Chanel Summer 2011


Well-known member
Pinkdollface, Anneri, ILoveMakeup & Ejka!!! Congrats on your new Chanel goodies and first Chanel purchases!! Anneri, I'm SO glad you found Rose Platine - it feels wonderful to get that hard-to-find item!! I'm so happy for you! And Ejka, I know this is the beginning of a love affair with Chanel makeup!!

And I am LOVING Lilium!! What a great quad it is! MissQQ, I watched the vid too, but I've been wearing mine with the darkest green in the outer v, and the rose color or taupey color above the crease. And RP to line.

I just got the bill for my tires
....cough.....I won't be buying makeup for awhile.........
Thanks. You're so sweet
! But the thought of starting a love affair with Chanel scares me (or should I say my wallet). I'll try to keep it casual, but it definitely wasn't a one-off
. With all the praise it's getting, I guess I should at least swatch Lilium when I'll be checking out bronzers at the counter.


Well-known member
Thanks. You're so sweet
! But the thought of starting a love affair with Chanel scares me (or should I say my wallet). I'll try to keep it casual, but it definitely wasn't a one-off
. With all the praise it's getting, I guess I should at least swatch Lilium when I'll be checking out bronzers at the counter.
Yup I definitely recommend you testing on you cheeks - you'll love both Terra Inca and the Chanel bronzer!


Well-known member
! Anneri, I'm SO glad you found Rose Platine - it feels wonderful to get that hard-to-find item!! I'm so happy for you!

And I am LOVING Lilium!! What a great quad it is! MissQQ, I watched the vid too, but I've been wearing mine with the darkest green in the outer v, and the rose color or taupey color above the crease. And RP to line.

I just got the bill for my tires
....cough.....I won't be buying makeup for awhile.........
Awww, Shypo, thanks! It definately feels great to hunt a coveted item down, and I'm very very happy with Rose Platine - waering it today for the second time!

And, a confession: I just got Lilium and Sari D'eau today.

Lou, you're responsible for that, you enabler!
I watched your May fave vid and was hooked. So after I had a very unpleasant appointment in the morning, and went to a department store and got it. 10% off, but nevertheless quite pricey...
Now I've to watch the video you're talking about in this thread. What I don't understand - why do we in Europe and you in the US get different quads? Different textured quads, to be exact?
I just lost my job (the appointment was at the employment centre), so I'm not sure what to do about my budding romance with Chanel...

At least I won't be buying any MAC any time soon, phew!


Well-known member
i'm wearing the bronzer on my cheeks today :) it's so pretty. noticable but not too in your face or orange! yay!! :) the powder itself is very soft and smooth too - i'm quite impressed :)

Yay!! Lou got her bronzer!!! I'm SO glad you love it!! I was concerned they wouldn't have it when you went to look - isn't it wonderful? I've been wearing mine almost every day.


Well-known member
Awww, Shypo, thanks! It definately feels great to hunt a coveted item down, and I'm very very happy with Rose Platine - waering it today for the second time!
And, a confession: I just got Lilium and Sari D'eau today.

Lou, you're responsible for that, you enabler!
I watched your May fave vid and was hooked. So after I had a very unpleasant appointment in the morning, and went to a department store and got it. 10% off, but nevertheless quite pricey...
Now I've to watch the video you're talking about in this thread. What I don't understand - why do we in Europe and you in the US get different quads? Different textured quads, to be exact?
I just lost my job (the appointment was at the employment centre), so I'm not sure what to do about my budding romance with Chanel...

At least I won't be buying any MAC any time soon, phew!

Oh, Anneri - I'm so sorry to hear this. It has really been a tough year for everyone. I hope you are able to find something very soon! My thoughts are with you. At least with Chanel, there aren't SO many things to lust after - not like MAC, so perhaps you can pace yourself, and really focus on what special items you might want. The other good news is that many of their things end up being permanent, so you don't have to have that sense of urgency you do with MAC.

In any event, let's hope your situation is very temporary - one step at a time. I'm glad you got Lilium and SD - they're both fabulous, and you now have the best of the summer goodies!


Well-known member
That's so sweet of you, Shypo - thank you. It means a lot to me, really!
It's quite strange to be without a job on so many levels. My job was really horrible, so I'm quite glad I don't have to cope with a choleric boss and mean coworkers any longer, but it's really unusual not to be independent any longer. I've to depend on my parents and my wonderful bf financially, and although they help me gladly, to be an 'independent woman' (lol) was always my number 1 aim, so my confidence is a bit tattered right now.
I've chosen to see this as a chance, tho - I can get the job I like now!
(No matter that I don't have any idea what to to any longer - I was an editor for scientific journals, but don't really know whether I want to stay in that field!)

Happy to hear that a lot of Chanel goodies get perm! I was astonished today at my counter when the SA opened the drawer to get me my Lilium and there were loads of them!


Well-known member
So fun to have so many Chanel addicts on the board

Lou -- yay, so glad you got your Rose Bronze. It just may be my favorite Chanel product ever! And that is saying a lot since I have so many Chanel loves!!

Anneri -- I hope you find another job soon. That is a stressful situation to be in. Hopefully something wonderful comes your way soon! When I first started getting into Chanel I literally wrote out a wishlist of permanent items. I try not to get too caught up in the LE items -- I really only buy if I love it. But with Chanel, I have to say I love a lot of their products!

Ejka -- once you get hooked on Chanel, there is no turning back! It makes other brands seem so affordable :)

Ilovemakeup -- glad you liked your Bronze universal. Can't wait to hear what you think of your other goodies!

