Catherine Pics: Women of All Ages (cont. from MAC Chat)


Well-known member
I think this thread is kinda dumb....mac is not only for young people. This is the icon collection....who you see is an Icon...I know most people probably wanted to see someone like gwen stefani...but...fact is, she isnt an icon yet.
I think in my opinion that Catherine Deneuve is an excellent rep for this collection.
The fact that she is kind of unrecognizable in the picture is probably because thats what mac does....they always have looks like that. Its like having kevyn aucoin do the nudest of faces and not transfer the person at all....odds probably wont happen.
anyways..hopefully nobody gets offended with my post...looks like theres alot worse up there.


Well-known member
If I recall correctly she was very upset that they didn't use her voice for the singing in MFL.

I thought that was for Breakfast--when she sang "Moon River". Maybe I'm mixed up though...


Well-known member

Hey guys!! Alright, I have given this some serious thinking. And I honestly want to make things right. I apoligize for making generalizations. And if I sounded like I was a know-it-all I'm sorry for that. My intent wasn't to try and speak for anyone but myself or insult any different age groups. I think there is beauty at any age, young or old. I am really sorry- re-reading my posts I think I came off completely wrong. I didn't exactly get off to a very good footon Specktra! I hope you guys can forgive me and that we can all just get past and focus on our commonality- MAC.
Originally Posted by SonRisa
- I don't particularly like seeing 50+ women in drag queen makeup either, but what does that have to do with MAC? Although we do sell Electric Eel and Pink Poodle, most "older" women don't buy that! And that's what we're (here in the board) trying to say. YES, MAC is known for color, but that's not all we offer. We offer quality across the board for a low price. And our customers know this. That's why they've been loyal for so many years.
-I don't think of a young hip girl. You may, but you're simply one person in a customer base of billions. Sure there's probably other 16 year olds who agree with you, but you don't represent every 16 year old. As a 25 year old, I think of unique colors and quality at an affordable price. Notice I said unique, not bright. Because Vex is damn unique color if I do say so myself and I've used that on 80 year olds and they looked stunning!
-I cannot believe you used an example of a homeless man wandering into Saks. All I can really say to that is WHAT THE F*CK? Little lady you better change your views if you ever expect to work for MAC. And I really do mean that in a kind way. You have a lot to learn. I'm trying not to be condescending, but you must realize that you don't know everything, nor should you be expected to, but come on now!

What I was saying about old women in drag queen makeup wasn't directly realted to MAC. But I have seen some 50+ women come and buy Parfait Amor (or however the heck ya spell it!) and then proceed to smear it from lash line to brow. Thats just wrong to me. Thats all I was saying about that! And maybe my little comparison was a tad mean. Sorry. And about how you said I would have to change my views to work at MAC, theres a way to have your own personal opinions and hide them from customers. I would never insult or belittle a customer! But in my head, I might roll my eyes!
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
I've read through this post and everytime I've read through it you've sounded like a bratty know it all. I mean some of the things your saying, have baffled me. Like this thing about a homeless person? SonRisa hit the nail on the head when she said What the F*ck? And how you're looking at it from a Marketing point of view-but then you say you're a minor, with a 3.8 GPA, go to high school full time (I didn't know you could go only part time?
), and are active in your church.
Sweetie, you can have your opinions but let me tell you real quick that just because you're high school teacher said something about marketing, doesnt make you an expert.
You are always welcome to an opinion as well. But as you have learned rather quickly on here your opinion must have something credible to back it up with. Not something your high school teacher told you.
But babe-I'm only 23, I go to college, I'm taking 18 hours this semester, working a 40 hour work week, and have a husband and a kid to go home too every night. I grew up kinda fast. I've learned that I don't know everything and most importantly, I don't have to be right. I've learned that 99% of the time if I just shut up and listened to people-who have already been through what i'm going through life is a hell of a lot easier. I've also learned not to discriminate against people.
Barbie-you are going to have to grow up a WHOLE lot if you want to work at MAC and your attitude will have to change. I think you are very smart and have a lot going for you, but with the attitude I've read on here (and I pray to god its only an online thing) it will hold you back bigtime in the real world away from your parents.

