Bimbos unite!

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Super cool ideas! I love the idea of a book one. I only have 3 books so far, so that will be awesome! Great idea! I can't wait for the Disney one, too! :) Whoopie pies sound absolutely delightful! Today I was wondering if it was time to update our Bimbos Unite section to a newer, classier title! Like GlitterGals or The Shimmer Tones. :) Just a passing thought that floated randomly through my head! lol
I don't have a lot left to sell, but did put up some things. Right now no one is buying. It really went quiet a few weeks ago, so I have been doing much worrying about it and it isn't just me. I think because summer is here the focus just isn't on being online all the time hunting down certain decks. I''m so lazy today. I slept until 10am (well, didn't get to sleep until 2am so that is okay!) and now just mulling the day through until the season finale of Camelot tonight at 10pm. It just feels so good not to have all that heat. I will send you some of ours and you can send me some of yours. I still owe a picture of something cute I got and never put up. I haven't forgotten! Life just got completely refocused to dealing with that woman. Shame on her for messing up my plans!
oohh yes! we should totally make a new thread with a new name for us all to chat in! let me know what you want and we can make it happen! :)

i think you're allowed a lie in seeing as you went to bed late!! i've been very tired lately and not really up for doing late nights! i've been sleeping by 10pm!! :)


Well-known member

We hope to see your friend on here. I like the name Gilly, it's so cute. And you can have all our heat as well. I'm sweltering here. I fear seeing our electric bill as I've said before I want the house to be nice and cool. I would have it ice cold if my hubby wouldn't throw a hissy fit. He says I'm freezing him to death while I'm melting.

I'm looking forward to these videos, those are some great ideas.

Debi--glad things are working out with the crazy lady. And I've had a problem with sleeping for a while. So here I am at 2:20am. My daughter and I just finished watching Tim Buton's "Coraline" we both enjoyed it. Of course we are both huge Tim Burton fans.


Well-known member
We hope to see your friend on here. I like the name Gilly, it's so cute. And you can have all our heat as well. I'm sweltering here. I fear seeing our electric bill as I've said before I want the house to be nice and cool. I would have it ice cold if my hubby wouldn't throw a hissy fit. He says I'm freezing him to death while I'm melting.
I'm looking forward to these videos, those are some great ideas.

Debi--glad things are working out with the crazy lady. And I've had a problem with sleeping for a while. So here I am at 2:20am. My daughter and I just finished watching Tim Buton's "Coraline" we both enjoyed it. Of course we are both huge Tim Burton fans.
Yeah it is a cute name! her boyfriend sometimes calls her Gilly-pig like guinea pig which is think is really cute! :) oohh the movie coraline really freaked me out! it was very tim burton and rather un-nerving! :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hello, ladies! I see everyone is chatting a lot here, which is good! I'm trying to keep up. Enjoy the weekend!

Lou - enjoy your baking tomorrow! I always drool when I read what you will be baking.

Debi - hope you can get the woman out of your mind and have a good rest.

shadow - hope you sleep well tonight. Great that you and your daughter watched Coraline together. I'm a light sleeper and have periods of insomnia. Even if I'm really tired, I can still toss and turn and cannot fall asleep. Two nights ago, my water heater (for the shower/bath) leaked and water was flowing out from it, which was fixed at the top of the wall. It was about 2.30am and the noise it made woke me up with a fright. So I went to investigate and after that I could not go back to sleep. The heater is spoilt, so it has to be replaced soon.


Well-known member
Good morning! Dragging myself out of bed only to find out it is raining already and lots more to come. That definitely changes a few plans I tossed around! I'm so tired I could crawl right back into bed for another 4 hours!! I am watching all the activity in our neighbourhood. One neighbour sold their house. Another just put their house up for sale. The house that burned has a dumpster in front of it again, and trucks keep coming and going from there. We are curious as to how much of the house will be stripped down and rebuilt. This will take at least a year, my husband said. It is easier to build a brand new house than take down and rebuild an existing one. Ah, well. Glad it isn't my house!

I love Tim Burton, but I didn't like Coraline as much as I thought I would. The sewn eyes thing was super creepy and really a dark story. I also didn't like Sweeney Todd. Pretty gross, really! Alice was wonderful, though, and I am a huge fan of Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Corpse Bride and others.

