Bimbos unite!

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Oh I know! Cats get into everything! My first cat was really good and she didn't jump up on furniture or chew things and we could even leave her running throughout the whole house all the time we were gone to gatherings or long day trips and with the tree up. Only once she took it into her mind to pull off all the bows and tags on the Christmas presents so I had to carefully unwrap and wrap everything again since I didn't know what went to whom! She never did it again, so not sure what that was all about!! Our fireplace mantle is really up high, too high for either of our cats to have ever jumped on and we didn't have the clock nor the round table yet. So that was my safe place to put decorations up seasonally! The madness only started after our last cat died. We both decided no more cats and I am very active with my backyard birding, plus I have Smurf the Chipmunk! I really miss my cats, but I miss MY cats. Right now I have no leaning to get another one and neither does my husband. They are still my favourite pet, but right now I think we are enjoying the freedom of not having to worry about them, no expense (the last one was several thousand dollars each year on vet bills because she was a feral and sickly) and so have settled into our catless life in a very non cat friendly home.

I am really angry. One lady who bought decks from me just complained a card is missing. The deck was sealed and she bought it a month ago. Now I have to contact the mods. Grrrr... Check your decks right away. How do I know she didn't bend it or lose it herself? Argh. Sick of selling, yet I was planning to put more up. I will see what the mods say.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ I love your magnets. The birds, the beads, and the butteflies are beautiful.

Lou, I saw the new speedy on display when I passed by the LV store yesterday. It was sitting beautifully on the shelf. I didn't enter though, there was a queue to enter, and I'm not splurging on a bag anytime soon.


Well-known member
Miss QQ~Thank you! I really keep an eye out now for magnets, though I don't have much room for more! The gallery is fairly full! I love it though and it makes our large kitchen more cheerful! I would love to get more of the little beaded ones and make a fun rainbow, though I did get to do that with the butterflies. I still want more. I love my fairy, animal and Alice in Wonderland ones!

So, where is Suzanne and Jen? Have we lost them for good? :(


Well-known member
Miss QQ~Thank you! I really keep an eye out now for magnets, though I don't have much room for more! The gallery is fairly full! I love it though and it makes our large kitchen more cheerful! I would love to get more of the little beaded ones and make a fun rainbow, though I did get to do that with the butterflies. I still want more. I love my fairy, animal and Alice in Wonderland ones!

So, where is Suzanne and Jen? Have we lost them for good? :(
Susanne is taking a break right now. I am sure she will be back when she is ready. every so often she messages me on facebook. she had some personal stuff that she has been sorting out. Jen is most likely job hunting or maybe she has sorted one out by now! I hope her and Jerome are doing well! :)


Well-known member
I looked back at the Shape magazine and it says that the Zoya Armor Topcoat/UV blocker keeps your nail colr from yellowing. I think it says something like that on the Zoya site also.

Debi--I love your witch. She is so cute and all your decorations. My sister decorates her entire house for Halloween and Christmas. She puts up 3-4 Christmas trees and even all the bathrooms are decorated.

Your magnets are cool. I even saw a few that I have.

Lou--I look forward to watching your new pigments video. I'm glad to hear Susanne has been in touch with you. i've been thinking about her. If she gets back to you let her know we are all thinking of her and wishing her well. I'm sure you're right about Jenn, that girl is always so busy. I wish I had her energy.

Why are men so hardheaded? Hubby thinks that since I saw Wicked the last time it was here then why on earth would I want to see it again. I absolutely loved it. I could watch it over and over. If I could afford I'd probably go every night. It will be back here in the fall and I want to go again. It's not like I'm going to drag him with me. I stopped doing that years ago. He was a waste of ticket money. He didn't enjoy the shows or appreciate them, probably because they weren't science fiction or action. I did see where they are doing "Rocky" the musical. I just can't wrap my brain around that one. But he wouldn't like that either so no worry there. He's not into musicals or plays.


