Catherine Pics: Women of All Ages (cont. from MAC Chat)


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The counter I work at almost 1/2 of us are 30 and one of are artists are 50. At our #1 selling counter, 2 of the gals are 50+, and their #1 artist is 45. At 3 of our counters, there is someone with a disability. (me included) To tell the truth most the customers come to us "older" artists because we have been in the industry for a while and know quite alot about makeup. The most certified artist are all 30+. Just a food for thought.


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Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
If MAC had been during her time she surely would have been a great icon and I would definaetly have bought it. But consider that she lived and didn't die so young... would she still be so huge in her old age? I think what draws people to her is that she died so young before her time. Had she not, I think she would gradually have faded from Hollywood. But saying she lived to be 60 or so.... I don't think i'd be as drawn to her as am to the troubled, beautiful soul who no one could save.

Bottom line: Had she lived and continued to be so huge, yes I would probably buy the line. (It'd be fun to see the blood red lipsticks, smoky eyes, and pale shimmers they would do for her!) But then again, maybe another reason I'm not drawm to Catherine is because she was before my time.

Ok - I can answer that now - how old would she be right now if she was alive...? - she still is an ICON and she is gone.

People were not drawn to her cause she died young ...she was an great actress! The hot blonde bombshell had ----- Talent!!!!! She died at age 36 -


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
Ok, really I think your digressing from the fact. This is a place where people write their opinions. I was just stating mine. Have I ever heard a specific MA say that MAC is gearded toward young people? No, but I've seen the eye rolls and looks when *certain* older women come by. I based my statement that a lot of older women are intimidated by MAC on the fact that I have rarely seen older women at the counter. However, I do notice them looking over as if they would like to check it out (which this collection may help them do!) And if thats completely true, why have I never seen a women under the age of 40 working at MAC? Most are under 30. I think it's the image they want to promote, but maybe now they're changing. The collections not a bad thing, it's just not something that draws me. But if there was an amzing color of course I would buy it! I'm just saying I *personally* wouldn't look up to someone like that as a makeup icon. But guys, this is the beauty of America. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I've apoligized but thats about the best I can do. I'm not going to change my mind just because some people are upset by it! But if you'd like me to realize your point of view, I do! I just don't agree with it!

Let's just agree to disagree! ;-)

You still aren't getting it. I don't care that you don't agree with me. I do care that you are stating your opinions as if they are fact when they definitely aren't. You are in no position to comment on how "most older women" think, yet you do. You continue to insist that MAC is aimed at younger people even though their own slogan is ALL RACES, ALL SEXES, ALL AGES! You even acknowldeged that yourself before you completely disregarded it. And when I stated that MAC sell more neutral colours than bright colours you bluntly said I am "wrong". I've now backed up what I said, and I know I'm not wrong because I've been told by several people who work for MAC. And they should know what they sell most of. But even in the face of all this, you are still insisting that MAC is more about bright colours for young people than anything else.

I don't need an apology because you've not upset me. I just want you to think about what you're saying, especially when you start speaking on behalf of a group of people you don't understand, ("most older women").

Oh, and on the subject of over 40's at MAC, well they do exist, but they are less common. Part of the reason for this is that most start before they are 40 and by the time they reach their 40s they've been promoted far away from the counters. Another possible reason is that it's generally cheaper to employ younger people. However, I personally know of at least 2 MAC MAs that are over 40.


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Originally Posted by Viva_la_MAC_Girl
Ok - I can answer that now - how old would she be right now if she was alive...? - she still is an ICON and she is gone.

People were not drawn to her cause she died young ...she was an great actress! The hot blonde bombshell had ----- Talent!!!!! She died at age 36 -

Trust me, I know! I'm like in love with her! I have all her movies, over 30 books, postrers, and even foundation powder with her face pressed into it. I just don't think she'd be quite as huge had she not passed away before her time. It's such a shame that more young girls don't appreciate her. She paved the way for alot of people. Personally, I think her allure comes from her ingenious, "innocent whore" persona. Have you ever read the essay collection "All the Available Light"? It's really good. Not all the authors are as nice as others but it's really good. And I think it does a good job putting a finger on what made her so alluring. Someone should start a thread about her!!!

