I have a little trick for you, Lou. Whenever you need to get an animal to poop (or pee) slowly whistle a tune, as low a whistle as you can. It sounds insane, but I learned this while a groom/hotwalker/exercise girl at a thoroughbred race farm. (Yes, long story, was thin, loved animals, almost became a jockey before I almost became a nun. lol) The low whistle relaxes them and whenever we had to get poop samples to check for worms, we did it to each horse and voila! Poopies! Same with my cats. Whenever I had to get a sample for the vet for their annual visit, if they had not gone yet, I closed myself in with my cat in the bathroom where their box was. They would go into the box, sometimes turn around several times and even meow and then the digging began! Poop! Other times I would stay outside the door and whistle a slow, low tune and once again, poop! Just don't do it when they are somewhere you don't want them to poop. Hehehe. Of course sometimes I got silly and when walking by the bathroom while my husband was in there, I would start to whistle and he would tell me to get away from him. lol
Bet ya never expected to hear this advice on Specktra!

Bet ya never expected to hear this advice on Specktra!