Bimbos unite!

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more tutorials..please? lol
don't worry! i have a few stored up and will be doing more. i'm trying to upload one tutorial and one pigment video a week at the moment :) plus i'm hoping with each tutorial i get slightlly better at filming and being in front of the camera! :)


Well-known member
Oooh, please give me your rain! I am so hot I have only had 3 1/2 hours of sleep so far. It felt like the air had got cooler, but it is still super humid out and the wind stopped. I wish I never had turned off the AC. Now I am dying and red in the face. Yep, hormones are not helping either! I hope that things are getting sorted out at work for you, Lou. Time for some stress-free down time with the hubby and kitties and a bunch of good movies! It is a holiday weekend here, but my husband has end of month crazies for work, so it will be a mix of getting chores done and him working while I play! Tarot selling has come to a complete halt. I haven't sold anything in days and expecting a large MO in the mail at any time. I hope it comes today. Hmm.. I hate selling to people who don't seem to have their act together. Grrr...


Well-known member
Oooh, please give me your rain! I am so hot I have only had 3 1/2 hours of sleep so far. It felt like the air had got cooler, but it is still super humid out and the wind stopped. I wish I never had turned off the AC. Now I am dying and red in the face. Yep, hormones are not helping either! I hope that things are getting sorted out at work for you, Lou. Time for some stress-free down time with the hubby and kitties and a bunch of good movies! It is a holiday weekend here, but my husband has end of month crazies for work, so it will be a mix of getting chores done and him working while I play! Tarot selling has come to a complete halt. I haven't sold anything in days and expecting a large MO in the mail at any time. I hope it comes today. Hmm.. I hate selling to people who don't seem to have their act together. Grrr...
oh yes - i love the sun but when it is too hot to sleep it is never fun :( i will gladly send you the rain though!! oh and work wise things are actually very good. i can't go into details (you never know who can read this!) but the worker in question no longer works for the company. so now i am on the hunt for a new assitant manager. until things get sorted i will still be working 6 days a week but i feel so much happier now. :)

oh and i shall send you positive thoughts in hope it helps you sell more decks this weekend! hee hee!


Well-known member
Oh good. I am glad. That was not a fun situation to be in. Best of luck in finding someone new and I hope it all falls into place fast so you can get more breaks! I am up for a late breakfast, but then going back to bed. Cramps, hot flash, shower, cramps, sleep, cramps. That has been my day so far! Add a few weird dreams and finally sleeping now that the A/C is on! Time to eat, digest and go back to bed! Exciting day, no? Hehehe...


Well-known member
I'm sure you will do great as the assistant manager that the company will promote you. I will be crossing my fingers
oh thanks sweetie but i'm actually the manager! it was my second in command that got sacked. i am hoping that one of my current sales guys gets the assitant manager job and gets promoted. :) but thanks for the well wishes anyway!


Well-known member
Hehehehe...I don't think so, sweetie! I have been in extreme pain most of the day, so much so that I can't get the sleep I desire or need. So I am watching the wind and clouds billowing up for another round of storms and wishing we had a bit of a spring before summer came pounding down on us! I'm going to change my screen saver to something snowy....


Well-known member
I love those. I bought a light pink one and put in the "pamper yourself" basket I did for my daughter-in-law to give her when she had my grandson. I got the little frangrance too. I don't remember if I posted about it. But people always send flowers and stuff to the hopistal and no one gets anything for the new mom who just went through giving birth. I put all kinds of pampering things in there and pretty much all of it was pink, her favorite color. I even hot glued big hot pink daisies on each end of the basket. (I also managed to not to glue my fingers as I usually do when using a hot glue gun) I put some L'Occiatane beauty mik and shower gel, Philosophy lip gloss,and a bunch of other goodies. It really added up to quite a bit of money as I kept adding things. She really appreciated it and loved it so that made it totally worth it. After she came home from the hospital and was feeling yucky I took her my back up of Wonder Woman Marquis'd l/s. I told her after all she had been through with the c-section and all she was a wonder woman.

