Bimbos unite!

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Debi- Those kind of dreams can really rattled you when you wake up. It's so weird.

I hope your day gets better. It is 12:30pm and I am sitting here playing on specktra and dinking tea. I have so much to get done but this is more fun. However I must get dressed and gets things going. I do not plan to leave the house today so my "getting dressed" consist of sloppy shorts and and an old tee. I will brush my teeth and wash my face. I figure that's good enough:)

MissQQ-- I don't know why they put the sponge things in there. I mean if you are going to spend more more these brands don't know you would want to apply them properly?

I love Hue l/s. I haven't pulled it out in a while, but now I will, it is a great nude.


Well-known member
Debi- Those kind of dreams can really rattled you when you wake up. It's so weird.

I hope your day gets better. It is 12:30pm and I am sitting here playing on specktra and dinking tea. I have so much to get done but this is more fun. However I must get dressed and gets things going. I do not plan to leave the house today so my "getting dressed" consist of sloppy shorts and and an old tee. I will brush my teeth and wash my face. I figure that's good enough:)

MissQQ-- I don't know why they put the sponge things in there. I mean if you are going to spend more more these brands don't know you would want to apply them properly?

I love Hue l/s. I haven't pulled it out in a while, but now I will, it is a great nude.
being on specktra and drinking tea are some of my favourite activities!! I think your outfit sounds very appropriate for an at home day too!! i would love to join you! we could slob out together!! hee hee!

Makeup storage techniques and my collection. - here is my latest video where i show my make up storage and collection. Debi has already seen it but i guess the rest of you may want to look :) I am so proud of my little chanel collection!! i bought a chanel gloss today too!

oh funny story - i put my chanel gloss in a big sony bag with a magazine and my jacket today. i then left it in the car park of the food shop! 40 minutes later i was going to down the wine aisle and it hit me that my bloody bag wasn't with me!! so i legged it to the car park (i swear i am not made to run fast!) and the bag wasn't there :( so i ran to lost and found who said somebody had handed my bag in! i swear i was so relieved!! and is it wrong that i was more worried about my lost gloss than my jacket?! lol!


Well-known member
Thanks MIss QQ and gang. I get weird dreams when I have cramps, which hit last night, but I went to bed thinking about her and how unfair it was that she passed away so young and with such a horrible disease which no one survives. It has given me nightmares (while awake) since it happened. It just breaks my heart. But the dream was almost like a slap in the face reminder that she wasn't perfect and she had her nasty moments, which she did! So don't make a martyr/saint out of her. Very sad that she died but get on with living. Sort of like why I told her in the dream I would rather quit than be expected to do something I was never taught or trained to! It relates to absolutely no situation whatsover in my life or previous jobs, but my subconscious made it all up for me. Pretty creepy. Glad the alarm went off to take some motrin! lol

Lou! Love the video so much that I am going back in a few minutes to rewatch it. I am thrilled that you showed the drawer with the empty boxes. How funny is that? I have this empy Chanel #19 box now that I don't want to toss. Why? I have no idea except it is Chanel!! So, I am looking at it, dreaming at it, and realizing oh yeah! I have a half empty drawer where I keep extra makeup bags, etc and I can put it in there! Yay!! Thanks for the inspiration! Your collection and storage is wonderful!

And yep. Priorities on the gloss! Which one did you get?


Well-known member
Thanks MIss QQ and gang. I get weird dreams when I have cramps, which hit last night, but I went to bed thinking about her and how unfair it was that she passed away so young and with such a horrible disease which no one survives. It has given me nightmares (while awake) since it happened. It just breaks my heart. But the dream was almost like a slap in the face reminder that she wasn't perfect and she had her nasty moments, which she did! So don't make a martyr/saint out of her. Very sad that she died but get on with living. Sort of like why I told her in the dream I would rather quit than be expected to do something I was never taught or trained to! It relates to absolutely no situation whatsover in my life or previous jobs, but my subconscious made it all up for me. Pretty creepy. Glad the alarm went off to take some motrin! lol

Lou! Love the video so much that I am going back in a few minutes to rewatch it. I am thrilled that you showed the drawer with the empty boxes. How funny is that? I have this empy Chanel #19 box now that I don't want to toss. Why? I have no idea except it is Chanel!! So, I am looking at it, dreaming at it, and realizing oh yeah! I have a half empty drawer where I keep extra makeup bags, etc and I can put it in there! Yay!! Thanks for the inspiration! Your collection and storage is wonderful!

And yep. Priorities on the gloss! Which one did you get?
I am sorry that you are suffering from cramps again sweetie! that is not good at all :(

Oh you are so sweet! I was a little hesitant to put it up because I know some people get a negative response to videos like that because people think you are showing off. That is why i changed my mind about showing the nars box in the video and equally why i didn't open any of my mac palettes so people could see my shadows and blushes. i did show the video to nick who told me it did not seem like a show off video at all which is good. i'm not that kind of person really. And yes i totally keep boxes and sometimes posh bags for products! if the item has a special box i keep it just for the memories and also to use to help finding fakes on ebay.

oh and i got pensee glossimer which the corally one from the summer collection. it really is beautiful, non sticky and it lasted a long time on my lips today while at work which was great!!


