Chanel Le Blanc at a Nordstrom near you? Anniversary Sale exclusive


Well-known member
Thank you for the advice! I actually placed my order with the manager of the Chanel counter, so this ought to be interesting. I don't get the inconsistencies in Nordstrom's CS either. My favorite MAC MA works at the same store, and she always gives me top of the line CS. She will be honest & tell me when a product is a definate miss or not right for me. Actually almost all of the MAC MAs at this store are amazing & help you a lot. The put things on hold for me, etc... I wish that I could still get my preorder but give my MAC MA the comission.

The Chanel counter at this Nordstroms is overall a pain in the ass. The next closest Nordstroms is 40 - 60 minutes away on the freeway, so I have been just dealing with it. This is why I am seriously thinking about ordering online, even though this store is maybe 6 miles away from where I live.

Haven, I would ask to speak to the department manager. There is NO excuse for that! You should also ask him/her what the policies are for hold items for the sale - sometimes I think that SAs make it up as suits them. I am getting my stuff tomorrow - I opted not to do the 'early' sale - and there are no issues with them holding my stuff.

I don't know why there are so many inconsistencies in service at Nordstrom - they really need to address that. It could be turnover, or just poor management (likely both). But in any event, you should never have to put up with being put off by that behavior.


Well-known member
A very kind Specktrette helped me with a CP for the quad and the pink lipstick, got both today and love them! I was scared that the lipstick might look too cool on me but it works! One of the lighter colours in the quad does look like it may be a problem but the other shades are fine :) I was getting late today so I could only do a quick look with the darker shade as an eyeliner with a thick coat of mascara and the pink lippie on my lips. I used the pink heart from the Sakura blush on my cheeks and it goes so well with the lipstick!
That's great! Enjoy them. I'm sure they are lovely on you.


Well-known member
Don't forget, you can order online and pick it up in the store - and never have to go to the counter (you pick it up at Customer Service). I do it all the time when I'm in a hurry. No shipping, of course. It will tell you if the item is available in your local store, or any store within a radius of a specific zip code......comes in handy!


Well-known member
I think that I will try that first, since I did want to stop buy the sale anyway. Hopefully the collection will be on the website tonight so that I can pick it up tomorrow. Most of the exciting items from the different departments sell out at this Nordstroms during the first weekend of the sale.

It is a shame that the Chanel MAs at this store are not more helpful. They all tend to have an attitude - like they consult with K. Lagerfeld personally on a regular basis. All of the MAs at the other cosmetic counters are rather nice. Unfortunately I am primarily interested in MAC & Chanel.

Don't forget, you can order online and pick it up in the store - and never have to go to the counter (you pick it up at Customer Service). I do it all the time when I'm in a hurry. No shipping, of course. It will tell you if the item is available in your local store, or any store within a radius of a specific zip code......comes in handy!


Well-known member
^^ like they consult with K. Lagerfeld personally on a regular basis - that made me giggle!!! You are so right! I just hate attitude.

I hope you get what you want - I know everything sells out fast, but maybe you can cultivate that dept manager....and BTW, my MAC MUA (who is AWESOME) always gets my Chanel stuff for me too...or any other line's stuff for that matter. I don't think it directly helps her, but she does it for me anyway. And that way I'm assured of getting the stuff I want. Maybe yours would do it too? I used to be concerned that it was taking commission away from the Chanel folks, but I didn't have anything invested in them, and they didn't in me, so I stopped worrying about it. There was a LOT of turnover at the counter, so I really didn't worry about it. Now I have a 'Chanel' girl (actually, I think she's older than I) who is very good to work with, and I trust her to put my stuff aside for me. I just hope she stays there awhile.


Well-known member
Well, the baby woke me up at 3 am EST, so once I was done feeding her I hopped on the Nordstrom website. (No Nordstrom anywhere near me) I was so excited because I knew the sale had just launched online. I ordered both lipsticks with a backup of Joyeuse, RT, Blossom, and Pearl Glow. As if that wasn't enough, I got on Chanel's website and ordered the Topkapi quad and Rouge JC from the Byzance collection. After my Chanel sweet tooth was endulged, I was able to go back to sleep! :)


Well-known member
Sounds like quite the nice haul! No baby here but possibly Chanel-dar...I spontaneously woke up around 4 so placed my order then. I just got RT and Desinvolte, already have Joyeuse.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Lol, Winthrop and shooter girl, congrats on ordering! Can't wait for you to get them. I always wake up spontaneously in the middle of the night at around 3 or 4 am. I would do the same thing too if I could order online :)


Well-known member
Ah, to finally have a few moments to read some posts! Glad to see this thread, as I honestly think this is one of the prettiest Chanel collections to come along in a while! I had gotten my hands on my goodies quite a few weeks back, but had yet to try out the quad until this morning! And I'm really happy with it! I used three of the four colours (skipped the shimmery pink shade as I was in a mad rush) and they all applied beautifully. I know some comparisons have been made on here to other quads, but it isn't like any of the one's mentioned. It's nothing like Temptation Cuvree, as that quad is super shimmery and the darkest colour is a deep brown. Rose Envolee is actually not that shimmery at all with the exception of the one pink shade. The other colours apply very satiny and pigmented, and the darkest shade is a deep eggpant colour, which applied great dry and would probably be a whole lot more intense applied wet for the evening. I am really appreciating the quads that have the one dark shade, in that I can do a super quick eye with 2-3 shades.

