Crazy Customers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hawaii02
I had one of these types of people come to me once outside of my former workplace. Nothing about auras but the woman did ask me if I had found God yet like she knew me or something

People like that are in the parking lot all the time waiting for people to walk out so they can be like "can i ask you a question?"... "yeah what?" (i'm not friendly after work)... "do you believe in god? why not? do you believe blah blah blah" ... ummmmm lady, i just got out of work and had to deal with a bunch of fucktards... i'm currently NOT on the clock. annoying the hell out of me probbbbbably isn't the best idea right now!!

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Some lady was talking about my aura as well and saying it was in danger and she actually followed me into the washroom and told me she was my guardian angel. Ahh some people..

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
LMAO I'm really laughing because I remembered this time when a customer that I was helping decided that she wanted to read my palm. I'm an open minded person for the most part, so I just let her do it. Other associates and managers kept passing by and looking worried like "Are you...okay...?" The lady goes on to talk about how I will be successful and wealthy, and that I will have relationship troubles, choosing between two men. She said that I would be with one for a while, and then find another and be very happy, but that I would end up with the first man long term and that would be true happiness. I was strictly clitly at the time. LMAO I'm looking at this lady like "YOU'RE DOIN IT WRONG!"


Well-known member
Lovin this thread!

When I was first starting out I worked in a supermarket, now I don't know if I'd call this lady crazy so much as weird. So anyway she comes up to me and asks for fruit in a tin, so I take her over to where the tinned fruit is and she turns to me rather cross and says "no fruit in tin!" I said yes this is the tinned fruit, well this went on for a few minutes where I then had to march her around the entire store as she kept ranting "fruit in tin, fruit in tin!" after about 10 minutes we found the fruit in tin which was really jam!! (or jelly as some might call it)

Just to be clear, her english was fine I still don't know if she was just f*cking with me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xStarryEyedX
People like that are in the parking lot all the time waiting for people to walk out so they can be like "can i ask you a question?"... "yeah what?" (i'm not friendly after work)... "do you believe in god? why not? do you believe blah blah blah" ... ummmmm lady, i just got out of work and had to deal with a bunch of fucktards... i'm currently NOT on the clock. annoying the hell out of me probbbbbably isn't the best idea right now!!

Just start rolling your eyes back into the sockets, stick your tounge out, and make Exorcist noises.


Well-known member
Yesterday I was at MAC and there was some girl, obviously on some sort of illegal substance.
She would take lipsticks, roll them all the way up, and apply them with the side of the stick, instead of the top. And when she wanted to try a new one on, she wouldn't wipe the old one off.
Oh no.
She just kept applying more lipstick and lipgloss until it was literally dripping. It was disgusting.


Active member
Next time she comes in I'm just gonna say "no we don't have any brushes, we never have and never will be. But you keep coming in here everyday and asking the same thing harrasing me and the customers and I'm not prepared to put up with it any longer, I'm gonna ask you nicely to leave or I am gonna have to get a member of security to remove you from the premises"

Those type of people don't usually take notice to the polite way but usually come around when you tell them securiy will be called.

I'd try some reflective empathy on this one:
"Oh, ok, I really can feel that you really need some artist brushes"--pause for confused look--"I understand that you feel frustrated because each time you ask if we carry the brushes, I tell you no."--pause for even more confused look--"It must feel quite uncomfortable to feel so frustrated, especially if you really need those brushes."
--at this point she should be feeling nice and validated--
"If you'd like to leave me your contact info, I'd be happy to let you know if we ever get artist brushes in. That way, you won't have to come in and ask each day. I really think that this will help you feel less frustrated." --end with big smile.

And done.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Just start rolling your eyes back into the sockets, stick your tounge out, and make Exorcist noises.

omg i've done that!

my friend and i were walking to his car and one of these jehovah's witnesses type guys with his white shirt and black tie approaches us with a "would you like to learn about the Church of Latter Day Saints?"

Then I rolled my eyes back and in this deep crokey voice, i yell "I WORSHIP THE DEVIL!!!!"
This happened about a year ago, but my friend and I still laugh over it.
good times. good times.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nzgal
I'd try some reflective empathy on this one:
"Oh, ok, I really can feel that you really need some artist brushes"--pause for confused look--"I understand that you feel frustrated because each time you ask if we carry the brushes, I tell you no."--pause for even more confused look--"It must feel quite uncomfortable to feel so frustrated, especially if you really need those brushes."
--at this point she should be feeling nice and validated--
"If you'd like to leave me your contact info, I'd be happy to let you know if we ever get artist brushes in. That way, you won't have to come in and ask each day. I really think that this will help you feel less frustrated." --end with big smile.