Originally Posted by Miss QQ
shadow - have fun shopping at the website. I can't get Miami Peach out of my mind too, it's so beautiful. But i heard that the formula is similar to Morning Rose and it chips after 1 day for me!

That color haunts me. I'm glad you said that it probably chips. I will keep telling myself that. I will sit and chant it over and over:)

Debi--I hope you get to feeling better. It's hot here and we've had some bad storms lately also. All of our allergies are way worse this year. My daughter and I sound like we're going to hack up a lung.


Well-known member
Thank you, shadowaddict! My cramps finally eased up 2 hours ago, so I washed my hair and face and gooped it up nicely with night cream, and just feel so much better even though I need more sleep. I did take a huge nap in the early evening, in spite of the pain, and woke at 7pm ready for a late light supper. My biggest wish is that this will all be done by Monday, which is supposed to be around 90 degrees and I want to camp downstairs in the living room, where it is cooler. We have central air, but still the upstairs gets way too hot with no shade. We have to do something about this. I think wiring for 2 zones would be too expensive and messy with smashing down walls. Ugh! tonight I will dream of cool autumn days and flurries! :)


Well-known member
Debi- I know what you mean about trying to sleep when you are hot. I love the room to be nice and cool. Actually I would love it to be cold so I could snuggle in the blankies. But my hubby already gripes about it being too cold for him.

When we turn on the air in the spring we close all the vents downstairs since heat rises and it helps keep the upstairs cooler. Have you tried that? If not perhaps that will help you also. Good luck, I hate being hot and I like breathing cooler air.


Well-known member
I love those. I bought a light pink one and put in the "pamper yourself" basket I did for my daughter-in-law to give her when she had my grandson. I got the little frangrance too. I don't remember if I posted about it. But people always send flowers and stuff to the hopistal and no one gets anything for the new mom who just went through giving birth. I put all kinds of pampering things in there and pretty much all of it was pink, her favorite color. I even hot glued big hot pink daisies on each end of the basket. (I also managed to not to glue my fingers as I usually do when using a hot glue gun) I put some L'Occiatane beauty mik and shower gel, Philosophy lip gloss,and a bunch of other goodies. It really added up to quite a bit of money as I kept adding things. She really appreciated it and loved it so that made it totally worth it. After she came home from the hospital and was feeling yucky I took her my back up of Wonder Woman Marquis'd l/s. I told her after all she had been through with the c-section and all she was a wonder woman.


That color haunts me. I'm glad you said that it probably chips. I will keep telling myself that. I will sit and chant it over and over:)

Debi--I hope you get to feeling better. It's hot here and we've had some bad storms lately also. All of our allergies are way worse this year. My daughter and I sound like we're going to hack up a lung.
oh that is so sweet that you got her a gift basket like that. you are right - nobody really give the new mum a gift so i bet those treats went down very well! :) oh and tahnks for letting us know about how long the polishes last. i do actually store mine upright in drawer so they are out of sunlight. i guess i need to make sure that i shake them up every so often because i have noticed some have seperated but they always sort themselves out when i shake before using them :)

today me and nick were going to bake whoopie pies - until i forgot to go and buy the stuff we needed to actually make them! doh!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I know very well about being too hot to sleep too. It's very hot this month over here and generally the weather here is always too warm for sleep to me. So I on the a/c at night. I like to sleep in a cool bed with cool air. I like the sun, I know it is depressing when it is always rainy and cloudy, but I don't like high temperatures.

debi - glad your cramps are easing now.

shadow - I thought of picking up Miami peach yesterday but I decided I shall not buy so many nail polish for now. Yeah we shall convince ourselves it chips too quickly! What a thoughtful and beautiful gift you gave your DIL! Hope everyone is doing well.

lou - the sephora HK np looks very cute! I saw a review on it and I love it. But then it is probably not available here for me. I'm glad that you are happier now at work and I hope the manpower gets sorted out soon!

