Big Brother Anyone??


Well-known member
yeap it's all Jordan because she is now bff with Gnat & Kevin and she tells them EVERYTHING...of course Jeff does not know this...he would have a cow...I think she is planning F3 without him because she knows she can't win against Jeff....


Well-known member
There was no elimination ...last week it was Lydia....Jeff won HOH for this week....put up Natalie/Kevin....Jeff won POV ...gonna take Natalie off and backdoor Russel....


Well-known member
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo
in my office pool i have russell.

nat needs to go!!!!!


Well-known member
Yep....Jeff said tonight he has made his mind up he will take Gnat off....He knows Russel is as strong as him and he wants the strongest players gone...he thinks he as a better chance in comps over Gnat, Kevin, Michelle & Jordan which is true but it still sucks...Also Michelle loose lips told Jordan that Russell asked her to be ina F2 and that did him in...she is so stupid...because Jeff wants her next...I almost hope this move gets Jordan or Jeff kicked out next week because it serves them right


Well-known member
yes tish i agree! give them a bit of a scare. but i would be sad to jeff go....ih his smile, his accent, the overall jeff package......i want him to win so jordan can go next week..

he is such a player though that id think itd be stupid to keep jeff.


Well-known member
You mean you want him to win POV next week? Cuz he can't play for HOH...that is why this was a stupid move to get rid of Russell...if he is depending on dumdwards Jordan & Michelle to win HOH he may be sadly disappointed


Well-known member
I think Jeff should stick to the agreement of going to the F4 with Russell and Michelle. Natalie & Kevin have too many friends in the jury house.

Then once it hits F4 - battle it out until the F2. As far as F2, Jeff has a better chance of winning against Russell. Michelle needs to go and Jordan hasn't really played a game and hasn't made any enemies in the jury house.

Hopefully Jeff makes the strategic move this week. We'll have to see if the POV will be used to take Nat/Kevin off the block or if they back door Russell. This is a big decision in how the game will go.


Well-known member
^^ I think the same...I keep asking myself...Does he realized that everyone in the Jury House will vote for Gnat or Kevin...or is he just thinking so hard about possibly getting evicted....I think he thinks him and Jordan will make it and if they do Jordan is going to win hands down


Well-known member
jeff is so whipped by jordan .... but russle even said in the DR that if jeff is smart he would get rid of him/michelle this week .. so maybe its not such a bad idea

i want kevin to win now he's so funny.... even though he hasn't done much lol


Well-known member
yeah I think it is smart to get rid of them, but I think Russel has played well ...I just think it is smarter to get rid of Gnat before them because the dumb ones like her are the ones that normally squeak by and win the whole thing...which she should if she gets to the end because she has played the game pretty well although I can't stand her...and the dummies have still not figured out she is 18 ..well except for Russell and Jeff dismissed his idea as stupid ...hummmm The only thing that saved Jeff in this game was getting the CDT...if it wasn't for that he would have been gone because he did not play smart the whole game...and for that one will vote for him just because they all feel the CDT is the only reason he was able to turn the house...which is true


Well-known member
I agree, send Natalie home...please! What has she done? She's hasn't won a HOH or POV yet. Tae kwon do ass. If she won $70k at the last tournament she was in, then why is she on BB11? So much for being a poker champ...LOL!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocokitty
I think Jeff should stick to the agreement of going to the F4 with Russell and Michelle. Natalie & Kevin have too many friends in the jury house.

Then once it hits F4 - battle it out until the F2. As far as F2, Jeff has a better chance of winning against Russell. Michelle needs to go and Jordan hasn't really played a game and hasn't made any enemies in the jury house.

Hopefully Jeff makes the strategic move this week. We'll have to see if the POV will be used to take Nat/Kevin off the block or if they back door Russell. This is a big decision in how the game will go.

That makes a lotof sense, I never thought about it that way. I would want either Jeff or Kevin to win anyway, but Jeff needs to think things through.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocokitty
I agree, send Natalie home...please! What has she done? She's hasn't won a HOH or POV yet. Tae kwon do ass. If she won $70k at the last tournament she was in, then why is she on BB11? So much for being a poker champ...LOL!

I cant' stand her,, and lying saying she's 18 to be "strategic" oh please she looks 25


Well-known member
Jeff will not go with Russell because he knows Russell is the only person that can beat him in an endurance comp.....Plus Russell will dump him at the 1st chance he gets to....Jordan was telling Michelle that there is no way they could beat Russell he is too strong...and Michelle looked at her and said ...we can't be Jeff either know that was not what she wanted to hear....

J/J pulled card on who to take off the block to put Russell up...Red for Kevin...Black for Gnat.....They drew Red Queen of Hearts....So they are taking Kevin down and putting Russ up in his place to vote him out


Well-known member
Jeff knew this shit was gonna happen...when he sat there and gave Russell his word a day ago that he would not put him up before the final four...he knew this would be a big fucking deal


Well-known member
Ok pretty is as pretty does...and Jeff was Pretty to me...But he has turned into a arrogant asswipe!! I mean how doe she get off telling people everyone better get their act together or they are next! Who died and made him the King of the fucking castle....While Jordan sits there egging his ass on....But Gnat & Kevin sit back and let them all self destruct..Imean hell you get the CDT Got it...But you just won your first HOH not like you been playing a good game before now


Well-known member
Gnat just summed the game up perfectly to Kevin

This is a game saving move for us and probably a game ending move for Jeff.
If we win HOH Jeff is out next.

He was soooo stupid!!! Why would anyone trust Gnat!!! This was as dumb as the Marcellas move of not using the Veto on himself and getting evicted....Jeff was given this awesome CDT and he just blew his game with it me thinkssss by listening to Gnat of all people....