By the way, I saw some of your pics from your user page and i think you do makeup great! you look awesome!


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Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
And if thats completely true, why have I never seen a women under the age of 40 working at MAC? Most are under 30.

There are two 40-50ish women (and one man) at the Macy's in my city. I've also noticed some older people in some of the freestanding stores as well. They are definately out there. I actually prefer the 30+ MAs to the youngsters. They seem to have a much better knowledge of the products, and (IMO) their application and techniques seem to be a little more advanced. I'm noticing with MAC lately that the newer staff seems to be more sales oriented and less adept with the products. I'm not saying that's always true, and definately not saying that there aren't young talented MAs out there. I'm just pointing out that experience is a virtue.
Of course, maybe I think that way because I'm approaching the age when people will start to laugh at me and my blue eyeshadow behind my back
Yup, at the ripe old age of 28, it's all downhill from here.

Thanks Barbie, I don't feel old unless someone younger asks what it was like before MTV/cable, lol.

I remember getting MTV and Cable for the first time. I think I was around 7 or 8. That was back when they played music, too. It was awesome!
I think the first video was "Video killed the Radio star". Am I right?


Well-known member
the older women and men are surely the ones who pick out the colors and name them and have the final say. OOh! i want a promotion
Don't sell yourself short just because you don't like an older model!


Well-known member
yep it was video killed the radio star, god I actually had a seemstress make that silver dress for me!! I thought I was like the cutest kid ever!!


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Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
You still aren't getting it. I don't care that you don't agree with me. I do care that you are stating your opinions as if they are fact when they definitely aren't. You are in no position to comment on how "most older women" think, yet you do. You continue to insist that MAC is aimed at younger people even though their own slogan is ALL RACES, ALL SEXES, ALL AGES! You even acknowldeged that yourself before you completely disregarded it. And when I stated that MAC sell more neutral colours than bright colours you bluntly said I am "wrong". I've now backed up what I said, and I know I'm not wrong because I've been told by several people who work for MAC. And they should know what they sell most of. But even in the face of all this, you are still insisting that MAC is more about bright colours for young people than anything else.

I don't need an apology because you've not upset me. I just want you to think about what you're saying, especially when you start speaking on behalf of a group of people you don't understand, ("most older women").

Oh, and on the subject of over 40's at MAC, well they do exist, but they are less common. Part of the reason for this is that most start before they are 40 and by the time they reach their 40s they've been promoted far away from the counters. Another possible reason is that it's generally cheaper to employ younger people. However, I personally know of at least 2 MAC MAs that are over 40.

Ok. I get your point! I am thinking about what I'm saying! You are right that they sell more subtle colors, but they are known for bright, fun colors. Again, please understand that this is just my personal opinion and i'm only going off of what I've seen at our (relatively small) local counter, and my mom/family. I mean, my fav MA is named Roxy and she's 30ish with 3 kids, she wears fun makeup but it's not out there at all. I really look up to her. Altough thats a good point that maybe older MAs work higher up. Roxy got promoted and now I have to request her if I want my makeup done by her. It doesn't matter. No matter what we're all here because we loove MAC and want to trade tips, and ideas. Just beacause I don't agree with you doesn't mean I don't see you point. And I'd like tp point out that I said (then and now) that this is just my opinion. I don't meanit to be taken as fact! Sorry again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
Sorry again.

Like I said there's no need to apologise. I've nothing against you personally.


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Originally Posted by roxybc
I just think that Catherine kind of "sold her self out" by letting MAC make her look like that. She's a true beauty, and that's not how she usually looks. People admire her for her natural beauty and grace, and the promo pics for her icon collection do not capture that. I don't think any of the comments on here were meant to be hurtful or to suggest that "older" people should not wear MAC makeup. I think some people took the comments a little too personal. I just don't think that picture will appeal to MAC's intended target market of this icon collection.

They made her look too different and unrecognizable to her fans, because she doesn't look that way normally. Now take the picture I posted of Debbie Harry - she looks like that all the time, so a picture similar to the MAC one of Catherine would capture the essence of the collection perfectly, partially becuase it would capture who she (Debbie Harry) really is.


NB - I'm reposting this because it was moved to the age thread even though it is a direct response to roxybc's post above.

