Bimbos unite!

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All shopping counts, even if it is a DVD or a lipstick or a box of Q-Tips! Your 70's look sounds fun. I remember wearing flare pants! High wedgies, long hair, Prell, Breck, Maxi dresses and Mood Rings! Then came Earth Shoes, Levis, cords and eventually, the faded jeans! Years later came leg warmers, bubble gum, big hair, disco/punk and ripped jeans! Ah, those were the days...

I have the rose bronzer, and yes, with the stripes. On my face right now. I love it!! Bit of shimmer though. From the pink or perhaps the lighter colours. Very funky! My haul is up in the haul section! Loving RC shines! This is terribly addicting! lol


Well-known member
Hi ladies! :)

Just got back from my NY trip - so much fun! :) It was great to have a few days vacation - I really needed it! I did pick up some goodies, too - got my first INGLOT items! A pretty pinky coral nail polish with molten gold shimmer, and a 5-palette of shadows (I'll have to check up on the colours for you :p). I love them!! Had a great birthday, too - had a big party with Jerome's family in Jersey for graduations/engagement/birthdays/father's day, then we went out for Karaoke in NY :) I also got to see Chicago on Broadway starring Christie Brinkley (not much of a singer, but did well with the physical comedy and acting! :)), and it had an amaaaazing cast.

Debi, I'm so sorry your husband's ruining all your fun! Hopefully this is just a transition period for you both, and once he gets settled you can set up some ground rules and take a nice vacation together away from all of the work drama. Until then, we're here for you! *hugs*

Lou, I've been loving all your videos - I especially loved seeing your collection and the latest smokey eye look! So gorgeous - and I'm definitely jealous (but in a good way :p) of all your goodies! One day, I will have a room and the space to organize all of my makeup just like that! :)

Shadow, I'm so sorry to hear about your fur baby - I know how hard it is, because we had to put my dog down last summer just before my birthday. I still except to see her wagging tail every time I go home! Enjoy every minute with him, but know that it will be an act of kindness to rid him of his pain - stay strong, we're here for you! *hugs*

I just finished the last of my job applications - now all I can do is wait! Just cleaning the house, watching some Angela and prepping for camp while I wait for a phone call!


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I managed to get some pictures up of my stuff! Here's what I got:

Eyeshadows (all "Pearl" finish):

434, 444, 397, 405, 423

They are all gorgeous colours, are buttery smooth, and blend really well. I think my favourite is 434 because it has a slight purple tint to it - the first 3 together make a gorgeous smokey eye! And they honestly end up being cheaper than MAC for a very similar quality! This 5-pan palette was $30. For the palette and all 5 shadows. That's amazing!!! If I had more disposable income, I would have gotten a 20 palette or one of their new 40 palettes! :) Next time.... I'm saving up, now!

Then the nail polish (or enamel, as they call it):


I am loving this colour for summer! It does show brush strokes just a bit, but only if you're looking really closely. The formula was easy to work with, and opaque in 3 thin coats (could have been 2 I think, but I was trying to make my coats really thin so that they would dry faster! :))

OK, I'm done hogging the boards now :) How's everyone doing? Has anyone tried INGLOT before?


Well-known member
I've tried one Inglot shadow! It's, um... hold on, let me go look for it. It's Double Sparkle #467 single shadow. I dunno if I got the name right, but that's what it says. Really peach and shimmery to me. Nothing crazy spectacular about it, but nothing bad either. It could make a nice highlight colour (if you like sparkle) or just a wash on the lid.


Well-known member
Jen~That nail polish is gorgeous!! I love pink pearls! Me want!
i want too! :)

i am in a good mood today. not sure why - the sun is out which is making me happy i guess. and of course i am wearing my chanel gloss which makes me happy and some glitter liner too! i have gone bimbo-tastic today! hee hee! bring on the sparkling glitter in the sun!


Well-known member
Jenn--love your goodies, that n/p is so pretty and summery. I'm glad you had a great time in NY. You deserved a break for some fun. Someday I want to go to some shows on Broadway. Perhaps one day with my daughter. My hubby would hate it.

Thank you for your kind thoughts on Ishmael. He's going downhill rather quickly now. My daughter is finishing up a course so we don't want her dealing with this along with her term paper and final. So it'll be just over 2 weeks when I have to say goodbye.