Thats really cool that you can balance all that! I wasn't trying to say that my opinion was fact. It's just that- my opinion. About full-time- I just meant that I don't really have alot of free time on my hands! And I don't really think anyone needs facts to back up their opinion. I will adment I'm very judgemental. And about my attitude, if i do work at MAC I know I'd have to hide it from certain customers. Believe me, with my attitude I've learned to control it in certain environments! Thanks 4 the advice.
Originally Posted by lianna
So barbie_doll_713, you're entitled to your own opinion but I think you should've just been more considerate of other members' feelings because of what you said about aging and about how MAC is supposedly a 'young' brand but remember, one day you're gonna be that age too so are you gonna stop buying MAC?

Yeah, I totally agree with you. I definaetly should have said things differently. And yes I plan on buying MAC for a loong time. But when I'm 50 I won't be wearing the same colors i do now.
Originally Posted by Star
That's not something I'd brag about. Or at least if I was going to brag about it, I'd learn to spell their names right, ROFL.

Well if those people are good enough for MAC, then why wouldn't they be good enough for you? And if I spelled them wrong I apoligize, when I get pissed I type really fast.


Well-known member
I always say the hardest thing about posting on a forum is that people seldom can tell what tone you are taking when you are writing something. I have an evil sense of humour so people misunderstand my warped twisted jokes sometimes and I have to eat crow. Welcome to Specktra, and we are happy to have you


Well-known member
hello all
i know this thread has totally become a dead horse, but i just needed to add my 2 cents as a longtime MAC user who is 31 (i.e., ancient). first of all, Turbokittykat - you go, girl - i totally agreed w/ everything you said (and you said it so well too). for the younger women, i just to add to everything that's been said already to be more open-minded, please! it's not as simple/black and white as "bright colors for the teenagers/20-somethings, neutrals for those of us over 30". that is simplifying things waayyy too much. i mean even a younger girl might not want to bust out with the electric eel for church, right? conversely, believe it or not, some of us older girls still like to go out on the weekends and rock a fun look w/ brighter colors (not to worry, i'm not talking about parfait amour up to my eyebrows). the point is that everything and every look has it's time and place. that goes for the young, the old, and the in-between. so please don't blow off an entire collection b/c the face of the collection has a few years on you. Catherine is just there to give us an inspiration and to show us a beautiful example of how the colors in the collection can be worn. the beauty and the art of makeup application comes when we take that inspiration and make it our own! and that can be done by a MAC user of any age!!!
ok, sorry i had to jump in here but i just had to. now this horse is really dead. thanks for reading if you've made it this far!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by n_j_t
I thought that was for Breakfast--when she sang "Moon River". Maybe I'm mixed up though...

Hmm maybe that too? But I deffinitelly know that was done with MFL though
I'll have to look up B@T and see.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shawna
I always say the hardest thing about posting on a forum is that people seldom can tell what tone you are taking when you are writing something. I have an evil sense of humour so people misunderstand my warped twisted jokes sometimes and I have to eat crow. Welcome to Specktra, and we are happy to have you

Haha, wow. Boy did I ever learn that! Thank you very much!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACmermaid
hello all
i know this thread has totally become a dead horse, but i just needed to add my 2 cents as a longtime MAC user who is 31 (i.e., ancient). first of all, Turbokittykat - you go, girl - i totally agreed w/ everything you said (and you said it so well too). for the younger women, i just to add to everything that's been said already to be more open-minded, please! it's not as simple/black and white as "bright colors for the teenagers/20-somethings, neutrals for those of us over 30". that is simplifying things waayyy too much. i mean even a younger girl might not want to bust out with the electric eel for church, right? conversely, believe it or not, some of us older girls still like to go out on the weekends and rock a fun look w/ brighter colors (not to worry, i'm not talking about parfait amour up to my eyebrows). the point is that everything and every look has it's time and place. that goes for the young, the old, and the in-between. so please don't blow off an entire collection b/c the face of the collection has a few years on you. Catherine is just there to give us an inspiration and to show us a beautiful example of how the colors in the collection can be worn. the beauty and the art of makeup application comes when we take that inspiration and make it our own! and that can be done by a MAC user of any age!!!
ok, sorry i had to jump in here but i just had to. now this horse is really dead. thanks for reading if you've made it this far!

I couldn't agree with you more, MACmermaid!!!


Well-known member
as long as you learn from this experience its OK. We (or at least I do-I know many of the other ladies are also very forgiving!) forgive you and we hope you enjoy Specktra


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FairladyZ
Hmm maybe that too? But I deffinitelly know that was done with MFL though
I'll have to look up B@T and see.