And done.

I'm gonna try that one, I'll find it funny if no one else does.
Somehow I stiil think she'll be back, mind you having said that she hasn't been in since Wednesday.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hikaru-chan
Now the real problem is this happened at 7:00 tonight so not that late at all really but on sunday I have stock take and won't leave work untill nearly midnight, I'm sort of weary walking to the bus alone cause town will be dead by then, I'm hoping a collegue gets the same bus as me so we can walk there together.

Can you ask a friend/relative to pick you up? Or call a cab which'll be outside as you lock up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nzgal
I'd try some reflective empathy on this one:
"Oh, ok, I really can feel that you really need some artist brushes"--pause for confused look--"I understand that you feel frustrated because each time you ask if we carry the brushes, I tell you no."--pause for even more confused look--"It must feel quite uncomfortable to feel so frustrated, especially if you really need those brushes."
--at this point she should be feeling nice and validated--
"If you'd like to leave me your contact info, I'd be happy to let you know if we ever get artist brushes in. That way, you won't have to come in and ask each day. I really think that this will help you feel less frustrated." --end with big smile.

And done.

see the prob. with that is if she never calls her then she's gonna come in and be even more annoying. she doesn't really seem like the kind of person who would take a hint lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
LMAO I'm really laughing because I remembered this time when a customer that I was helping decided that she wanted to read my palm. I'm an open minded person for the most part, so I just let her do it. Other associates and managers kept passing by and looking worried like "Are you...okay...?" The lady goes on to talk about how I will be successful and wealthy, and that I will have relationship troubles, choosing between two men. She said that I would be with one for a while, and then find another and be very happy, but that I would end up with the first man long term and that would be true happiness. I was strictly clitly at the time. LMAO I'm looking at this lady like "YOU'RE DOIN IT WRONG!"


Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
omg i've done that!

my friend and i were walking to his car and one of these jehovah's witnesses type guys with his white shirt and black tie approaches us with a "would you like to learn about the Church of Latter Day Saints?"

Then I rolled my eyes back and in this deep crokey voice, i yell "I WORSHIP THE DEVIL!!!!"
This happened about a year ago, but my friend and I still laugh over it.
good times. good times.


What did the guy say?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Curly1908

What did the guy say?

He didn't say anything. He just walked away, like this happens to him all the time. ha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
I called security and by the time they got there he was in the parking lot across the street, ripping up sandwiches and yelling at seagulls. And that was my last dealings with him.

I can't stop laughing about the sandwiches and seagulls. That is seriously fucked up, yet hilarious. I'm sorry you had to deal with this nutbag but thank you for sharing!

I have a few gems as well. Once at work me and my old manager had just opened and were having our coffees while it was quiet and this guy wanders in. He looks really really dirty, maybe about 25-30, has a grey hoodie on with the hood pulled up and just generally is giving off a weird vibe. So he comes over to me and asks if we sell incene to which I reply "Yes we do," and start to show him where it is. Before we get there he suddenly asks, "Oh, and do you have a talisman for someone with no private parts?" Keeping a straight face I tell him "No, you'll need to go to the new age shop for that." So he asks where the nearest one is and I tell him. Then as he's leaving I see his back and he's got some writing there done with black marker in craaaazy handwriting and it says "ALL PSYCHICS MUST DIE". I was like OMG and I just sent him to the new age shop!!!

Recently we've had this woman come in like a few times every week to look at our cards. Anyways, I used to think she was harmless but she started spending more and more time in the shop in front of the card stand, up to an hour! One day not long ago I was helping a lady choose some jewellery and we both hear this laughing behind us. So we turn around and there is crazy card lady, laughing at a funny card I assume. I'm like "Hi," and she just smiles and we both go back to what we were doing. The customer asks me "Is she all right??" and I'm like "I don't know...." After a short time the customer leaves and crazy card lady start taking the cards out of their plastic sleeves and mixing them all up. So I tell her that she is welcome to look at the cards but to leave them in the packaging. So she takes out another one of course and starts laughing.... I ask her not to do it again and she says "I'm possessed by the spirit of a dead monk. He's telling me jokes." I say "Well I don't see what that has to do with my cards, so pull another one out and I'm callling the police." She says "You wouldn't dare," and sure enough pulls another one out, so straight away I grab the phone and dial the police. She bolts.

Ugh, once I actually had to fight off a crazy customer (didn't know I had it in me!) and there was this other guy who kept stealing stuff from neighboring stores and giving it to me, and another crazy guy who would come in and talk to himself and stare in our mirrors, but those are all stories for another day. Some people are sooooo weird.


