Bimbos unite!

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Well-known member
Congrats, Jenn! What a beautiful ring! You must be feeling on top of the world, with all your achievements.
Thanks so much! :) Jerome is so happy to hear that all of you ladies love the ring - he was worried that I would want to upgrade it later, because it wasn't the original ring he wanted to get me - fat chance of that happening, it's mine now! lol


Well-known member
Jenn--Wow,you have a lot going on right now and all of it exciting. Congrats on your school stuff and getting engaged. That was really sweet the way he did it with your family there and such a beautiful ring.

A friend of my daughter got married this past weekend and her now hubby the same spot they met. It was their first semester at college and she was out in the courtyard looking for a trash can and he was walking by and she asked him where a trash can was. It turned out to be right near her. I suspect that was a ploy to talk to him and flirt a little:) I used to do stuff similar also. I guess they talked and hit it off and took it from there. I thought that was really cute how he asked her.

Debi--that's just sad how the thing with that lady is going. It doesn't seem right at all how they are treating you. I hope it gets worked out soon, maybe you could sell on ebay.

Hopefully your new blush will arrive safely.


Well-known member
Jen~I think your ring looks absolutely elegant! Congrats again! You must be so excited and it is good you are both taking the time to concentrate on finding jobs, a home, etc. so that those stresses are gone before you plunge yourselves into the world of wedding planning!

I can't even sleep, though will try again in a few minutes. That lady pulled another wacky move last night, which I hope the moderator will finally see what is going on and end this. She decided it wasn't my fault. It isn't her fault. No! It is the Post Office! They must have opened the packaged, gone through the decks and pulled out that one card! Then packed it all up again and sent it on. So she asked me to file a claim. Is she insane? Yes! Before that she said I should buy her a brand new deck to replace the one missing a card (it comes from England). I charged her 5.00 for that deck and she wants me to spend about 50.00 for the deck, shipping, and then shipping it to her? Madness. And I refused. Or she could return the whole lot. I told her we would not accept any packages from her and that we would just have the PO return to sender unopened so don't waste her time. I offered to send her 5.00 and that was my final offer. She has completely lost her marbles. If the moderator cannot see this, she is blind as a bat.

Ugh. May this day better than yesterday.


Well-known member
Jen~I think your ring looks absolutely elegant! Congrats again! You must be so excited and it is good you are both taking the time to concentrate on finding jobs, a home, etc. so that those stresses are gone before you plunge yourselves into the world of wedding planning!

I can't even sleep, though will try again in a few minutes. That lady pulled another wacky move last night, which I hope the moderator will finally see what is going on and end this. She decided it wasn't my fault. It isn't her fault. No! It is the Post Office! They must have opened the packaged, gone through the decks and pulled out that one card! Then packed it all up again and sent it on. So she asked me to file a claim. Is she insane? Yes! Before that she said I should buy her a brand new deck to replace the one missing a card (it comes from England). I charged her 5.00 for that deck and she wants me to spend about 50.00 for the deck, shipping, and then shipping it to her? Madness. And I refused. Or she could return the whole lot. I told her we would not accept any packages from her and that we would just have the PO return to sender unopened so don't waste her time. I offered to send her 5.00 and that was my final offer. She has completely lost her marbles. If the moderator cannot see this, she is blind as a bat.

Ugh. May this day better than yesterday.
oh my goodness!! debi she is obviously out to cause dramas and if she thinks she is acting appropriately then she may have a screw loose too!! don't let her get you down.

i had a lovely day with nick today. we went to a different city and saw the new xmen movie - i really loved it! i love xmen anyway (since i was a kid) and i was a bit worried about what they were going to do with this film. it turns out that i think it's my favourite one that they have made so far! thank goodness because 3 and wolverine were bloody terrible! then we went to tgi fridays for a meal. i swear the portions were stupid big!! i only ate half my meal so nick finished the rest for me! even though he ate all his meal! and this man stays so skinny!! then we hit the shops and i bought the chanel rose bronzer - soooo pretty and finally a bronzer i can wear on my pale skin! i was eyeing up the glosses but they were £20 each which is quite pricey for me right now. but i shall perhaps get one another week. then we went to mac where i got russian red, milan mode and vegas volt lippies for free with my empty stuff. and i bought a new brush cleaner while i was there. the lady who served me was so pretty! she had a classic red lip with winged black liner - it suited her and she looked great!


