Bimbos unite!

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Well-known member
Lou~Let us know when you are home safe, please! I will feel better knowing you are safely surrounded by cats, family and MU! It must be so scary over there right now and so creepy not knowing what to expect next. I know we were all appalled at the actions of people during and right after hurricane Katrina in our country. A time when people should have been helping each other out and standing by one another, turned on each other, looted, raped, murdered, you name it. I know a lot of people who used to live in that area or visited it annually and they have now all left or won't ever go back. It is a ruin and a black mark on our history. We can learn a lot from the way people acted from that terrible tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004 where some of the poorest of people helped out tourists, risking their own lives to save them, while they themselves had lost everything; family, homes, businesses, land. No looting, no harming, just open and loving arms trying to deal their best with such devastation. Sigh...


Well-known member
Lou~Let us know when you are home safe, please! I will feel better knowing you are safely surrounded by cats, family and MU! It must be so scary over there right now and so creepy not knowing what to expect next. I know we were all appalled at the actions of people during and right after hurricane Katrina in our country. A time when people should have been helping each other out and standing by one another, turned on each other, looted, raped, murdered, you name it. I know a lot of people who used to live in that area or visited it annually and they have now all left or won't ever go back. It is a ruin and a black mark on our history. We can learn a lot from the way people acted from that terrible tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004 where some of the poorest of people helped out tourists, risking their own lives to save them, while they themselves had lost everything; family, homes, businesses, land. No looting, no harming, just open and loving arms trying to deal their best with such devastation. Sigh...
oh i am home and so is nick. i just heard on the news some horrid people made out like they were going to help some person who has injuries, but when they got to him they mugged him! what is going on? :( and the actions after hurricane Katrina sound truly terrible. the world is full of sick people :(


Well-known member
OMG Lou. You stay away from your store. I don't want you getting hurt. :( Stay well hidden in your house, put some glitter n/p on and snuggle kitties. xo

Miss QQ

Well-known member

I saw that part too. That is totally sick. Stay safe and my thoughts are with you.


Well-known member
I saw that part too. That is totally sick. Stay safe and my thoughts are with you.
thanks sweetie! all your thoughts obviously worked because things were fine :) now i just have a long day with people from head office :( boo!

i am also wearing some of my shadows from the ud 15th aniversary palette - soooo pretty! i wrote a blog post yesterday and i shall film a video on my palettes at the weekend :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ :) Glad to know you are well. Hope the situation gets under control quickly. What are your thoughts on the UD palette? Do you like the packaging? Is it bigger than NYC? I look forward to your video! I saw your post on the nars glosses. I have Turkish Delight and it smells. It also settles into the lines like you said. Sadly, I only have one nars gloss and it didn't impress me. But I like the colour very much. I want more nars eyeshadow duos! Currently I only have Elsa and I love it.


Well-known member
I think I am the only one who adores NARS lip glosses. They wear so well and long lasting on me, I have never noticed a smell from them and have a keen sense of smell, and they never settle into lines, though I don't really have lines on my lips anyhow! My lips are pretty full and smooth, especially for my age. They make my favourite glosses!

So happy to hear you are safe, Lou. I was thinking of you as I listened to the news saying the riots had spread to Manchester and the Midlands. I also watched a video of an older black woman confronting the youths and swearing and telling them off and they didn't lay a hand on her. They stopped and listened. Maybe because she was one of their own. Brave, brave woman with a lot of wisdom.

Presently watching Jane Eyre....the latest version. Dark and creepy. Can't wait to meet Bertha! lol


Well-known member
Hurrah! Just sold another $175.00 in tarot! About time!!! People are starting to return from summer vacations. Wish me luck in selling a bit more.Then this will finally be over and I will have a lot more time to devote to playing! Not to mention my den will be a lot neater without all the boxes, piles, and packing material! I'm psyched!!


Well-known member
Hurrah! Just sold another $175.00 in tarot! About time!!! People are starting to return from summer vacations. Wish me luck in selling a bit more.Then this will finally be over and I will have a lot more time to devote to playing! Not to mention my den will be a lot neater without all the boxes, piles, and packing material! I'm psyched!!
woo hoo!! yay to more selling and a nice and tidy den! hee hee!

today my visit from the people at ho went well. my area manager was in a good mood and was saying nice things about the store and such which made me happy. once again all stock had to be taken out from the windows though just in case so my back hurts. now it is chucking it down with rain and i'm sat snuggled in bed with a cup of tea. i just filmed a voice over for this weeks tutorial. oh and for those interested here is a blog post - An eye popping FOTD - i was shocked at how bright my eyes looked using these colours!