I thought I would share my plan for Ishmael here with you guys. I hope you don't think I'm a weird nut case.

We are going to have him cremated. My husband wasn't so much for this but I told him a few years ago that's what I wanted. About a year ago I bought a special pet urn that there is a place on the front where I can put his picture.

There's a lady close by that runs "Littlest Angels Pet Crematory " I talked to her several months ago and she was so caring and supportive and talked to me about the decsion to have a pet put down is the hardest but an unselfish act out of love for your pet. She said she does it for her love of animals and that several years back she couldn't find anyone that seemed to have their heart in it when she needed theis service. She said she hated the places that will do several animals at once and that what you get is only partially your pet mixed in with others. That's really creepy to me. I'm sorry if that offended anyone. I know some people do choose that way. She will only do one animal at a time. At the shelter where my daughter has volunteered forever there was a cat, Bishop that lived there. Bishop ran the place and he let you know that. Not long after he passed we were there and the lady my daughter worked with a lot called us back to the office and showed us how nicely things were done. The lady from Littlest Angels had everything fixed so lovely with a beautifully printed poem and a lock of Bishop's fur tied with a ribbon. That's how I found out about this lady. I asked about her at our vet's office and they said oh yeh, she's the best, there's no one else like her or who will treat your pet with such love and care.

My husband was talking to a guy at work recently and they had to put their dog down and had him cremated. They used some other place and paid almost $250. This lady charges $125 with an urn and $100 if you have your own. She also picks up your pet from the vet's office and delivers after and that's included in the cost. So when she said she didn't do it for the money and just charged a bit over the cost I certainly believe it. By the way the guy at my hubby's office that paid $250, his brother did it the other way with his dog. It didn't bother him that it was only a part of his dog and then others mixed in. He still paid $180 for that.

I know some people, probably my family included thinks this is silly to do. But as I've said before Ishmael really is my baby and he was a gift to me from my husband. We both checked out all the breeders and once we chose one then I chose him from the litter. He is my first "real" pet. We had a couple of cats that hung around some when I was growing up and a dog here and there. We fed them and all but they weren't really part of the family. I guess they kind of belonged to the whole neighborhood. Ishmael is definitely part of this family and is at my feet right now.

I was not prepared for how much I love him and how much he is a part of me and how he has helped me through some really bad bumps in the road. If someone would have told me I would feel this way 16 yrs ago I would not have believed them at all. I hope you guys don't think I'm crazy for wanting "him" close to me. I don't plan on this for our other furbabies. They will have a special little part in the backyard with little markers made for them. I have told my daughter though that if she wants to do this for her Snowflake when it's time that we'll pay for it. Snowflake has slept on her own pillow that sits sideways to my daughter's pillow (like an L or more like a 7) for almost 17 yrs. My daughter doesn't know if she wants to do that or keep Snowflake and Rascal together since they are sisters and have them burried next to each other.


Well-known member
Sorry for my above long odd post.

I am coming to terms with all this and I believe typing all that out just now really helped me to see that this is an act of love. And it's something I must do for him not to him.
Thank you for your support, you guys are the greatest.

Debi--those Chanel goodies sound so pretty. I'm afraid once I go play at their counter I will be drawn in by it all. That's why when I went by to ask about the foundations I did not let my eye roam. I have one Chanel l/s that was a gift a year or so ago and I must say it feels great on and is very soft and smooth. That would be a very expensice addiction. My hubby would not be happy. But I may have to get something special here and there. With Chanel you do get the quality for the price and not just a name.

Had a giggle at your 70's clothes. Remember the elephant leg pants? They were high waisted and the legs all the way down were very wide. I loved those. Oh and the Gunne Sax dresses. My sister had some really pretty ones. She was in high school when they were popular. She graduated in 1973. She saved some of hers and gave them to my daughter. She had some midi and maxi length. How could we forget about the earth shoes? fun memories.


Well-known member
Sorry for my above long odd post.

I am coming to terms with all this and I believe typing all that out just now really helped me to see that this is an act of love. And it's something I must do for him not to him.
Thank you for your support, you guys are the greatest.