Well-known member
Oh I love story time. I've had a lot of fun reading what you guys have written, but now I'll try to do my own really quickly. I was floating around the entire store during the holidays and I was in a fairly new department. I knew the product ok, but still I felt more comfortable hanging around the register ringing people up and doing online searches.

So the corny Christmas music is blasting and a customer decides to go grab something else and walks away from the register. That's where the trouble began. I didn't realize that my co-worker was trying to signal to me to wait for my customer to come back no matter how long it took. Instead I offered to take the next person in line who was grousing about the music, prices, and how she didn't want to pay for someone else's stuff. I told her that it was on hold for another person and eventually she came up to my register.

She then preceded to talk about how she had come to get the same items before but the registers were down so the machine couldn't take her check. Then after that I asked her if she needed a gift receipt and she ripped into me about how she isn't a charity and what not. I tried to make pleasant small talk about the difficulty of faulty registers (even though I knew that they were never down to begin with). She then goes off in a conversation with herself and I decide to just leave it alone until she pulls out this check that was written several weeks before (it could have even been a month before I can't remember).

I told her that I just needed a supervisor to approve a pre-written check (that had already been signed and dated). So I called for a supervisor and NO ONE called the phone back at my register. All the time this lady is getting into a deep conversation with herself about some random topic and she occasionally stops to complain to me about how long she's been waiting and "why can't you do it". Finally I get a supervisor to call and he all but refuses to come over because he's working on something else, he eventually gives in and says he will come by. My co-worker is getting closer to me and nudged me and made the coocoo clock sign while the woman was digging around for something. Finally the supervisor comes by and see the lady then quickly "approves" the check and runs away.

Lo and behold when I tried to run the check I got an error message that I had never seen before saying it couldn't accept her checks. Crap... what to say to that lady. I told her that the machine didn't accept the check and turned the screen around to her so that she could see it but to no avail. The lady burst into a tirade about how we gave the worst customer service and how I was the rudest of all of the people she had ever met. I should have been especially nice to her since she had been through so much financial difficulty (aha....). Then out of no where a supervisor stepped in and took over the transaction for me. Luckily, my co-worker had never stopped trying to flag down someone to take over the transaction and once she found someone she told me to go on break and got me out of the register area.


Well-known member
Ok, this happened to my regional trainer yesterday. I still can't stop laughing. I mean, what the hell?
Anyways, this weekend we had our Hello Kitty event. We each wore our HK t-shirts as well as bows in our hair.
So the trainer is on break, walking around the shops when out of nowhere this lady behind starts pulling and undoing the bow in her hair and laughing while saying " Hahahahah, I'm going to undo your bow!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha, I'm undoing it right now!!!!!!!"

I mean, what the hell?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
Ok, this happened to my regional trainer yesterday. I still can't stop laughing. I mean, what the hell?
Anyways, this weekend we had our Hello Kitty event. We each wore our HK t-shirts as well as bows in our hair.
So the trainer is on break, walking around the shops when out of nowhere this lady behind starts pulling and undoing the bow in her hair and laughing while saying " Hahahahah, I'm going to undo your bow!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha, I'm undoing it right now!!!!!!!"

I mean, what the hell?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
Ok, this happened to my regional trainer yesterday. I still can't stop laughing. I mean, what the hell?
Anyways, this weekend we had our Hello Kitty event. We each wore our HK t-shirts as well as bows in our hair.
So the trainer is on break, walking around the shops when out of nowhere this lady behind starts pulling and undoing the bow in her hair and laughing while saying " Hahahahah, I'm going to undo your bow!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha, I'm undoing it right now!!!!!!!"

I mean, what the hell?

One of our trainers was harassed in the mall for wearing Fafi stuff, but that takes the cake. You win.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spectrolite
I can't stop laughing about the sandwiches and seagulls. That is seriously fucked up, yet hilarious. I'm sorry you had to deal with this nutbag but thank you for sharing!

I forgot to mention that as soon as the puclic security guy walked into the store, another man ran in from down the street and said "Excuse me Sir, My wife thinks that man is drunk!" Talking about the crazy. Public Security's response? "No, he's just like that. Crazy."

Originally Posted by GreekChick
Ok, this happened to my regional trainer yesterday. I still can't stop laughing. I mean, what the hell?
Anyways, this weekend we had our Hello Kitty event. We each wore our HK t-shirts as well as bows in our hair.
So the trainer is on break, walking around the shops when out of nowhere this lady behind starts pulling and undoing the bow in her hair and laughing while saying " Hahahahah, I'm going to undo your bow!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha, I'm undoing it right now!!!!!!!"

I mean, what the hell?

Best story of life.