Happily I am not thinking of the lady nor the whole situation. It looks like more people left the forum and very little selling is going on for anyone. Rather a drag. But today is about fun things and fun weekend. If I can just get myself motivated!! Hope you all have a fun day!


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Sweeney Todd is one Johnny Depp film I just can't bring myself to watch. I hate stories like that. I've loved him in all the other films I've seen him in, though, ever since I first saw him in Cry Baby


Well-known member
Sweeney Todd is one Johnny Depp film I just can't bring myself to watch. I hate stories like that. I've loved him in all the other films I've seen him in, though, ever since I first saw him in Cry Baby
oh johnny depp is lovely - he seems like such a nice guy as well as a good actor and pretty to look at! what more does a lady want?! lol!

my friend made a welcome post so if you guys want to say hey to her you can do so here i'd love for her to feel welcomed to the specktra family! :) she will finally get what i talk about so much! hee hee! :)

my day of work was very slow today. not many sales, lots of time waster customers and i just wanted to be at home really! or out having a good drink (and i don't mean milk debi!!) i feel the need to get slighty tipsy, but we have no booze in the house! lol!


Well-known member
Well, never knock a milk on the rocks, Lou. Hehehehehe! :) Just teasing ya! My friends refer to me as naturally high, though obviously not manic-like! I just get happy over the little things in life. Besides, I have a super sensitive stomach and booze would probably make me sick, so no fun whatsoever there for me!

So, I have decided to check out Chanel lipsticks next time I hit the mall. Any suggestions? I am looking for a lovely deep rose/pink. Not pink, not red. Sort of pinkish berry looking. Does that make sense? It is the colour that looks the nicest on me and MAC doesn't really have anything in that category. I usually have to rely on Estee Lauder for the perfect deep rose lippy. How are Chanel's formulas?


Well-known member
Well, never knock a milk on the rocks, Lou. Hehehehehe! :) Just teasing ya! My friends refer to me as naturally high, though obviously not manic-like! I just get happy over the little things in life. Besides, I have a super sensitive stomach and booze would probably make me sick, so no fun whatsoever there for me!

So, I have decided to check out Chanel lipsticks next time I hit the mall. Any suggestions? I am looking for a lovely deep rose/pink. Not pink, not red. Sort of pinkish berry looking. Does that make sense? It is the colour that looks the nicest on me and MAC doesn't really have anything in that category. I usually have to rely on Estee Lauder for the perfect deep rose lippy. How are Chanel's formulas?
hee hee! oh i have had a couple of milk on the rocks before! i just want something stronger tonight! but instead i have had some mango juice which was rather lovely! if only there were a shot of vodka in it! lol! and yes booze and bad tummys is a no no!

i don't actually have any chanel lipsticks yet. however i have been trying out the coco shine lipsticks and they are rather lovely. i really like monte carlo which looks kinda red in the tube but it turns out a sheer rosey pink colour with a little shimmer. they feel very balm like on the lips too. if you're not keen on the sheen looking ones then try the normal ones because they are apparently very creamy and pigmented. i hope to get one next week in fact! there is a new red being released and it is stunning looking! but again i am no expert on chanel - you should pop into the chanel forum debi! that is where i have been chatting to the other ladies about what products are good! :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Debi - I think Antigone rouge coco shine will look gorgeous on you. It may be a little on the red side, if so you can try Elise, which is a rose or Monte carlo as Lou suggested. I like all the lipsticks from chanel (3 lines). They aren't drying for my dry lips. Have fun trying and let us know what you pick.

Lou - yeah I know you can't switch off your mind too for bedtime. Watching a dvd is nice way to relax before bed. But I wonder if I'll get more excited if the program is interesting. Heehee. At the moment I don't have a tv in my bedroom. I was craving for some drinks too yesterday but I don't have any at home and my stomach isn't that well too. Good thing the craving is gone now.


Well-known member
I have to admit I got sidetracked when looking at some Estee Lauder lipsticks online and thought...these are just what I am looking for! Plus they have that gorgeous gold packaging that is perfect for keeping in your purse and pulling out during the holiday season! Sigh. It might be Estee Lauder for me. That gold just wins me over and all their rosy colours flaunting themselves in my direction!!

