Bimbos unite!

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Yes, pretty sad. She conned a bunch of people in many places and the Welfare department, etc., has gone to court and overall just a mess. I'm embracing my humdrum life without the drama!

So, it is probably mostly your fault, Lou, that I am getting hooked on Chanel. lol I have lists of products I want as time passes but also seeing a lot of Chanel things are limited and I can't find some of the glossimers I liked on their website. Hmm..... Still trying to sell more decks, too, but it seems selling has oddly gone to a full stop for everyone and not sure what that is all about. In hte meantime I am listening to a neighbour's kid taking a tantrum and ready to drown him in his own pool. Any complaints? lol Hehehe..Seriously, we were brought up to quiet as mice. My parents would have killed us if we screamed like these kids are! I think I am in for a loud summer between work on the house with the fire, 2 moving out and thus 2 families moving in, houses being painted and pool parties. No wonder I love winter so much!!


Well-known member
Deb -- you are such a nice person !

I am so nasty and growing nastier by the day.. lol.

loud abrasive kids annoy me, youtube annoys me, twitter annoys me, facebook annoys me.. there is a lot to be said for a long walk, a long swim, a good book and a bottle of wine with quiet chirping birds.. sigh.


Well-known member
^^ Amen Sista!!


Well-known member
Deb -- you are such a nice person !

I am so nasty and growing nastier by the day.. lol.

loud abrasive kids annoy me, youtube annoys me, twitter annoys me, facebook annoys me.. there is a lot to be said for a long walk, a long swim, a good book and a bottle of wine with quiet chirping birds.. sigh.
lol A good book or a fantastic movie is where I hide! Nice and quiet here now. Bullfrogs and owls in the background. All the kids are in bed. School isn't quite out yet! Yay! OMG, this summer will be wild. I can tell. Until the super heat of July and August sets in. Then we all retreat to our central air homes and don't come out again until fall. We all become hermits and catch up Halloween night, then become hermits again for the winter. I am ALL for hermiting! xo


Well-known member
Woohoo! Sold 200.00 of tarot and bags tonight! Chanel counter, here I come!
that's brilliant news! i'm so pleased for you... and cant wait to see your haul!!

i have a busy day ahead of me. i have two reps coming today. one will be fine because he gets on with things on her own but the other demands lots of attention and i am short staffed! i think i'll get him moving stock around or something to make use of his muscles!!


Well-known member
I think we all have our moments or we would not be very human! I can definitely get angry, but overall I try to think outside the box in most situations and remove myself from the situation so I can see it from all angles. A lot of the time we misunderstand the foundation of problems which cause unhappy things to happen, so I try to dig down to that foundation and see with new eyes.

Okay, enough philosophy from the Debi Lama.

Did you ever wonder if you were doing the right thing and questioned yourself until suddenly the perfect sign came along? Not too often, but every now and then I looked at my dwindling tarot collection and thought OMG am I going to be sorry for selling off so much? Will I be sorry to leave the forum, in spite of the nasty stuff going on over there? Then yesterday they updated it. They messed up the profiles and added features people despise and the place is in chaos. And when I saw it it was a sign for certain that my 9 1/2 yr stint there was done. Just sell the rest of the decks that I want to and leave. It isn't the home away from home anymore. Now I know I won't look back with regrets and am ever so grateful for her messing up the format enough that even more people will definitely be leaving. Must make the most out of these last few sales before I join the Exodus!!

Hang in there, Lou! Put those muscle men to good use! As for my haul, not sure when it will actually take place, but I am shooting for soon! But it won't be extravagant. I keep my Guerlain, Dior, YSL and now Chanel ones as special treats. Sometimes it is just pure elegance to come home with one or two very desired products rather than a massive haul from MAC or Sephora. And it is happening at just the right time because I am suddenly breaking out all my glosses and having fun with them!


Well-known member
Just sold another $125.00! In less than 5 minutes of posting it! I'm back in business! Oh, I can't wait until this is done! lol



Well-known member
I believe someone was looking for a Tiffany Blue nail polish recently - was it Debi, perhaps?

Take a look at this


Well-known member
I believe someone was looking for a Tiffany Blue nail polish recently - was it Debi, perhaps?

Take a look at this
ooohh very cool! i need to get to topshop!!

My beauty icon - here is todays blog post. it's a little more personal to me but hopefully you guys will still enjoy it!


