Big Brother Anyone??


Well-known member
there it is! Kaysar! I was thinking Kumar idk why, man was he a good player, I was mad he got a chance to come back, and left right after!!!!
I also loved the second season with Chilltown!

But back to current, yes Jordan needs to go, what has she done this whole season? A whole bunch of nothing...

oh BTW LOL at whoever made up those nicknames for the HG ( Gnat,Lydiot etc) SOOOO funny


Well-known member
Kevin just told Jeff that he is putting him and Jordan more than likely up
Ok Jeff is PISSED!!! he was like you broke your word...He said yeah but I would be the dumbest Fuck in BB history if I allowed you to be the power of my HOH...Jeff said Put Michelle and Jordan up .....then we win Veto and take Jordan off...he said and then I put up Gnat...he said yes...Kevin said NO! He said you are not gonna be the decision maker I am...

So whether it's Jeff & Michelle or Jeff & Jordan...Jeff is 100% going on the block ....So he better win the he knows how Russel feels

I love Kevin!!!!!!!!!!!

On the MACK....Jeffie & Michelle


Well-known member
yay for Kevin! He is seriously playing the game, not many people make it far in BB being honest *rolls eyes* c'mon u gotta play dirty

And yay for Tish for giving us info on the live feeds!!!


Well-known member
oohh I just checked some feeds sites and Michelle won veto!

so she'll take herself off and jordan would then go up.......

so will it be jeff or jordan to go? I think jeff is going to go as he's such a threat.

its crazy how much the tides turn....and how when interviewed by Julie on Thurs, Jeff said getting Russell out would make his game. Yea.....betcha wish you hadn't put your faith in Nat and Kevin.....Russell at least prob woulda done the final 4 deal and gotten Nat and Kevin out.


Well-known member
Jeff is going home they already said it ....They want to keep Dummy around because she can't win anything ....Well like I said what goes around comes around...and he F'd Russell so he got it back in the booty as well


Well-known member
lol i would love to see russle's face in the jury house when jeff walks in .. im so glad kevin is doing his own thing and not letting the gnat/jeff influence him

but heyy remember about the mystery door it could effect the hoh .. i hope not !!


Well-known member
I think the mystery door has something to do with the money they one...

They had a contest yesterday and there was money all over the back yard and everyone got a trashbag and put the money in it...Then they had Veto...No mention yet of how much Money each player turned in or what is gonna happen with the money....So maybe a person gets all the money if they save another....not sure...But it's not over yet for Jeff until we figure out what happened...maybe the person with the least amount of money gets booted...who knows..I want Jeff to stay but he f'd himself if he don't...depending on dumb Jordan to help him and it was her who talked him into booting Russell...she can't help herself...I mean damn the girl thought a peach and a nectarine was the same thing ...How friggin smart can she be...and argued that they were the same thing when everyone was telling her they weren't


Well-known member
so apparently jeff found a key and the hoh had to go into this room/jail since jeff had they key he could either keep kevin in there so that means there wouldn't be any nominations or pov or let him free .... looks like jeff let him free ... i dunno how true this is some1 posted in on fb


Well-known member
No they had a Luxury Comp when I watched.....There was key hid in the house...whomever found the key had a choice whether or not to use the key or not...Jeff found the key and decided to open the door in the HOH room

Kevin was given clues in the DR. Opening the door could be something good or something bad for everybody in the house...Pandora's Box...

Through the mystery door they had a room with money falling to the floor and they had a amount of time to collect as much as they could.

They collected all the money in trash bags and turned it in and was told they would be able to keep all they collected...However since then they have not mentioned to them how much money was in the bags...when they get it or what is next....


Well-known member
Yeah But I am sure there is a catch as to why they have not said anything to them about it, how much money they grabbed, when they get it, NOTHING....and this happened the day b4 the Veto comp ...Also I remember Julie saying a Mystery Door and some Twists and the Key may have something to do with it ....For Jeff's sake I hope so

If he gets saved again this game is rigged for him to win lol


Well-known member
Something has to happen with that damn pandora's Box money contest...they said they will announce the winnings tomorrow....That means live show....something gotta happen.....But according to the myth of Pandora's Box the person that opens the box is the Loser...And that would be Jeff...he used the key to open it ....Maybe i am thinking too much into it ...Maybe he is gonna get evicted on the spot tomorrow but I hope not

Pandora, the first woman, with strict instructions that she not open it. Pandora's curiosity soon got the better of her, and she opened the box. All the evils and miseries of the world flew out to afflict mankind.

To “open a Pandora's box” is to create an uncontrollable situation that will cause great grief.


Well-known member
I don't know how much we are gonna know today other than nominations which we already know...Looks like they are still hym hawing with the Pandora's Box thing...But Kevin is thinking about keeping is gonna be a tie it looks like...with Gnat voting to keep Jordo and Michelle voting to keep Jeff so he will have to break it...and Michele has semi convinced Kevin that Gnat & Jordan have not done shit to make it to the final 2 and they will if they evict Jeff and one of them will win the money because everyone likes them...They all hate Michelle and they all are pissed at Jeff for the CDT so his best chances to win the money are going against them too...Michelle is a smart cookie to be honest.....and she said if he get's rid of Jeff ...she and Jordan are coming after him next week...If he doesn't Jeff and Her will give him one more week of safety and go after Gnat since he can't play next week...and she also told him you are pretty stupid if you bank on Gnat saving you when she has come in last in every competition BB has had...she said I think your odds are better trusting Jeff and I to win the HOH and Veto than he is really thinking and I pray he keeps Jeff...and Jordan has told him she would rather Jeff stay than her because she would have been gone if he had not been there and she knows he will go further than she ever could...She's In Love!! If he wins he better buy her Momma a damn house lol


Well-known member
michelle wants to use veto on jeff :0 .... she's so dumb and if gnat was the one who made her do/think this then as much as i hate her she deserves to win she hasn't done shit but can make people do w.e she wants .. i hope its not true


Well-known member
No...Michelle said point blank she is not using the veto on Jeff...she said she knows she will go home if she does because she knows Gnat hates her..Michelle is super smart..I am watching it now....she is taking herself off the block


Well-known member
I know Jeff f'd himself when he voted out Russell -- that was just a stupid move. He should have got Natalie out. Oh man I can stand the suspense. Michelle should use the veto on herself -- she can't trust anyone else to help her in this game. So now we have to see how the house decides to vote against Jeff & Jordan. I won't be sad to see Jordan go!


Well-known member
They are doing the Veto ceremony now...I am sure she will take herself off...Jeff is GONE that is all it is to it...But I pray Michelle wins HOH and Veto next week and sends that little Nasty Gnat packing...But wait she said she was gonna win everything next week...she has just been laying back but she is going all out...Yeah OK right!! They should all know that everyone in the Jury is Gnats friend and she needs to GO! I think the whole world learned from Marcellas do not get the veto and not use cannot trust anyone when you are standing between them and 500K...Not using it was his Ticket to the Jury House