Well-known member
I get so sad that people get nasty over collection videos, pics. I love them. I think seeing all kinds of brands and colours and products in other people's collections is truly what brought me into collecting makeup so much now. But it isn't just about MU. If you share things on the tarot forum about what decks you have, people attack you there too and they are all adults, most of them older than me! They turn it into a competitive thing rather than an opportunity to share, learn and grow from it. It is weak. But I love it and you can always share pics of your palettes and Mars goodies to me! I would soak it up with joy!

Pensee probably looks totally awesome on you! I got Pink Peony the last visit and paired up with Romantic l/s (?) it looks like a bunch of wet pink/red strawberries crushed on my lips and I love it!!

Today I found one of the people buying from me was turning right around and selling the exact same decks on the forum for 3 times as much. I brought it to the attention of the moderator because she was selling decks she didn't even have yet! They were still in this room! OMG Does anyone even have scruples anymore? It makes me sick. She hasn't sold or bought in the past 4 hours. lol Bagged! Did she really think she could get away with it? Good grief. I told her I would be raising my prices from now on and blurted it all out on FB. Thank goodness they can't yell at me for being open over there and letting people know what is going on. They cover up the nasty ones on the forum. And people get burned over and over again. What kind of moderation is that? Ugh..... I need to look at swatches and Lou's video again and visit my MU to cheer myself up! lol


Well-known member
Debi- sorry you're not feeling so well. I've heard of people selling MAC on ebay that hasn't even been released yet. They'll put in small letters that it is a pre-sale. I think that lady tops even that.

Lou--I really enjoyed your storage video. I liked how you had everything organized. I need to get something like that for my quads. That's a good way to flip through and find the one you're looking for.I keep moving mine around trying to figure something out.

I wish I would take time to watch makeup videos on youtube . It would probably give me some good tips and I could learn a lot. I guess I don't know which ones are the goods ones and which ones are a waste of time. How have you guys found good ones to watch?


Well-known member
Debi- sorry you're not feeling so well. I've heard of people selling MAC on ebay that hasn't even been released yet. They'll put in small letters that it is a pre-sale. I think that lady tops even that.

Lou--I really enjoyed your storage video. I liked how you had everything organized. I need to get something like that for my quads. That's a good way to flip through and find the one you're looking for.I keep moving mine around trying to figure something out.

I wish I would take time to watch makeup videos on youtube . It would probably give me some good tips and I could learn a lot. I guess I don't know which ones are the goods ones and which ones are a waste of time. How have you guys found good ones to watch?
thanks for watching the video! i have a set amount of people that i like to watch. makeupbytiffanyd is brilliant and also makeupgeektv does wonderful tutorials. if you want to see some amazing talent watch the pixiwoo sisters because they are amazing and seem very lovely too :)


Well-known member
Thanks for the recommendations Lou. I have looked at a few before and wonder why they would want people to see them I will check these out.

Ishmael is finally asleep at almost 3:30AM. Hopefully for a good while so I can now go to bed. If he wakes up and I'm not down here he drags his poor body up the stairs to get me. He then has a hard time coming down the steps. I cut on all the lights so he can see. But he gets scared and it takes a lot of encouraging and 3 or 4 times of standing at the top and ten walking away for him to even attempt it. But he can hardly manage and pretty much slides/falls down the last few. If I stay up late and he sleeps till my husband gets up then I come on down and crash on the sofa. I get my sleep now in two or three hour blocks if I'm lucky. I've been doing this for about a year or so, kind of like having a newborn again. Instead of getting up for feedings I'm getting up for pee breaks and just "I want my mommy" He wants me by his side all the time. . . But you do what you gotta do for your babies even if they're the furry kind.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi ladies! I try to keep up with this thread and I enjoy everyone's post. Sorry if I'm not responding to all your posts.

shadow - Yeah if the HE brands can put better applicators or just remove them and sell them at a cheaper price, I'll be so happy. Hue is so pretty, I'm glad to have it in my life.

Debi - I get bizarre dreams when I'm not well too, so I get what you mean. Don't throw the #19 box, keep it until you are ready to toss it. :) I keep my empty boxes too, from Chanel, and special mac packagings, and other random brands which packaging I like.

Lou - I watched the video on your storage. Love it! The cabinet with most of your mac stuff is such a dream. You know I love your Stitch toy! I'm so relieved for you that you got back the bag. It's the worse feeling to lose things, and I would feel so guilty and angry with myself. Of course your first chanel gloss is precious! ;) Did I tell you I hug my first chanel gloss, Astral, to bed? I had my wisdom tooth removed via surgery then and I felt very sore and couldn't eat. The sparkly gloss made me feel better. lol.


