Chanel Holiday 2011


Well-known member
Hope it gets to you soon Michelle. Can't wait to hear what you think of Sweet Beige and especially your new red lipstick!


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Elegant -- I need to get the EL Idealist pore minimizer. I looked on Nordies online -- do you think the promotion is in store only? I need that Pink Tulip gift set :)
No delivery truck yet . . . I must be on the PM delivery route Boo!

Queen of Snark -- bummer about the np! Hope you find something else that you love.

Ingenue -- haha -- Pank powder! LOL I should have gotten Empire also . . .

Gail -- yay -- everything sounds so pretty! Still waiting for my box . . .
The promotions are also in the store but they are each different, store to store. Nordies was different than the one I got in the store. So I actually got 2 different GWP kits, one at an Elder-Beermans which had the pretty pink ls Candied which is at my local crappy crappy mall & then I ordered the PM online at Nordies to get the bigger GWP kit. But yes, its the same at Nordies online or in the store.


Well-known member
Just got Sweet Beige. Its a pretty nude. My lip color kind of absorbs most of the color, so I will use a liner. Actually, I really don't own anything quite like it.

Michelle - are you still waiting ;)

So funny. Chanel sent just ^that in a huge almost shoe/boot box
here I got all excited thinking it was a pair of shoes


Well-known member
Just got my package, too! I have on Enivree right now -- it is a gorgeous pink.
Love it. Not too light, not too dark. It has no trouble showing up on my very unpigmented lips. It looks different on me than I thought ( a little brighter), but that may be due to the lip color I tried to wipe off right before I applied it. Love the golden shimmer. I put a teeny bit of Sweet Beige on top. I might back up Sweet Beige just because it is hard to find that perfect shade of nude gloss.

I need to do a lip scrub before I try on Famous to make sure it applies evenly. I *love* the color in the tube. Funny thing -- my girls were watching home movies from when my oldest was a baby (12 years ago) and I was sporting red lips a quite few times in those videos. I obviously need to break out the reds!

Why does Chanel send those humongo boxes for just one item? LOL


Well-known member
Just got my package, too! I have on Enivree right now -- it is a gorgeous pink.
Love it. Not too light, not too dark. It has no trouble showing up on my very unpigmented lips. It looks different on me than I thought ( a little brighter), but that may be due to the lip color I tried to wipe off right before I applied it. Love the golden shimmer. I put a teeny bit of Sweet Beige on top. I might back up Sweet Beige just because it is hard to find that perfect shade of nude gloss.

I need to do a lip scrub before I try on Famous to make sure it applies evenly. I *love* the color in the tube. Funny thing -- my girls were watching home movies from when my oldest was a baby (12 years ago) and I was sporting red lips a quite few times in those videos. I obviously need to break out the reds!

Why does Chanel send those humongo boxes for just one item? LOL

Oh I am so happy that you like Enivree!!! And, I forgot you got Famous...realllly now
Its so pretty done lightly. But I guess all of it becomes so different because of our own lip colors - as I envy yours. That is soooo cute about the girls & the red lips. I am sure that all looks just lovely on YOU!

I had to tell you this funny. When we went to pick up the chandelier at Arhaus yesterday, hubs points to this display on the table & says, I really like those - they were ROCKS!
Ok, they are small to larger rocks that are flat with felt feet on the bottom, hewn out with a hole that perfectly fit those chubby large votive candles. I kind of giggled to myself, but when we walked through the place these candle rocks were nicely displayed everywhere. So on the way out, I'm like yes lets get three of them :) So after he paid for them, I said to the gal that helped us, I cannot believe that we just bought ROCKS!
I put them in a corner in the Foyer on the floor in a little display & lit the candles - i LOVE how they looked & the warmth it gave the house
So then I called back & had her hold us a few more to scatter throughout the house. I cannot believe it - rocks. But, they are really charming. So now we have to make a trip to Ikea to stock up on the large votive candles :)


Well-known member
^^That is too funny about buying rocks. We truly will buy anything LOL! They sound lovely -- I haven't seen any of those here! But I just love candelight.

Soooo, I just tried on Famous -- it was so bright red on my lips! I don't think I can pull off these darker colors. I took a pic and you would just die. It is so stark on me. I really wanted it to look so glamorous and chic, but it didn't work out on me

I'm going to go put Enivree back on because I just looooove it!!


Well-known member
Awwww, I'm sorry Michelle. Did you try elegant's apply lightly and smoosh technique? That might help. If not and you still want to give red a try you might consider Etole Rouge coco from the fall collection (it is more for wimps like me) or Flamboyante RA (which I still find bright but Cafemakeup called a good "first red").

Love the sound of the rocks & candles elegant!


Well-known member
^^Maybe because I had to scrub off the other lipstick and it made my lips a bit dry -- it could have affected how it showed up on me. I should dab on a bit of balm and then dab on Famous and see if it works. Thanks for the recs of those other colors . . . maybe I will have to wait to get to a counter so I can try them on in person.

