Bimbos unite!

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So far the NARS brush set isn't calling to me at all. I have so many brushes from Sigma and MAC and the oldest one is 7 months old, so they are still very new. Plus I have a mini set not yet used and another full Sigma set not yet used. I am stacked for a while! I have such a wishlist but it is often things I need to swatch or little bits and pieces that I want from various brands or even drugstore goodies to try out. And my birthday and Christmas will be here soon, so keeping that in mind always!!! I am a list maker and that helps organize my shopping and wishlist!

Lou~I may have to resort to online for NYX. I was hoping someone would carry it so I could just try a few things. I love the Jumbo pencils but using the UD more lately. I really don't NEED anything. At least not from them. It is more a curiosity factor to just try out something. But the low cost isn't worth it if I can't see the product or have to order and pay shipping whereas almost everything else now I can pick up at stores regularly. Yay for malls! :)
Lol! Yeah I know what it is like just wanting to try things! I have some of the jumbo pencils which are nice. I also really love the lip glosses! the smell like cherry! :)

Today is the first day of my 6 day working week. ugh! however it is sooo sunny today which has put me in an excellent mood. i have also had a yummy breakfast too - greek yogurt with honey and a spoon full of oats added! yum!! :)

Have a great week everybody!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Lou - Your breakfast sounds delicious. How long do you have to work 6-days week? I look forward to your video! I saw the pics of nars holiday. I wish I can have the mini eye pencils.

Debi - Ransome is beautiful on you. I have a mini one from the NYC bos but I haven't been using it. I will pull it out! Great haul! Is that quad Vanities?


Well-known member
good intentions, but no photos taken, instead: got a new skirt, skincare, makeup ... I had some pretty great breakfasts too: peach raspberry crepes saturday and a requested repeat: peach blueberry crepes on sunday with french pressed coffee: Starbucks verona my fav :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ I love crepes! Enjoy your new goodies! I just saw the swatches of Mac me over and I'm excited! A lot of items look beautiful but I want to buy the eyeshadows. Lady Grey, Mythical and Moleskin. I hope they ar smooth and pigmented. It hasn't been released in the US, right?


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Just waking up after a super nutty evening/night. Around 5:30pm a perfectly healthy looking tree decided to fall over the wires and blow up the transformer on the road above us. Now all our lines are underground, but those aren't, so we and loads of other people were left without electricity. We had no dinner yet and I was desperately needing the heating pad for some very nasty cramps. We had to quickly shift to the local hotel and I was dying from cramps and trying to get comfy in our room and figure out how to get the stupid TV to work while my husband went back and forth from house to hotel room (only 5 minute drive) to bring us food, necessities, etc. We just got groceries on Sunday morning, had to toss them all out except for what we could fit in the little fridge in the hotel room. He spoke with the police and they said it would not be fixed until this morning. Well, I was in pain, he was wired and could not sleep, finally we kept calling ourselves until the answering machine came on (needs electricity) and he went over to talk to the police again, who said the workers were just finishing up, etc., so shifted back home around 2am. By 3:30 I was sound asleep and he was taking a shower and bustling around the house-I never even heard it. My pain had eased up and I just crashed solid! When we came home lights were in all the houses...everyone is exhausted and stressed, a huge baby shower had to end early, everyone needs new groceries. What an awful way to start the week. 2 years ago we had a severe ice storm which knocked out our electricity for 3 days and stayed with my MIL. I told my husband twice we needed to get a generator and be prepared and that I would pay for it. He said no. This time if he doesn't get one in a few weeks I will get it myself. is a bit wonky right now! (Lou...I am so proud of myself for finding a sentence I can use that word in. lol)

I hope everyone is having a much better Monday than me! Yes, Miss QQ~That is Vanites and the colours are gorgeous!! Lou~Have you ever tried Dior Glosses? They have some gorgeous colours with beautiful glitter. They floor me with their beauty and wear so well! A nice Christmas treat for you (hint, hint, Nick!)


