Bimbos unite!

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Well-known member
Well, slander and defamation are illegal, so definitely wise not to be a part of it.

What a day. On a weird note I received a threatening letter from one of the moderators on the tarot forum telling me she knows there is a group on FB saying nasty things about her and that she has reported in to FB, etc., etc, and will take legal action! I told her to get her info correct. I am no part of the group and never said anything about her. How dare she threaten anyone as to what they say about her anywhere else. Freedom of speech? Hello?? If she has done wrong and people are angry, then I have a feeling people are going to say things about her and no one apparently used her real name, so...why am I being dragged into yet another crappy arguement from that place? Jeepers.

On a happier note I got my new supremes from MAC, but still need to try them on! Ooh, just tried the pumpkin-like coloured one on. lol Weird, but kinda fun! Good for a unique autumn fairy look! Sheer Mandarin. Looks like something that nasty lady in Edward Scissorhands would wear. Super funky. lol Hehehe.... I think I will sneak up on hubby in the other room and scare him. :)


Well-known member
No one is slandering her. She has been very nasty to forumers since the beginning, always judging people, bullying them and not at all what a moderator should be. Helpful and compassionate are the last words I would ever use to describe her. So a bunch who have recently been attacked decided to voice their opinions on a private conversation on FB, and one apparently finked them out and gave her the names of who was on the list. I never received an invite list but suddenly I got the pop-ups of every person's comments. I finally figured out how to drop out of the group and left a few days ago. I told her my opinion, she and I had it out on our own ages ago, so my feelings towards her are no surprise to her. But she has not written since. I told her to get her facts straight before attacking me on something I didn't even participate on. In the meantime I have begun cutting down my FB friends that originated from AT and are still active there as well as any trouble makers. For heaven's sake, I use FB to chat with friends, family and play Fairy Land. How harmful is that? I have no fears. FB isn't going to do anything for her. She needs to cool off and learn to take what she has dealt out numerous times. Gosh I hate that place. But I am in the middle of transactions and can't just leave. I have sales going on right now with buyers. You don't just walk away from that, especially when they have money orders coming to me in the mail.

Anyhow! Another gorgeous day though a bit warmer. Hubby took the day off to get yard work done and I am nursing a sore shoulder, so it is books and simple pleasures for me as I watch the dust accumulate on my furniture!

Lou~The pumpkin one is a riot. I love the colour, will never wear it out, wish that I could! lol Yellow orange lips! But I will find a good use for it. Makes a nice Thanksgiving or Halloween lipstick! I was playing with them last night. I am also head over heels with Dior Ultra Glosses and have begun a small collection of them! Lots of pretty shimmer and very colourful! I love it when I discover another awesome product!

Time for a late breakfast! We slept in! :)


Well-known member
sorry about all the issues with this lady Debi. She seems like a piece of work!!

what has everybody got planned for the weekend? tomorrow i am working (shocker yes!?!) and on sunday i shall be staying home and relaxing. partly due to no money and also because i have a few blog posts to write and me and nick shall watch some movies. hopefully it will be a fun day!


Well-known member
She is just being a pain as usual, but to attack me (and oddly singled me out, so I am trying to figure that one out) for something I didn't even do, I just don't get it. But I told her off and she has been silent. I think she knows that she can't really touch me now. I don't want to be on the forum, so she can't threaten to kick me off and make me upset. I don't think she expected me to say I was leaving. And she has no jurisdiction on FB so not quite sure what she is even thinking. But I document everything weird that goes on online and printed the letter up. I find it all stupid and immature.

So hubby went out to run errands before working on the yard and came home with 2 OPI nail polishes from the new collection. lol Wasn't expecting that! I just put one on and it is not quite coral, but rather a browned up pink with a tinge of coral to it. We sat there staring at it on my nails trying to decide how to describe it. Too funny as we started to get a bit silly over it! I have no idea what the weekend plans are. I would love to shop a bit, but payday is the 15th, so only a little bit maybe. It is tax-free weekend for our state, but it doesn't matter too much because no one has any money to spend! Though I would love to get a few things I have my eye on (little stuff) without paying tax. But one has to factor in the cost of using gas. And we actually live closer to a mall in New Hampshire and they are tax free year round, soooo! Who knows!! Hopefully something fun, but it will be pretty hard to match watching HP7 part 2 from last week! I am still psyched that I got to see it! :)

Oh, and I want to start a MU blog. Any suggestions for the best place. Blogger can be such a pain sometimes. There must be something better out there....