I am interested to see how Etole looks on -- very pretty!


Well-known member
Oh Michelle, I so wanted Famous to work for you. Try it again later like winthrop said. I too love Flamboyante. Don't give up as sometimes it takes a bit too get used to seeing yourself in red lips :) I agree with Enivree.

winthrop - who would have They are really nice look lit though. I don't even remember Etole.


Well-known member
Sabrina didn't actually call it a red so maybe that's why. She called it a plum brown or something like that. I added the link to her post above. It looked great on her.

I fixed the Cafemakeup link for Flamboyante, had the wrong one up there earlier.

I still really love Enthusiast too!


Well-known member
If Famous doesn't work -- I may get Taffetas Rose instead. It's not a red -- but that deep berry shade would probably work. But I am going to try Famous again and go lighter on the application.
I was driving around and saw all of the shimmers in Enivree as I looked in the mirror -- I love me some Chanel shimmer . . .


Well-known member
I caved and picked up Triomphal from Nordstrom as today they finally got in the Holiday Guerlain lippies. Can't wait until it gets here!


Well-known member
Michelle.. so sorry the ls didn';t work for you.. sometimes our own chemistry works against us with many colours. I never swatch on my mouth, but on my hands F looked a bit too pink and I know my body chemistry, making pink go deep fuschia usually.. so I passed on it.

I have Etole.. it has enough brown in it to make it a working woman's everyday red.. easy to use cause of the brown undertone but maybe not as red as a red freak would want. I love Flamboyante and on my lips, it pulls a pinky red but not into the fuschias.

good luck and keep trying!


Well-known member
Thanks HG -- I am really interested in Etole as you and Gail have talked about it. I am going to continue to the hunt!!

In Googling Etole I saw Karla's swatch:

Yes, please :) And why do I not own Giggle glossimer??


Well-known member
Did you try the Zoya base & top coats with RC by any chance? They work very well with Chanel polishes for me.

I'll give it a try! I REALLY love the color and formula of RC so if that gets it to stay, I'm all for it. Starting to lem Enivree again...I think I'll give it another look now that it's sunny.


Well-known member
^^ Chipping and which bases/nps/top coats work for you is also a matter of chemistry according to the MUA nail board, so if you really love the color do some experimenting. I posted some MUA recs for base coats (& maybe topcoats) to try with Chanel polishes somewhere on here. I'll look for my post.

Here it is:

Quote:Originally Posted by Winthrop44

Internetchick, I'm not familiar with that blush. Sorry. Hopefully someone else on here is.
Debi, that's a bummer. FWIW the MUA nail board does not like Seche tc with Chanel polishes. I've seen people on there recommend bc/tc by Chanel, Zoya, OPI Nail Envy, Orly Bonder, CND (Creative Nail Design) Stickey, SH (Saly Hansen) Insta-Dry, and Poshe for Chanel polishes, so if you have any others it might be worth experimenting a little to see if any of them work better for you. Also, I read on the MUA nail board that letting the last coat of polish dry for 15 minutes before applying the tc helps. That was reportedly a tip from Chanel in a magazine.

Quote:Originally Posted by Bonitinha

Yes, please :) And why do I not own Giggle glossimer??

I don't know. I bought it just a couple weeks ago....

But it is browner than that swatch of Karla's and so is Etole.


Well-known member
Oh, Elegant you will laugh at me. I was so surprised by the collection. I bought three pieces: Sweet Beige glossimer, Enivree lipstick and Triomphal rouge allure gloss. They're all so pretty. Triomphal took me by surprise. I tried to leave it, but I couldn't. I thought Enviree would be a dupe for Coquette, but that's wrong. It has the prettiest shimmer. :love:


Well-known member
Ladies, I'm not sure whether to purchase Pearl Glow or the new holiday highlighter!! After playing with them, which are you liking better?


Well-known member
Oh, Elegant you will laugh at me. I was so surprised by the collection. I bought three pieces: Sweet Beige glossimer, Enivree lipstick and Triomphal rouge allure gloss. They're all so pretty. Triomphal took me by surprise. I tried to leave it, but I couldn't. I thought Enviree would be a dupe for Coquette, but that's wrong. It has the prettiest shimmer.

But I'm not surprised as I think its a beautful collection. I am SO excited for you because I know you will look lovely in all of the ones you got! Triomphal is stunning. Its so weird how this collection has Gorgeous Holiday wow reds, & then the sweet & demure Enivree, Sweet Beige & BL - but I think I'm loving how they mixed it up like that. Obviously Enivree is one of the main hits.
I am happy for you Shontay
& it made me laugh


Well-known member
I use OPI's base and top coat and it still chipped :/ I'll pick up the Zoya base and top coat as Winthrop suggested and redo my nails tonight. Hopefully the wear time is much better...I really don't want to return RC and I want to pick up May and June when those come out.

Shontay--what do you think of Enivree? Does it show decently for you? Could I bribe you to swatch it...?

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