Well-known member
That lady is still whining. I have the moderators on my side, so good! I gave the lady a link to the creator of the deck to see if she had an extra card to send out, which is often the case. So far she has not done this and is just whining. Too damn bad! She admits that her life is hectic. So what? All our lives are hectic. I don't even know her. I don't want to be her buddy and I am not her venting board. She has to figure this one out on her own. Ugh. I may be packing my bags and getting out of that place sooner than I thought! I did, however, let the buyer know I informed the moderators of the situation and copied our transactions and sent them to her and she told her to figure it out on her own, too. lol

So, I have on 2 MUFE Aqua Shadows...the creme ones in the pot. Pretty, but sheesh! These dry to a stubborn "I refuse to move or blend" in just seconds! Very shiny, very pretty, but you make a mess unless you use a very small finger to apply. I had to use some of my Clinique Take the Day off on a Q-Tip to clean up blurred mistakes. Waterproof, yes. Practical application, no! lol And they only have a shelf life of 6 months, so I will put my pennies elsewhere! I have 4 and will use them this summer on hot days with other things like pigments, but won't bother to get them again.

Time to read a book. It is getting hot out so I just switched on the central air. Aaaaah!


Well-known member
shadowaddict! At least I don't do my bathrooms! lol But I have a 7 1/2 foot tree up in the living room and a 3 footer in the family room, tabletop. I can't wait for cooler weather and decorating!! My favourite time of the year!!

So far I have never had any problems with my nail polish yellowing. That is interesting. One finger is just starting to chip after 4 1/2 days, so that is pretty good, I think! Time to pick out something new!!


Well-known member
Yeh I wouldn't stress about that lady. It's her problem not yours.

When I ordered the topcoat I didn't even notice that it had a UV protector. I had heard/read that it was a good topcoat and thought I would give it a try. I also have never had the yellowing problem but of course I keep my hands out of the sun also. i do find that it is a good topcoat.

I've not heard that the MUFE aqua shadows only have a six month shelf life. I wonder why. I haven't purchased any but have thought about it. I would think they would last as long as cream/gel liners and paint pots. i store them upside down and have many that are way more than a year old and still good and creamy.

Lou--I just watched your n/p pigment video. I couldn't help but laugh when you said you were applying it to your husband's nails. He was such a good sport about it, not so sure mine would be. I did enjoy it and will have to try making some.


Well-known member
Yeh I wouldn't stress about that lady. It's her problem not yours.

When I ordered the topcoat I didn't even notice that it had a UV protector. I had heard/read that it was a good topcoat and thought I would give it a try. I also have never had the yellowing problem but of course I keep my hands out of the sun also. i do find that it is a good topcoat.

I've not heard that the MUFE aqua shadows only have a six month shelf life. I wonder why. I haven't purchased any but have thought about it. I would think they would last as long as cream/gel liners and paint pots. i store them upside down and have many that are way more than a year old and still good and creamy.

Lou--I just watched your n/p pigment video. I couldn't help but laugh when you said you were applying it to your husband's nails. He was such a good sport about it, not so sure mine would be. I did enjoy it and will have to try making some.
lol! yeah he's a sweetie! he wasn't totally impressed with doing it - but in the end he agreed to be my model! bless him!!


Well-known member
Hi ladies!!!

I've missed you all so much! The past few weeks have been insane, but I need to catch everyone up!

I've been supply teaching almost everyday, completing my French AQ course (which is a CRAZY amount of work - my last project was 45 pages, not even counting the previous homework or the near daily postings and activities!), and most recently, I have my convocation - I am officially a Master of Child Study and Education, and I am waiting for my teaching license to be conferred once all the documentation like transcripts have been sent in! I am also conducting research, developed a French curriculum for the summer camp I am running in July, and tutoring! (Sorry, no idea why that's italicized!) I have quite literally been busy from 6 to 11 every night, including weekends. Today is my first day "off", and I'm exhausted! Still no news on the job front, but hopefully we hear something by the end of June!

I also have some bigger news......


He proposed after our convocation on Thursday in the very spot that we met (one of the classrooms on orientation), which was so sweet, with our parents waiting to see my reaction to the good news! I was a wreck (I started bawling when he got down on one knee, and then I said yes before he asked the question, and then I forgot to let him put on the ring! lol), but I did get a couple of good pictures of the ring and from our convocation, which I will post later. For now though, here's the ring!

Yaaaaay! :D Hope everyone's well and happy!!! :D


Well-known member
shadowaddict~I am assuming it is because it is a cream that it has a shorter life and maybe certain ingredients that make it waterproof might break down beforehand? Really not sure!

