I haven't been reading.
So lydia has figured out jessie was using her, thank god.
I think the deal with Nat is real b/c jordan wrote in her letter that she thinks nat is a good person but does not like lydia every since she called her a fat hoe and played both sides. and she respects kevin
although they had better kick kevin out b/c in the final two, he would win for doing nothing. b/c the hate is strong.
I have had a girlcrush on jeff from the beginning. I knew he was homemade chicago style apple pie. they most def. will have a thing out of the house, but it won't last long., he will tire of being young, she has major growing up to do and her being obsessed with him being older. get over it girl, and get that man.
What does jeff do for a living? I forgot. Does he have his own home?