Well-known member
oh my goodness!! debi she is obviously out to cause dramas and if she thinks she is acting appropriately then she may have a screw loose too!! don't let her get you down.

i had a lovely day with nick today. we went to a different city and saw the new xmen movie - i really loved it! i love xmen anyway (since i was a kid) and i was a bit worried about what they were going to do with this film. it turns out that i think it's my favourite one that they have made so far! thank goodness because 3 and wolverine were bloody terrible! then we went to tgi fridays for a meal. i swear the portions were stupid big!! i only ate half my meal so nick finished the rest for me! even though he ate all his meal! and this man stays so skinny!! then we hit the shops and i bought the chanel rose bronzer - soooo pretty and finally a bronzer i can wear on my pale skin! i was eyeing up the glosses but they were £20 each which is quite pricey for me right now. but i shall perhaps get one another week. then we went to mac where i got russian red, milan mode and vegas volt lippies for free with my empty stuff. and i bought a new brush cleaner while i was there. the lady who served me was so pretty! she had a classic red lip with winged black liner - it suited her and she looked great!
So glad you have had a super fun day off! You deserved it!! Drama is very stressing and wearing. My stomach was hard as a rock, last night. I have heard nothing back from the forum, but in a way my husband and I are very happy that she made that last outburst which was completely insane. She is really pulling at straws on the whole issue and so strange when this deck new is only worth 30.00 and I sold it to her for 5.00. She wants it all on a silver platter, but sorry! No way!

So cool that you got a Chanel bronzer! I want to see it on you!!!! Russian Red is probably the colour I plan to get when I have enough items to B2M with. I am not there yet! I wish our local Sephora had Chanel items to try out. One day I will have to try the department stores and see who carries it. Today I am wearing my Clinique bronzer, Orgasm, and Albatross. I love the way it converts my NW15 skin to a NC15-NC20. I look warmer and plan to use my soft bronzers in the winter as well to warm my face. I will look like I went downhill skiing!! Whoop! And the hot pink nail polish is still going strong!!!

Super hot here today and tomorrow and then it cools off quite a bit for a while. I think everyone will be nervous when the front comes through about tornadoes. Our state is never going to be the same because of that freak storm and knowing we are now susceptible to them like the mid-west.

I meant to ask you if you got your NARS book, Lou, and how do you like it? I saw it over the weekend at Barnes and Noble, but it wasn't what I was expecting so didn't get it. I was hoping for inspiring photos and lots of them, not templates of where to apply things for various shaped faces. Nice and helpful for a MUA, but not for me. :( Nice packaging though!!


Well-known member
yeah not being funny but for $5 that does not entitle her to a whole new set because she thinks one card is missing! silly woman! i am sorry your stomach is upset over this too :(

i really want the nars albatross but i have so many highlighters already and all are quite similar! i just don't think i can justify getting another! in fact i have written up a blog post on my top 5 highlighters so that should be posted soonish :) i like the sound of your look today Debi! I bet you look great! and yeah it is nice to be able to try out the chanel products. before i went to a department store and had a snoop i didn't get what the hype was. some of the products are not for me but others are so beautiful! sadly though chanel is very pricey here so i don't own very much at all! but we all have to start somewhere!

oh and yes the nars book did arrive thanks! i actually really like it. i like the clear template thing because i am always interested in different colour placements and such. but i guess this is because one day i would love to be a make up artist. i'm just not good enough yet! the only downside to the book is that it is making me want to be stupid amounts of nars products!!


