I am way into it this season. scary ... I am such a sucka for reality TV. I'm nervous about the HoH competition... I think Jeff and Jordan are soooo sweet.
I think Michelle or Kevin has it wrapped up.....I am not sure what either one of those will do but I just need the Gnat gone ...Michele is supossed to put up Kevin and Gnat....But surely in two days her memory will be gone as usual
oh my goodness so much has happened in one week that i missed ... cant believe chima got kicked out, jessie left lmaoo poor guy its so obvious america doesnt like him .. its happened twice !!! gnat is still so stupid i hate that she calls herself a competitor but she hasn't won anything ...
Yeah after every competition she says we have to win HOH, we have to win POV...she has yet to win ONE damn competition not ONE!!!!!!!!!!But we have to hear about how close she has come...Ok one winner if you didnlt win close does not count!
I forgot to...when Lydia and Kevin took her braids down her hair was a frizzy mess ...why did she keep walking thru the house saying..I really look like a Black Girl now??? wtf....go sit down
No ....Jeff does....No brownie points for that at 31 for sure
He is putting up Gnat & Kevin and wants to get rid of Kevin....But if Kevin comes off he will put up Russel and get rid of Russel...they change their mind like the weather...They so love Gnat now....wtf ever
Well he probably has a great set up...some boys stay close to Momma for a long time...who knows...They were talking about when they bring girls home...he said he normally doesn't because, he doesn't like to bring them to his parents house and that he lives in their basement and he has his own bathroom, kitchen etc...But you have to think..Most of the people probably lie about their home life so as not to sound like they have it made and dont need the money..so he may be lying...who knows
Michelle lied about being a Doctor til Russel busted her out and told everyone she has her PhD
Originally Posted by TISH1124 She said she really likes him...But she is afriad of the distance and the age....she is only 22 and he is 31....she is very sweet and a true country girl...I think they will hook up after this is all over.
and get their own reality show......"The will they or won't they get together and live in the basement show"
this was so funny...Jeff was telling the guys that he always wants the girls that aren't interested in him...he said like his boys will see a chick and say man did you see that girl by the door...He would say yeah, not my type...and they would say good because she thought you sucked...Then he's like where is she lets go talk to her...he said it turns him on and makes him want her more...So Kevin Goes....Jeff I think you suck....They all died laughing even Jeff...Jeff said Pass
I am SO Over Jeff & Jordan they are SOOOO Stupid....Jeff won POV and he is gonna backdoor Russel because he believes everything that Gnat says...at this point she has played the game so smart and she deserves to win....Her or Cuckoo McGoo Michelle ....Jeff nor Jordan deserves to win....
They are stupid they have made a deal with Kevin and Gnat that if they win HOH next week they won't put them up
Ok smart people lets do the math ....Russel Gone
Jordan, Jeff, Gnat, Kevin & Michelle left!!! They know Gnat & Kevin are a team...Ok that leaves Michelle, Jeff and Jordan....HOWWWWWWWW can one of them not go up if they win....wtf are they STUPID!!!!!!!!!! Is there a invisble person they can sit in the seat next to Michelle...and Kevin/Gnat have already said the first two going up is Jeff/Jordan LOL
lol as much as i hate nat i have to give her props, people do whatever she wants and she's just hiding in the background.
And if they do get rid of russle, there are the dumbest people ever and if michelle wins HOH next week she'll be pissed that they got rid of russle and they'll have three people after them ... i bet its that jordan thats getting in his head, i thought she was cute and all but she's just dumb imo i read her blog on jokers when she has hoh and omg the poor soul didn't know the difference between our and are lol ....