Well-known member
Just waking up after a super nutty evening/night. Around 5:30pm a perfectly healthy looking tree decided to fall over the wires and blow up the transformer on the road above us. Now all our lines are underground, but those aren't, so we and loads of other people were left without electricity. We had no dinner yet and I was desperately needing the heating pad for some very nasty cramps. We had to quickly shift to the local hotel and I was dying from cramps and trying to get comfy in our room and figure out how to get the stupid TV to work while my husband went back and forth from house to hotel room (only 5 minute drive) to bring us food, necessities, etc. We just got groceries on Sunday morning, had to toss them all out except for what we could fit in the little fridge in the hotel room. He spoke with the police and they said it would not be fixed until this morning. Well, I was in pain, he was wired and could not sleep, finally we kept calling ourselves until the answering machine came on (needs electricity) and he went over to talk to the police again, who said the workers were just finishing up, etc., so shifted back home around 2am. By 3:30 I was sound asleep and he was taking a shower and bustling around the house-I never even heard it. My pain had eased up and I just crashed solid! When we came home lights were in all the houses...everyone is exhausted and stressed, a huge baby shower had to end early, everyone needs new groceries. What an awful way to start the week. 2 years ago we had a severe ice storm which knocked out our electricity for 3 days and stayed with my MIL. I told my husband twice we needed to get a generator and be prepared and that I would pay for it. He said no. This time if he doesn't get one in a few weeks I will get it myself. is a bit wonky right now! (Lou...I am so proud of myself for finding a sentence I can use that word in. lol)

I hope everyone is having a much better Monday than me! Yes, Miss QQ~That is Vanites and the colours are gorgeous!! Lou~Have you ever tried Dior Glosses? They have some gorgeous colours with beautiful glitter. They floor me with their beauty and wear so well! A nice Christmas treat for you (hint, hint, Nick!)
Oh I am so sorry about your terrible night. As if the cramps weren't bad enough! did the hotel manage to get you a heat pad or hot water bottle? usually staying at a hotel should be exciting - but not when you are sick and have been pushed out of your home. sorry all your food had to be tossed too. can you claim it back on insurance? and i am so pleased you got to use the word wonky!! hee hee! :) love it! well not your life being wonky of course.... :)

and i would love to try some of the dior glosses! i never have before but they do look beautiful! poor nick will have a huge list this year! :p lol! i have no clue what to get for him... i am thinking a super cool new coffee machine...


Well-known member
lol Lou~I am so proud of my Wonky sentence. Hehehe. One day we will get you to use Milkweed in one of yours. :) I brought my own heating pad. I have 5 of them. Sometimes they suddenly die so I figured this would last me a very long time. They have new ones that shut off automatically every few hours and that is no good for me, so I found my favourite kind and stocked up last year! And the hotel stunk. Livable for a very short period, but certainly nothing fancy. We just needed to get me to electricity ASAP and not worry about style! I am so glad we are home and so tired, but still in a lot of pain and nervous as we are having a wind/rain storm.

I keep thinking and writing out my own birthday/Christmas list. Hubby is going to have such fun going into Sephora, MAC and a few other places. Torture! He is lazy and I usually have to shop for most of my things, which is not fun nor is Christmas morning a surprise, so this year I told him he has to get everything for me. I always have surprises and ideas for him and every package is unexpected but good. I make a list every year, but end up doing the shopping myself for me. I hate it. No more. He better not fail me!! As for the Dior Glosses they are, imo, even better than the Chanel, except maybe feel a tad gooer, but they also last longer on me. LOVE them. Now I get the whole "Dior Addict" name. :)


Well-known member
lol Lou~I am so proud of my Wonky sentence. Hehehe. One day we will get you to use Milkweed in one of yours. :) I brought my own heating pad. I have 5 of them. Sometimes they suddenly die so I figured this would last me a very long time. They have new ones that shut off automatically every few hours and that is no good for me, so I found my favourite kind and stocked up last year! And the hotel stunk. Livable for a very short period, but certainly nothing fancy. We just needed to get me to electricity ASAP and not worry about style! I am so glad we are home and so tired, but still in a lot of pain and nervous as we are having a wind/rain storm.

I keep thinking and writing out my own birthday/Christmas list. Hubby is going to have such fun going into Sephora, MAC and a few other places. Torture! He is lazy and I usually have to shop for most of my things, which is not fun nor is Christmas morning a surprise, so this year I told him he has to get everything for me. I always have surprises and ideas for him and every package is unexpected but good. I make a list every year, but end up doing the shopping myself for me. I hate it. No more. He better not fail me!! As for the Dior Glosses they are, imo, even better than the Chanel, except maybe feel a tad gooer, but they also last longer on me. LOVE them. Now I get the whole "Dior Addict" name. :)
Oh I have one for you - Milkweed freaks me out! how about that?! hee hee! And you are like me - when i find something that works i stock up enough to last me a lifetime!! :) And i am happy you are home and more comfortable! tell that hubby of yours to get a generator asap!