I think it's possible that she was all for the idea of trying a different look. I don't know for sure, of course, but I am certain if I was approached by MAC for this kind of project, I'd jump at the chance to reinvent myself temporarily. I know my mum would. As I've said, she's in her early 50s and she loves to experiment with her look. She often changes her hair colour and style and she's far, far more fashion conscious than I am. I think most people would like the chance to have MAC reinvent them, and I don't think being 50-something or 60-something would necessarily change that. I imagine she had a lot of fun doing this.

I think she looks great. I agree she's a natural beauty, but I think that still shows, even though she's being portrayed in a different way. I certainly don't think the photo will put anyone off. If anything the marketing message is 'with MAC you can look like this when you are 60+'. It may not actually be a true message, but that's marketing for you.


Well-known member

honestly, it's times like these when i'm ashamed to admit how old i am (16).

i, personally, am very excited for this collection. being older does not mean you instantly have to throw away every single bright piece of makeup you have and replace it with something boring. the colors she has chosen are gorgeous and will definitely appeal and suit more women (and men) than say chrome yellow, electric eel and orange would.

anyways...i cannot wait until i get older. i find aging to be a beautiful thing


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Funny crazy addendum:
My film geek friends FLIPPED when they heard Belle du Jour herself was going to be Icon. That is why I love MAC. They are the one make-up company that treats make-up as an ART and has the following who will understand the utter...*gasp* of an ICON like Deneuve. They are a company that continues to borrow, define , and redefine culture and merge art, cinema, theater, books ( can you imagine an Anne Rice Collection) with the art of adornment!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MizMac
yep it was video killed the radio star, god I actually had a seemstress make that silver dress for me!! I thought I was like the cutest kid ever!!

HA!! I LOVE IT --- DO you still have it??

Gotta love that era - at least I do


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
I know I'm gonna get alot of crap for saying this... but I'm going to anyway. (And yeah, I know the whole MAC motto..all ages, races, sexes, etc.) But I honestly think MAC should stick to it's target group. Which is like teens-30s. I mean, how many teenagers out there are going to want to run out and buy makeup that is modeled by someone who could be their Grandma? I know that me and my friends won't. I mean Christina Aguilara & Pam Anderson were hot sellers because young girls want to look like that, Catherine's look will not sell as much. Most older women (my mother included) feel uncomfortable shopping at MAC, seeing as it is a young, hip brand; they prefer Estee Lauder or Lancome or something more sophisticated/mature. (Yes I kno MAC is a prodeuct of EL, but the colors and the whole lines are so completely different that I consider them to be unique of eachother.) I would love to see Paris Hilton, Angelina Jolie, Gwen Stefani, or someone like that as a model. People like them will appeal to MACs customers more. I am very sorry if I offend anyone here. I'm just looking at it from a marketing perspective. :roll:

Okay. First of all, although MAC may be seen as a "young, hip" brand, they've been around since 1985 - 20 years now. SO even those who were 16 when MAC first came out, are now in their late 30's. And trust me, we have a TON of customers who have been using MAC since the beginning. I don't think you're really aware of who MAC's customers are. It may seem as though most are young, but actually they do have a very wide range. I help just as many, if not more 45 year olds than 18 year olds. In fact, aside from those in this group (MAC Addicts), most 18 year olds that come into my store (which is an extremely high volume store - $3 million a year), don't want to spend the money on MAC. They may buy their staple lipglass, but it's the 45 year old women that drop the cash. MAC Addicts do spend a lot of money on MAC each year. But not as much as regular customers who come in to buy their Shroom eyeshadow every 3 months because they use it everyday. And even if young people did make up most of MAC's customer base, wouldn't it be a GOOD marketing tool to attempt to pull in other demographics showing them that it's NOT just young people who wear MAC??!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
. And while you may believe that the majority of MACs customers are young people wanting wild colours because that's the impression you get from Internet groups, you're wrong. It varies a bit by location, of course, but the bulk of MACs business is from people wanting more subtle looks, and regardless of what you think, plenty of older customers shop at MAC. Ask any MAC MA if you don't believe me. In fact Son_Risa posts here and she works for MAC, so feel free to ask her.