Well-known member
lol Oh, do they keep using Nars products for everything? I didn't notice because I was in a rush. Sounds like it was the perfect buy for you. The only face I will ever be doing is my own and I know where to place things on me!! I would love to check out Chanel one day, maybe buy a lipstick, but I am hooked on Dior e/s palettes and YSL lip products right now, plus I love Guerlain, too! I can only get and use so much. I see these as special products to get during the holiday season when I am looking for that perfect red lipstick in super pretty packaging!!

I'm still waiting for the final outcome of the drama on that forum with that woman. She's nuts. And I am so tired of it all. The moderator should have made up her mind by now.


Well-known member
Still waiting... So, after supper hubby and I went to the mall to get out but to somewhere nice and cold. It was so empty that we were very surprised. It was like having the place all to ourselves and you know what that means. Swatching at Sephora!!! One of the few times I can go into the MUFE and NARS section and swatch like there is no tomorrow. No teens playing with MU, no one pestering me. Just the guard who now knows me by sight and is always friendly and chatty! Anyhow, I bought some goodies so will eventually put up a haul, but my favourites are a few MUFE Aqua pencil liners (yes, I want more and then maybe some of the liquid ones of just the colours that look best on me!) and my first 2 red lipsticks from MAC. I am so excited! I tried Ruby Woo but it came up too orange for me. I bought MAC Red which pulls a bit pink on me but I LOVE it. And I got Cockney, which is gorgeous too. I definitely want to get New York Apple for the fall. I keep trying to think ahead to other seasons!! I also got 3 more OPI nail polishes, including OPI Red when I realized I did not own one single plain red creme nail polish. Am I nuts? And my super bright pink nail polish is still going strong and I love it!! Pink just makes me happy and reminds me of the fun things in life!



Well-known member
Lou--I look forward to your 5 top highlighters blog. I have NARS Albatross and I do love it. But I also think there are other great ones out there. They last so long I probably shouldn't buy any more. But that hasn't stopped me with e/s:)

I want to try Chanel Mat foundation. I've heard it is great for oily skin. It is very pricey but if it met all my needs it would be worth it. I think I could make it last as I don't wear foundation every day. When I'm not leaving the house I don't put on any makeup that day. I guess it's true that if you're going to slurge on one thing it should be a good foundation. I went to the counter last week and talked to the sa and asked for a sample but she said they don't have containers anymore for that. I forgot to ask her if I could get a sample if I brought a small sample container. I have some from Sephora I could wash out.

Debi--That women sounds like a complete idiot and needs to get a life. Seriously if I only paid $5 why spend all that time and going through all that.


Well-known member
Debi i hope they sort it out very soon. and enjoy your red lippies from mac! you made some great choices! :)

and yeah highlighters last ages for me because i don't use them that often and because you only use a little bit! :)

i've had a busy morning sorting out the shop. came in to find it looking a state with boxes everywhere, paper everywhere and just general mess. my area manager was covering me and he had the poor guys running around doing all sorts of stuff - some of which wasn't needed. and of course being men they apparently can't tidy up as they go!!


Well-known member
Debi i hope they sort it out very soon. and enjoy your red lippies from mac! you made some great choices! :)

and yeah highlighters last ages for me because i don't use them that often and because you only use a little bit! :)

i've had a busy morning sorting out the shop. came in to find it looking a state with boxes everywhere, paper everywhere and just general mess. my area manager was covering me and he had the poor guys running around doing all sorts of stuff - some of which wasn't needed. and of course being men they apparently can't tidy up as they go!!
Isn't that such a pain? I used to fear coming back to work at the bank when I was gone for a week. I kept everything at my desk in my office and since I was the only 1, other than a VP who knew how to do my job, I would have to train my boss (brilliant dip that she was) and they would mess everything up. The first half of my day would always be spent going from cubicle to cubicle trying to find my proofs and manuals and everything. Then there was the mail all piled up and a million yellow stickies with people begging me to help them figure things out. Drove my boss crazy that by 5pm everything was organized, done or pending a call back. Aaah.

