Chris Brown Under Investigation for Felony Battery


Well-known member
I thought it was that he tried to choke her but didn't, then threatened to kill her?

I think they switched it around a few times o_O


Well-known member
When I saw that picture on perez hilton I seriously felt like I got punched in the stomach. No one should have to go through something like that. That poor girl. I breaks my heart that he hurt her like that. My heart goes out to her and I hope that Chris Brown goes down big time for what he did to her.


Well-known member
You know, I will put my hands up and admit that I was hoping that this incident would be an example of media frenzy and hysteria....and I do stand by the notion that people can change if they want to. But that picture seriously just made my heart sink.


Well-known member
see, i'm sorry, but there is NOTHING she could have done to "provoke" him to do THAT to her. he's a fucking piece of shit. he should rot.


Well-known member
Dang, from what I'm hearing CB may be pressing charges against Rhianna. I'm sure she caught the worst of it cuz she clearly took at least three shots to the face. I'm wondering where the "eyes so swollen, she couldn't open them" part came from though.

Still, it's hard to see anyone in this shape. I feel so bad for BOTH of them to even be in this situation, let alone having to experience it on a national scale. I hope and pray that they both get the help they need and are able to break the cycle of dosmestic violence. But, I totally see this turning into a media circus of finger pointing instead. Poor kids. SMH.


Well-known member
I see the police is investigating within their dept of who leaked the picture of Rihanna to TMZ...I am watching CNN and they said the "Victim" feels her privavcy has been violated and is outraged....It goes on to say the person or persons involved in the release of the picture will be dealt with accordingly....(ok fired)

I figured she woulo have a problem with this picture being displayed for the world to see and posted on every web forum in America..I would!


Well-known member
^^yup. its fucked up, but i mean shit, this is the age of the internet. anything you do or say will be posted for all to see. someone leaked the photo, which was fucked up but im not surprised. but see, she was trying to say "oh i wasnt injured that bad", or here cousin said it...but um, clearly thats a lie. he fucked her up. i have no sympathy for strong men who abuse the fuck out of females. my man saw this photo and it made him sick to his stomach. he went on a tirade "how the fuck could any dude put his hands on a female like that?? send chris brown my way and i'll show him what a real ass whoopin is all about. i dont care how made u make me, i'll just walk away i'd never put my hands on you. thats not how you show you love someone." LOL my poor baby. he has a daughter so his angry dad instincts were coming out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru
Dang, from what I'm hearing CB may be pressing charges against Rhianna. I'm sure she caught the worst of it cuz she clearly took at least three shots to the face. I'm wondering where the "eyes so swollen, she couldn't open them" part came from though.

Hmmm Mark Geragos is really working for his money, however as long as those pictures are evidence (and I don't think there's a way to keep them out he's going to claim she injured him), I don't see ANY jury that would find her guilty, but I guess when you get the lawyer who defended Micheal Jackson and Scott Peterson you know you need to play dirty and pull out ALLL the stops.

I love B Scott's break down of this
CB- Pit Bull
YouTube - B. Scott Weighs In On Chris Brown Beating Rihanna Down!


Well-known member
^^he's telling the truth. there's no physical comparison and there's no way on earth that would have been a fair fight. thats why its wrong. i dont give a fuck who started what. couples fight. women push buttons. men push buttons. violence is never right in any instance. a woman should never put her hands on a dude, and he should never ever put his hands on her. period.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
^^yup. its fucked up, but i mean shit, this is the age of the internet. anything you do or say will be posted for all to see. someone leaked the photo, which was fucked up but im not surprised. but see, she was trying to say "oh i wasnt injured that bad", or here cousin said it...but um, clearly thats a lie. he fucked her up. i have no sympathy for strong men who abuse the fuck out of females. my man saw this photo and it made him sick to his stomach. he went on a tirade "how the fuck could any dude put his hands on a female like that?? send chris brown my way and i'll show him what a real ass whoopin is all about. i dont care how made u make me, i'll just walk away i'd never put my hands on you. thats not how you show you love someone." LOL my poor baby. he has a daughter so his angry dad instincts were coming out.

Yeah My dh is the same way...Hell I have to do all the disciplining in my house....I tell my son...Ok when your Dad gets here you are gonna really get it....Call my dh...He was really bad today you need to really take care of this...dh comes in with our son for about 30 mns...Comes out..I say so what happened....Oh we talked...I gave him another chance...

Ok damn it this is another chance number 2 thousand and 10...Can you just spank his ass please ....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha

Girl my son was talking to his Daddy...about divorce...and he said...daddy, do you think you and Mommy will ever get a divorce...Why did I hear him say...No, son...I doubt that I coud get rid of you and Mommy even if I tried!
...I said I heard that...and yes, you can...But it'll cost ya!!


Well-known member
I think it is really wrong that the photos showing the results of the beating got released. That is horrible. It is bad enough for someone to have to go through that, never mind now all the evidence photos are all over the internet.

The whole thing just makes me sick.


Well-known member
^^^ Exactly...people no matter if they are celebrities or not are entitled to some privacy....I hope she sues the whole department...and constantly reposting it on every website in the world is just as sad...TMZ stated the photos were set where you could not copy and paste them...I said ....really...thats funny because I see them copied and pasted


Well-known member
O, I'm sure she will sue the bejesus out of the LAPD. Probably not till the case is over though. Whoever released it needs to be fired and have to have a little "sit down" w/ Ri Ri's family.

I'm still wondering, with pics like this, why is the only against chris brown federal criminal threats? It would seem they have enough evidence for more charges based on that pic alone. I'm sure the DA will come up with more before the trial though.

This is definitely about to get ugly w/ all stops being pulled out on both sides. And by both sides, I mean CB and the LAPD. Doesn't seem like Rhianna wants too much to do w/ the actual case, although CB is going to have to drag her name through the mud to win.

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