And it is silly that we are thinking about the festive season already... well just the gifts part really! lol! Nick is pretty good and does actually buy my gifts himself... all be it online! he does usually go to lush for me though which is super sweet of him. although i secretly think he likes the ladies fussing over him and helping him pick things out :) lol!

i am also super excited tonight because i'm being sent some super awesome products this week that i can't wait to test out! :) as soon as they arrive i shall share some pictures! :)


Well-known member
How nice! I would love someone to send me stuff to try out! I must get my blog up and going once these cramps abate. No MU today, but I smell pretty! :)

Yes, I plan to send hubby to Bath and Body works, Sephora, Nordstrom (they are nice and know he is my husband so will help him out) and other good places. But I also get B'day money so can use that for a spending frenzy!! A long way away, but more than enough MU to use between now and then!!! Sometimes I just open my drawers and smile and anything bad in life just floats away and everything is pink and glittery again! :)


Well-known member
Hi Lou! I have been buying Cosmedix skincare. I bought a "kit" 5 weeks ago and liked it, so now I bought the kit again (actually the serums in it make it a great deal and travel size) and a couple full-size bottles face wash (one for makeup removal and is gentle, the other for treatment to keep everything clear :) . They have a couple other products that I plan on getting, but first I want to use up what I have and is working fine.

On a different note I saw your golden look Lou! I liked the fresh Summer's day colours! I was also thinking that if you wanted to improve the video quality you may want to consider having a light source behind the camera but in front of you since often in your full face look your eyes are hidden in a bit of shadows from an overhead room light. For the light infront, you'll want to use a diffuser so the light doesn't blast which you can make out of white tissue paper. Ideally one light source will look most natural.


Well-known member
Hey everyone, just wanted to say hi. it seems life is all of a sudden so busy. I have been spending time trying to track down textbooks for my daughter online so as not to pay the crazy school cost where some are almost $200. She has been working at her old high school summer camps and doesn't have a lot of time and this is very time consuming. But when it comes to saving anywhere between $300-$500 I take the time. I have been told by someone who worked for a textbook company that the prices are jacked up over 500%. I guess because they know students have to have them.

I just ordered a couple of things from the NARS sale. I could have gone wild but just ordered Night Rider n/p and Nico blush hoping it will be a good daytime highlighter. I have to really buff out Albatross sometimes as it can get too shimmery for day, but I do love it.

Hopefully soon I can dig out what I got at the CCO's in Vegas and let you know what I got. I can't remember the names but I did get some l/g, a few piggies, and a couple of e/s. They didn't have any full size brushes that I didn't already have. I made the mistake of not taking a list of the piggies I have so I had to rely on memory, not a good thing for me. I was suprized to find "Strange Potion" l/g from VV. I love the one I have so definitely got another one. Oh and I got the green greasestick. I hope I don't make a mess of it. The blue and the greyish one were both pretty also but I figured I need to see if I like this one. All my stuff is still in the bags.


Well-known member
Hey everyone, just wanted to say hi. it seems life is all of a sudden so busy. I have been spending time trying to track down textbooks for my daughter online so as not to pay the crazy school cost where some are almost $200. She has been working at her old high school summer camps and doesn't have a lot of time and this is very time consuming. But when it comes to saving anywhere between $300-$500 I take the time. I have been told by someone who worked for a textbook company that the prices are jacked up over 500%. I guess because they know students have to have them.

I just ordered a couple of things from the NARS sale. I could have gone wild but just ordered Night Rider n/p and Nico blush hoping it will be a good daytime highlighter. I have to really buff out Albatross sometimes as it can get too shimmery for day, but I do love it.

Hopefully soon I can dig out what I got at the CCO's in Vegas and let you know what I got. I can't remember the names but I did get some l/g, a few piggies, and a couple of e/s. They didn't have any full size brushes that I didn't already have. I made the mistake of not taking a list of the piggies I have so I had to rely on memory, not a good thing for me. I was suprized to find "Strange Potion" l/g from VV. I love the one I have so definitely got another one. Oh and I got the green greasestick. I hope I don't make a mess of it. The blue and the greyish one were both pretty also but I figured I need to see if I like this one. All my stuff is still in the bags.
hey! i do hope that you can get some good priced text books for your daughter. i remember how pricey all my uni books were and if you can get them cheaper then it would save so much! sometimes amazon sell used text books, and weird charity shops in my city seem to have them too because students donate them when they have left :)

And i wish nars uk would have a sale! that sounds great! you got a couple of lovely items! :)


Well-known member
I didn't even know NARS was having a sale. I feel like I am have been living in my own little world this past week and with our whole losing the electricity episode I am still playing catch-up with life! But I will look into it. Sadly one of my tarot purchasers money order is lost in the mail...having never been scanned, so I have to wait a bit longer for that 150.00. I am tempted to put up something very expensive! Eeek! We shall see! In the meantime I did finally start my blog, literally just a few hours ago, so bear with me! Still trying to fill it out and figure things out, like how to get the photos larger and move them around. I used to know, but can't seem to figure it out now. Grrrr. Thus, I am freaking myself out. :)

Dying to visit Bath and Body Works at Christmas! That would be fantastic! I love yummy smells and actually just put on one of their hand lotions. I could go crazy in there. Well, I do! Everyone does. I love the way they have great bargains and they are already decently priced for their merchandise. My husband has a major sweet tooth, though I don't. He fills my stocking with way too much candy that I don't even want and so this year is going to be loads of fun and very smelly! In a good way, of course!

