Originally Posted by Shimmer
Just so you know, children aren't monsters.
They're (usually) not malicious creatures.
Yes, they can be brats.
Yes, they can and do cause damage to those around them, and no, I'm not excusing that, but...
children aren't cullheadedclovehoovedforkedtail monsters. YOU were a child one day, and had everyone responded to you the way you say you respond to children, that could very well have ended quite badly for you.
Oh, I'm not angry at anyone. If you want to have kids, that's fine. I honestly don't care. But since this thread asked why we either did or did not want to have kids, I wrote out why I don't want to have kids. I honestly can't stand the majority of children. There have been a rare few that I've encountered and genuinely liked, but there haven't been many. And even as a child myself I didn't like children. Like I said, part of that comes from having been around them non-stop throughout my own childhood because my mum was and is a kindergarten teacher.
And yes I was a child once. But I never ran around, screamed, threw tantrums, or acted like a bratty little demon. There was my first year of life that mum said I cried nonstop, and she believes it was because I was in constant pain due to dislocations (my shoulders and hips dislocated as an infant). But aside from that, I usually just read books, did my artwork, cared for our pets or went outside to play with bugs. There were occasions that I did act terribly but when I did my mum corrected me, explained what I was doing wrong and just why it was wrong and why I should never do it again, and thus I never did it again. My mum said I was 'born old' because I never really did act like a child. I was just quiet and reserved and kept to myself.
And honestly, I don't 'respond to children' the way I've written my post. I just do my best to ignore them. If someone wants me to hold their baby I'll politely refuse, telling them my elbows and shoulders are weak and prone to dislocations but thank you for offering. I'm as polite and cordial as I possibly can be because despite the sardonic and annoyed tone of my post, I'm only a jackassy cunt to people who are first jackassy cunts to me.
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I'm not trying to get you to change your mind because God knows, I don't believe in having children unless you want them, but your post sounds really angry, and sounds like it's directed at people who truly don't deserve that anger.
Angry because kids run around screaming?
They haven't been taught better and honestly, instinctively, that's what children do. Blame the parents.
Angry because they run up to you and pull on your hair and clothes?
Blame the parents not the child, because without the parent to teach him/her, the child knows no better.
Again, I'm not angry at anyone. I don't scream or curse at kids who come up and yank on me. I
do blame the parents. The parents who pull their kids away and tell them never to do that again and go apologize this instant I have no problem with. I'll accept the apology the kid gives me and that'll be the end. But the parents who just let their kids get away with it absolutely hears about it from me. But I never scream at the kid. As a child I was screamed at by adults for accidentally bumping into their leg in line at the store or for something equally trivial and I remember how mortifying/frightening/infuriating it was and as much as I hate kids, I'm not going to traumatize it for life.
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Ultimately the blame doesn't fall on the 6 or 7 or 8 year old child, or even the 9-14 year old child...it falls on the parents to raise a child to be a productive helpful and wholly positive member of society.
I absolutely agree with that. Good parenting is everything. What distresses me is that the kids that're in my mum's kindergarten class have been getting progressively worse because their parents spoil them rotten and don't discipline them for anything. This has been happening for the...oh, last four years, I'd say. Mum teaches at the same private school I attended from kindergarten through eighth grade and she usually talks to me about her class. She knows I adore hearing about the creative kids and sometimes I'll go up to the school to meet the ones with huge artistic potential (like this girl she had this year. good god that kid has a better sense of color theory than most people in my high-school I.B. art classes did). Aside from that little girl and a few other kids, the rest of her class were a bunch of self-centered, prone-to-violence, tantrum-throwing Lovecraftian horrors simply because their parents didn't do anything other than spoil them rotten and set them in front of the TV. Lord knows I couldn't have gotten away acting like these kids did, otherwise mum would've spanked the hell outta me and I would've deserved it! I honestly don't understand this new parenting trend of not actually parenting and raising your child!
(these kids are considerably more well-behaved because mum didn't put up with any of their crap that worked on their parents, but good lord. it's sad when the teachers actually have to parent their students.)
Originally Posted by Shimmer
And, fyi, after having children I found out that there's a good chance I could/will develop Huntington's Disease (thanks guys, a little late now...). Had I known, I wouldn't have done it...so no, I can't see why, given your condition, anyone would suggest that having a child is a viable option for you.
It sucks to hear about your potential Huntington's diagnosis. I hope none of your kids are diagnosed with it later on down the line.
But I can tell you why people often argue with me on why I should have kids 'the natural way' should I ever want them: it's because I don't look disabled.
If you look at me, you just see a Hispanic girl in blue-violet lipstick with a ponytail that hangs down past her ass with a purse that looks like a side of beef. From outward appearances, there's absolutely no way to tell that I'm disabled unless you happen to be there when my hip decides to dislocate or I have to snap my elbows back into place. Even then it just looks like I'm stretching or I fell over something. Unless people have grown up with me, know me extremely well through other means, or live with me, there's no way to tell how disabled I actually am. It was hell getting me on disability for that very reason. I went to the government-appointed evaluation doctors and they took one look at me and said, "Oh, you're not disabled!
NEXT!" I had to make them take x-rays of my spine before they finally believed me.
Finally, as for the tone of this post...what you have to understand is by nature I'm a fairly sardonic, dark-humored and sometimes bitter person. I was sarcastic and dark-humored before my body fell apart--I got the odd sense of humor from my mum and the gift of sarcasm from my grandma and my uncle. Then when puberty hit and my body said, "
oh hay i quit", that's when the bitterness developed. Living with chronic pain'll do that to ya. Nearly everything I write has a sardonic tone to it, even if I'm in a good happy bouncy jovial mood. But this post wasn't an attack on anyone.
There's only one person I'm angry with, and that's my birth mother because she had six children and therefore it's highly likely that half or more of those kids have to deal with the same EDS bullshit that I have. It's irresponsible and infuriating. And I don't want to hear "
oh well maybe she didn't know!" because I know for a fact that she knew something was wrong with her. In the small dossier I have on her it said that she dealt with spinal pain and hip dislocations and no doctor had ever been able to figure out why. I also have a photograph of her. In it, she's holding my older brother with one arm and her other arm is held out toward the camera. She has the same ninety degree hyperextention in her arm that I do.
Do I like kids? No. Do I hate them? Ninety percent of the time, yes. Does my fiancee? Yes. Do we treat them like demons that should be exorcised from the face of the planet?
Fuck no. My mum raised me to treat others with courtesy and respect and despite my loathing of kids, I treat them respectfully even if they do things like yank the hair out of my head or run up and kick my knee-high boots to see if I'm able to feel it through the leather (three year olds in particular seem to be fond of doing that). The only time I bitch is if the parents let them get away with hurting me like it doesn't matter. But I never bitch to the kids themselves, just at their keepers. Otherwise I just bite the inside of my cheek and mutter to myself in my brain.
Thank you, though, for giving me a civil reply instead of "OMG YOU BITCH HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE KIDS GODDAMMIT" like so many other people do whenever this particular topic comes up. Hell, I can just say, "
I don't like kids and me and my wife don't want any" instead of going into a huge essay like I did here and people will still insist I'm some sort of a nazi gestapo cunt who's wasting her uterus. So thank you for the civilized reply.