Chris Brown Under Investigation for Felony Battery


Well-known member
girl, to be honest with you i sure did want to. i brought my dog into work today because he was sick all nite and i refused to leave him home alone. so im walking him during my lunch break and this guy stops me and he's all "OMG OMG how cute! Do you need help walking him? Because I could use the extra money..."


like was that?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance

I couldn't care less about his status as an artist or anything like that. I mean, as a human being, he shouldn't be written off.
I believe that people (specifically young people) make mistakes, but that's just me. I believe that characters can be reformed. Obviously not in every instance is that argument applicable, or true, but based on THIS incident (of which we realistically know very little) if (IF being the operative word here) he is remorseful and truly sorry then why shouldn't he be able to redeem himself?


sure, forgive.
and sure, characters can reform, but I was referring to men/women returning to their violent partners and giving them a second chance. I just dont think thats an option.

I have no issue with CB trying to redeem himself musically or even as a person. I just dont think Rihanna should go back to him.


Well-known member
^^^ Can't speak on that....I took my husband back and through prayer and counseling he did reform ....But it took me leaving him for him to get the help...But I did take him back after the changes were made. People can change....and sometimes it takes hurting the ones they love to help them make those changes. and realize there is a problem....But I am a very forgiving person so I tend to allow more than some would


Well-known member
I know three cases of DV. All of the women I know have taken back their men. One guy stopped after spending a night a night in a cell, the other hasnt laid a finger on his wife after she gave him 2 years to calm down and the other... well she is putting up for the sake of her child.

I try not to comment on things I havent personally experienced myself and pray I never have to experience it, but I would like to think I could be strong and take the way out. Forgiving is one thing, but safety and happiness come before it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
girl, to be honest with you i sure did want to. i brought my dog into work today because he was sick all nite and i refused to leave him home alone. so im walking him during my lunch break and this guy stops me and he's all "OMG OMG how cute! Do you need help walking him? Because I could use the extra money..."


like was that?

that's that recession talk!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by benzito_714
And I think it is important to be realistic-if that was your daughter or sister in that R.kelly tape do you think you would just excuse her actions or would you tear her a new asshole because she knows better? Yeah R. kelly was wrong because he has a documented history of of chasing young girls and should have been punished but since he got off we have to educate our young women and place the power in their hands instead of assuming that all older man and women are looking out for them.
Its not always a case of women giving free passes to men against other females but women demanding that we expect more from ourselves and demand that we put ourselves first. We have to be responsible for us and not expect to be seen as the victim at every sign of incident-we are stronger than that.
Maybe I have had a hard life and maybe I sound insensitive but I can't be a victim and I can't allow anyone around me to be.

Seriously, I am being realistic. Honestly, I don't picture my sister or daughter in a position like that because I was raised better, therefore I do better....unfortunately, all girls are not raised to be (or by) respectful women. Most "parents" are far from the definition of the word. For that reason, seeing a child exploited like that makes me sad because it's probably all she knows and angry that more adults--including men--don't take responsibility for the village. Perhaps if even one person took the initiative, we would have one less "victim" to defend.


Well-known member
If you go to TMZ right now they just posted up pics of Rihanna that were taken after the beating. So sad! My heart is broken, I can't even believe that is her! I am about to cry, I really didn't think it was this bad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
If you go to TMZ right now they just posted up pics of Rihanna that were taken after the beating. So sad! My heart is broken, I can't even believe that is her! I am about to cry, I really didn't think it was this bad.

oh my god.. i just saw the pictures.. i gasped...

...i just read the quotes that was taken from the magazine... and i know they are just magazines but sounds like she still loves him even after all that shit... hmm.. maybe hes got a big one!!!?

..only kiddin


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
oh my god.. i just saw the pictures.. i gasped...

...i just read the quotes that was taken from the magazine... and i know they are just magazines but sounds like she still loves him even after all that shit... hmm.. maybe hes got a big one!!!?

..only kiddin

That is so wrong.....But funny!

I saw the sad....Looking at my own face was made me say NO More...Hopefully she will look at the pictures and make the right decisions...But the heart is a powerful thang!!!

Weakness in Chris Brown Case -- Prior Attacks -

The link to the story...I figured this was not the first episode of abuse...and probably will not be the last if she returns to him without him getting help


Well-known member
yooo I just saw the pics and he really beet the crap out of her. I cant believe she could take that. I dont blame her for getting the police involved. That is so messed up. The lumps on her head look terrible. poor girl.


Well-known member
I am sure knowing how she is about her appearance she is appauled that that horrible picture is being seen all over the world...So horrid what these tabloids do to people and what is allowed to be displayed all over the internet.


Well-known member
I agree. But hopefully she will get the support she deserves from the pictures going public.

I'm watching E! News and apparently Chris Brown will be getting multiple felonies.


Well-known member
^^ I am watching that too...But they said they will not know that until his hearing on 3/5 ...they said he could depending on what she testifies to....


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People: Los Angeles D.A. eyeing felony charges against Chris Brown
By Randy McMullen
Conrta Costa Times
Posted: 02/19/2009 05:35:02 PM PST

It's been 11 days since Chris Brown's alleged assault of his girlfriend Rhianna, and there's been no word of any official charges against the 19-year-old singer.
According to E! Online, that doesn't mean he's not in big trouble. The entertainment Web site reported Thursday that the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office is extending the investigation, and seeking more evidence, as it ponders whether to press several serious felony charges — even attempted murder.
E! also says the office is looking at such charges as domestic violence and assault resulting in great bodily injury, both felonies. The biggest challenge, sources in the D.A.'s office and the Los Angeles Police Department told E! Online, is that there are so far no direct witnesses other than Rihanna and Brown.
Brown is accused of attacking his longtime girlfriend after a pre-Grammys party in early morning hours of Feb. 8.
E! Online reports that Rihanna told police that, while the two were fighting in his rented Lamborghini, Brown said, "I'm going to kill you," while his hands were around her neck. Rhianna, 20, also told authorities that Brown choked her until she lost consciousness.
Brown was booked by police on suspicion of making criminal threats, but he has not been formally charged with a crime. He has been free on $50,000 bail and is said to be with his family in Virginia. He has issued a statement saying he is "sorry and saddened" over the incident.


Well-known member
I don't know either of them personally (obviously) but I still feel really upset about this. I feel bad for Chris for the weaknesses in human nature, and I feel horrible for Rihanna not only for the things she is personally going through but for all the women in the world that are going through the same thing every day, unnoticed.

The truth is, abusive relationships are not easy to walk away from, and I'd be surprised if the light goes on just yet and she does leave him. My heart just aches for all the women out there who submit to the control of men...both physically and emotionally.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
damn .......... speechless


the pain in her face makes me wanna cry. just cause of her being a person. nobody deserves that.

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