem with that because that was what I agreed to when I took the position.

Also, MAC employees already get major perks so the behaviour that was exercised by some of the MAC employees was totally unethical and unexcusable. By looking at the bigger picture, they should play by the rules and if they had family coming in to pick one up for them, family shouldn't get special attention and should wait just like the general public. They are no more special than anyone else. I am definitely going to write a letter and address my concerns because I am so disgusted by what I've read about people's experiences. I encourage alot of you guys to do the same. This really leaves a terrible taste in my mouth and it disgusts me that MAC has people like this working for them and "representing" them. This is coming from someone who had no intention of getting of getting a Barbie but someone who hates to see people get shafted by unethical and unfair tactics.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I'm more disappointed than angry. The above quotes of mine were meant to be a bit more sarcastic than raving anger (as indicated by the "LOL" after my statement). I'm not going to waste that much energy getting truly pissed off over makeup. I do love my MAC, but after all, it is just makeup.

The problem I have is with the inconsistencies. Different rules at different places.

I agree MAC MAs should be able to buy them as well. I never said otherwise. BUT we as customers are being told that even the MAs can't hold them and that MAC won't do presales for us, yet certain stores are ignoring that. A lot of counters felt like it was OK to break the rules, but only to the advantage of their employees.

The same could be said for plenty of their customers, but MAC didn't hold any for them. That's just a crummy double standard.

I personally have had problems with some employees and have never made a sweeping statement about all MAC employees being bad, so I can't speak to that statement.

Obviously I love the product or I wouldn't be on the board. I am going to disagree with them from time to time though. You say that you notice a lot of negativity towards MAC, but have you also noticed the tremendous amount of positivity? It goes both ways. I think our members like to discuss and debate the good and bad points of the MAC product/launches/artistry/experience. If we all got on the site and nodded our heads, smiled and did nothing but talk about only the good things, it wouldn't be honest. Or that interesting.

Speaking as a former MAC employee, I can tell you that isn't always true. Most of the time it is. MAC MAs have a lot of perks, but it's not all sunshine and bunnies. As far as refering to our comments as "slander", slander by definition implies a false statement. If we are talking about actual events or our feelings, slander does not apply.

It's just not that black and white. I don't and I'm sure most members here don't feel that they can guarantee they will either love MAC all the time or dislike MAC all the time. I'm entitled to my opinion, as you are to yours, and I am going to speak my mind whether it be in favor of or against a MAC practice. Simple as that. BTW, I am not burning my MAC doll in effigy in case anyone was wondering.

Well said!!! You are definitely on point!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Wow. ebay is hilarious. There is a Barbie tote for $499.00, a couple of Barbies for $250.00, one at $300.00 and a couple at $500.00.

omg i was dieing for that tote but wasn't comfrotable spending $70 on it. just for kicks i ebayed it earlier in the day, when the mac counter manager told me that the barbie was on ebay for $500 ... yea i saw that tote you're talking about haha. i was amazed!

i bought one barbie doll for retail price and it's mine, even though i could have bought 2. i don't believe in screwin people over by sellin them a $35 doll for $500!!! That's just crazy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SerenityRaine
I was there last night and they said that there would be a line forming & that the store would open at 10 & that there were 24 barbies. I got there at 9:58 and there was no line & no barbies! when I went in the girl asked me what I wanted & I said I wanted a barbie & so she goes back to the back & gets me one. So I think..while I asked to look at a lipgloss she buys it! wth!

She buys the one she said she'd bring back for you?
What's up with that? Did she even try to explain that behavior?

I ended up going to this afternoon; mine's back-ordered till March 5 like many others are, but as much as I wanted one, I only wanted to pay $35 for her. She'll complement my Audrey Hepburn "My Fair Lady" Barbie nicely. Thanks to the OP for that link and reminder!



Well-known member
What a suprise. I didn't get my barbie. No e-mail. My order status says the rest are shipped and the doll is N/A.

I ordered at around 11:00 PST. Oh well.

I'm really not suprised at all. Just a bit disappointed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by merleskaya
She buys the one she said she'd bring back for you?
What's up with that? Did she even try to explain that behavior?

I ended up going to this afternoon; mine's back-ordered till March 5 like many others are, but as much as I wanted one, I only wanted to pay $35 for her. She'll complement my Audrey Hepburn "My Fair Lady" Barbie nicely. Thanks to the OP for that link and reminder!


Are they actually going to make more though? Or are they going to do the same thing that MAC did?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sti43
What a suprise. I didn't get my barbie. No e-mail. My order status says the rest are shipped and the doll is N/A.

I ordered at around 11:00 PST. Oh well.

I'm really not suprised at all. Just a bit disappointed.

Wow, you ordered at 11 and got that email? Sorry, hon. That's crummy.


Well-known member
Ok, I got my Barbie from before it was on BO and what I am confused about is that people whose are on BO think that they will actually get some b/c there will be more made? As far as well all know, what they had was it. That is the point of this having been and LE collection, right?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caroni99
MAC freestanding store at Sq 1-I have interacted with that manager once before and she was really nice so it's a bit shocking that she was like that today!

I think I will just go to the Bay counter from now on.

I have gone to that store a few times and they were always nice and helpful, so it makes me mad that they have someone working there who would actually try to pull a stunt like that. I would have it expected it at say, Yorkdale, because they always seem much more snooty.

Girls working at the Bay counters are always, in my experience, much nicer and willing to help and get you anything you want.


Active member
Actually, Mattell made 25,000 dolls. 15,000 went to MAC and they had 10,000 to sell. Inside the box the doll has a certificate of authenticity stating that it is a Gold Edition doll which means there were 25,000 or less made and that it was sold at select retailers.