Nothing yet on the front! It is getting rather frustrating. I want to know if I can sell anything else or not. Oh, but I am excited about my red lipsticks!! I also took a quick peek at the Chanel counter in Nordstrom. I honestly didn't see anything I liked, but only spent about 30 seconds there! lol I don't know what to think about their nail polish. I mean, I won't spend that amount, but the bottles looked very small! They don't have much variety, do they? I mean, not like MAC or MUFE or NARS. They seemed to have only a few lipsticks, a few e/s, etc. Is that the normal range? It was a pretty small counter compared to sections for Clinique, Estee Lauder, MAC, etc.

Hey! Where is your fridge picture? :)


Well-known member
Oh, and here is yesterday's look after I added my version of MakeupGeek's Tequila Sunrise lips! Bronzed and very summery!

i must say that you look lovely! great job with the lips! i need to try this out myself but me being crazy i want to do purple and gold!! :) i bet that would be so so pretty! also i love your earrings! you have such lovely things! :)

i got some good news today. i will be interviewing all day on tuesday for a new assistant manager which is great! both my sales guys have interviews for the job as well as having external applications :) i'm so pleased to really start making a fresh start! plus this means i might actually get a day off in the week again some time soon!


Well-known member
Thank you! I love the earrings because they were super cheap (14.00) and super lightweight! The picture doesn't do justice to the lips. They were brighter and the melon pigment (hee hee) was what I used to create a golden/orange look! It is rather a cute look! I used a myriad of things, including Clinqiue Chubby sticks over MUFE lipliners! Then I found a clear gloss from MAC that I had in my tube section and used that! And I wore it to the mall! One day when we have more time for the mall I want to spend it poking through the various makeup counters at Nordstrom. The store is gorgeous, though I constantly get sidetracked in the jewelry section! Dangerous!!

And even happier news. The artist who created that tarot deck is sending me a replacement card that the lady lost or ruined and I will send it on to her. Transaction to be complete at that point, I hope!!! I am so sick of it all! I just want to get out of that place as soon as this is taken care of. I knew I was not renewing my subscription come early February and even thought it would be good to leave before the busy holiday season so as not to be trying to sell or even mix with any of those people. Now I keep connecting to so many on FB that also left it ages ago and are so much happier, moving on with their lives, etc. That is where I want to be. A peaceful place!

I just finished watch Eat, Pray, Love. Excellent movie! Back to my book, the heating pad (ugh) and a line of severe thunderstorms is about to hit in 15 minutes. Yikes!!

Best of luck on your search for the perfect Assistant Manager! Maybe things go happier and more smoothly from now on! xo


Well-known member
You should document the card, putting it in the envelope and mailing it. With a sarcastic sticky note saying: sorry for the distress this has caused you. much love, deb
or just be sincere and the adult in the situation. ... what a weird situation. glad it will be over soon.

Thank you! I love the earrings because they were super cheap (14.00) and super lightweight! The picture doesn't do justice to the lips. They were brighter and the melon pigment (hee hee) was what I used to create a golden/orange look! It is rather a cute look! I used a myriad of things, including Clinqiue Chubby sticks over MUFE lipliners! Then I found a clear gloss from MAC that I had in my tube section and used that! And I wore it to the mall! One day when we have more time for the mall I want to spend it poking through the various makeup counters at Nordstrom. The store is gorgeous, though I constantly get sidetracked in the jewelry section! Dangerous!!

And even happier news. The artist who created that tarot deck is sending me a replacement card that the lady lost or ruined and I will send it on to her. Transaction to be complete at that point, I hope!!! I am so sick of it all! I just want to get out of that place as soon as this is taken care of. I knew I was not renewing my subscription come early February and even thought it would be good to leave before the busy holiday season so as not to be trying to sell or even mix with any of those people. Now I keep connecting to so many on FB that also left it ages ago and are so much happier, moving on with their lives, etc. That is where I want to be. A peaceful place!

