Biggest Makeup Crimes committed by Women of Color


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This has probably been mentioned a million times but i think it's when their foundation is too light or dark for their skin. But then again, this is a makeup crime that anyone can be a victim of. Or even when they choose the wrong undertones for foundation (too pink or too yellow). I will admit that I have fallen into this category before.


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Originally Posted by MACa6325xi
Hey, I love Towson Town Center, the folk in Baltimore keep it "real." To answer your question, I was at Columbia Mall and I guess you saw the same scene I did. It looked like MAC was giving something away. The store upstairs appeared to be the same. I guess the economy has not impacted the money we spend on MAC. I know in Maryland, WOC spend a lot of money at the MAC counters.

Economic crisis may actually be the cause of the crowd. Ppl broke, depressed, find a mac store for retail therapy.


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Originally Posted by MACa6325xi
Just recently I found an MA that was aventourous with me. She reccomended I use Deep Soul l/l with Sweet Thing l/s and Triple Yum l/g(from the Sugarsweet line) and it looked awesome. She even reccomended 80% and I will pick it up the next time I'm there. She also recommend a cpl of plums and berry colored lipliners as well and I will get them as well. She even told me that I can totally rocked Girl About Town with a deep plum or berry lipliner. I was shocked because I'm a NW47 and I thought that was a too bright lippie for me. Sorry for the long post but I just had to say something...

Ha Ha!! I'm happy that you have encountered a good MA. I would suggest going to your local CCO and check out what they have. This is a great way to expand your collection with different lipliners, lipsticks, eyeshadows, and blushes. You can be adventurous and save a little money in the process.[/quote]

I am an NC50. I rock Girl About Town Lipstick with Currant Lipliner and Pink Poodle Lipglass.


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I was going to say using the wrong colour of foundation but being Indian myself it's hard to find the right colour of foundation when there isn't an SA to help you. The only time I've found a decent High Street foundation was when the SA helped me and it's a nice Bourjois one. My other one is a YSL one and both work just as well as each other but YSL smells nicer. It's difficult to find the right shade sometimes because not many High Streets have a wide range of colurs, Maybelline are really good at getting a wide spectrum of colours. Also, I don't know if it's only me or if other people feel this but I would like more help on how to choose a foundation that is right for me, the only thing that works is the "apply to face" test and I feel really conscious doing that.

Other issues that I have noticed have already been mentioned, especially the super dark lip pencil, the lady who used to thread my brows was notorious for this. She would outline over her actual lips and give herself the shape she wanted with a dark brown pencil, the funny thing was that she was an excellent makeup artist so I don't know why she did that to herself.

Something I have noticed recently is the misuse of blusher and bronzer of which I'm sure I'm guilty too..


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Heavy foundation and wrong color foundation -- blush/bronzer not blended well, and lipstick with obvious delineation


Active member
I think one of the biggest misconceptions that WOC have is sticking to neutral eyeshadows and lipsticks. So many people think they because they have a darker skintone, they cannot wear "bright" colors. This is truely NOT the case.


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My biggest pet peeve is seeing women who pack on powder (typically the powder is too light)! I mean, its a tropical climate all year round and all, but cakey powder is so not cute!

A close second is when the makeup is caked on bad skin. Oh how I wish we could take better care of ourselves and realize makeup is optimal on clear healthy skin, and using makeup means you have to do double duty on skincare!!!


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Originally Posted by nichollecaren
My biggest pet peeve is seeing women who pack on powder (typically the powder is too light)! I mean, its a tropical climate all year round and all, but cakey powder is so not cute!

A close second is when the makeup is caked on bad skin. Oh how I wish we could take better care of ourselves and realize makeup is optimal on clear healthy skin, and using makeup means you have to do double duty on skincare!!!

Bad skin doesn't always mean bad skin care. My skin is seriously impossible right now no matter what I do or products I use. My foundation cakes because of how oily my skin is and there is no way I'm going to leave the house with no foundation on.

My problem is hormonal and it was made worse by the IUD that my gyno. suggested. I'm on hormone therapy right now and I hope it gets better.

I just wanted to draw attention to the fact that sometimes we are too quick to assume that people are dirty, lazy, ignorant about skin care when really they have a medical condition. This doesn't just apply to skin but many things.