How is everyone's weekend? It's really short for me


Well-known member
Catching up on my sleep! Thanks you everyone! Still hot, though, with it being in the 90's and stormy tomorrow. It suddenly feels more like July. I totally prefer an icy cold bed and sheets and lots of cuddling in the blankets, but these days I am so tired I fall asleep sitting up! And we do shut some of the vents downstairs so the A/C concentrates more on upstairs. The den (where I am in now) only has one vent and really should have been built with two. That is our biggest problem with up here. That and no trees shading the house, yet! We planted so many and they are getting taller than the house now, so some spots should get shade soon!

Other than that hubby is busy with stuff and work this long weekend (Memorial Day on Monday) but I told him to save part of tomorrow for fun in case I feel well enough to get out. Figures it is going to be so hot. Yuck! On a fun note, it is now day 5 of my latest Zoya polish and it still looks awesome! When you factor in the cost of a salon manicure and that they often chip within 2-3 days (at least mine have which is why I rarely bother) Zoya pays for itself in just one use! I sound like a commercial!



Well-known member
i'm having a bad day bimbos

my boyfriend and i's dog isnt very good with other dogs, when ever she is with another dog they fight, she doesnt always start it, but it is inevitable, well today my boyfriends dad left the front door wide open and a lady walked past with her dog, my dog ran out and started a scuffle, and her own dog ended up biting her when she tried to pull her dog away.

my dog didnt bite the lady but she did try to bite the dog and the lady took the whole thing very well, saying 'it happens' and she wasnt too upset about it, she was also sure it was her own dog that bit her.

but now my boyfriends dad (it's his house we were at) is saying we have to put the dog down. now i am arguing with him saying, we know she is like this, she would never harm a person, but she does not get on with other dogs, why would you leave the front door wide open and the dog in the front garden when u have no fence/gate and you live opposite a park! i was so mad, he said he shouldnt have to watch a dog, it should just behave. but if you know she wont, then dont put her in a situation that you know is going to end badly, i was in the shower when it happened and got dressed so quick when i heard the commotion outside.

i'm just very down because he's saying he's going to get her put down. she lives at his house with my bf, so its kind of fair enough, but i cant help feeling like this wouldnt have happened if he hadnt been so careless and thoughtless

the dog was a rescue, was abused by her owners, she has burn marks from cigarettes on her head, so i cant help feeling perhaps she was being trained to be a fighting dog, i feel like it isnt her fault but i have tried everything to socialise her with dogs, when we take her out we put a muzzle on her, she hasnt tried anything in over a year until now, and i just feel so angry that his carelessness ruined that

sorry to go on, i'm just having a bad day!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ So sorry to hear about that. I think perhaps the dog is not social with other dogs because she was abused like you said. I hope you don't have to put her down.

debi - Yup cool bed and sheets are my thing too. Great that you are catching up on sleep. I've been very tired but not really sleeping as soon as I'm in bed and not sleeping deeply too. The zoya sounds fantastic! The formula really agree with your nails! Happy memorial day!

I found this new LV speedy bag that comes with a side detail and shoulder strap. It looks gorgeous in the pics! Lou, what do you think of it? Not sure when it is launching.


Well-known member
banana~So sorry to hear about the situation with your dog. It is so hard when you bring in a rescue. They are frightened and often scarred for life by the cruelty from others. This happens with all animals who are abused, running from shyness to severe aggressiveness. Animals have such good hearts and trust, unconditional love for those who care for them. When this is broken they can only do their best to survive as instinct tells them. I have seen and been attacked/bitten by dogs (both time in my lower lip) and it is a frightening experience for the victim, too. That lady was amazingly calm and collected through the whole ordeal. As for your boyfriend's Dad, it isn't his decision to make, at all. He was in the fault of keeping the door open and allowing your dog access to others. Thus the scuffle and incident. Perhaps you can get some training for your dog, depending on his/her age or at least a few opinions from local vets about the situation before putting the dog down to see if there are any other choices. I wish you both the best.


