Bimbos unite!

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Well-known member
thanks for the advice, i just cant afford a trainer one on one and we tried a mixed class, but she would cause so much trouble with the other dogs the trainer asked us to leave

we are talking about putting up a fence in the front garden with a gate so she cant get out
i'm just so mad because this never would have happened if he wasnt so careless with her, twice he has left her in the back yard unattended and lost her because she managed to wriggle out, (we have since doggie proofed the garden) and now this!

i need cesar milan! lol
well he does do dog whisperer uk now! find out how to apply! or just sit and watch loads of the show! we always watch it at work even though none of have dogs (sadly!)

i hope everybody is going to have a great day today. i'm at work but nick is off - i was hoping he could do some gardening because it looks a state however it is raining! not the best time to do it!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I'm so tired after a long day. We don't have any bank holidays until August! In April and May we have several days but I missed them since I wasn't working. Too bad. Hope you have a good week ahead!


Well-known member
I'm so tired after a long day. We don't have any bank holidays until August! In April and May we have several days but I missed them since I wasn't working. Too bad. Hope you have a good week ahead!
Thank you! I plan on having a good week because I am positive thinking and just being very cheery! It's amazing how much you can lift your own mood by telling yourself to! It's my time of the month so i'm feeling a bit crampy and sore but I won't let it get me down. I helped a work mate today apply for the assistant manager position. I'll help the other tomorrow if he needs me to.

Also you guys should read my latest blog post - it's quite personal but hopefully interesting - Lou’s Specktra Story


Well-known member
Busy day of bopping around to a few places in this awful heat. It is hot, humid and oppressive out. I can't wait for snow. lol Seriously, I am never a summer person and today is proof of that. I plan to spend my hot summer days inside my a/c house reading, watching movies and on the treadmill downstairs! First to the local nursery which was crammed with people buying plants and trees since we can now officially plant without worry of a frost. Around here this is the official weekend that people start serious gardening, which shows how short a growing season New England has. Frosts come as early as September. Then to Staples where I bought 2 more of those containers that hold my nailpolish as I want to order more from Zoya! :) Then to a bookstore where I picked up a few goodies and had a fun chat. But that did me in and my husband's car A/C is not working well, so our house is amazingly comfortable right now! And I wore 6 bangles and got some compliments! At this point I should really stop caring what others think and be happy with myself! Movies tonight and hopefully to bed early for a bit of reading and good sleep as the house is now more comfortable than it was a few days ago. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend (ours was a long one). Must check out your new blog, Lou! xo


Well-known member
Agreed be happy with your taste. Tallying compliments to criticism is not a healthy behaviour - especially if the day's tally affects how you feel. Sounds like you had a nice day though - enjoy the movies tonight!

Busy day of bopping around to a few places in this awful heat. It is hot, humid and oppressive out. I can't wait for snow. lol Seriously, I am never a summer person and today is proof of that. I plan to spend my hot summer days inside my a/c house reading, watching movies and on the treadmill downstairs! First to the local nursery which was crammed with people buying plants and trees since we can now officially plant without worry of a frost. Around here this is the official weekend that people start serious gardening, which shows how short a growing season New England has. Frosts come as early as September. Then to Staples where I bought 2 more of those containers that hold my nailpolish as I want to order more from Zoya! :) Then to a bookstore where I picked up a few goodies and had a fun chat. But that did me in and my husband's car A/C is not working well, so our house is amazingly comfortable right now! And I wore 6 bangles and got some compliments! At this point I should really stop caring what others think and be happy with myself! Movies tonight and hopefully to bed early for a bit of reading and good sleep as the house is now more comfortable than it was a few days ago. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend (ours was a long one). Must check out your new blog, Lou! xo


Well-known member
Sounds like you had a great day Debi! I wanted Nick to sort out our garden but it rained all day!

I'm trying to budget my money better today. I am getting paid less than what I used to (darn commission!) so I need to spend wisely. Plus there are a couple of things that I want to save for for I must make sure that I set money aside for those items. Fun yes?! :p


Well-known member
Sounds like you had a great day Debi! I wanted Nick to sort out our garden but it rained all day!