Well-known member
Lou~Awesome! We must be good sales people! lol I think we are going out for a while. Maybe wind our way to the mall! Hehehe... Do a few errands. Beat the commute traffic which will be horrible!! More later!!


Well-known member
Lou~Awesome! We must be good sales people! lol I think we are going out for a while. Maybe wind our way to the mall! Hehehe... Do a few errands. Beat the commute traffic which will be horrible!! More later!!
indeed! our sales skills must be excellent! :) hee hee! :) and have fun doing errands! and of course share what / if you buy anything at the mall!! i will live through your hauls!


Well-known member
Well, we got there! The lady at the counter was really nice and helpful at Nordstrom. She let me try on just about every colour they had (my poor lips, so she gave me a gloss to use!) and various mirrors. I ended up liking things I didn't think I would and not liking things that I thought I would, mostly because they disappeared on my lips. My lips are very mauve, so some lipsticks just dissolve in colour. Anyhow, I ended up with a few glossimers, 4 lipsticks, an eyeshadow quad and smelling gloriously like Chanel #19 which I now have to go back and get! And I have 5 lipsticks coming in the mail tomorrow, so will put them all up together. I think I shined up pretty well, and oddly didn't even spend all my money!

And today I rocked green eyes! I was in a lime green tank with lime green/blue seersucker capris and dabbed on peach blush and coral lipstick and here I am!



Well-known member
Sorry to hear about your beloved dog, Shadow addict.

I just wanted to add one thing - I have a very elderly dog who is also very frail (especially his back legs) and he recently started having peeing 'accidents' in the house. Because of his age and condition, I automatically assumed he had lost control of his bladder, but I took a urine sample to the vets to be on the safe side and it turns out it was just a urine infection due to him not moving around quite as much as he used to. One week of antibiotics and he's back to normal, with no further 'accidents'. I'm not saying that it isn't time for your dog, he sounds like perhaps he's not enjoying things as much as he used to? My old dog is still enjoying his walks and is still very happy and 'chirpy' despite his frail state, so it is not his time quite yet. However, I just thought I should mention the possibility that it could be a urine infection rather than necessarily old-age related incontinence - incase this was playing a huge role in your decision. An infection could also explain his tender stomach. I would check with your vet anyway, so you know the cause and to ensure it isn't something that can be relieved with medication.

Whatever you do, just do what is right for your dog (as I know you will). It's the final act of showing our love for them and we must be totally unselfish when we do so - no matter how heartbreaking it is (I cry regularly over the thought of losing my old dog in the not so distant future, he's been with me for the last 15 years).

I'm sure you'll do what is right & I feel your pain ((hugs))

P.S... my apologies if this isn't well written, I'm in a rush at work but thought it was important that I commented incase it was of any help.
Thank you for your kind thoughts. Sadly it is not a ut infection. He is just quite old. I suppose when you look at his age if he were human it's no wonder things are not going well. I wish there was something more we could do for him. Between the regular aging and the Cushings disease it's just too much for him. He has gone downhill so quickly. I'm glad the Cushings didn't drag out to the point that it made him suffer. That helps me to know that.

His mind is not all there either. He is showing food aggression sometimes with the cats which he has never done before. His vision and sense of smell are going and when one of the cats walks up to him and he doesn't see them it startles him and he will snap at them. At least he does not bite it's just a growl. This is just not his usual behavior. It's weird because just a few minutes later he and the same cat will be snuggled up next to each other napping. So I don't think he is being ugly to them on purpose. He will almost walk right into one of them or almost sit on them. He also gets disoriented and I think it scares him. We have a large backyard and when he goes outside to potty now he doesn't go very far from the patio. Sometimes he stands there looking around like he's lost. I go out to him and then he will limp beside me back to the door. It makes me so sad because he used to run and play all over the yard with us. I read that animals are usually in more pain than they show and let on. If that is true then I know he has a great deal more than I can see. It will be so very hard. However we have lots of great memories of our happy times together and he has given me so much love and comfort. I suppose it's time for me to give him comfort and let him rest with no more pain.


Well-known member
On a happier note:

Debi_ I love your look with the green on your eyes, so pretty. That neclace looks so pretty. Does it have some green also or is that just because I love green and want to see it? :)

Yay, for selling some more. Sounds like you had a great Chanel trip. You know we like your pics and love seeing your hauls.