Pinkdollface -- your description of Mimosa sounds so pretty! I am a major Chanel addict -- but have yet to buy a nail polish. I know I am missing out!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Anneri - sorry to hear that. I hope you manage to find something you like soon. Stay confident and positive! I quitted my job earlier this year because I didn't enjoy it at all - it was getting very bad for me. I just started on a new one not long ago and although I'm not sure where this will take me, I have no regrets leaving the previous one. Start slow with Chanel, and you can build up on your favourite products, whether they are glosses, blushes, lipsticks or e/s quads etc. Pleased to have you here!


Well-known member
Anneri - sorry to hear that. I hope you manage to find something you like soon. Stay confident and positive! I quitted my job earlier this year because I didn't enjoy it at all - it was getting very bad for me. I just started on a new one not long ago and although I'm not sure where this will take me, I have no regrets leaving the previous one. Start slow with Chanel, and you can build up on your favourite products, whether they are glosses, blushes, lipsticks or e/s quads etc. Pleased to have you here!
yup i agree on the starting slow thing. that is what i have been doing. buying one or two items a month when i can :) i've not been dissapointed yet!


Well-known member
^^ What a nice compliment!!
Good luck with the interview!!!
thanks! it will take up the whole day and i'm doing them with the company owner so i will feel slightly stressed. plus two of my sales guys are applying so it will be hard for me to be un biased because obviously i would love nothing more than for either of them to be my assistant manager!


Well-known member
No worries, Lou! I love being enabled...
And I'm really looking forward to using it!!! All in all I'm really happy to have stumbled into Chanel, both in real life and on Specktra!

And thank you, all of you, for your kind words! Keep crossing your fingers and everything will work out hopefully.


Well-known member
[quote name="Anneri" url="/forum/thread/171803/chanel-summer-2011/1320#post_2128068"] That's so sweet of you, Shypo - thank you. It means a lot to me, really!
It's quite strange to be without a job on so many levels. My job was really horrible, so I'm quite glad I don't have to cope with a choleric boss and mean coworkers any longer, but it's really unusual not to be independent any longer. I've to depend on my parents and my wonderful bf financially, and although they help me gladly, to be an 'independent woman' (lol) was always my number 1 aim, so my confidence is a bit tattered right now.
I've chosen to see this as a chance, tho - I can get the job I like now!
(No matter that I don't have any idea what to to any longer - I was an editor for scientific journals, but don't really know whether I want to stay in that field!)

Happy to hear that a lot of Chanel goodies get perm! I was astonished today at my counter when the SA opened the drawer to get me my Lilium and there were loads of them!

[/quote] Anneri, you are a very special person and openminded, so I am very sure your current situation will not be permanent :) With your openness it will be a matter of time, I am sure :) I very well understand what you mean by being independent, but that will not change if you take some help once in a while. [quote name="Miss QQ" url="/forum/thread/171803/chanel-summer-2011/1320#post_2128135"] Anneri - sorry to hear that. I hope you manage to find something you like soon. Stay confident and positive! I quitted my job earlier this year because I didn't enjoy it at all - it was getting very bad for me. I just started on a new one not long ago and although I'm not sure where this will take me, I have no regrets leaving the previous one. Start slow with Chanel, and you can build up on your favourite products, whether they are glosses, blushes, lipsticks or e/s quads etc. Pleased to have you here!
[/quote] Agree, with Chanel you can take it slow, things tend to be around longer and often are permanent. I am still amazed at how well I liked this collection, Mr Chanel has a hand for great products and colours.


Well-known member
Lou.. best of luck !!

Annieri.. hang on, hang tough and keep up your spirits and you will soon be happily trotting off to the perfect job!



Well-known member
I hope something great comes your soon way hun! Its always horrible relying on others financially but you appreciate every penny you earn after that! Hope everything turns out well for you :)


Well-known member
Again, thank you for all the wishes you send to me! I'm really quite overwhelmed - you all are soooo nice!

Today, I did the first look with Lilium. I used it wet after Lou raved about it, applied it 9 hours ago and it looks as fresh as it did then. I'm really impressed. I especially like the light green - it has such a fresh, spring-y feel about it! I've to find a way to make the dark green greener - I applied it in the crease (the taupe colour all over the lid), and it darkens, yes, but I had hoped for something like a richer green.

Tomorrow I've to use something else, tho - I'm going to a huge rock festival and see Coldplay! YAY! (Wish me luck - the weather forecast is horrible!


Well-known member
Anneri -- so glad you love your quad. Have fun at Coldplay -- I love them! Viva la vida is one of my fave songs ever!!


Well-known member
Have fun at the concert Anneri!! One thing you might consider is using a dark base in your crease - like one of the MAC grease paint sticks, or the equivalent Urban Decay version - it might intensify the color for you.....

Happy Friday everyone!! Enjoy your weekend!


Well-known member
Again, thank you for all the wishes you send to me! I'm really quite overwhelmed - you all are soooo nice!

Today, I did the first look with Lilium. I used it wet after Lou raved about it, applied it 9 hours ago and it looks as fresh as it did then. I'm really impressed. I especially like the light green - it has such a fresh, spring-y feel about it! I've to find a way to make the dark green greener - I applied it in the crease (the taupe colour all over the lid), and it darkens, yes, but I had hoped for something like a richer green.

Tomorrow I've to use something else, tho - I'm going to a huge rock festival and see Coldplay! YAY! (Wish me luck - the weather forecast is horrible!
yay! i'm pleased that you like the quad! and the staying powder is so good isn't it?! and enjoy the coldplay concert!!


Well-known member
The staying power is absolutely great. Love that.

I just saw Lisa Eldridge's vid on - I love her! Her look is great, too.

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