Debi--those Chanel goodies sound so pretty. I'm afraid once I go play at their counter I will be drawn in by it all. That's why when I went by to ask about the foundations I did not let my eye roam. I have one Chanel l/s that was a gift a year or so ago and I must say it feels great on and is very soft and smooth. That would be a very expensice addiction. My hubby would not be happy. But I may have to get something special here and there. With Chanel you do get the quality for the price and not just a name.

Had a giggle at your 70's clothes. Remember the elephant leg pants? They were high waisted and the legs all the way down were very wide. I loved those. Oh and the Gunne Sax dresses. My sister had some really pretty ones. She was in high school when they were popular. She graduated in 1973. She saved some of hers and gave them to my daughter. She had some midi and maxi length. How could we forget about the earth shoes? fun memories.
I don't feel that your post is odd at all. in fact i think it is a beautiful thing to do. in fact i had no idea that people could do that kind of service for your pets but when my babies are older i shall look into if anybody in my local area does this because i think it is lovely to be able to keep them with you like that. i am sure that some people would find it odd - but because i am like you and my kitties are my babies i completely understand and think it is wonderful.


Well-known member
Dear Shadowaddict,

Nah not weird or strange or odd at all. You are very normal and healthy and aware to make these decisions. Sounds like Little Angels is a great option. Often vets will arrange for a group or individual cremation at a greater cost. For our beloved we did an individual too and there are many pet urns because it is common. The cost is reasonable; especially considering how much peace that it will give you. Really it's cheap for a big comfort and a way to honour your Ishmael as he gave so so much during his lifetime.
We did the same and actually we live near the Purina pet hall of fame and every year they have a weekend that focuses on pets and grieving - I will try and get you "the poem" that they pass out during this time.


Well-known member
Lou~You sound delightfully glittery today! Good for you! I have a very frosty nail polish on and loving it. I am such a throw back to decades ago, but I'm having fun! Actually it is by OPI, day three and going strong. I love it! I have strayed away a bit from Zoya for 2 reasons. Maybe three. lol OPI does not recede like Zoya does, or at least not as badly. I prefer OPI frosts over Zoya Metallics which sometimes look like foil on my nails rather than flattering. And Zoya makes my nails peel. Not the nail polish, but the actually nail. Something in the ingredients or the way it adheres weakens the nails. I have seen this complaint now on their FB page and on other forums, so I am not the only one experiencing this. My nails are strong and healthy, so I will be wearing Zoya less, which is a pity. :(

Shadowaddict~Nothing strange about it at all. Lots of people get pet urns and either have them buried in a pet cemetery or keep the urns with them. It is actually a very good idea in case you move. My 2 cats are buried deep in the ground behind our garage which has been turned into a lovely garden with two granite markers for them. I needed them to be close to the house. But if we ever moved I would be heartbroken. They are here and I want to watch over them as long as possible. I told my husband I am staying until I am 100 yrs old. :)

Gunne Sax dresses!!! I have a few skirts and LOVED them. In fact I wore one (pink and lavender florals) for my High School graduation in 1980 with super wedge sandals, a dark tan (the only year I ever had a dark tan!) and long rippled hair down my entire back. People said I looked like Brooke Shields without the eyebrows in Blue Lagoon! lol I should try to find a picture, though think they might all be at my parents. Oh, maybe one is here. I'll check. I have never changed. From those it went to Laura Ashley and I still love flowing skirts, which between that, tarot and my bracelet stacks my mother calls me a gypsy. Ah, well. Bohemian is in, right?


Well-known member
Lou~You sound delightfully glittery today! Good for you! I have a very frosty nail polish on and loving it. I am such a throw back to decades ago, but I'm having fun! Actually it is by OPI, day three and going strong. I love it! I have strayed away a bit from Zoya for 2 reasons. Maybe three. lol OPI does not recede like Zoya does, or at least not as badly. I prefer OPI frosts over Zoya Metallics which sometimes look like foil on my nails rather than flattering. And Zoya makes my nails peel. Not the nail polish, but the actually nail. Something in the ingredients or the way it adheres weakens the nails. I have seen this complaint now on their FB page and on other forums, so I am not the only one experiencing this. My nails are strong and healthy, so I will be wearing Zoya less, which is a pity. :(

Shadowaddict~Nothing strange about it at all. Lots of people get pet urns and either have them buried in a pet cemetery or keep the urns with them. It is actually a very good idea in case you move. My 2 cats are buried deep in the ground behind our garage which has been turned into a lovely garden with two granite markers for them. I needed them to be close to the house. But if we ever moved I would be heartbroken. They are here and I want to watch over them as long as possible. I told my husband I am staying until I am 100 yrs old. :)