We just toured the Emerson House, which was fun but they always go too fast and zoom you from room to room. Except for the library which is housed in the Concord Museum, everything is original and owned by the Emerson family, so no touchy, no breathy! But I want to see what the books are on the shelves in other rooms. I want to look at that coat or that dress or take in all those paintings and etchings. I feel like those little balls in a pinball machine being bounced madly around! Aaaaahhh!



Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by ElvenEyes

We just toured the Emerson House, which was fun but they always go too fast and zoom you from room to room. Except for the library which is housed in the Concord Museum, everything is original and owned by the Emerson family, so no touchy, no breathy! But I want to see what the books are on the shelves in other rooms. I want to look at that coat or that dress or take in all those paintings and etchings. I feel like those little balls in a pinball machine being bounced madly around! Aaaaahhh!


Oh that sounds like such fun. I would love that. And yes I would want to look at the books, well all of everything.


Well-known member
Oh that sounds like such fun. I would love that. And yes I would want to look at the books, well all of everything.
me too! :)

i hope everybody is all set to have a great week! i am curtrently trying to sort through lots of paperwork which is not that fun :(


Well-known member
Unfortunately we cannot take pictures in any of the historical homes around here. No water, no food, no gum, no pictures, turn off cell phones. lol You can buy the postcards and books that show pictures, but you can't take any! Only on the outside. Grrr!

I am still trying to wake up and we are about to have breakfast. Game of Thrones finale was not last night...we still have 1 episode to go. But shocking things are happening!! We have another rainy, cloudy day ahead, but at least it is not hot out. A very good day for movies, reading and puttering around the house!


Well-known member
Good morning all!

Today has the most beautiful bold blue sky here, warm with a cool breeze ; not humid at all - my favourite weather!! Nails are freshly painted in NARS orgasm polish, and eye lids in the bright blue Bateau Ivre :)
Lots to do today; but number 1 priority is mailing out Father's Day card! :)

Have a great day!

Quote: Originally Posted by ElvenEyes
We have another rainy, cloudy day ahead, but at least it is not hot out. A very good day for movies, reading and puttering around the house!


Well-known member
Today is my hubby's last day at his workplace, sort of! Everyone now works from home so they are closing the building they rent out. He went in today to finish shredding stuff and then have a luncheon to say farewell to it all! Of course, from now on he works from home which is going to be a bit weird, even though he has been doing this for the past year or so. At least he went in once in a while. Now never! Pros and cons to it all! lol

And I am so happy that my NARS New Order blush replacement just arrived in perfect condition! Yay! Now to figure out where to put it!! So pretty though. The glitter drew me in, even though I know it can get out of hand! There will be times I will want that look, believe it or not!! I wish they would put a matte pink blush out this colour. But I do have my beloved Illamasqua ones, so I guess I can't complain. I am reorganizing my lipstick drawer with all my Dior, Guerlain and YSL's lined up looking glittery and ever so tempting!! Now it will be easier to grab them instead of rummaging through a pile in a basket!

Other than that it is actually gorgeous out. Coo, windy, dry (rain, where did you go??) and I can smell the wild roses across the street, so fun having windows open! And having fun looking at lipstick swatches! That pretty much sums up my quiet day!! Reading soon, maybe a movie tonight!


Well-known member

Great minds think alike:) I was just putting another coat on my nails with the same.

Debi--glad you got your new blush safely and you are enjoying it.

Today is our 24th wedding anniversary. We are going to go eat at one of my favorite places, Bonefish Grill. To be quite honest I wish I felt better and could really enjoy the day but I have been been so sad lately.

Very soon we are going to have to choose a day to have my beloved Ishmael put down. He is just not doing very well at all. He some great moments still but not very many. I know that my daughter and husband are much more objective than I am because he is my baby. He is falling a lot and not only the deafness now but his vision is poor and I think he gets confused more often. But everytime I think about it or he comes and lays his head on my knee and looks at me with those big brown eyes I can't stop the tears. It really is breaking my heart. I just can't imagine putting him in the car and him thinking he's going for a ride and instead end up at the vet for that reason. My vet is great and he only does this at the very last appointment of the day to give you all the time you want or need with your pet. I told my hubby that I at least wanted to take Ishmael to Sonic (there's one about a half mile down the road from the vet) right before where there are picnic tables and let him eat a big hamburger. I read online where one guy said he let his dog eat an entire pack of hotdogs right before. I am grateful we've had him several more months than we thought but that doesn't make it any easier when the time comes.