I'm trying to budget my money better today. I am getting paid less than what I used to (darn commission!) so I need to spend wisely. Plus there are a couple of things that I want to save for for I must make sure that I set money aside for those items. Fun yes?! :p
I completely know what you are saying! I just took the last 3 batches of decks off the market as they didn't sell at all, not even when I lowered the price and they were not expensive batches. 2 for 75.00 each, one bunch for only 50.00. For some reason, in spite of the forum being filled with literally hundreds of active people, only a handful of about 10 bought my decks and kept buying and buying. None of the new people starting out collected and I was very surprised. I thought they would be the ones swarming for these things. That is the way is used to be. Now people want everything for free and that isn't going to happen! I won't lower prices to the point of foolishness! Oh well. I would have liked to have made that money and then sit back and re-evaluate what is left, but instead I will take a break from selling. Maybe summer is going to be slow. Less people buying and hoarding! I certainly don't need another Coach bag right now! I just started using my lavender one yesterday and still have not used the pink or the grey one or the new one for fall (obviously!). I have makeup coming out of my ears and just putting together another Sephora order, but I keep changing things out of it, making sure i am really only getting what I want or need and nothing else. So I will be saving my pennies for a bit, too! We all know what is coming in July! Eeek! lol I actually feel bad for one guy who planned to sell off his entire collection for financial reasons, started alphabetically and he can't get beyond letter's AB & C. No one is buying. The market just seems to have suddenly stopped and too many people are trying to sell at once.

Oh, and I loved your blog and posted there. Funny what you said about brown because yesterday I did a very plain brown look, with Coygirl on my cheeks. It always amazes me how many MAc blushes I can wear. I've got to put up those palettes I did later on today. Maybe I will crawl back into bed for a bit. We have had too many late nights and early mornings!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Have a good rest! I'm glad your house is much more comfortable now so you can have sweet dreams.

Lou - inflation is raging in my country now and I don't know how I can save as much as I used to while still buy the things I need and want. Our salary didn't increase as much as the inflation rate! I'll read your blog shortly! :)

ETA: I've read it. Beautiful story! I enjoy reading it very much, so thanks for sharing it! Perhaps we are of the same age, your story has some things that are parallel to mine. Things also started to happen in 2007 for me, when I also started on a new job (left my old one like you) and went through a major personal challenge. Very similar, but of course every story is unique and special.


Well-known member
^^ Have a good rest! I'm glad your house is much more comfortable now so you can have sweet dreams.

Lou - inflation is raging in my country now and I don't know how I can save as much as I used to while still buy the things I need and want. Our salary didn't increase as much as the inflation rate! I'll read your blog shortly! :)

ETA: I've read it. Beautiful story! I enjoy reading it very much, so thanks for sharing it! Perhaps we are of the same age, your story has some things that are parallel to mine. Things also started to happen in 2007 for me, when I also started on a new job (left my old one like you) and went through a major personal challenge. Very similar, but of course every story is unique and special.
yes!! the same thing happened to Nick! he got a very small rise at the end of last year but taxes and such went up more than his rise (and he isn't paid highly anyway) i know so many people are on pay freezes which is very difficult. but i am earning much less than i used to. this month i was down about £300 from my average pay which to me is loads because i'm not rich to begin with! but then the flip side is that at least i have a job of course. things could be much much worse for me.

and that's so funny that our stories are quite similar! no wonder we get on so well!


Well-known member
Just waking from over a 2 hour nap and have some packages to go through! I agree, Lou. Everyone is tight with money right now and have no choice. That is why the selling of tarot is so predominant for many and I am super lucky I sold what I did under the circumstances. At the same time I get frustrated with stores around here. The average family is so busy. Kids off to school, one or both parents working, kids come home and have homework, sports, etc., then supper. By the time anyone has the chance to get out it is after 6 or 7pm. Our local mall (not really local as it is 45 minutes away) closes at 9pm now. It used to be open until 11pm. and midnight around the holidays. So by the time we get there I have to zoom around like maniacs to get something bought before the place closes and we are always being chased out the door. The same thing happens around here with the smaller stores. Even if the place is packed with people, they shoo people out the door at 7 or 8pm. And these people are shopping! They are buying but they don't get the chance to even look around, so in a big sense we are ruining ourselves. It is just getting ridiculous!

I feel bad for anyone in retail. I've worked in plenty of retail jobs and it can be challenging enough when things are good. When they are not good I can only imagine trying to persuade someone to buy! Wishing you the best and don't wear yourself out while short-staffed. I know you are super stretched right now and do whatever you must to take time for yourself and get a breather! xo


Well-known member
Just waking from over a 2 hour nap and have some packages to go through! I agree, Lou. Everyone is tight with money right now and have no choice. That is why the selling of tarot is so predominant for many and I am super lucky I sold what I did under the circumstances. At the same time I get frustrated with stores around here. The average family is so busy. Kids off to school, one or both parents working, kids come home and have homework, sports, etc., then supper. By the time anyone has the chance to get out it is after 6 or 7pm. Our local mall (not really local as it is 45 minutes away) closes at 9pm now. It used to be open until 11pm. and midnight around the holidays. So by the time we get there I have to zoom around like maniacs to get something bought before the place closes and we are always being chased out the door. The same thing happens around here with the smaller stores. Even if the place is packed with people, they shoo people out the door at 7 or 8pm. And these people are shopping! They are buying but they don't get the chance to even look around, so in a big sense we are ruining ourselves. It is just getting ridiculous!