Well-known member
i typed a reply and my browser crashed! doh!! Debi you haul sounds amazing and i love you in greens! you look amazing!!

Shadowaddict I am so sorry about everything that is going on with your baby. Please pm me if you need to vent - you are all in my thoughts. it must be horrid to see your beautiful pet aging in such a way

here is a link to my latest youtube video - the foiling a pigment one. i am so proud of how it turned out. that's sad right?!


Well-known member
shadowaddict~That sounds so similar to my first cat. She had kidney failure, which is usual for older cats, and once you can detect it or even see the signs it is already at least 75% lost and you can't gain any of it back. Vets often reminded me that animals are not sentimental about death like we are. If they were outside, they would simply curl up under a bush and fall asleep and die. That is their natural instinct. But at home, in our houses, they try harder to fight to live for us. It makes sense. It is so hard to let them go, but worse to see them suffer in any way. Spooky lost her hearing in her last few years and she would often wake up from a nap confused as to where she was until she started recognizing faces and a couple of toys. She became my shadow in those last few years. She hated me out of her sight. If I went into one room, she would get up and follow me, then lie down. Then I would go to another room and she would get up again and follow me, lie down, get comfy and sigh when I moved yet again. lol Poor girl. I finally started carrying her around with me! Dusting day was rough on her! Stay strong for your beloved fur baby. They depend on us at this time. xo

And yes, the necklace has deep antique golds that flicker olive greens, very similar to my eyes!

Lou~Thanks for the compliment and yes, I had lots of fun at the Chanel counter and even more fun because the lady was so kind! I did try on another lipstick that looked a bit washed out in the store so didn't get it.Well, doesn't it figure that the minute we got in the car and started on the main road I looked in the mirror (daylight, not store lighting) and fell immediately in love with it. Of course, I have no idea what the name was so have to go back for it. It was a soft peachy pink coral and really pretty. Darn. Why didn't I get it? Grrrr!

Love the latest video! Thank you for showing how to put that drop directly on the brush. Now I know how to do it and I do already have that water based mixing medium! Woot!

After 10am and I haven't even had breakfast yet. Still in my nightie! lol Eeek!


Well-known member
shadowaddict~That sounds so similar to my first cat. She had kidney failure, which is usual for older cats, and once you can detect it or even see the signs it is already at least 75% lost and you can't gain any of it back. Vets often reminded me that animals are not sentimental about death like we are. If they were outside, they would simply curl up under a bush and fall asleep and die. That is their natural instinct. But at home, in our houses, they try harder to fight to live for us. It makes sense. It is so hard to let them go, but worse to see them suffer in any way. Spooky lost her hearing in her last few years and she would often wake up from a nap confused as to where she was until she started recognizing faces and a couple of toys. She became my shadow in those last few years. She hated me out of her sight. If I went into one room, she would get up and follow me, then lie down. Then I would go to another room and she would get up again and follow me, lie down, get comfy and sigh when I moved yet again. lol Poor girl. I finally started carrying her around with me! Dusting day was rough on her! Stay strong for your beloved fur baby. They depend on us at this time. xo

And yes, the necklace has deep antique golds that flicker olive greens, very similar to my eyes!

Lou~Thanks for the compliment and yes, I had lots of fun at the Chanel counter and even more fun because the lady was so kind! I did try on another lipstick that looked a bit washed out in the store so didn't get it.Well, doesn't it figure that the minute we got in the car and started on the main road I looked in the mirror (daylight, not store lighting) and fell immediately in love with it. Of course, I have no idea what the name was so have to go back for it. It was a soft peachy pink coral and really pretty. Darn. Why didn't I get it? Grrrr!

Love the latest video! Thank you for showing how to put that drop directly on the brush. Now I know how to do it and I do already have that water based mixing medium! Woot!

After 10am and I haven't even had breakfast yet. Still in my nightie! lol Eeek!
oh that is so sweet that you ended up carrying Spooky around with you towards the end. and i am so pleased you liked the video :)

me and nick were meant to be going for a meal tonight but our friends have had some car issues so don;t think we can do now :( boo!


Well-known member
you two should get commision from chanel

on another note, where the hell is summer? the weather today was awful

this is meant to be the end of june!? its like winter

grumble grumble..
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