Chanel Le Blanc at a Nordstrom near you? Anniversary Sale exclusive


Well-known member
I bit the bullet and ordered another Joyeuse! This is my 2nd backup! Lord have mercy on my bank account! I've ordered everything from this collection, minus the quad. (I ordered Birds of Paradise instead because those are my types of colors.) I will admit, it does make me happy to expand my Chanel collection. Here it is now before I add anything from this collection. It's not much, but I hope to change that! :)


Well-known member
I bit the bullet and ordered another Joyeuse! This is my 2nd backup! Lord have mercy on my bank account! I've ordered everything from this collection, minus the quad. (I ordered Birds of Paradise instead because those are my types of colors.) I will admit, it does make me happy to expand my Chanel collection. Here it is now before I add anything from this collection. It's not much, but I hope to change that! :)
OMG you are lucky girl!!!!!!

Which glossimer is that all the way on the left? It is so pretty!!!!


Well-known member
Wow, that's an awesome collection SG!!! We have the same taste in colors - those glossimers make me drool.....


Well-known member
Thank you all for your kind words and well wishes. We found out yesterday that the ER only told us half of the story. He definitely fractured his mandible (lower jaw). What they did NOT tell us but his family doctor did is that he also fractured his maxilla (top jaw) as well so it is a total break. Scary thing is the fall didn't look that bad initially. Right now he is at home and I am trying to keep him as pain free as possible. He goes back to the surgeon on Friday. He has been too swollen for them to do anything to this point but the swelling is starting to recede.

To keep this post on topic, even though I am sure I am a sight to see (no sleep and a nervous wreck) I am sure I am the only nervous wreck in the waiting room with a swipe of Joyeuse lipstick on. LOL


Well-known member
Oh April - I'm so sorry for his and your ordeal!! How awful! Hang in there! He's lucky to have you to care for him - do you have family nearby to help as well? Try to get some rest!!

I'm sure you're rocking the Joyeuse!


Well-known member
I bit the bullet and ordered another Joyeuse! This is my 2nd backup! Lord have mercy on my bank account! I've ordered everything from this collection, minus the quad. (I ordered Birds of Paradise instead because those are my types of colors.) I will admit, it does make me happy to expand my Chanel collection. Here it is now before I add anything from this collection. It's not much, but I hope to change that! :)
i'm drooling over your collection right now! hee hee!


Well-known member
April.. so sorry to hear of your travails.. I hope he recuperates fully and well. I myself fractured a pinkie and it is now in a little tiny sling thingy.. which is better than the little splint which was removed today.. ah, the human body is quite an amazing thing. Hugs and be well.. and yes of course, I had my sling slathered with Joyeuse!

ncshooter.. lovely collection.. and don't worry a few of us have bu's of Joyeuse (meaning you are not alone in your addiction!).


Well-known member
Thank you all for your well wishes, prayers and hugs. I love my Specktra family. We see the trauma surgeon tomorrow. The swelling is down a bit so hopefully they will be able to do something soon.


Well-known member
Hi April - and we love having you in our Spektra family, and in our 'Chanel family'!! I hope the appointment went well and that you have a plan of action. Take good care and get yourself some sleep - hugs, prayers, good thoughts heading your way.......


Well-known member
Im still debating whether to get he quad. I really want to like it, its my colors and who knows how long it will take for Chanel to come out with another pink quad.

Im thinking abut ordering it and trying at home.

Is it possible to return it or exchange if it doesnt work?

If it is at least a bit workable I will keep it, but there are many bad reviews out there and when I swatched it in store I was not impressed either. But I want to try it wet and with base in a good light.


Well-known member
^^^The quad was the only product that dissapointed me from this collection. It is not horrible, but there are definately some prettier quads out there. I will probably keep it though.


Well-known member
Im still debating whether to get he quad. I really want to like it, its my colors and who knows how long it will take for Chanel to come out with another pink quad.

Im thinking abut ordering it and trying at home.

Is it possible to return it or exchange if it doesnt work?

If it is at least a bit workable I will keep it, but there are many bad reviews out there and when I swatched it in store I was not impressed either. But I want to try it wet and with base in a good light.

Sure, if you order from they allow you to return products.


Well-known member
Thank you all for your kind words and well wishes. We found out yesterday that the ER only told us half of the story. He definitely fractured his mandible (lower jaw). What they did NOT tell us but his family doctor did is that he also fractured his maxilla (top jaw) as well so it is a total break. Scary thing is the fall didn't look that bad initially. Right now he is at home and I am trying to keep him as pain free as possible. He goes back to the surgeon on Friday. He has been too swollen for them to do anything to this point but the swelling is starting to recede.

To keep this post on topic, even though I am sure I am a sight to see (no sleep and a nervous wreck) I am sure I am the only nervous wreck in the waiting room with a swipe of Joyeuse lipstick on. LOL
i'm so sorry about what you are having to deal with right now. I'm sending positive thoughts to you and your family.


Well-known member
I'm on the verge of breaking down and asking someone to do a CP for me for Joyeuse... I was hoping we would be getting this collection too, somehow.

Oh gosh, I hope that things will get better for your bf, April. It all sounds really terrible and painful!


Well-known member
I'm on the verge of breaking down and asking someone to do a CP for me for Joyeuse... I was hoping we would be getting this collection too, somehow.

Oh gosh, I hope that things will get better for your bf, April. It all sounds really terrible and painful!
I am SO glad I got Joyeuse now. It's the "outside my comfort zone but not too much" pink hahaah i think this needs to be perm!. I just got the peach one too and can't wait to try it on


Well-known member
So the sale is almost over, and my inner makeup hoarder is panicking that I need backups of some things from this collection before it goes away. I already backed up the lipsticks. Is there anything else from this collection that is back up worthy?


Well-known member
I've gone back and forth about the highlighter because I absolutely LOVE it! But, I also know I'm getting the highlighter from the Aquarelles collection as well as the holiday collection. If anything, I'd back the highlighter up.
So the sale is almost over, and my inner makeup hoarder is panicking that I need backups of some things from this collection before it goes away. I already backed up the lipsticks. Is there anything else from this collection that is back up worthy?


Well-known member
I swore I would never back up anything from Chanel - it's just too expensive. I may be reconsidering - Desinvolte is such an awesome color, it may be worth backing up. I like this so much more than Joyeuse, it's an easier color to wear and more flattering IMO.


Well-known member
I swore I would never back up anything from Chanel - it's just too expensive. I may be reconsidering - Desinvolte is such an awesome color, it may be worth backing up. I like this so much more than Joyeuse, it's an easier color to wear and more flattering IMO.

Oh, too bad my store did not have tester of Desinvolte. I so want to try it.

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