I feel bad for anyone in retail. I've worked in plenty of retail jobs and it can be challenging enough when things are good. When they are not good I can only imagine trying to persuade someone to buy! Wishing you the best and don't wear yourself out while short-staffed. I know you are super stretched right now and do whatever you must to take time for yourself and get a breather! xo
oh in the uk places shut much earlier! stores close at 5.30 here unless it is a bigger retail park where you buy furniture where they shut at about 8pm. i loved that when i was in the states places shut much later each night so me and nick could swing by the shops at the end of the day!

oh and thanks for your kind words :) i'm doing ok at work. although short staffed i won't moan too much because overall by not having my old ass manager things are so much nicer here. we're even moving around the whole store today for a fresh start :) so wish me luck because my muscles will ache by the end of the day from wall mounting tv sets!


Well-known member
Well, you sound like you have a super busy day ahead of you! Don't kill yourself in the process please! I was planning to sleep in late, but no such luck. Thunderstorms this morning and more later today and tonight, some supposedly could get severe. Then cooler and very windy tomorrow. Weird weather! I might redo my nails today among other things. I actually got a lot of chores done yesterday and plan to do more this morning and then read until my eyes fall out. I am definitely in low key summer mode with this heat! And I have to take a picture of something which will make you laugh! But first I have to figure something out about it! lol Keeping you in suspense!!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ I would love to see the pic! I'm getting weird weather here as well. Although we are so far apart, I think when the earth is going mad, the whole globe gets affected. We have hot hot sun and thunder at the same time, and then it will start pouring. I'm feeling hot and cold at the same time. And our commercial and office buildings have the a/c blasting and we all feel chilly and have to wear sweaters. It's really strange and doesn't make sense to turn the a/c so cold such that we all have to wear thick clothings to keep ourselves warm. Not environmentally friendly at all!

Lou - Yeah it's very hard to stretch our dollar now. Tough times. But we have to go on and make the best of the situation. I wonder if things will turn around in a few years time or prices will just keep sky rocketing while our salaries remain constant. Hope your muscles aren't aching too bad. Have a good rest. My back was aching badly on Monday night but luckily it is a bit better now.


Well-known member
^^ I would love to see the pic! I'm getting weird weather here as well. Although we are so far apart, I think when the earth is going mad, the whole globe gets affected. We have hot hot sun and thunder at the same time, and then it will start pouring. I'm feeling hot and cold at the same time. And our commercial and office buildings have the a/c blasting and we all feel chilly and have to wear sweaters. It's really strange and doesn't make sense to turn the a/c so cold such that we all have to wear thick clothings to keep ourselves warm. Not environmentally friendly at all!

Lou - Yeah it's very hard to stretch our dollar now. Tough times. But we have to go on and make the best of the situation. I wonder if things will turn around in a few years time or prices will just keep sky rocketing while our salaries remain constant. Hope your muscles aren't aching too bad. Have a good rest. My back was aching badly on Monday night but luckily it is a bit better now.
oh no! why was your back hurting? i am pleased it's a bit better now but a sore back is always very upsetting and frustrating - unless you lie down you never feel comfortable. and i agree on the weird weather! it's been raining so heavily over the past few days yet still very hot. apparently where i live there could be a mini heat wave over the weekend! i mean wth?!

Deep Throat – you have stolen my heart - latest blog post on a blush i use at least twice a week!!


Well-known member
i had a good day today

i took my dog to the park with her muzzle on, and usually she growls at the other dogs, but today she let a little jack russel terrier sniff her butt! and she didnt growl or pull on the lead.

progress eh?

also my guerlain terra inca powder came and i love it

i also got the compact meteorites in rose, but it arrived slightly chipped, i phoned customer service but they said they couldnt exchange make up, they could give me a refund as it is faulty, but then i would have to wait for the funds to clear in my account (14 days) before i could afford another, and i got it with 10% off, and the offer isnt on anymore, so i'd have to pay full price, so i just kept it, its just a couple chips and the pattern will disappear soon anyway, so you wont be able to tell

lou ive always wanted deep throat blush!


Well-known member
Ha! Anything but relaxing today! We have been on a tornado warning most of the afternoon until at least 8pm tonight. At least one hit ground in Springfield, just an hour away from us. Severe storms still in the area. Trees down, houses and buildings damaged, trucks and cars flipped over, one woman hit by lightning. Not sure if any deaths took place. Info still coming in. Played with MU and put up my FOTD. Cute picture later or maybe tomorrow...sorry for the delay. Everyone is stressed out. Loads of damage and not over yet, but at least not here. Not yet. Keeping tuned to the tv and radio and FB. Very un New-Englandy.

