The only reason I ever thought I would have children was because, when I was very small, that's what I thought happened. By that, I mean that I thought you just... grow up, get married, and have children. I thought this around the same time my dad had to verrry patiently explain that no, in fact, we could not just drive to France to get mom a present the day before her birthday. I promise, I have since improved my intelligence
I never wanted to babysit or anything either. I do volunteer work, helping people with disabilities ride horses, and I work with a lot of children through that. I absolutely adore most of the kids I work with. My cousin's daughter is pretty much one of my favorite people in the world, and she'll be five soon. Why, just last week, I held a baby! So no, I don't hate kids. When they're quiet and well-behaved, and I can give them back, I get along very well with kids.
A lot of people do try to convince me to change my mind, but they usually only start that when they find out that I don't want to get married. Usually, they say "But you were a kid once!!!" Was I? Really? I didn't know that! When my dad was alive, he really didn't like loud, obnoxious children, and my mother still doesn't, so I can confidently say that I was a quiet, well-behaved, courteous child.
I think it's great if other people want to have children. More people have to come from somewhere, right? And maybe in a few generations, everyone will care about the world more, so it will be a great place for ALL the world's inhabitants to live. Obviously, when you go out in public, you're going to see what seems like a lot of loud, bratty children, because the loudest members of a group always seem to be the ones you see more of. I have confidence that the vast majority of parents are raising their children to be excellent people.
Plus, I mean, I just like spending money on myself. Yes, it's selfish, but selfish does not always equal bad!