Please don't think I'm attacking you because Im not. In the past I too assumed all sorts of things about people with thin hair, bad teeth, overplucked eyebrows etc and I feel bad now and ask myself how many times was I wrong ?


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Originally Posted by KatRosier
Bad skin doesn't always mean bad skin care. My skin is seriously impossible right now no matter what I do or products I use. My foundation cakes because of how oily my skin is and there is no way I'm going to leave the house with no foundation on.

My problem is hormonal and it was made worse by the IUD that my gyno. suggested. I'm on hormone therapy right now and I hope it gets better.

I just wanted to draw attention to the fact that sometimes we are too quick to assume that people are dirty, lazy, ignorant about skin care when really they have a medical condition. This doesn't just apply to skin but many things.

Please don't think I'm attacking you because Im not. In the past I too assumed all sorts of things about people with thin hair, bad teeth, overplucked eyebrows etc and I feel bad now and ask myself how many times was I wrong ?

You made a good point-I def dont see it as an attack- but I was not just saying bad skin, I was saying makeup CAKED on bad skin. Not everyone will have great smooth skin, I have struggled with my own share of issues. But we must be mindful that heavy makeup not only emphasizes some skin problems, it exacerbates them.


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Originally Posted by nichollecaren
You made a good point-I def dont see it as an attack- but I was not just saying bad skin, I was saying makeup CAKED on bad skin. Not everyone will have great smooth skin, I have struggled with my own share of issues. But we must be mindful that heavy makeup not only emphasizes some skin problems, it exacerbates them.

I agree with you and when I have problems with my skin, I don't wear anything on it. I have to just walk out the door with lipstick and/or lipglass. I don't believe in putting makeup over problem skin. In addition, I'm definitely not going to the MAC counter to buy makeup. I may have to go to the dermatologist first if the problem doesn't clear up with over the counter treatments.


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Thanks, I am an NW45/47 and I was thinking of a setting powder, now I know to get Black Radiance in Honey Amber.
I really need to check out Makeup Forever and Urban Decay's makeup


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-not blending eyeshadow completely

-wearing night (or club) makeup in the daytime. i remember seeing this girl at work with bright gold and bronze makeup, and it was clearly a look that belongs in the line at the club (and not the VIP section, haha), but i thought she just came in to work forgetting to wash last night's look off her face.

-red lips (or any bright lipstick) without a lip liner.

-shaving off eyebrows and lining them JET BLACK. you know your brows werent black before...why make them look like that?

-definitely the black lipliner and clear gloss thing...i did that in high school. i learned my lesson...haha.


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Originally Posted by Ashleybubbles83
-not blending eyeshadow completely

^I'm guilty of this one.

I just started wearing eyeshadow a few months ago, and I'm slowly learning. At times, I don't blend enough and at other times -- I blend too much and the colors become muddled.

Once I get some proper brushes, I'll be set.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ashleybubbles83

-wearing night (or club) makeup in the daytime. i remember seeing this girl at work with bright gold and bronze makeup, and it was clearly a look that belongs in the line at the club (and not the VIP section, haha), but i thought she just came in to work forgetting to wash last night's look off her face.

I kind of don't agree with this one because I've definitely worn some nighttime looks during the day and made it work. I think as long as there is a proper balance between your outfit, hair, and the makeup ... supposed "night only" looks can be worn during the day. Hell, if I could, I would rock black smokey eyes all the time but I don't do my makeup every day.


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Originally Posted by lipshock
Overdrawn eyebrows.
Pencil thin, tadpole eyebrows.

As Chad says...brows like this ^ ^


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ashleybubbles83

-wearing night (or club) makeup in the daytime. i remember seeing this girl at work with bright gold and bronze makeup, and it was clearly a look that belongs in the line at the club (and not the VIP section, haha), but i thought she just came in to work forgetting to wash last night's look off her face.

Originally Posted by lipshock
I kind of don't agree with this one because I've definitely worn some nighttime looks during the day and made it work. I think as long as there is a proper balance between your outfit, hair, and the makeup ... supposed "night only" looks can be worn during the day. Hell, if I could, I would rock black smokey eyes all the time but I don't do my makeup every day.

Lipshock..thanks for that...because I have done that..but it's about the outfit etc...thankfully I have a job that has no dress as long as it's tasteful it's all good..

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