Re: Getting approached by guys??
Originally Posted by Ms.Amaranthine
Never. I've maybe been approached twice. One guy was considerably older and asked for my number and the other literally said this, "You'd be good for a fuck or two, but I would never date you. Wanna hook up some time?".
Yeah. Thanks.
I've been told that I am intimidating. Both in appearance and intellectually. I don't believe that. I don't see it et al. Men will smile at me, but they don't talk to me. I smile back. Maybe it's because I'm very shy that I seem unapproachable. I don't know. I'm engaged now, so I guess it doesn't matter much anymore. I live in a small town and have mostly dated online. It's the only way I could find somebody that I connected with. My boyfriend and I are living proof that it works. Have you ever tried that yourself? The great thing about finding somebody online is that you, more often than not, connect on an emotional/intellectual level than a physical one.
I don't know what it is that makes all of us girls seem so unapproachable. When I went out, it was always my more scantily clad friend that got hit on instead of the rest of us. Maybe the way she dressed let guys know she was looking or something. I have no idea. It wasn't that she smiled any more than the other girls, or that she was any more pleasant, because she wasn't. She was a rather mean tart sometimes. I suppose the only thing I have to say that could be considered advice is this; Where you look for a man will dictate the type of man you find. And who finds you. My friends always wonder why they end up with assholes hitting on them that only want some and I think it's because of where they look and the type of man they're looking for. Being assertive and going after what you want is probably more important than who comes looking for you.
Sorry that I'm not really any help. The male mind confuses me to pieces. They're about as predictable as the winning lottery numbers.
My boyfriend said this when he saw me reading this thread: What women don't realize is that men are usually just as shy as women when it comes to approaching the opposite sex. Some of the best men are the ones that just don't know what to say or how to say it, so it should be as much the responsibility of a woman as it is a man to approach and initiate conversation. I've noticed that the younger men that come onto women are usually the ones that just want some ass.
I can't believe someone would say that to you. I would want to smack 'em good in the face and walk away.
I agree with you about where you look for a man is what type of man you'll get. And sometimes I do approach, but other times I'm so afraid to do it that I just end of smiling or not even looking in a guy's direction.
ON another note, When I do approach and make friends with a guy (but I just want to be friends), I feel like he always starts to like me but I don't want to become anything more than friends. In the least bit. And believe me, I've tried to say "oh, maybe I'll give him a chance" before, but it's never worked because it all boils down to me realizing that I really, REALLY can't imagine us being more than friends...and then the relationship between us ends up really screwy (we're not good friends anymore. Just awkward.) Then the ones I want are all taken or not interested.
When I do the approaching to a guy I'm interested in, he never seems to show interest back. Or we chat for a brief moment, but it's like he never keeps his interest.
And pinkhandgrenade, I know the feeling. Usually it's the creepy older men who take interest.
And PMBG...omg. That happens to me too. I think a cute guy is staring and I smile at him and he either frowns, gives me a dirty look, or looks away. Sheesh!