Boob Nazis, Bottle feeders, and discretionary tactics

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I think if you have to give the evil eye to people, thats society's little way of telling you what your doing isn't appropriate for the location. Be an adult an adult and get a blanket.

Be an adult and realize that boobies aren't going to make your little noggin explode.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Chances are, if she's facing the other direction, tables away, i'm not going to know she's breastfeeding, so I'm not going to care. Again, you use an example of someone being discrete. This isn't about discrete breastfeeding.

I take it you'd be OK with someone changing a diaper on the restaruant table too at dinner time right? Afterall, it's natural.

Your lack of experience on the subject at hand shows when you compare one to the other.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by tsukiyomi
You may not like my public breastfeeding but THE LAW protects me and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

Just an aside...

The good news about breastfeeding in public is that in the United States, women are gaining more breastfeeding rights. In 1998, U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney (a Democrat from New York) introduced legislation (The Right to Breastfeed Act, H.R. 1848) to protect a woman's right to breastfeed on federal property where she and her child have a right to be. The bill was signed into law on Sept. 28, 1999 when President Clinton signed the Treasury Postal Appropriations bill, which included Rep. Maloney's Right to Breastfeed Act.

So while it's legal to breastfeed in public in any public space owned by the federal government, it's still perfectly legal for privately owned establishments to ask you to nurse somewhere else.

Edit: ~ This varies by state actually. So check your local laws, some states it is legal to do it anywhere, public or private

Tenesse for instance, it's only legal to breastfeed up to 12 months, and public feeding of a child older than 12 months is not legal. Some states like Massachusetts have no laws at all that provide legal protection to nursing mothers. And come states are really progressive on the issue, and even require employers to give nursing mothers additional break time to express milk during the work day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Your lack of experience on the subject at hand shows when you compare one to the other.

Actually, I was merely taking your argument way out of context, since on all of your posts, you've done your best to do that to mine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Be an adult and realize that boobies aren't going to make your little noggin explode.

Neigther will a vagina, but you sure throw a stink about it whenever the paps catch a shot of some celeb showing hers.


Well-known member
I didn't read this entire thread but are the pro-public breast feeders in favor of blankets or what?

I don't really buy this "its natural, so its fine in public!" stuff. It's natural to have to have to go to the bathroom but you can't do it wherever and whenever you damn well please. That, however, may be more of a public health issue. I have no problem with mother's breast-feeding in public AT ALL, but I'd appreciate a) either a little warning before you whip the breast out or b) a little covering.

I didn't have children, I don't know why I should have to stare at a milky nipple while I'm eating. Its fine if you want to do it, but please, you're not paying for my dinner. I know, I know, "you don't have to look." Please, everybody looks.

Also, "the bathroom is dirty and a bad place for a meal". Yeah so is the subway in Brooklyn, the Petites section at Macys and a bus stop in Midtown. Come on.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Actually, I was merely taking your argument way out of context, since on all of your posts, you've done your best to do that to mine.

Indeed not. I'm pointing out an inconsistency in your positioning, as you've done a complete 180 regarding modesty and its implications.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
I didn't read this entire thread but are the pro-public breast feeders in favor of blankets or what?

I don't really buy this "its natural, so its fine in public!" stuff. It's natural to have to have to go to the bathroom but you can't do it wherever and whenever you damn well please. That, however, may be more of a public health issue. I have no problem with mother's breast-feeding in public AT ALL, but I'd appreciate a) either a little warning before you whip the breast out or b) a little covering.

I didn't have children, I don't know why I should have to stare at your milky nipple while I'm eating. Its fine if you want to do it, but please, you're not paying for my dinner.

Also, "the bathroom is dirty and a bad place for a meal". Yeah so is the subway in Brooklyn, the Petites section at Macys and a bus stop in Midtown. Come on.

I don't care if there's a blanket or not, to be honest. I'm not a breastfeeder and even so, it doesn't make any difference to me whatsoever. A blanket is a nice consideration on the part of the breastfeeding mother, but not particularly necessary. And, if it's hot, asking a baby to eat and breath beneath a blanket, no matter how light, should be something the requestor should be willing to do as well.
That said, there's a vast difference between 'grody' and being in a room where fecal and urine particles are exploded into the air consistently.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
And finally, I cannot see breast-feeding a 3 year old. Honestly, I'd be inclined to report that person to the authorities.

for what, breastfeeding?


Well-known member
I was breast fed, as was my brother, but my mom Never did it in public, thats what pumps are for. I personally would be extremely embarrassed to whip out my Teet in public, I don't often see a whole boob in public , usually moms cover themselves up with a blanket, and shove the little bambino under there. But even with a baby, you whip out your whole milk-jug and someone is gonna do a double take. what do you expect ?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
And finally, I cannot see breast-feeding a 3 year old. Honestly, I'd be inclined to report that person to the authorities.

Agreed. II feel that its EXTREMELY inappropriate to Breast feed a 3 or 4 year old. Thats " big kid cup time"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
I didn't read this entire thread but are the pro-public breast feeders in favor of blankets or what?

I don't really buy this "its natural, so its fine in public!" stuff. It's natural to have to have to go to the bathroom but you can't do it wherever and whenever you damn well please. That, however, may be more of a public health issue. I have no problem with mother's breast-feeding in public AT ALL, but I'd appreciate a) either a little warning before you whip the breast out or b) a little covering.

I didn't have children, I don't know why I should have to stare at a milky nipple while I'm eating. Its fine if you want to do it, but please, you're not paying for my dinner. I know, I know, "you don't have to look." Please, everybody looks.

Also, "the bathroom is dirty and a bad place for a meal". Yeah so is the subway in Brooklyn, the Petites section at Macys and a bus stop in Midtown. Come on.

The majority of women do try to breast feed discreetly - but discreetly doesn't mean they should leave the table. And really no - everyone doesn't look when women are nursing. Some people avert their eyes, some people just don't care. Because it's a boob. Just a boob.

And my answer re the washroom thing is before you say that stop and ask yourself if you'd eat in that room before you'd expect a child with a brand new shiny immune system to eat it it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
And finally, I cannot see breast-feeding a 3 year old. Honestly, I'd be inclined to report that person to the authorities.

Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
A three year old? Si.

Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Agreed. II feel that its EXTREMELY inappropriate to Breast feed a 3 or 4 year old. Thats " big kid cup time"

There's not really anything sexual about breastfeeding though.
There are some hard core moms who do it until six or seven years of age.
Not my bag (breastfeeding in and of itself isn't my bag), but there are parents who do it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
what would you get into trouble for exactly though?

Well if that mother is doing it in Tenessee, it's illegal =p So probably for breaking public decency laws?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
There's not really anything sexual about breastfeeding though.
There are some hard core moms who do it until six or seven years of age.
Not my bag (breastfeeding in and of itself isn't my bag), but there are parents who do it.

Isn't that child abuse ;p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Some would say yes, some would say no.

I would think by that age, the child would be old enough to think for itself, and make conchious decisions on what it wants to eat. Seems kinda unfair to only offer a breast to the 6 or 7 year old. I mean seriously... If your kid is holding a conversation with you while suckling, it's probably too old to be doing that.
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