Well-known member
I have no idea why I am up so soon! lol I think I will be crawling back into bed for a bit! Last night I sold another 80.00 and so that allowed me to put through another Chanel order with the leftover money from the last haul! Yay! So far hubby hasn't had to pay a penny towards my obsession with MU, so that is good. However, we were joking on the last super hot day about how I wished it were snowing and Christmas and asked him what he wanted for Christmas. Obviously he said he had no idea....way too early to think about it. I said I wanted scented candles and he quickly said "and makeup!". lol Yes, or money towards it since I prefer picking things out on my own. I have to be careful with browns of any sort. A lot of them, even the pink toned ones, look horrible on me, so I need to be selective!

So, who else wants to play in Lou's MU room? I do! And did I see an oversized cute Dumbo on the floor against your glass cabinet?? Hey, I want to see the NARS collection!!

Oh, and the woman who is selling stuff before she gets it is now being watched very carefully by the moderators. All of them, actually. She has been pretty quiet since we caught her doing this. I went through with this sale, but I won't sell to her again. I don't even know if I have anything else to sell. Maybe 1 or 2 more boxes? I have to go through my collection and see. The good thing is that I will be getting my dream come true. This selling is almost over! I will be done before fall!! I am so excited about that!! And my house is looking so organized with a lot less boxes and tarot piled around! I just need to sell 1 more box of something (and I think I know what) and my entire collection which was house in a bureau, lingerie chest, 4 boxes and overflowing into the den will now all fit in the lingerie chest alone! Fabulous!! Now I am inspired to keep chipping away at it until it is about 2-3 drawers full, not 6! Ah,well... lol I can dream!!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Hi! Welcome back!
Good to see you here again!

Debi - lol too early to think of Christmas. But I want makeup for christmas too!


Well-known member
For those of you who love Zoya - they posted a link to this offer on Twitter:


Well-known member
Lou--My daughter loves Stitch also. She has all kinds of stuff with him on it and a few plushes. She has a big one I bought for her to take away to college with her. My Disney fav is Mickey Mouse. I have stuff from when I was quite young and still get stuff now. I have at least 75 or so MM watches. A couple of years ago my husband bought me a nice lingerie chest for Christmas as I had wanted one for for a long time. I then figured it was perfect for all my watches. I have them stacked so I can get as many as possible in their boxes in it. So I still have the two bottom drawers I use for actual lingerie. I have so much MM stuff it's unbelievable, most of it is put away in the attic until I'm ready to part with it all.

I would like to play in your room also. We could all wear sloppy comfy clothes, eat whoopie pies and play in makeup.

That Zoya n/p is really pretty on you.

Hi Kittykit, hope you're doing well and glad to see you pop in.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Yup we could all play in Lou's makeup room! It will keep us occupied all day. MM is timeless, I like him but I'm not crazy over him. I like the cartoon!

Lou - Crystal is beautiful. I love icey blues and it is so special with the gold glitters. Astral is a pink gloss, very glittery and pretty, if you are at the counter do check it out. I know you are a bath & body works fan. My co-workers are traveling to Boston and there is B&b there, so I may ask them to help me buy something. What are your fav products?

Also to everyone, especially those living in the US and familiar with Boston, any beauty items worth purchasing?


Well-known member
^^Most of my MM items now are gifts. I haven't bought any for myself in quite some time. Family members still like getting things for me. I'm the baby of the family. I wish they would buy me makeup or giftcards instead.

When I lived with my sister and brother-in-law in Kansas City while going to college she decorated one of their guest rooms for me in wall to wall MM with matching lamps and all. She's 8 years older than me and still "takes care of things" for me. I was always sheltered and looked out for. I firgured out recently that I guess the reason why there are so many things that I don't know how to do is that I always had everyone doing it for me. Even when I was 18 and worked in a nursing home the ladies that I worked with were at least 10-15 yrs older and when it came to yucky stuff to do they'd say "oh we'll take care of this honey, why don't you go do such & such" It was nice then but now I feel weird when at 48 there is so much I don't know how to do.


Well-known member
^^Most of my MM items now are gifts. I haven't bought any for myself in quite some time. Family members still like getting things for me. I'm the baby of the family. I wish they would buy me makeup or giftcards instead.

When I lived with my sister and brother-in-law in Kansas City while going to college she decorated one of their guest rooms for me in wall to wall MM with matching lamps and all. She's 8 years older than me and still "takes care of things" for me. I was always sheltered and looked out for. I firgured out recently that I guess the reason why there are so many things that I don't know how to do is that I always had everyone doing it for me. Even when I was 18 and worked in a nursing home the ladies that I worked with were at least 10-15 yrs older and when it came to yucky stuff to do they'd say "oh we'll take care of this honey, why don't you go do such & such" It was nice then but now I feel weird when at 48 there is so much I don't know how to do.
hee hee! i wish i was still seen as a 'baby' and people would take care of me and look after me! life would be easier right?! :) hee hee!

i have a busy day ahead of me again today. plenty of stuff to do at work and guess what? i'm short staffed again today! hooray
i also had an argument with my area manager yesterday who blamed me for being short staffed on staurdays. my sales guys had holidays booked at the start of the year. we can't expect them to just up and cancel them!!
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