Think about it, why would MAC not want to target the older demographic? After all, teenagers in general have nowhere near as much to spend as more mature customers. MAC would be pretty silly to ignore them, don't you think? And they are just the people this collection is aimed at. This collection will fly off the shelves. The older customers will love it and I don't think MAC will be in the least bit bothered that you and your friends aren't buying it.

I'd have loved to buy tons of mac at 21-24 but I could ONLY afford Revlon and Maybelline.... So at 28 with a professional job and just getting addicted when I'm in my early 40s my kids will all be over 21 woo hoo!!! Dept store can be edgy but remember people in their 40s were children of the 80s and remember the 80s is "the decade" all of us 70s babies look up to <grin> I like macs marketing-


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
Continued from my previous post:

I know I don't like to see 50+ women in drag queen makeup walking around acting 15.

. . .When you think of MAC you think of a young hip girl, not a 60year old women

. . . It's kind of like how you don't like to see some homeless person wondering into Saks.

- I don't particularly like seeing 50+ women in drag queen makeup either, but what does that have to do with MAC? Although we do sell Electric Eel and Pink Poodle, most "older" women don't buy that! And that's what we're (here in the board) trying to say. YES, MAC is known for color, but that's not all we offer. We offer quality across the board for a low price. And our customers know this. That's why they've been loyal for so many years.

-I don't think of a young hip girl. You may, but you're simply one person in a customer base of billions. Sure there's probably other 16 year olds who agree with you, but you don't represent every 16 year old. As a 25 year old, I think of unique colors and quality at an affordable price. Notice I said unique, not bright. Because Vex is damn unique color if I do say so myself and I've used that on 80 year olds and they looked stunning!

-I cannot believe you used an example of a homeless man wandering into Saks. All I can really say to that is WHAT THE F*CK? Little lady you better change your views if you ever expect to work for MAC. And I really do mean that in a kind way. You have a lot to learn. I'm trying not to be condescending, but you must realize that you don't know everything, nor should you be expected to, but come on now!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Viva_la_MAC_Girl
Or if you know the very first song that aired on MTV...LOL

Ohh ohh, I must be old because I know the answer. You'll have to pm the old fart in me to find out though :p (ah rats, just noticed someone else answered it, but I'm still getting old)

As for older women wearing MAC, my mom is 55 and swears her loyalty to MAC because it doesn't crease on her. If you reach 55 and can't buy something nice for yourself, then what point is there to trying to look good?? If us old fogeys want to wear MAC (and believe me, my hubby knows I am to be buried with my traincase by my side) then all the power to us. And, just for the record, I hold a regular job, probably earn 3 times what you youngsters earn and believe me, MAC wants the clients that will spend more that just $15 on a shopping haul.


Well-known member
Oh lord, y'all! I respectfully suggest we let this go. Because the horse? He is dead.

As an aside...I sobbed my little teenage heart out when Audrey Hepburn died--she was my icon. Still is.

And for those who aren't familiar with Ms. Deneuve's career (no matter your age), do acquaint yourselves with it. The woman is amazing.


Well-known member
Now I am going to have "Video Killed The Radio Star" stuck in my head! You guys are gonna make me bust out a banana clip!

I again will state I think they made a fabulous choice...speaking of Debbie Harry, I think she would also be a great icon. I might be biased though, I adore her.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shawna
Ohh ohh, I must be old because I know the answer. You'll have to pm the old fart in me to find out though :p (ah rats, just noticed someone else answered it, but I'm still getting old)

As for older women wearing MAC, my mom is 55 and swears her loyalty to MAC because it doesn't crease on her. If you reach 55 and can't buy something nice for yourself, then what point is there to trying to look good?? If us old fogeys want to wear MAC (and believe me, my hubby knows I am to be buried with my traincase by my side) then all the power to us. And, just for the record, I hold a regular job, probably earn 3 times what you youngsters earn and believe me, MAC wants the clients that will spend more that just $15 on a shopping haul.


You want to know what's really funny - I remember where I was when it happned - I was all upset cause thats when MTV took over our local channel MY CARTOONS ( i'm 35 now ) but still I day I will never forget - I finally got over that .. and then ( back then ) I LOVED MTV - ( when they ACTUALLY PLAYED VIDEOS!!! LOL ) Today - its just a bunch of shows.. SIGH.