thanks Debi! no spicey dish for me tonight!! and congrats on selling the deck so quickly! that's insane! the buyer must have been stalking you!BTW Lou~in the meantime avoid acidic and spicy foods which can super irritate lip boo-boo's and make them harder to heal.
Psyched. Just put up a deck for 200.00 and sold it within 3 minutes. Yay, baby!![]()
Yes, I lovee my NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencils ... I love Bettina so much I wanna eat it lol!!!
ok now i must check out this colour for sure!Yes, I lovee my NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencils ... I love Bettina so much I wanna eat it lol!!!
i'm pleased you liked it! you can post a reply by clicking the log in button by the reply box, then it takes you to a white world press page. just log in with your normal specktra log in name and password and you'll be all set to replyDebi--I saw some pics on the yahoo. It is so sad about the deaths and all the people that were hurt, and the destruction to so many homes.
Congrats on the fast sell.
Lou--I read your specktra story. I was lovely. How do I reply?
hee hee! that is so strange!! i wonder what that sugar container ever did to hjm?! lol!Quote:
It's sad how some breeds get a bad reputation because of people that have trained them to be mean and for fighting. I was just wondering because my daughter spends a lot of time trying to fight the BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) A lot of places want to band certain breeds of dogs in communities and towns. It's a shame that some of the sweetest dogs are considered a bully breed.
Aw poor thing, having to hide from the garden hose. It's funny that your dog trys to kill it. I've always had to put my dog outside when I vacuum. He runs around it trying to bite the bag. He also has always hated when I reach up in the cabinet above our oven and get the sugar container. He doesn't pay any attention when I'm reaching up to any of the others. He watches when I open those doors and if I get the sugar he barks and gets angry. He doesn't care if I pull something else down from there. I'm not sure why he hates it. It's just a plain round Rubbermaid container.
Lou--thanks. I wasn't sure how to reply.
oh goodness! yeah waking up thinking it is a different day is never good!^^ Great treat you have planned. Have fun! Please to hear you are cheery!
shadow - quite amusing that your dog barks at the sugar container. lol.
It's finally Friday! I woke up in the middle of the night yesterday thinking it is Saturday morning. Then within a second I realised it was Friday morning and I was thinking, ah I have to wake up early again. I am having dinner with my friend this evening so I have something to look forward to. My stomache hasn't been well recently again because I am nervous and adapting to my new environment and my stomache always gets crazy easily. It's so predictable I get tired of it lol. I know Debi and Lou stomaches act up too when you are stressed right? Is there any chance of the issue be completely solve?
Anyway, have a good weekend! Summer is here at last!
oh my goodness Debi! I had no idea that you struggled so much with your stomach like that. i also agree that seeing a therapist when needed is a good thing to do if things are getting really tough. i used to see one once a week but had my last session a week before i got married. i still have her number and such so if i ever need to go back i know i can/ it really does help just being able to vent like that and get different ideas on things. she used to have me breaking my weird ocd routines too which was very good. and Debi you are very wise when you say to deal with the stresses and know what they are or else they will take over. it sounds so silly but it works. sometimes Nick has me make a list of things that stress me out. then we write down how i can solve them or if something is out of my hands. if it's out of my hands i learn what will be, will be so i learn to ignore it. if i can solve it myself then i take steps to action it.Lou~Love that you are taking a day off for you and Nick to play! You need and deserve it. As soon as my cramps clear up I am demanding some fun time from my hubby! lol
Stomachs. Ooh. I get really bad. I mean it can be small or it can become full blown (vomiting) though it has been years since that happened. You really need to get to the root of the problem. Stress plays on our weakest points. Mine is my stomach. Maybe in the womb my lining was never full developed. I am prone to ulcers and will always have problems. I have been hospitalized numerous times for it, having every test under the sun done. But again, everyone is different. For me it is mostly under control, but can flare up at any time. I am guessing when my parents pass will be a time it might get very bad. I have a therapist I see, though I have not seen her in 1 1/2 years. I just haven't really needed to. That gives me someone to vent to, to chat with who doesn't take sides and is trained to work with people with anxiety, to teach me deep breathing (I hyperventilate and panic, which makes my stomach worse), and reading material on stress, anxiety, agoraphobia, panic attacks. The more you understand and realize you are not alone, the more you can understand the vicious cycle panic creates and why you react the way you do. I also have mild IBS so take prescription medicine that calms my stomach plus over the counter Zantac to prevent any peptic ulcers, especially now that I am taking so much motrin for cramps. Make sure you get enough sleep, eat healthy, get exercise, laugh. Find out the stresses in your life, both big and small, and don't let them pile up. Deal with them straight on or you ask for trouble. In a nutshell, we are not going to jump off a bridge or drive into a tree. We get stomach aches, so though no fun, in the scheme of things we are pretty lucky. Our stomachs force us to stop. It is a warning signal that things are not right, so stop and pay attention to what is troubling you and start making a list!!
I hope that helps!