Chris Brown Under Investigation for Felony Battery


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^^ If she threw his keys out the hotel window...why did Police say the incident happened in the car???? Again....The pieces do not add up ....


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Originally Posted by benzito_714
I really doubt that their relationship has been that violent. Why hasn't anyone spoken up-bodyguards, management, parents, anyone? They have probably had their fair share of lover's quarrels but I don't think that have had a violent past. And if so-who is protecting who and why has it been accepted behavior?
This is why i can't be famous-i would need a crisis management Page Ranking team with me everywhere i go.

I don't doubt that this has happened before. This time, it happened at the worst possible time---during an awards ceremony. Regarding the "protection", you would be surprised what people will keep to themselves for a shot at being in an entourage, living the celeb life, a little cash and a swag bag.


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Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Key word: *IF*

If a man fights a woman, unless she has 100lbs of weight on his or a weapon, chances are she will get stomped to the ground. But, that's beside the point. Point blank, no one should be beating on another unless his life depended on it. Otherwise, in either case, walk away.

I have 100 pound or there about on my husband, I still can't take his ass

And all this talk about her giving him an std the pic with her having a cold sore is from Germany last year why would he wait nearly 6 months to beat her over that? I don't think that's what started it, I heard his defenders say there was another girl in the car that beat her and I asked where does the 3'rd person sit in the lamborghini???? LOL there's no space!

And yes it happened before in Barbados and he smashed her wind shield and she threw something at him I'm told a plant pot, I posted about this before, but when the police were going to be called she said not to call them, I don't know? there's more to this story but from those who saw the Barbados fuss up, Chris has more of a temper than Rihanna, his "people" basically said he could pay to fix what he broke so stfu.

PS I didn't support Pee Kelly and I'm not supporting Chris "I'm getting counseling" Brown either (not that I was before they fucked their careers anyway), neither of them should even be in the positions they got themselves in, my 12 year old can tell you
no cameras
walk away
something both these grown men seemed to have problems with


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru
I can honestly say though, I am disgusted at the double standard and hypocrisy shown by the media and others in this situation. What happened to R. Kelly when there was video footage of him freely pissing on young girls? Nothing! Hell, I'm pretty sure he was nominated for an NAACP image award during the 6 long years it took to get him to trial. Everyone in their right mind knew he was guilty, but it didn't stop any radio stations from playing his music and I don't ever remember major chains pulling his music. Let's be fair here, if you want to not support one unsavory character, then let's not support any of them.

i think it's just media bandwagon. one station decided not to so now it's like a ripple effect.
yeah, we all knew r. kelly was guilty but that didn't stop them from playing his music or anything.
the truth will come out soon


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
Gosh, no way.

I dont think there should be a second chance when it comes to domestic violence... at all. No matter how much remorse is shown - no one should be around a person like that. I personally know a few women who have been victims of DV and the second, third... seventh chances always led to the same shit and even worse. pfff, forget it!

I dont think CB is all that. Musically - fans can easily move on to the next Usher/Trey Songz/Bobby V/Lloyd type of singer, no problem.

This weeks UK Grazia magazine has covered the story...


I couldn't care less about his status as an artist or anything like that. I mean, as a human being, he shouldn't be written off.
I believe that people (specifically young people) make mistakes, but that's just me. I believe that characters can be reformed. Obviously not in every instance is that argument applicable, or true, but based on THIS incident (of which we realistically know very little) if (IF being the operative word here) he is remorseful and truly sorry then why shouldn't he be able to redeem himself?


Well-known member
My God is a forgiving God...if you are sincerely remorseful and ask for forgiveness......

I personally think unless you have brutally murdered, molested, etc someone...and you are truly sorry and ask for forgiveness you deserve a second chance to right a wrong. If none of us, or people we know and love were ever forgiven for mistakes made ...where would we be today?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance

I couldn't care less about his status as an artist or anything like that. I mean, as a human being, he shouldn't be written off.
I believe that people (specifically young people) make mistakes, but that's just me. I believe that characters can be reformed. Obviously not in every instance is that argument applicable, or true, but based on THIS incident (of which we realistically know very little) if (IF being the operative word here) he is remorseful and truly sorry then why shouldn't he be able to redeem himself?

i don't believe he woke up that morning thinking "yeah i'ma beat rihanna's ass today"
whatever provoked the fight, he lost control of himself, bottom line. which we all have done at some point whether it was physically or verbally and he deserves to be heard at the very least.
i'm not happy with what he did but i don't feel he should just be written off..... at least not when a truly concrete story hasn't been told.


Well-known member Interview

Cousin: Rihanna Holding Up Well

Yvonne Fenty, a cousin of Rihanna's, claimed that the "Umbrella" singer is currently on the island of Barbados -- recovering from last Sunday's violent attack by boyfriend-R&B star Chris Brown -- with friends and family, and told exclusively that "Rihanna is holding up well."
"Everyone is looking after her--she is just trying to catch herself and get her life back on track. None of this is as bad as everyone makes it sound. Her injuries weren't near as bad as people make them sound.
"Yes, she is going through a rough time and is upset, but she is thinking positive and resting.
"She will be fine."

02/16/09 12:22 PM


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
My God is a forgiving God...if you are sincerely remorseful and ask for forgiveness......

I personally think unless you have brutally murdered, molested, etc someone...and you are truly sorry and ask for forgiveness you deserve a second chance to right a wrong. If none of us, or people we know and love were ever forgiven for mistakes made ...where would we be today?

