well he does do dog whisperer uk now! find out how to apply! or just sit and watch loads of the show! we always watch it at work even though none of have dogs (sadly!)thanks for the advice, i just cant afford a trainer one on one and we tried a mixed class, but she would cause so much trouble with the other dogs the trainer asked us to leave
we are talking about putting up a fence in the front garden with a gate so she cant get out
i'm just so mad because this never would have happened if he wasnt so careless with her, twice he has left her in the back yard unattended and lost her because she managed to wriggle out, (we have since doggie proofed the garden) and now this!
i need cesar milan! lol
i hope everybody is going to have a great day today. i'm at work but nick is off - i was hoping he could do some gardening because it looks a state however it is raining! not the best time to do it!