Well-known member
HI everyone! It's been a while - I've been keeping busy!

I'm glad to hear that the riots are slowing down in London - I can't believe the things that people do sometimes! Stay safe everyone...

Debi, you always have such crazy stories from this forum! Good thing it looks like you'll be out of there soon - documenting everything is definitely your safest bet right now!

I'm off again - helping the soon-to-be-in-laws re-do their kitchen counter and cupboards! :D


Well-known member
lol I have been in so many forums and chats and that place is the only place I every have had problems with. I have come to the conclusions that 99% of them are mental and I need to get out fast.

On a fun note. Bonding with my MU. :) In love with lipliner and wondering why I don't use it more. And pressed powder. Now I see why way back in the olden days (the 50's, hehehe) women would scuttle off to the bathroom to powder their nose. I am in love with pressed powder now! That oh so finished look. Of course, I forgot to use concealer on my dark shadows and it shows. But here I am!


Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi Debi! Great to see your ford again. You look pretty in the pink cheeks and lips. Sorry to hear that the woman is kicking up trouble again. Lou - I've just watched your latest video on Naked palette. Very pretty and it gives me ideas. I saw on my local sephora Facebook that new stocks of the palette came in yesterday. I will go take a look again later but I don't know if I will buy it. Still no sign of the anniversary palette here. You also use nars multiple in the video. I'm interested in getting one. Can you tell me more about them? Which do you have and how do you use them? As highlighters or blush or bronzer? I saw this cream and I thought the packaging is so cute. There is one with Lou-Lou and a cat on it. Thought you will like it. :) I've been busy the past three days at work and I got a backache and arms and hand pain for working at the computer without moving. But I had a nice meal last night. Had an apple and rhubarb pie with vanilla ice cream and love it. I saw this dish on cooking shows and competition, Masterchef from the UK and Ive been hunting for it. Before this I never heard of rhubarb! How is everyone? Hope you have a good weekend!


Well-known member
Thanks for watching the video sweetie! I am happy it gave you ideas :) sometimes i worry the makeup i do is not fancy enough, but then i think perhaps people prefer to see simple things they can easily do on a day to day basis. I love the nars multiples and have a blog post coming up on them! nick bought me the mini set and i have luxor (highlighter one), orgasm (blush one) and malibu (bronzer one). I really like using them. They are very creamy but dry down quite quickly. The malibu one also looks great as a shadow base or just on it's own on the lids for a bronzey look. Orgams is my fave though because i use it sometimes as a base for the blush. i like to apply them with clean fingers too. I never dab it staright onto my face. Or is use the mac 130 brush... the one that is like a 188 but short and fat! You can also use them on the lips - i used orgasm on the lips before and because it dries down it wasn't that comfy to wear on it's own :)

and how cute is that lou lou cat pot?! in fact all the stuff in that post looks awesome! i would love to try brands that are not from the uk! thanks for sharing the link :)

i'm sorry you are dealing with backache though - perhaps you can rest it over the weekend. i always use a heat pad if my back starts to hurt - it really helps. or a hot bath :) and rhubarb is awesome!! i love rhubarb crumble and yougurt! enjoy!


Well-known member
Yup I read it! Great review! But if they are not lasting I will not really like it.
i'm pleased you liked reading it :)

work dragged so much today. i just wanted to get home to nick and have a cuddle. we have also decided that we shall have take out for dinner but not sure where from... hhhmmmm!


Well-known member
They have a normal lasting time, and like makeup in general they last longer with a primer, and longer still set with a powder, translucent or otherwise. I love Malibu at the same time on eyes cheeks and lips alone, and to last, set with a pressed powder.. on lips with a bit of lip balm on top.

Yup I read it! Great review! But if they are not lasting I will not really like it.


Well-known member
Another busy day with the hubby! Today we slept in and then took advantage of the tax free weekend and hauled. LOL He got some stuff for his closet and office area and may pick up more tomorrow and I went to MAC and Nordstrom. While swatching in the Dior section the MUA of Chanel (who is so talented and such a dear) came over to me and said new things had come in so if I had time come over and play. So we played. We bought, we had fun, we exchanged emails. lol I got some great free goodies, too, so it was a bit like Christmas! Lots of fun, but the day was hot and humid, so here I am with my FOTD and my hair frizzing up! Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend! I still want cold weather!!