Well-known member
my friend has an autistic brother and he was mugged last night... WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!

All this started because a police man shot a man who was carrying a gun.. im sorry if u carry a gun, the police have a right to shoot you if you point it at them


Well-known member
my friend has an autistic brother and he was mugged last night... WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!

All this started because a police man shot a man who was carrying a gun.. im sorry if u carry a gun, the police have a right to shoot you if you point it at them
man that s so cruel and heartless :( it is all so bloody crazy and stupid. i hope the poor guy was ok.


Well-known member
my friend has an autistic brother and he was mugged last night... WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!

All this started because a police man shot a man who was carrying a gun.. im sorry if u carry a gun, the police have a right to shoot you if you point it at them

Oh my goodness. That is so sad and horrible. I mean how low can these people go? I hope he is ok. I bet it scared him so much, perhaps more so than some other person.

I totally agree. If I were a police officer and someone pulled a gun on me there would be no waiting to see if he would actually pull the trigger. I'd shoot the bastard. I feel the same way no matter who the officer may be. He or she is someone's parent, sibling, son or daughter and loved one. They are putting their lives at risk every single moment to provide public protection and they deserve to be able to protect themselves as well.

An officer was shot and killed here in my state recently when he was called to what was thought to be a routine traffic incident. It turned out to be a domestic dispute and the man shot the policeman. He had a wife and 6 month old baby left without a father because of this idiot.

Sorry to rant on, I have very strong feelings when it comes to violence. I guess it stems from being in such an abusive marriage.


Well-known member
Oh my goodness. That is so sad and horrible. I mean how low can these people go? I hope he is ok. I bet it scared him so much, perhaps more so than some other person.
I totally agree. If I were a police officer and someone pulled a gun on me there would be no waiting to see if he would actually pull the trigger. I'd shoot the bastard. I feel the same way no matter who the officer may be. He or she is someone's parent, sibling, son or daughter and loved one. They are putting their lives at risk every single moment to provide public protection and they deserve to be able to protect themselves as well.

An officer was shot and killed here in my state recently when he was called to what was thought to be a routine traffic incident. It turned out to be a domestic dispute and the man shot the policeman. He had a wife and 6 month old baby left without a father because of this idiot.

Sorry to rant on, I have very strong feelings when it comes to violence. I guess it stems from being in such an abusive marriage.
i'm the same as you - i strongly dissagree with violence of any kind. there is never a need for it in my opinion. however if somebody is causing issues and could potentially kill or hurt somebody else then action should be taken. sorry that you were in an abusive marriage too sweetie - i know how terrible bieng in a relationship like that can be.

luckily today there isn't as much going on - fingers crossed the rioters have stopped this crazyness.


Well-known member
Hi Deb,

I got Tiber, which is close in colour to Chelsea Girls (NARS Lip Lacquer), which is a personal favourite. Then I was mixing away to try and get a colour close to Belize (my other favourite) and chose to get Como which is a shimmering raspberry/plum but actually just perfectly enhances my natural lip colour on it's own and when a bit added to Tiber it is pretty close to Belize :)
They are really pigmented as I find all of NARS glosses are, but these have more staying power.
I've read a person on Sephora saying the brush, made for precise/controlled application, is too mini, but I seriously can extract more gloss from the brush on the back of my hand than a foam applicator, so I think they have never felt/painted with a lip brush and just mistake the feel of sponge on their lips for gloss lol! If you are looking for a long-lasting gloss than these are the bomb! I think you'll like Place Vendome and Coeur Sucre - they're pink ;-) ... The Springbreak colour reminds me of Striptease, but with shimmer.
These glosses are lanolin-free which makes them wearable for me and arguably Vegan if that's a concern. I think lanolin typically gives the creamy, buttery feel; whereas these glosses feel like vitamin E (jojoba oil, I think is high vitamin E) - which is soooo healing for lips; my lips do look a better today, but perhaps it's their happiness lol!!!

Lou! I think they're a dream!


Well-known member
Lou~I hope things continue to improve over there. I have heard from all corners of England how nervous my FB and other friends are and it seems very few are untouched by this; that rioters were nearby or in towns not far away from them, and everyone very nervous. I can't believe the destruction and saw a photo of the Sony Distribution Centre. Really hard to looks like a bomb or a terrorist act. Where are the parents of these youths? Patting them on the back and rejoicing over their new TV's and other things? If I had a kid who was involved with this I would turn him/her over to the police and say, "Do as you please". I have zero toleration for violence or revenge. :(

WWJD~Love the description of those NARS glosses and am definitely going to check them out. They sound perfect!!! Long wearing is a plus on me!