Yes! You're right. And Julie Andrews was passed over for the part of Eliza. The 2 reasons many say Audrey wasn't nominated for an Oscar that year. Thank you IMDB


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
Well if those people are good enough for MAC, then why wouldn't they be good enough for you? And if I spelled them wrong I apoligize, when I get pissed I type really fast.

So you must have been typing really fast for this post too.

PS: You're damned right they aren't good enough for me. Idolize Pammy Anderson? No thanks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Star
So you must have been typing really fast for this post too.

PS: You're damned right they aren't good enough for me. Idolize Pammy Anderson? No thanks.

Wow, geez. Give a girl a break! Sorry your so anal about spelling.


Well-known member
That would be "you're" (a contraction of "you are"), not "your".

I'm not "anal"(see below) about anything, and I don't go around internet forums insinuating that because a woman is no longer in her twenties (or younger), somehow she is to be valued less.

While it has been somewhat entertaining watching you attempt to back-pedal as fast as you can, it has now become tiresome. You brought this on yourself, so I think you need to deal.

I think you mean "anal retentive" which is psycho-babble for.... not much of anything of value.


New member
Originally Posted by Star
That would be "you're" (a contraction of "you are"), not "your".

I'm not "anal"(see below) about anything, and I don't go around internet forums insinuating that because a woman is no longer in her twenties (or younger), somehow she is to be valued less.

While it has been somewhat entertaining watching you attempt to back-pedal as fast as you can, it has now become tiresome. You brought this on yourself, so I think you need to deal.

I think you mean "anal retentive" which is psycho-babble for.... not much of anything of value.

God. This is so silly. Can we all just move on? She made a mistake and sincerely apologized. I respect that, especially given the fact that she is only a teenager!!! When I was that age, I never apologized for anything!!
Don't we all make mistakes? Isn't that how people grow? Make mistakes and learn from them!!!! Give her a break like she asks, please.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Closet_Full
God. This is so silly. Can we all just move on? She made a mistake and sincerely apologized. I respect that, especially given the fact that she is only a teenager!!! When I was that age, I never apologized for anything!!
Don't we all make mistakes? Isn't that how people grow? Make mistakes and learn from them!!!! Give her a break like she asks, please.

Thanks!! I don't know what the big deal here is, we've all moved on. Let's not continue to bicker back and forth... especially over stupid gramatical errors when we all know that is not the real reason why Star has a problem w/ me. And by the way Star, I didn't backpedal: I re-read what I wrote and realized that I came off completely wrong. I made a mistake like Closet Full said and at least I'm mature enough to admit it.


Well-known member
Closet-I wasn't going to say anything but I'm glad you did.

Seriously this has gotton way out of hand and now I think it's just bullying. I don't care if that particular member has it in their head that they have a right to bully this person but they need to get over it and fast.

It especially bothers me that this person all they have on her is some spelling and gramatical errors. So what? I don't spell correctly all the time and god knows my grammer sucks.

Star-she's learning and we just need to let it go for God's sake.You're supposed to be the "adult"-start acting like it. The more you nit pick and stuff the more you're acting just as bad.

I know you are one of the sweetiest people on here but it's over babe. Show her how awesome you are star
not how grammatically crazy you are seeming.

Now Barbie-Stop egging her on. I know your going to wonder how you are doing so but everytime you respond to whatever she responds to your egging her on-therefore making this already pointless thread longer and even more pointless. Show us how mature you can be by ignoring the rest of this thread.

Sorry. I've just had enough of this childish stuff even though I will miss how entertaining this thread has been. :p


New member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch

Seriously this has gotton way out of hand and now I think it's just bullying. I don't care if that particular member has it in their head that they have a right to bully this person but they need to get over it and fast.


I don't understand why some people can not just let this thread die.
*stabs thread to death with tweezers*


Well-known member
LOL ever watch that family Guy Episode where Peter and the gang are out to sea and the town of Quohog think they died and are having funeral services out by the ocean and Mayor West starts quoting from the Bible saying, " The Bible says an eye for an eye so now we will take our revenge on the Sea" and then takes a knife and starts stabbing at the waves then stands up and says, " I think you learned your lesson now." to the ocean?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FairladyZ
I think we can thank Ru Paul for that

i actually met RuPaul at the launch party for the first Viva Glam lipstick.

he was VERY sweet!

and VERY TALL!!!!