As others have mentioned, the blush is super gorgeous as well, a very flattering raspberry pink that doesn't apply too bright.

I didn't get any of the glossimers, because I am on a budget, but I am wondering if I shouldn't have passed on the peach lippie?! I think it's still around if I change my mind, but my fall list is getting a little longer, so I'm going to stick with my first instinct!

Hope everyone gets what they want! Enjoy ladies! :)


Well-known member
I am going to get mine today - the powder and 2 glossimers, along with Desinvolte and a b/u of Joyeuse.

I word Rose Envolee again the other day, and I love all of the colors EXCEPT the bright pink one - first, it's very 'chunky', and applies very patchy, with little to no color payoff. But the other 3 are gorgeous, and I love Nora's description. I too love the deep eggplant color! I'm wearing RT today - I just love this blush!!

Hope everyone is having a great Friday! It's GORGEOUS here today - I can't believe how beautiful it is! Wish the rest of the summer could be like this, but then I guess we'd get bored! I dunno, I could stand to be bored!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ We had a rainy Friday. It's quite refreshing actually, because it was hot and sunny for almost 2 weeks. I guess we are the same, we would be bored. Thanks for your review. Do I need RT? Nora - thanks for the review and enjoy your goodies. I'm not sad for not buying the quad now, since I initially wanted it for the shimmery pink shade. I may pick up RT if it is still around. D you like RT more or RP? I know one is warm and one is cool...


Well-known member
I love RT - of my bright pink blushes, it is my favorite - I don't think you would regret getting it.......


Well-known member
I word Rose Envolee again the other day, and I love all of the colors EXCEPT the bright pink one - first, it's very 'chunky', and applies very patchy, with little to no color payoff. But the other 3 are gorgeous, and I love Nora's description. I too love the deep eggplant color! I'm wearing RT today - I just love this blush!!

Hope everyone is having a great Friday! It's GORGEOUS here today - I can't believe how beautiful it is! Wish the rest of the summer could be like this, but then I guess we'd get bored! I dunno, I could stand to be bored!
Cheryl, I really wanted to try out the pink colour, but figured I'd have fall out issues and just didn't have the time for it. But I bet it would be gorgeous if applied wet or "packed" on over a good base, kinda like the way I use pigments. The glitter is a bit chunky, but it's so pretty!

The weather here is amazing too! We've had nothing but sunshine pretty much right through this month! Enjoy it Cheryl.


Well-known member
I absolutely agree with this. It looked scary in the pan especially for someone as pale as I am. But as soon as the MUA applied it I fell in love. It is the prettiest "just came in on a cold winter day" flush. And I am someone who normally steers clear of pink on their face due to rosacea.



Well-known member
^^ Guess I need to give the bright pink in RE another's what drew me to it to begin with (I bought mine on evilbay). I love the colors in it - I'll have to play with the pink to see what I can get it to do.....

Thanks for the review!! Have fun in Vegas April - I'm going back twice next year - always love to do some makeup shopping while I'm there ;).


Well-known member
Well the Chanel manager from my local Nordstroms finally called me back last night after the store had closed. She apologized profusely for not getting back to me sooner, and then she told me that she had everything that I wanted. Even though I was royally p'od by the horrible customer service, I ended up buying everything from her. In store pick up of products ordered online is not currently offered, and I am impatient & wanted my goodies today!

I ended up with the JC, quad, highlight powder, and both lipsticks. I also picked up Quartz NP b/c it looks so pretty on - even though it will probably chip within a day or two. I passed on the glossimers b/c I have so many pale pink glossimers from Chanel. If the glossimers are still available in a couple of weeks though, then the makeup addict in me may actually end up ordering them just because.


Well-known member
Hi all!

I have been lusting and oohing and aahing over some items in Chanel's fall collection and a lipstick from the Le Blanc collection after seeing swatches of them

My question about Joyeuse, without actually seeing it in person, is it a pink that anyone could wear? My lips are naturally pink. not too dark, not too light of a pink...a nice medium I guess (?) This would be my first Chanel lipstick and want to make a good color choice, as this would be the most expensive tube of lipstick I would own! Plus, ordering Joyeuse from Nordstrom would mean tacking on a $5 shipping charge I believe, that's if I had a $50 purchase. Im thinking maybe I should just go to my local counter (Macy's for me, no Nordstrom around) and play with the the many other shades available.

Any thoughts on Joyeuse? Thanks in advance for any response!


Well-known member
Hi all!

I have been lusting and oohing and aahing over some items in Chanel's fall collection and a lipstick from the Le Blanc collection after seeing swatches of them

My question about Joyeuse, without actually seeing it in person, is it a pink that anyone could wear? My lips are naturally pink. not too dark, not too light of a pink...a nice medium I guess (?) This would be my first Chanel lipstick and want to make a good color choice, as this would be the most expensive tube of lipstick I would own! Plus, ordering Joyeuse from Nordstrom would mean tacking on a $5 shipping charge I believe, that's if I had a $50 purchase. Im thinking maybe I should just go to my local counter (Macy's for me, no Nordstrom around) and play with the the many other shades available.

Any thoughts on Joyeuse? Thanks in advance for any response!

Well mostly all of us loved Joyeuse! And we bought backups of it. Its hard to say what you personally would like, but it is a beautiful pink lipstick. Its one of my personal favorite pink lipsticks ever that I own.

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