Here is the link to my blog. More when the last of these cramps go away!


Well-known member
I didn't even know NARS was having a sale. I feel like I am have been living in my own little world this past week and with our whole losing the electricity episode I am still playing catch-up with life! But I will look into it. Sadly one of my tarot purchasers money order is lost in the mail...having never been scanned, so I have to wait a bit longer for that 150.00. I am tempted to put up something very expensive! Eeek! We shall see! In the meantime I did finally start my blog, literally just a few hours ago, so bear with me! Still trying to fill it out and figure things out, like how to get the photos larger and move them around. I used to know, but can't seem to figure it out now. Grrrr. Thus, I am freaking myself out. :)

Dying to visit Bath and Body Works at Christmas! That would be fantastic! I love yummy smells and actually just put on one of their hand lotions. I could go crazy in there. Well, I do! Everyone does. I love the way they have great bargains and they are already decently priced for their merchandise. My husband has a major sweet tooth, though I don't. He fills my stocking with way too much candy that I don't even want and so this year is going to be loads of fun and very smelly! In a good way, of course!

Here is the link to my blog. More when the last of these cramps go away!
the mug with the little mice on it is so sweet! i love that kind of thing! my mug is awesome - it has winnie the pooh on it looking at a tiger saying 'is that you tigger?' it makes me chuckle :) and any sweets your hubby gives you, you can always send them to me! i love sweets and cheese! lol! :) i really do hope you feel better soon :)


Well-known member
the mug with the little mice on it is so sweet! i love that kind of thing! my mug is awesome - it has winnie the pooh on it looking at a tiger saying 'is that you tigger?' it makes me chuckle :) and any sweets your hubby gives you, you can always send them to me! i love sweets and cheese! lol! :) i really do hope you feel better soon :)
Thank you! The mice ones were limited editions from Wee Forest Folk, a collection of wee mice at elephant prices! Of course the mug was made in England!! I had bought 2 and received 2 more for Christmas gifts this past year, which was great since they no longer make them. So I thought I would put them to good use! I love Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and the gang! I am also a huge Snoopy fan! I love the chocolate marshmallow santas my husband gives me, but the boxes of chocolate are too sweet for me. I am a pastry girl, myself! So, I always know what to fill his stocking with, but me? I want hand lotion, makeup, makeup remover, brushes, blotting papers. lol I am literally making up a list for him that will be practical and super fun! Yay! And no heating pad for the past hour. Yippee!


Well-known member
lol my hubby was helping me with the advice. So the diffuser is more for flash photography (my bad) and without spending for a video specific light, a desk lamp usually has a warm light so you would want an l.e.d. bulb in there or something with as close to daylight colour. Specifically an "L.E.D. flood lamp".



Well-known member
ohh thanks to you and your hubby! when i get paid i shall have a nosey for an led flood lamp. perhaps i can get one cheap from ebay? :)

have a great day everybody!!


Well-known member
Debi----I just put a couple of things in my cart on the NARS site and it is still taking 20% off with code NEWNARS. You get 2 say free shipping with $25 purchase also. It's a realy good deal. I just need to watch my spending. I got a little crazy with shopping in Vegas, which is not hard to do at all.


Well-known member
So virtual shopping buddies lol!! I bought another skirt! I'm really enjoying being able to get a mid-length hemline in some young trendy-yet-classic materials and cuts! For so long the choice was either too short for work or long enough but too-old looking/ill-fitting in a bad way. Also, I really love the textures this Fall!!! Mid-length skirts: 1 lace/crochet and the other jacquard. :)


Well-known member
ya such a great deal! ... I understand about vegas .. I have so many swimsuits from the last time I went ...

Debi----I just put a couple of things in my cart on the NARS site and it is still taking 20% off with code NEWNARS. You get 2 say free shipping with $25 purchase also. It's a realy good deal. I just need to watch my spending. I got a little crazy with shopping in Vegas, which is not hard to do at all.
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