Lou~I was wondering what kind of brush I could use. I like it, and love the gleam, but application is tricky. I have small eyes, thanks to my Mohawk background. They are almost monolid and a lot of people have asked me if I am part Chinese. No one expects to hear I am Native American because I inherited my father's pale skin! My mother and uncles have very dark skin, some of my cousins look full blooded, with straight black hair, dark eyes, dark skin. I am a mutt! :) Good to hear makeup lasts longer than the dates on them. I don't want to toss anything for a long time!! Also I love the nail pigment tutorial. Hubby looks good in gold! He is a good guy! My husband would not have done that for anything. If it isn't baseball related, he doesn't want to be bothered. Rather narrow life, actually...

Also learned a lot about that lady who is giving me trouble. She has been giving a lot of people trouble, both with buying and selling and sells everything she gets back on Amazon for a higher price. While I don't mind sellers who are open about it, she is being very shady, always asking for lower prices, whining about her life and a sob story about being in bed all day for weeks because of illness and yet online all the time buying decks, etc. Oh, she is one shady person. Several people have had issues with her in a short period of time which I was not aware of. Now we know. Let's hope that she gets bumped from the forum or at least the trading section. :(

Jen~Congrats on everything! Your teaching, your schooling finished, your engagement!! You must be on cloud 9! I am so happy for you and your ring is gorgeous! Wishing you all the best!!!


Well-known member
shadowaddict~I am assuming it is because it is a cream that it has a shorter life and maybe certain ingredients that make it waterproof might break down beforehand? Really not sure!

Lou~I was wondering what kind of brush I could use. I like it, and love the gleam, but application is tricky. I have small eyes, thanks to my Mohawk background. They are almost monolid and a lot of people have asked me if I am part Chinese. No one expects to hear I am Native American because I inherited my father's pale skin! My mother and uncles have very dark skin, some of my cousins look full blooded, with straight black hair, dark eyes, dark skin. I am a mutt! :) Good to hear makeup lasts longer than the dates on them. I don't want to toss anything for a long time!! Also I love the nail pigment tutorial. Hubby looks good in gold! He is a good guy! My husband would not have done that for anything. If it isn't baseball related, he doesn't want to be bothered. Rather narrow life, actually...

Also learned a lot about that lady who is giving me trouble. She has been giving a lot of people trouble, both with buying and selling and sells everything she gets back on Amazon for a higher price. While I don't mind sellers who are open about it, she is being very shady, always asking for lower prices, whining about her life and a sob story about being in bed all day for weeks because of illness and yet online all the time buying decks, etc. Oh, she is one shady person. Several people have had issues with her in a short period of time which I was not aware of. Now we know. Let's hope that she gets bumped from the forum or at least the trading section. :(

Jen~Congrats on everything! Your teaching, your schooling finished, your engagement!! You must be on cloud 9! I am so happy for you and your ring is gorgeous! Wishing you all the best!!!
yeah give the 217 brush a go (or i'm sure you could find a cheaper version from sigma if you didn't want to spend much) and nick is certainly awesome when it comes to helping me out. i came home from work yesterday to hi baking more whoopie pies! bless him! oh and i'm not shocked to find out that woman is causing issues for others too on the forum. honestly there is no need to act like that! but at least people will no it's not you so they won't be put off buying from you!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Congrats, Jenn! What a beautiful ring! You must be feeling on top of the world, with all your achievements.

Debi - yup you should consider getting more magnets heehee. I used to decorate my fridge with lots of them too, though mine weren't exquisite, but it became too troublesome to wipe and clean the fridge, so they got removed.

shadow - are you feeling better now? I don't need a UV protector for my finger tips, at least, because they chip so fast they haven't turn yellow yet. lol

Lou - yup LVs aren't cheap. For us at least. But we will be proud of ourselves when we purchased them, or any other designer bags, with our own money. Of course getting them as special gifts are awesome too!

I want to buy the 224 but it is always out of stock. Any idea why the 224 is much more expensive than the 217? In my currency, 217 costs $39 while 224 $58. That's $20 more.


Well-known member
Congrats, Jenn! What a beautiful ring! You must be feeling on top of the world, with all your achievements.

Debi - yup you should consider getting more magnets heehee. I used to decorate my fridge with lots of them too, though mine weren't exquisite, but it became too troublesome to wipe and clean the fridge, so they got removed.

shadow - are you feeling better now? I don't need a UV protector for my finger tips, at least, because they chip so fast they haven't turn yellow yet. lol

Lou - yup LVs aren't cheap. For us at least. But we will be proud of ourselves when we purchased them, or any other designer bags, with our own money. Of course getting them as special gifts are awesome too!