Gunne Sax dresses!!! I have a few skirts and LOVED them. In fact I wore one (pink and lavender florals) for my High School graduation in 1980 with super wedge sandals, a dark tan (the only year I ever had a dark tan!) and long rippled hair down my entire back. People said I looked like Brooke Shields without the eyebrows in Blue Lagoon! lol I should try to find a picture, though think they might all be at my parents. Oh, maybe one is here. I'll check. I have never changed. From those it went to Laura Ashley and I still love flowing skirts, which between that, tarot and my bracelet stacks my mother calls me a gypsy. Ah, well. Bohemian is in, right?
Oh no, Debi, I'm sorry to hear that about Zoya! Good to know, though - I'll probably steer clear of most of their stuff - there are lots of other NP brands that I know and love! :) And that was such a sweet way to lay your cats to rest - with a beautiful garden!

I definitely want to see this Brooke Shields picture - you, tanned?!?! lol I did get a little bit tanned while I was in NJ/NY, and it feels very strange! I still look pasty white next to Jerome, though :p


Well-known member
lol I forgot how dark I was and that I didn't have bangs that year. I went back to them the following autumn. I was thin, trim, dark and I look Italian! You can see my Gunne Sax skirt peeking out from under the graduation robes, but alas, no shot of the shoes in this picture. How do you like the funky 70's curtains in the back? lol This was graduation night, June, 1980, 17 years young!



Well-known member
lol I forgot how dark I was and that I didn't have bangs that year. I went back to them the following autumn. I was thin, trim, dark and I look Italian! You can see my Gunne Sax skirt peeking out from under the graduation robes, but alas, no shot of the shoes in this picture. How do you like the funky 70's curtains in the back? lol This was graduation night, June, 1980, 17 years young!

oh Debi you look so cute! I love the curtains! i don't think they could look anymore 70's if they tried! hee hee! I love that you dug this picture out for us! you rock! and i am sorry that Zoya is making your nails peel. that is no good at all :( i have rubbish peeling nails anyway so i don't tend to see a difference!

Red and purple eyes tutorial - here is my latest video - a pretty look but perhaps not for everyone :)


Well-known member
lol I look about 12 years old, instead of 17. A friend saw it years ago and again said I reminded her of that famous Brooke Shields look (long brown hair, tanned skin) that was so popular in the day. Except she looked sultry and I look like a little mouse! It is kind of funny because my father despised Brooke Shields, as she was so young and doing such risque commercials (Calvin Klein). He would turn off the TV whenever Blue Lagoon or Calvin commercials came on and I was not allowed to see that movie. I didn't see it until I was married and had cable! And yes, the scene where they are dancing to the music box and she is in a long, Victorian high-necked lace wedding dress does look like me in those days. I can't find a photo of that scene. Everyone just concentrates on the nudity of the movie. Very few people know it is accurately based on a novel written in 1908!

Yes, my mother was super into her browns and pumpkin colours. The rug was a deep orange. Scary! I think they finally took these down in 1989! The peeling nails issue was quickly fixed with filing, buffing, and not using Zoya much. My nails are more supple wihen I use OPI, so that is interesting. At least they have always grown fast! Must check out your tutorial!


Well-known member
lol I look about 12 years old, instead of 17. A friend saw it years ago and again said I reminded her of that famous Brooke Shields look (long brown hair, tanned skin) that was so popular in the day. Except she looked sultry and I look like a little mouse! It is kind of funny because my father despised Brooke Shields, as she was so young and doing such risque commercials (Calvin Klein). He would turn off the TV whenever Blue Lagoon or Calvin commercials came on and I was not allowed to see that movie. I didn't see it until I was married and had cable! And yes, the scene where they are dancing to the music box and she is in a long, Victorian high-necked lace wedding dress does look like me in those days. I can't find a photo of that scene. Everyone just concentrates on the nudity of the movie. Very few people know it is accurately based on a novel written in 1908!
Yes, my mother was super into her browns and pumpkin colours. The rug was a deep orange. Scary! I think they finally took these down in 1989! The peeling nails issue was quickly fixed with filing, buffing, and not using Zoya much. My nails are more supple wihen I use OPI, so that is interesting. At least they have always grown fast! Must check out your tutorial!
oh your dad sounds funny!! turning off the tv is extreme! my parents were weird about that kind of thing when i was younger though. if there were ever something 'naughty' on a film they would skip past it on the vcr telling me i shouldn't watch 'filth'! wth?! one memorable 'filth' moment is in edward scissor hands where one of the ladies mounts edward in a chair and kisses him - rather tame really! i was about 14 when i finally saw what happened in that scene! lol!