Today I get some goodies in the mail so looking forward to that and the weather has changed. Cool, dry, breezy, gorgeous! All the windows are open and it feels wonderful! A bit of a hint of the autumn yet to come!! I want to go shopping, but my cramps have kicked in. I am so sleepy, too. So if you all hear snoring at a distance....

Oh, Lou! I thought of another video request!! How to use MAC Beauty Powders! I have them. Now what the heck do I do with them? lol


Well-known member
Lou~I hope things continue to improve over there. I have heard from all corners of England how nervous my FB and other friends are and it seems very few are untouched by this; that rioters were nearby or in towns not far away from them, and everyone very nervous. I can't believe the destruction and saw a photo of the Sony Distribution Centre. Really hard to looks like a bomb or a terrorist act. Where are the parents of these youths? Patting them on the back and rejoicing over their new TV's and other things? If I had a kid who was involved with this I would turn him/her over to the police and say, "Do as you please". I have zero toleration for violence or revenge. :(

WWJD~Love the description of those NARS glosses and am definitely going to check them out. They sound perfect!!! Long wearing is a plus on me!

Today I get some goodies in the mail so looking forward to that and the weather has changed. Cool, dry, breezy, gorgeous! All the windows are open and it feels wonderful! A bit of a hint of the autumn yet to come!! I want to go shopping, but my cramps have kicked in. I am so sleepy, too. So if you all hear snoring at a distance....

Oh, Lou! I thought of another video request!! How to use MAC Beauty Powders! I have them. Now what the heck do I do with them? lol
I thik things will quieten down over the next few days with a bit of luck. some have been killed and others badly hurt. surely it can't go on? and enjoy your goodies that arrive today!

i'm still at work right now but will be going out for a meal with nick and some friends tonight! yay! i can have some pear cider :)


Well-known member
What a day. On a weird note I received a threatening letter from one of the moderators on the tarot forum telling me she knows there is a group on FB saying nasty things about her and that she has reported in to FB, etc., etc, and will take legal action! I told her to get her info correct. I am no part of the group and never said anything about her. How dare she threaten anyone as to what they say about her anywhere else. Freedom of speech? Hello?? If she has done wrong and people are angry, then I have a feeling people are going to say things about her and no one apparently used her real name, so...why am I being dragged into yet another crappy arguement from that place? Jeepers.

On a happier note I got my new supremes from MAC, but still need to try them on! Ooh, just tried the pumpkin-like coloured one on. lol Weird, but kinda fun! Good for a unique autumn fairy look! Sheer Mandarin. Looks like something that nasty lady in Edward Scissorhands would wear. Super funky. lol Hehehe.... I think I will sneak up on hubby in the other room and scare him. :)


Well-known member
What a day. On a weird note I received a threatening letter from one of the moderators on the tarot forum telling me she knows there is a group on FB saying nasty things about her and that she has reported in to FB, etc., etc, and will take legal action! I told her to get her info correct. I am no part of the group and never said anything about her. How dare she threaten anyone as to what they say about her anywhere else. Freedom of speech? Hello?? If she has done wrong and people are angry, then I have a feeling people are going to say things about her and no one apparently used her real name, so...why am I being dragged into yet another crappy arguement from that place? Jeepers.

On a happier note I got my new supremes from MAC, but still need to try them on! Ooh, just tried the pumpkin-like coloured one on. lol Weird, but kinda fun! Good for a unique autumn fairy look! Sheer Mandarin. Looks like something that nasty lady in Edward Scissorhands would wear. Super funky. lol Hehehe.... I think I will sneak up on hubby in the other room and scare him. :)
what the heck is wrong with this person?! Debi I never see you say anything nasty on facebook so what the heck is she talking about?! You need to get the heck off there as soon as possible. How dare she send you a threatening letter!

Oh the pumpkin looking one is calling out to me as well! I have no idea why and i don't think it will suit me but the colour is so different from anything else i have! enjoy!!

we went out for a meal last night which was very nice :) i had some pear cider! woo hoo! now i only have two days left of wqork until my day off! i will enjoy my sunday off for sure because i have to work all 6 days next week - my am is having a weeks holiday so i have to come in each day!
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