Photo of tornado a few hours ago. :(



Well-known member
Banana--I'm so sorry to hear about your dog and the situation you are in. I applaud you for taking in an abused animal. She has had a horrible past so it is great that she has you to love her and take care of her. I'm glad to hear you guys had a good time at the park. What breed is she or is she is a mix breed, do you know what all her mix is? lol didn't know how to word that. So many people think that certain breeds are automatically prone to be aggressive.

Debi--That's terrible, hopefully no deaths. We are having tornado stuff close by and lots of damage.

It is 96 and not going to drop under the 90's for about a week. The saying here that "ladies don't sweat we glisten" does not apply. At 96 I freakin sweat.


Well-known member
Banana--I'm so sorry to hear about your dog and the situation you are in. I applaud you for taking in an abused animal. She has had a horrible past so it is great that she has you to love her and take care of her. I'm glad to hear you guys had a good time at the park. What breed is she or is she is a mix breed, do you know what all her mix is? lol didn't know how to word that. So many people think that certain breeds are automatically prone to be aggressive.

Debi--That's terrible, hopefully no deaths. We are having tornado stuff close by and lots of damage.

It is 96 and not going to drop under the 90's for about a week. The saying here that "ladies don't sweat we glisten" does not apply. At 96 I freakin sweat.
yup the weather has done a 360 in the uk and is super hot and sunny now and will be for the next week. which is good because i can dry my washing outside. i like that because it always smells nicer when it dries in the breeze!

now i'm going to sound extremely stupid right now but this is bothering me so i'll mention it anyway! i have a spot right by my lip that won't go away. today it looks terrible because i put so many treatments on it yesterday. basically it is just a patch of raw skin now that keeps weeping. it looks so horrid and is upsetting me. i can't put make up over it. all i have done is and sure i'm wearing stupid bright eyes to take the attention away from my mouth area. i know i sound like such a child by getting upset about it. i have always dealt badly with this kind of thing - as a teen i even had to see a phycologist about it because i'd lock myself away in my room. to me when i have a spot or issue like this i feel it's because i'm dirty. so then go overboard with cleaning and treating my skin - which as i discovered this morning has made it so much worse :( but of course there are much bigger issues than my stupid face right now.


Well-known member
Waking to the pictures and video of numerous tornadoes that touched down, with at least 4 confirmed dead and many in the hospital. Hundreds now homeless. The destruction is unbelievable. We don't get tornadoes. We get blizzards and hurricanes and can deal with those. We don't even have alarms and you can't even see tornadoes approach because of the hills and the thick trees. Everyone is in shock. They think possibly 5 or more tornadoes touched down over several counties. Schools cancelled in many places, roads and highways closed down because of debris, no lights, no signs. People missing. So very sad. :(

Aw, Lou. You have such good heart and a lovely face, not to mention your gorgeous hair. Spots come and go. They remind us that we are human. lol That no matter what we put on our face, nature will always win out in the end. Mother Nature making sure we know where we stand in the scheme of things and know who is in charge. Early in the year I had lip fungus. Yes, lip fungus. WTF? I have no idea where it came from but had to put a prescription cream on every night. My lips were so red and raw, like they had been burned and all the skin had peeled off. Never have I had anything like it. And sores in the corners of my mouth, but not cold sores. Fungus. Lovely. But it is gone now and has been for some time. My lips tell your lips to hang in there and if medicated stuff doesn't work a doctor might have an ointment that can clear it up in days, or sometimes letting it dry up is even better since some sores thrive on moisture rather than heal with it. xo Please don't feel bad. I had a friend who used to get canker sores and terrible acne whenever she was stressed out. Another possibility.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Hope you and your family stay safe. Is the tornado gone or will it come back shortly? I heard news of the tornado yesterday or the day before. Sorry that you have to deal with such dramatic weather, even blizzards and hurricanes sound scary to me. The worst weather I get is thunderstorms or heatwave.

shadow - 96 is very hot! We get that temperature too in early to mid May and I felt as thought I was getting heat stroke. Definitely sweaty. I had to bath at least twice a day and wished I could bath more. Hope you can stay cool and refluid yourself regularly.

Lou - don't feel bad about yourself. I get mildly depressed when I get unwelcome things growing on my body and worse if it is on the face. Debi has wise words to share (thanks!). I learn to be a bit more calm and patient and wait for it to heal or disappear. Our body does amazing things by itself, if we are healthy, and usually they will go away. Do you have any prescribed creams? Apply the right dosage and don't over apply. Try to distract yourself from it, maybe wear some nice jewellery, and it will go away soon. I have friends who have cold sores around their lips area and they take a while but eventually heal.
Alana - enjoy your Inca powder! I can't wait to see it at my counter. Too bad about the meteorites powder. I have bought makeup that was slightly damaged but kept it because I couldn't make a trip down to exchange it in time.
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