Well-known member
rofl! And they were completely dressed. lol We watch Edward all the time. I love Tim Burton! Seriously, there is sooo much worse on TV. My father comes from a long line of strict parents, most of the men (his grandfather and beyond) were Congregational ministers who fled England back in the 1600's. Anyhow, that Puritanical blood ran through strong. No swearing ever, work don't play (I actually helped my father put new shingles on our roof at age 10!) and I wasn't allowed to watch cartoons on a Saturday morning unless I was sick, and even then he preferred me to read a book or anything else! Boy did I rebel once I came home from college! Not in a bad way but firmly let them know as I was paying rent and working full time I would also be living my own life! So much so that I bought my own full sized Christmas tree, my own tv and many other things and turned my bedroom into an apartment! I had a very, um, interesting upbringing. Now they aren't scary anymore. Well, maybe a little. Mostly they are just really old! But yeah, he really had a hate thing for Brooke. He didn't like his little girl growing up. He hated me in makeup and I wore it super light. But I had their permission so he was stuck!! :)

P.S.~For that lovely dark bronzy tan? I used nothing but Baby Oil Wooo, I am lucky I don't have skin cancer!


Well-known member
Thanks to all of you for understanding my memorial for Ishmael. It will keep him even closer to my heart. We have a smallish rolltop desk that has a flat top that I have some framed pics of Ishmael and a few sheltie figurines and a very heavy brass sheltie (seriously if someone broke in I could bash them with that thing:) my hubby bought me several years ago. I plan to put the urn there. It sits off to one end near a corner of the living room. Our living room is weird. It's long but seems kind of narrow because of the length. Anyway I think it will be comforting having "him" where we spend most of our time like he always ahas done.

I think the cost is more than reasonable. I really had no idea of what it would be until I talked to the lady. I even made a face when I asked her. I was shocked because in my head I was thinking maybe even three times that.

WWJD--How cool to live near the Purina pet hall of fame. That is great that they do the weekend every year dedicated to pets and grieving. I would love it if you couuld get me a copy of that poem. Thank you.

Debi--the garden sounds lovely. That's what I have in mind for our kitties. There''s lots of different makers you can order online and I thought planting flowers would be nice too.

I love your graduation pic. You look so cute. We are both class of 1980. Oh those pumpkin colors. I remember the Brown, Avocado Green & Havest Gold appliances, We had kind of a harvest gold carpeting and drapes not far off from yours and oranges mixed in the decor as well. I grew to loathe those colors.

I also used to bake myself but probably much more than you. Having a big sister that let me tag along contributed as well. Iodine and baby oil, what were we thinking. Add to that my boyfriend had a ski boat so we spent many long days on the lake with friends. It's a wonder I haven't ruined my poor skin forever.

Oh yes I loved the Laura Ashley dresses also.

My mom wouldn't let me read "Ode to Billy Joe" when I was 15. I think it came out in 1976 and after my sister read it I wanted to. I never read anything back then so my mother should have been happy I even wanted to read any book. It's funny my sister and I were talking about this a few years ago and she said she still had that book. She brought it to me on her next visit. I have it in one of my little wooden boxes and have yet to read it even though it is quite short. I did see the movie with Robbie Benson way back and I have the song on cd. My daughter loves the song also.

A bit off topic here but when I was in 3rd grade I dreading so much going into to 4th grade because girls could no longer wear pants. Thank goodness they changed the rules right before school stated that year. Girls 4th grade and up had to wear dresses or skirts. Seems so odd now with all the stuff kids wear to school. But that's how it was in the 60's & 70's in the bible belt. I'm sure there's way more than I remember that would sound so silly now.


Well-known member
Jenn- Good luck on your job serches for you both.