Amen. Forgiveness is more powerful than both anger and hate and for those of us who don't believe in second chances-I am sure glad you are perfect.


Well-known member
And b/c I figured "why not spread more speculation around?" I got these quotes from, which is probably the most unreliable source on the internet. Take it as you will:

[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Geneva,Ari] Quote:
Here’s the National Enquirer:
”Even after what Chris did to her, Rihanna is crazy about him and she’s forgiven him … They’ve been talking on the phone, and they’ve agreed that once the legal problems are ironed out, they’ll be together.”​
Here’s Star Magazine:
”[Rihanna] has reached out to [Chris] on numerous occasions, both calling and texting him with the message: Miss you, Love, peace and hope u r ok’ … She keeps saying she wants to make sure that he’s okay. She thinks this will all blow over and they can go back to how they were.”​
Here’s Life & Style:
”[Rihanna] loves Chris but she wants to send the right message to fans by what she says publicly and how she handles the relationship … But she loves him – and may want to work things out.”​
In Touch claims that they’re speaking and still in love, but not back together yet:
”She hates Chris but still loves him at the same time … [they] spoke a few times since the incident, and they’ve relayed messages back and forth through a friend.”​
Here’s US Weekly:
Rihanna seems surprisingly torn, to the exasperation of many. “I mean damn, her eye’s black and the sides of her face are all f_cked up, “says a friend. “But she keeps saying she loves him … [and] she’s telling everyone that she’s sorry, though it’s not her fault … She’s actually worried about HIS life? What prison will do to him? Come On!”​



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
i had to use an umbrella today

I love you MissResha!! You make me laugh, and I need that right now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I can't believe how many women give men free passes against other females. First, other women tore the child in the R. Kelly tape a new one for being promiscuous and now women should get their asses kicked if they tick men off?? I'm sorry, but men are naturally built stronger than women. Saying she deserves it is like saying scantily dressed women deserved to be raped. Why give disrespectful men a the freedom to think this? Unless a man is in a life or death situation with a woman, I don't condone beating her ass. Be a man and walk away. If you're with a crazy female who tests you on the regular, walk away. If you're a crazy female who tests a man on the regular, pray that he's man enough to walk away from your crazy ass. Because as you can see, many women will think you had it coming to you.

I used to think this way until I was confronted with it. No a woman who dresses provocatively should not be raped and a woman should not be hit for standing her ground. But we as women need to responsible for ourselves. We all know and profess that men are sometimes more immature than women and can't handle certain situations yet we expect them have our best interest at heart-the two don't add up. I need to protect myself-by any means necessary.
And I think it is important to be realistic-if that was your daughter or sister in that R.kelly tape do you think you would just excuse her actions or would you tear her a new asshole because she knows better? Yeah R. kelly was wrong because he has a documented history of of chasing young girls and should have been punished but since he got off we have to educate our young women and place the power in their hands instead of assuming that all older man and women are looking out for them.
Its not always a case of women giving free passes to men against other females but women demanding that we expect more from ourselves and demand that we put ourselves first. We have to be responsible for us and not expect to be seen as the victim at every sign of incident-we are stronger than that.
Maybe I have had a hard life and maybe I sound insensitive but I can't be a victim and I can't allow anyone around me to be.


Well-known member
Ok Like a lot of us originally said....After it is all said and done she will probably be back in his arms while all the rest of the world is dragging him thru the mud....That is why I am trying to reserve judgment until I have at least heard her side, his side....and the truth that falls in the middle. If she is capable of finding forgiveness...who are we to judge....
Maybe the full story will come out soon......It seems bits and pieces are coming out now...and it may not be all the media hyped it up to be...Afterall the more devastating it is reported...the more magazines are sold....

And I do agree...We as Women do have to take some responsibility for our own actions and behaviour....No that does not mean we deserve to be harmed...But we should have sense enough to not just throw ourselves on harms doorsteps.


Well-known member
Some women take for granted that men are human and can act inhumane at times....I mean just because I know it is wrong to be raped.. and it should not happen no matter what a woman wears, how she acts, etc.....I am not going to walk butt naked down the street in front of a bunch of dudes....Ok, Maybe they wouldn't bother me, need to work out more
...But if a woman chooses to put herself in this situation she has to expect that one if not all of those men in that pack is gonna try something that is not right....but did she ask for it...or lead them to think it was okay by her actions?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by benzito_714
I used to think this way until I was confronted with it. No a woman who dresses provocatively should not be raped and a woman should not be hit for standing her ground. But we as women need to responsible for ourselves. We all know and profess that men are sometimes more immature than women and can't handle certain situations yet we expect them have our best interest at heart-the two don't add up. I need to protect myself-by any means necessary.
And I think it is important to be realistic-if that was your daughter or sister in that R.kelly tape do you think you would just excuse her actions or would you tear her a new asshole because she knows better? Yeah R. kelly was wrong because he has a documented history of of chasing young girls and should have been punished but since he got off we have to educate our young women and place the power in their hands instead of assuming that all older man and women are looking out for them.
Its not always a case of women giving free passes to men against other females but women demanding that we expect more from ourselves and demand that we put ourselves first. We have to be responsible for us and not expect to be seen as the victim at every sign of incident-we are stronger than that.
Maybe I have had a hard life and maybe I sound insensitive but I can't be a victim and I can't allow anyone around me to be.

to everything you just said


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Your ass is crazy!! I'm scared to ask...But Why????

oh no worries, its raining in DC

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