Big Brother Anyone??


Well-known member
oy! i'm so pissed they backdoored Russell. Darn, I'm so not winning the pool!!

looks doubtful that they are going to change their minds and vote out Nat?

oh and i know I'm late to respond, but I had wanted Jeff to win the entire game, realizing that he can't play next week for HOH. He's so going to be gone soon. Should that happen, I hope for Kevin to win!


Well-known member
I really wanted Jeff to win,but if he goes to the end I doubt they will give himn the 500k anyway....But Now I'm kinda on the fence with him, especially since he so made them swear on their families on Saturday that neither of them would puy ea other up until the final four, which now he claims was a joke...But it so wasn't because Michelle refused to do it and he got pissed...and said ok well swear on your dog or something!! ....Actually out of the rest of them I really don't care so much because I am off my J/J high horse


Well-known member
michelle and kevin are really pissed they should vote gnat out and keep russle and not tell jeff about it .. man that would be so funny


Well-known member
I know....kevin is listening to Russell..But he is such a Puss...I am sure he will run back faster than a cat can lick his ass and tell Gnat and Jeff...


Well-known member
If it's btwn Russell & Nat then they need to vote Nat off. I can't stand hearing her confessionals in the DR...uggh!


Well-known member
I don't see Gnat or Kevin voting any other way other than with Jeff ( I will hope what you say is true) ..Unless I have missed something and I watched all night...Michelle is pissed she missed out on a f2...But Kevin doesn't seem to care putting Russel ass up took him off the block ...Gnat is his F2 but he should know he can't win against her in the end...

I am pretty sure Russell is out next .....


Well-known member
That's F2, Kevin wouldn't win against Nat. We don't which one Lydia would vote for "her sugarbear" or "her arch-enemy". I guess Jessie could do a little convincing.

Speaking of...when are we going to see what's going on in the jury house??


Well-known member
That is what I have been wondering to...We haven't ssen Jessie and Lydiot making out

I am sure Jessie will vote for Gnat (he thinks she might share)
Lydiot will vote for Kevin for sure (she thinks he might share LOL)


Well-known member
I have lost interest in BB. I see J/J are being stupid and believing everything that Kevin says and the power kinda looks looks like it's gone to Jeff's head.

Do the math. He should have gotten kevin on his team and voted out nat.


Well-known member
^^ i know this is the worst season i think .. even the winter season with the couples was better .. the lame twist is to blame for 1/2 of it and then the people for the other 1/2


Well-known member
yeah Jeff has the total big head now and I am TOTALLY sick of his power trip and his side kick Jordan who can't win SHIT on her own...I hope he gets a feel of the Block next week......I really don't want him to go home...But maybe he can see why people beg when they are on the block


Well-known member
My Money is on Kevin to win this HOH comp....With Michelle coming in a close second...That damn Gnat and Jordan are worthless...I will be shocked if they remotely win

Edit....Kevin is KILLING IT!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Kevin won HOH
Michelle was a close Second
Jordan was a very far off 3rd
Gnat was never in the game .........LOSERRRR...Again...Champion My ASS!!!!!


Well-known member
gnat wants michelle out .... and i bet kevin will listen to her

any idea what that special hh door is ... is ronnie/chima hiding in there haha


Well-known member
^ I know I am dying to know too...I think they will have a luxury comp coming up or double eviction...I bet he listens to Gnat too...

He said he wants Jeff out because he is a triple threat...but she keeps throwing in the Michelle card! And the fact that she will win the next HOH and veto...Damn has she not said that the whole damn game and hasn't one NOT ONE comp yet...NOT ONE!!!!

Kevin is gonna put up Jeff and Michelle and that is gonna piss off Jeff even if he thinks he is a pawn....Watch Michelle win the POV and it will be J or J going and it will serve them right

Michelle in the bubble wrap room crying like a baby...well hell you shouldn't have thrown Russell under the bus depending on Jordan or you to win a HOH...Are you f'n kidding...Jordan!


Well-known member
I'm no longer a Jeff/Jordan supporter well more so Jeff I never liked Jordan she's dumb and that Southern accent is annoying as hell ( no offense to the Southern gals on here)
I can't beleive Kevin won! Yay Kevin
how funny was it when Julie was annoucing who won, and Russel thought for a quick second it wasn't gonna be him, and sat back down? I couldn't stop laughing!


Well-known member
yeah I hope Kevin wins it all...I actually hope he is side by side with Jeff and they give the 500k to Kevin....


Well-known member
I hope so too, but I haven't been watching this season religiously like I usually do
so I've been keeping up by reading these posts....

I think the 'twists' in this game weren't as exciting as the other seasons. Which season was it when everyone had the secret partner but they all thought they were the only ones with one? And that Muslim guy outsmarted most of them ( Can't remember his name) I think that was my fave season