Counterfeit full size MAC Pigments on eBay


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
I just had a look around and saw what she was selling.

DON'T buy the MAC Sample from her.


Take a look at the "MAC Sample". The / is a dead giveaway showing it's counterfeit-ness. Earlier I mentioned:

lucky i didn't buy... anyway will go to Chapel St tomorrow to have a look and asked for the sample... Do you know what's the tram no going to Chapel St?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dheedhee
lucky i didn't buy... anyway will go to Chapel St tomorrow to have a look and asked for the sample... Do you know what's the tram no going to Chapel St?

I always take the train to get to South Yarra then walk to the MAC Concept Store! :S

Maybe Route 8?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
I always take the train to get to South Yarra then walk to the MAC Concept Store! :S

Maybe Route 8?

ohh yeahhh take a train better...
thanks for the info....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dheedhee
Xqueeze_me, how about this Item number: 260100477251???

The box looks like the original authentic MAC Pigment box but we also need to look at the bottom of the jar to make sure. It probably is authentic though and the seller's feedback is excellent with more than 2446 positive feedbacks.

What do you girls think?


Well-known member
i know it looks so original authentic and heaps people buying from that seller, any comment from other??? cant wait to go MAC Store tomorrow...


Well-known member

That 3 full sized ones are fake.. the base of the jars are way thicker than the authentic ones plus the screw top lid is closed completely. If they're new, they should have the plastic cover lid and should NOT close completely! YAAAAAHHHHHH That seller is from Thailand!! THOSE FAKERS!!!!

The Matte Orange Pigment seems ok.. The screw top lid is not closed completely and the box is authentic. The jar's base is not as thick as the counterfeit ones. Colour label on top of the box is not on the bottom left corner of the box (which is a good sign.. and it may be on the top right corner). Matte Orange is 2.5gram, which is printed on the box.

The Shimmersweet looks ok too. The proof are similar to the Matte Orange Pigment BUT we never know, eh! More pictures are needed to prove its authenticity, especially the label on top of the box, bottom of the jar, etc. Uhhmmm.. is there such a MAC Pigment name as Shimmersweet? I've NEVER heard of it!!


Active member
Re: The Shimmersweet looks ok too. The proof are similar to the Matte Orange Pigment BUT we never know, eh! More pictures are needed to prove its authenticity, especially the label on top of the box, bottom of the jar, etc. Uhhmmm.. is there such a MAC Pigment name as Shimmersweet? I've NEVER heard of it!!

I did some searches on Specktra for Shimmersweet, and I came up with some Pro Pan pallet blushes in an lavendar-pink! Is there possibly a pink pigment by the same name? (I have seen MAC label seval products from different types the same name, but not too often). Thanks for your help!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me

Aire De Blue

That is SO FAKE!!!! Classic FAKE!! Grrrrrrrr!!!

I wrote to the seller telling her that this MAC Pigment she's selling is fake. She wouldn't believe me. This is what I said:

In regards to this item: It is definitely a counterfeit MAC Pigment. Please do not tell me that your suppliers have assured you that the MAC Pigments are authentic because it clearly is NOT. There are NOWHERE legitimate one can acually purchase MAC items wholesale for onward resale unless... I'm not trying to put you down and I just wanted you to know that THIS Aire De Blu is NOT authentic. Please do NOT sell it because counterfeit MAC Pigments' ingredients are not known and may contain harmful substances, which may cause blindness or skin irritation, etc. If you are unsure, please search "100% Authentic MAC PRO Matte Pigments" and read "How to spot fake MAC Pigments". Thank you in advance for reading this message.

Her reply was:

this is 100 percent authentic seeing as a bought it straight from the MAC PRO sales counter.
So you are wrong.. sorry

why would you think my item was not authentic?
im just curious.

I replied:

Firstly, the label on top of the box is WRONG. It should be the name of the colour and NOT the batch number. Position of the label is WRONG too. Printing looks a bit off. The first "/" (after Net Wt.) is more vertical than the second "/" (after 7.5g). I'm sure BNIB, there is a plastic cover lid AND the authentic MAC Pigment top won't close completely and what you have is screwed close completely. The base of the jar is way thicker than the authentic MAC Pigment jars. These are what I can see from the picture. It is impossible to purchase THAT from a MAC PRO sales counter.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Gemstone
This looks like it might be fake to me... what do you all think?

Hey Gemstone,

I've called and checked with the MAC Concept Store in Melbourne and Shimmersweet doesn't exist. None of the staff ever heard of that MAC Pigment.

I googled "MAC Pigment Shimmersweet" and nothing came up. I googled MAC Pigment Shimmersweet without the " and found this:
Discontinued MAC Palette Blush
MAC Sheertone Shimmer Blush
MAC Pro Palette Sheer Shimmer Blush refill in Shimmersweet


Well-known member
OK! So I've got a reply from the seller who's selling the Aire De Blu.

I was using a stock photo of an aire de blu that was being used on ebay because i had no camera.. to prove to you that mine is real, i borrowed one from my friends house and took a photo of my product.
i see the difference from the stock photo and from this one. so thank you for bringing that to my attention!

Funny thing is.. the Aire De Blu label is on the SAME position as the first picture she posted.. on the bottom left corner. The top of the label looks like she scratched the label to replace the A22 (the picture before) label. The base of the jar still look thicker than the authentic MAC Pigment jars.

What do you girls think?


Active member


Well-known member
Shimmersweet is a blush shade, and for the pigment, there's the shimmersouffle that came as part of the Adorn Collection, but it's a mousse form. There's also a Shimmertime pigment that was part of She-Shines collection.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dheedhee
so is there any place rather than MAC store that we can buy MAC Pigments?

You can order pigments from the 800 number!

the hours are Mon - Fri, 9.00 - 5.00 Eastern.


Active member
Originally Posted by ExquisiteImages
Shimmersweet is a blush, and for the pigment, it's suppose to be shimmersouffle that came as part of the Adorn Collection.

Is Shimmersouffle a pigment, or is it one of the cream-type products?

Thanks so much for your help ladies!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
OK! So I've got a reply from the seller who's selling the Aire De Blu.

Funny thing is.. the Aire De Blu label is on the SAME position as the first picture she posted.. on the bottom left corner. The top of the label looks like she scratched the label to replace the A22 (the picture before) label. The base of the jar still look thicker than the authentic MAC Pigment jars.

What do you girls think?

Wait, so you're saying she took your info that you gave her on why the product is fake, and tried to change the way it looked to make it seem authentic???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Gemstone
Is Shimmersouffle a pigment, or is it one of the cream-type products?

Thanks so much for your help ladies!

I re-edit my above entry.

Shimmersouffle is one of those cream/gel type product. IMO, it was one of MAC's worse product ever made.