Well-known member
^^ So sorry to hear about that. I think perhaps the dog is not social with other dogs because she was abused like you said. I hope you don't have to put her down.

debi - Yup cool bed and sheets are my thing too. Great that you are catching up on sleep. I've been very tired but not really sleeping as soon as I'm in bed and not sleeping deeply too. The zoya sounds fantastic! The formula really agree with your nails! Happy memorial day!

I found this new LV speedy bag that comes with a side detail and shoulder strap. It looks gorgeous in the pics! Lou, what do you think of it? Not sure when it is launching.
oh my goodness!!! i need that speedy and i need it now!! i love it! i still haven't bought a speedy but now i know that there will be a version with a strap i may end up biting the bullet!! do let me know when it is released!


Well-known member
Hi banana,

I suggest that you continue using your muzzle for your dog - that was a great/responsible thing to do. They are usually recommended for no more than an hour at a time and preferably less but that way you can relax when walking your dog and likewise your dog will be able to relax. Sometimes dogs just need to build up proof that other dogs are not going to hurt them. So after many times walking out, with the muzzle on, your dog will begin to relax and at the same time you can provide a reasonable solution. Putting the dog down is not reasonable, as you know. You are absolutely right about not setting the dog up for failure - that would be poor guardianship. I read once that bitches and female wolves (wild dogs) don't have rogue/bad pups and that humans interfere and develop the dog's "problems". At the same time certain breeds of dogs cannot be expected to cuddle with other breeds - it's just not going to happen. Dogs are dogs: not robots, not children. Hmpf sounds like your dog hasn't been taught to stay in the yard until some release command which could help. A set of obedience classes would help - could this be a point to negotiate too.
If not, it sounds like you are under someone else's rules and will, maybe find another home for the dog?

i'm having a bad day bimbos

my boyfriend and i's dog isnt very good with other dogs, when ever she is with another dog they fight, she doesnt always start it, but it is inevitable, well today my boyfriends dad left the front door wide open and a lady walked past with her dog, my dog ran out and started a scuffle, and her own dog ended up biting her when she tried to pull her dog away.

my dog didnt bite the lady but she did try to bite the dog and the lady took the whole thing very well, saying 'it happens' and she wasnt too upset about it, she was also sure it was her own dog that bit her.

but now my boyfriends dad (it's his house we were at) is saying we have to put the dog down. now i am arguing with him saying, we know she is like this, she would never harm a person, but she does not get on with other dogs, why would you leave the front door wide open and the dog in the front garden when u have no fence/gate and you live opposite a park! i was so mad, he said he shouldnt have to watch a dog, it should just behave. but if you know she wont, then dont put her in a situation that you know is going to end badly, i was in the shower when it happened and got dressed so quick when i heard the commotion outside.

i'm just very down because he's saying he's going to get her put down. she lives at his house with my bf, so its kind of fair enough, but i cant help feeling like this wouldnt have happened if he hadnt been so careless and thoughtless

the dog was a rescue, was abused by her owners, she has burn marks from cigarettes on her head, so i cant help feeling perhaps she was being trained to be a fighting dog, i feel like it isnt her fault but i have tried everything to socialise her with dogs, when we take her out we put a muzzle on her, she hasnt tried anything in over a year until now, and i just feel so angry that his carelessness ruined that

sorry to go on, i'm just having a bad day!


Well-known member
thanks for the advice, i just cant afford a trainer one on one and we tried a mixed class, but she would cause so much trouble with the other dogs the trainer asked us to leave

we are talking about putting up a fence in the front garden with a gate so she cant get out
i'm just so mad because this never would have happened if he wasnt so careless with her, twice he has left her in the back yard unattended and lost her because she managed to wriggle out, (we have since doggie proofed the garden) and now this!

i need cesar milan! lol


Well-known member
This is a fundamental dog behaviourist book. It may help a lot. Amazon has it.
[h=1]On Talking Terms With Dogs : Calming Signals Turid Rugaas[/h]
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