I want to buy the 224 but it is always out of stock. Any idea why the 224 is much more expensive than the 217? In my currency, 217 costs $39 while 224 $58. That's $20 more.
oh that is a shame that it is out of stock. i know it is more pricey than the 217 in the uk too. i have both brushes and love both for different reasons. the 217 is great for crease work and applying cream products to my lid. the 224 is use without any product on it to just blend out colours on my eyes.


Well-known member
Sigh. Well, this isn't the happiest of days for me. That lady is still causing trouble and in spite of a long list of links and proof that she said the deck was okay, has caused problems elsewhere, and has a shady reputation for transactions I am the one who may be burned and banned in the end. Banned! I have never been banned, never received a ticket from a police officer, never had to stay after school for anything. lol And now this! Glad I was almost done selling. I won't sell anymore over there. Far too lenient towards people who cause trouble and never supporting the victims. This is a huge part of why I wanted to leave, so I am just leaving a few months earlier. And good riddens to that group, too. Unreal, but is has been this way for years now. Once a very classy and intellectual bunch has turned so sour. They even banned a man who is partial owner of the best reputed online tarot store. Who in their right mind would do something like that? He never did anything wrong.

So my hauls will be a little smaller for a while. I can live with that! My very bright OPI NOTD is up on that thread. I had such fun putting it on last night!


Well-known member
Sigh. Well, this isn't the happiest of days for me. That lady is still causing trouble and in spite of a long list of links and proof that she said the deck was okay, has caused problems elsewhere, and has a shady reputation for transactions I am the one who may be burned and banned in the end. Banned! I have never been banned, never received a ticket from a police officer, never had to stay after school for anything. lol And now this! Glad I was almost done selling. I won't sell anymore over there. Far too lenient towards people who cause trouble and never supporting the victims. This is a huge part of why I wanted to leave, so I am just leaving a few months earlier. And good riddens to that group, too. Unreal, but is has been this way for years now. Once a very classy and intellectual bunch has turned so sour. They even banned a man who is partial owner of the best reputed online tarot store. Who in their right mind would do something like that? He never did anything wrong.

So my hauls will be a little smaller for a while. I can live with that! My very bright OPI NOTD is up on that thread. I had such fun putting it on last night!
woah!! i seriously think that would be very shitty if they were to ban you! you did nothing wrong! you sent it sealed for goodness sakes! and she waited a month to even look at the cards? i'd be telling the whole lot of them to do one!

honestly you have so many lovely beauty products smaller hauls won't be an issue anyway. i'm just annoyed for you that they have treated you like that. and now i am off to look at your pretty orange nails!!


Well-known member
Yeah, nice place. This is their stand these days, which is why so many people have either left on their own choice or been banned and didn't even do anything wrong, and the bullies are allowed to remain.

And to top it off my little Sephora order arrived with NARS New Order and it is all broken. Now I have to contact them. This is not how I planned to spend my day. Too much drama!!!


Well-known member
but you have so many thrilled buyers ... the mediators must be reasonable can you not protest the dispute

Sigh. Well, this isn't the happiest of days for me. That lady is still causing trouble and in spite of a long list of links and proof that she said the deck was okay, has caused problems elsewhere, and has a shady reputation for transactions I am the one who may be burned and banned in the end. Banned! I have never been banned, never received a ticket from a police officer, never had to stay after school for anything. lol And now this! Glad I was almost done selling. I won't sell anymore over there. Far too lenient towards people who cause trouble and never supporting the victims. This is a huge part of why I wanted to leave, so I am just leaving a few months earlier. And good riddens to that group, too. Unreal, but is has been this way for years now. Once a very classy and intellectual bunch has turned so sour. They even banned a man who is partial owner of the best reputed online tarot store. Who in their right mind would do something like that? He never did anything wrong.

So my hauls will be a little smaller for a while. I can live with that! My very bright OPI NOTD is up on that thread. I had such fun putting it on last night!


Well-known member
This is one of the head moderators. This is the way the place is run. Dank and dirty. This is why was leaving in the first place.

On a happier note, Sephora is sending me a new "New Order" by NARS. This one is getting sent back. It is totally crumbled so I am wondering if it is because it is super glittery and dry rather than creamy and something that will have a tendency to break easily? Not sure. Now there is glitter everywhere because it leaked through the packaging and flaked all over the place!
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