I just finished watch Eat, Pray, Love. Excellent movie! Back to my book, the heating pad (ugh) and a line of severe thunderstorms is about to hit in 15 minutes. Yikes!!

Best of luck on your search for the perfect Assistant Manager! Maybe things go happier and more smoothly from now on! xo


Well-known member
haha. I vote for the sticky note, who wants to be an adult:)

Debi--very pretty look and earrings.

Lou-good luck on your interviews, perhaps you can then have some help and relax a bit.


Well-known member
Debi--very pretty look and earrings.

Lou-good luck on your interviews, perhaps you can then have some help and relax a bit.
yup! i'm another vote on the sticky note!! sod her!

and thanks for the well wishes guys! i'm excited that things are getting sorted and i can chose an assistant manager that i like and that will actually be good at the job!


Well-known member
lol guys, about what to send her. Hehehe. So tempting, but I just want this awful transaction done with. The moderator said I most certainly can continue to sell on the forum and this was such a random problem when it comes to me. So that made my day. I don't know what I will sell, but I want to keep plowing through this a bit more!

Supposedly cooler air coming in, but it still feels humid to me and here comes the sun! We have a lot of massive bushes of white wild roses and they are all in bloom! I can smell them on the wind and the house just smells yummy! Not overpowering, but really nice. Add a base of vanilla and we would have a nice perfume! Cool, cloudy and showery weekend. Sounds perfect after this heat wave!


Well-known member
lol guys, about what to send her. Hehehe. So tempting, but I just want this awful transaction done with. The moderator said I most certainly can continue to sell on the forum and this was such a random problem when it comes to me. So that made my day. I don't know what I will sell, but I want to keep plowing through this a bit more!

Supposedly cooler air coming in, but it still feels humid to me and here comes the sun! We have a lot of massive bushes of white wild roses and they are all in bloom! I can smell them on the wind and the house just smells yummy! Not overpowering, but really nice. Add a base of vanilla and we would have a nice perfume! Cool, cloudy and showery weekend. Sounds perfect after this heat wave!
well that is good news that the mod realised that it really wasn't you it was here!! maybe rush and sell the rest of your stuff before your membership runs out! :)

oh i bet your white roses look amazing!! and i hope the cooler air comes to you soon!! :) you send me some of your heat though please! it's been cold here today!

one of my friends joined specktra today so i'm hoping she will post here so you can all chat to her too! :) her name is Gilly so lets hope she comes here! i did tell her to do so!

my plans for the weekend are limited. tomorrow i will be working and then sunday me and nick are doing more baking together - whoopie pies again!! and in the afternoon i shall be filming videos. i am going to do a disney one for you Debi! as well are a storage video and a review of the books i have bought on make up - all requests from lovely specktra ladies :)


Well-known member
Super cool ideas! I love the idea of a book one. I only have 3 books so far, so that will be awesome! Great idea! I can't wait for the Disney one, too! :) Whoopie pies sound absolutely delightful! Today I was wondering if it was time to update our Bimbos Unite section to a newer, classier title! Like GlitterGals or The Shimmer Tones. :) Just a passing thought that floated randomly through my head! lol

I don't have a lot left to sell, but did put up some things. Right now no one is buying. It really went quiet a few weeks ago, so I have been doing much worrying about it and it isn't just me. I think because summer is here the focus just isn't on being online all the time hunting down certain decks. I''m so lazy today. I slept until 10am (well, didn't get to sleep until 2am so that is okay!) and now just mulling the day through until the season finale of Camelot tonight at 10pm. It just feels so good not to have all that heat. I will send you some of ours and you can send me some of yours. I still owe a picture of something cute I got and never put up. I haven't forgotten! Life just got completely refocused to dealing with that woman. Shame on her for messing up my plans!
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