Miss QQ

Well-known member
Lou - thanks for the reply at the nars multiple blog post. Yeah that post came live at the right timing! :)?I'm thinking of getting a pigmented one like Portofino, or for highlighting like copebana or Luxor. Where did you have dinner? Hope the food was great! Whatwouldjoando - thanks. Will you recommending bring a multiple on the go for touch up? I always set my makeup with powder so that should be good. Debi - lovely fotd! What purple eyeliner is that? It is hot and humid here today too! And the air was very bad with smoke and dust. So what makeup did you buy and got free? So fun!


Well-known member
Miss QQ~The liner is UD Ransom. I love that they don't budge on me! My haul is up on the haul section under "Tax Free Weekend Haul"! If I had more money it would have been even better, but suddenly about 5 more people put up their entire tarot collections for sale so I am soooo glad that I didn't wait until summer to do mine. One doesn't seem to be selling at all, though I dropped the price by 20.00, and it has been up for a while, so I will take that off the market. One last view of my collection and finish the transactions going on and I might finally be done selling.

Cloudy, warm, humid but expecting storms later and then cooler weather. Summer and fall are definitely starting to battle it out and I am excited!

I also put on some of my new Essie and having better luck this time around. My last one was super streaky and decided to give Essie another try since so many rave about it. My poor OPI looked great but chipped within 24 hours on several fingers. And 2 coats you could still see the whites of my nails. I just feel like OPI is watering down their product these days. Anyhow, if I get the chance today I will get more Essie. If not I will later on this week!! I am so glad the closest drugstore to us now carries it!! I just wish I could find a place that sell NYX. :(


Well-known member
Miss QQ~The liner is UD Ransom. I love that they don't budge on me! My haul is up on the haul section under "Tax Free Weekend Haul"! If I had more money it would have been even better, but suddenly about 5 more people put up their entire tarot collections for sale so I am soooo glad that I didn't wait until summer to do mine. One doesn't seem to be selling at all, though I dropped the price by 20.00, and it has been up for a while, so I will take that off the market. One last view of my collection and finish the transactions going on and I might finally be done selling.

Cloudy, warm, humid but expecting storms later and then cooler weather. Summer and fall are definitely starting to battle it out and I am excited!

I also put on some of my new Essie and having better luck this time around. My last one was super streaky and decided to give Essie another try since so many rave about it. My poor OPI looked great but chipped within 24 hours on several fingers. And 2 coats you could still see the whites of my nails. I just feel like OPI is watering down their product these days. Anyhow, if I get the chance today I will get more Essie. If not I will later on this week!! I am so glad the closest drugstore to us now carries it!! I just wish I could find a place that sell NYX. :(
i need to check out your haul! and i have ransom and it is such a pretty purple! enjoy it! :) and you can buy nyx online at that cherry culture site... not sure if you wanted to buy online though. i am wishing that we had milani here - they have so many awesome products!!


Well-known member
Maybe I'll order presents for myself using the nars discount code, then photograph my stuff for makeup show and tell lol. I feel like I don't do enough actual sharing. ... Also, after seeing the Christmas brush set from NARS (Deb, it seems like you have the funds so you oughta consider indulging in this artisan luxury, wrapped in black wisteria) I may try and get a bento box from China town to sleekly organize my makeup ... I'm just not into the plastic drawers and do like a sorta clean/modern style/feng shui approach, maybe I need a wealth ship for my cosmetics area lol!


Well-known member
So far the NARS brush set isn't calling to me at all. I have so many brushes from Sigma and MAC and the oldest one is 7 months old, so they are still very new. Plus I have a mini set not yet used and another full Sigma set not yet used. I am stacked for a while! I have such a wishlist but it is often things I need to swatch or little bits and pieces that I want from various brands or even drugstore goodies to try out. And my birthday and Christmas will be here soon, so keeping that in mind always!!! I am a list maker and that helps organize my shopping and wishlist!

Lou~I may have to resort to online for NYX. I was hoping someone would carry it so I could just try a few things. I love the Jumbo pencils but using the UD more lately. I really don't NEED anything. At least not from them. It is more a curiosity factor to just try out something. But the low cost isn't worth it if I can't see the product or have to order and pay shipping whereas almost everything else now I can pick up at stores regularly. Yay for malls! :)
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