My husband said we need to pick a day, like this month. I just don't know how to just choose a day. I can't handle it this week. Tomorrow would be my daddy's 78th birthday so that day usually is filled with sadness but great memories.

Also one of our cats is on her second round of antibiotics for a ut infection. We take another sample in tomorrow or Wednesday to see how or if things are progressing. She is almost 17 and her kidneys may be failing, of course that is pretty common for a cat that age. I guess if I had one piece of advice for anyone getting pets I would tell them not to get ones so close in age. With Ishmael almost 16, Snowflake & Rascal almost 17 and Smokey is younger at 12. All of them getting up there in age.

I think when we have chosen a day I will tell my son that after a bit of shutting everyone out (which I know I will do) that I'll do any babysitting they want. Perhaps that will at least divert my attention for a little while and give me some smiles.

Sorry for my sad post but thank you guys in advance for letting me get some of this out. It seems weird to also come on here and talk about makeup but it helps redirect my mind for a while.


Well-known member
Great minds think alike:) I was just putting another coat on my nails with the same.

Debi--glad you got your new blush safely and you are enjoying it.

Today is our 24th wedding anniversary. We are going to go eat at one of my favorite places, Bonefish Grill. To be quite honest I wish I felt better and could really enjoy the day but I have been been so sad lately.

Very soon we are going to have to choose a day to have my beloved Ishmael put down. He is just not doing very well at all. He some great moments still but not very many. I know that my daughter and husband are much more objective than I am because he is my baby. He is falling a lot and not only the deafness now but his vision is poor and I think he gets confused more often. But everytime I think about it or he comes and lays his head on my knee and looks at me with those big brown eyes I can't stop the tears. It really is breaking my heart. I just can't imagine putting him in the car and him thinking he's going for a ride and instead end up at the vet for that reason. My vet is great and he only does this at the very last appointment of the day to give you all the time you want or need with your pet. I told my hubby that I at least wanted to take Ishmael to Sonic (there's one about a half mile down the road from the vet) right before where there are picnic tables and let him eat a big hamburger. I read online where one guy said he let his dog eat an entire pack of hotdogs right before. I am grateful we've had him several more months than we thought but that doesn't make it any easier when the time comes.

My husband said we need to pick a day, like this month. I just don't know how to just choose a day. I can't handle it this week. Tomorrow would be my daddy's 78th birthday so that day usually is filled with sadness but great memories.

Also one of our cats is on her second round of antibiotics for a ut infection. We take another sample in tomorrow or Wednesday to see how or if things are progressing. She is almost 17 and her kidneys may be failing, of course that is pretty common for a cat that age. I guess if I had one piece of advice for anyone getting pets I would tell them not to get ones so close in age. With Ishmael almost 16, Snowflake & Rascal almost 17 and Smokey is younger at 12. All of them getting up there in age.

I think when we have chosen a day I will tell my son that after a bit of shutting everyone out (which I know I will do) that I'll do any babysitting they want. Perhaps that will at least divert my attention for a little while and give me some smiles.

Sorry for my sad post but thank you guys in advance for letting me get some of this out. It seems weird to also come on here and talk about makeup but it helps redirect my mind for a while.
i'm so sorry about your precious baby sweetie :( i'm also sorry that things seemed to have doubled up for you with your kitty too. i honestly can't imagine how i would feel having to choose a date for something so sad and i really hope that you stay strong and try and stay focused. and i think that's a lovely idea about letting him have a sonic burger and hot dogs and such! i bet he will absolutely love them! and i think it's amazing that he has lasted an extra several months - he is obviously sticking around because he loves you so much. and i appriciate that you will shut down and just want to be alone - but you know you have all of us here ready to listen to you. loosing a pet is such a sad thing but one that you have had for so long is even worse. i'm sending you positive thoughts sweetie.
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