That's odd about your ring. My daughter is so very allergic to nickel. I have always had to coat the inside metal buttons on her jeans and everything else with metal with clear nail polish. She can't wear many earrings or much jewlry at all. Her blue topaz ring that was her Sweet 16 "Daddy gift" is white gold and either 14k or 18k. Also the diamond ring we got her for her high school graduation is the same. Her grandparents got her a diamond cross for hs graduation also. None of them bother her. She doesn't wear the cross but she never takes off her rings. I do try to have the Rodium coating redone every 2-3 yrs to keep them shiny and bright but also to prevent any allergies. You probably already know all of this but I thought I'd post this in case it may help.

Q. What does "rhodium" have to do with white gold jewelry?

A. Rhodium is also a precious metal. In fact, it's about ten times costlier than gold! But it is generally not considered a feasible material to make solid jewelry from because it is stressed and brittle, is very difficult to "work" properly for jewelry making, and it's price is very volatile (sometimes it's 5x as costly as gold, sometimes 25x) But rhodium is fabulous as a plating for jewelry because it is glitteringly, dazzlingly, white and mirror-like. It's like chrome, only more so, and much whiter.

Rhodium plating makes diamonds look bigger and better because it's so bright that it's hard to see where the stones end and the metal begins. Nothing sets off diamonds like rhodium plating does -- but it is only a plating and therefore it will wear off and require replating.


Well-known member
Thanks to all of you for understanding my memorial for Ishmael. It will keep him even closer to my heart. We have a smallish rolltop desk that has a flat top that I have some framed pics of Ishmael and a few sheltie figurines and a very heavy brass sheltie (seriously if someone broke in I could bash them with that thing:) my hubby bought me several years ago. I plan to put the urn there. It sits off to one end near a corner of the living room. Our living room is weird. It's long but seems kind of narrow because of the length. Anyway I think it will be comforting having "him" where we spend most of our time like he always ahas done.

I think the cost is more than reasonable. I really had no idea of what it would be until I talked to the lady. I even made a face when I asked her. I was shocked because in my head I was thinking maybe even three times that.

WWJD--How cool to live near the Purina pet hall of fame. That is great that they do the weekend every year dedicated to pets and grieving. I would love it if you couuld get me a copy of that poem. Thank you.

Debi--the garden sounds lovely. That's what I have in mind for our kitties. There''s lots of different makers you can order online and I thought planting flowers would be nice too.

I love your graduation pic. You look so cute. We are both class of 1980. Oh those pumpkin colors. I remember the Brown, Avocado Green & Havest Gold appliances, We had kind of a harvest gold carpeting and drapes not far off from yours and oranges mixed in the decor as well. I grew to loathe those colors.

I also used to bake myself but probably much more than you. Having a big sister that let me tag along contributed as well. Iodine and baby oil, what were we thinking. Add to that my boyfriend had a ski boat so we spent many long days on the lake with friends. It's a wonder I haven't ruined my poor skin forever.

Oh yes I loved the Laura Ashley dresses also.

My mom wouldn't let me read "Ode to Billy Joe" when I was 15. I think it came out in 1976 and after my sister read it I wanted to. I never read anything back then so my mother should have been happy I even wanted to read any book. It's funny my sister and I were talking about this a few years ago and she said she still had that book. She brought it to me on her next visit. I have it in one of my little wooden boxes and have yet to read it even though it is quite short. I did see the movie with Robbie Benson way back and I have the song on cd. My daughter loves the song also.

A bit off topic here but when I was in 3rd grade I dreading so much going into to 4th grade because girls could no longer wear pants. Thank goodness they changed the rules right before school stated that year. Girls 4th grade and up had to wear dresses or skirts. Seems so odd now with all the stuff kids wear to school. But that's how it was in the 60's & 70's in the bible belt. I'm sure there's way more than I remember that would sound so silly now.
oh yes i think the price is really good that the lady charges. she obviouslly is a caring person to charge such a low price and to provide such a service :)

when i was at school you had to wear a skirt. only when i was nearly finishing school were we finally able to wear black trousers! all the girls wore trousers because they were more comfortable. obviously on top we had to wear a white shirt, tie and the school jumper. school uniforms suck!!

today i have somebody from another store coming to help out. i haven't worked with him before but spoken over the phone many times and he seems quite nice :) so lets hope that it all goes well today!
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