Did you breastfeed? If so, for how long?


Well-known member
Congrats mommy to be =) Deciding to breastfeed is the best decision a mom can make for her child IMO. Breast milk is best for the baby, not to mention way cheaper than formula. I have two children and I breastfed both of them. My daughter, I breastfed till she was 6 months old, and my son now 9 months old, I'm still breastfeeding. I'm not going to lie though, it hurts very much so in the begging. Probably for about 2 weeks but once you get past that pain, it's like nothing afterawhile. Part of the reason it hurts is because the baby is improperly latched on. It's a learning experience for you and the baby so practice does make perfect. Anyway, hope this helps. Good luck!!


Active member
I breastfed for about 8 months, until he got teeth and decided he HAD to keep biting mommy!! it was super easy for me luckily my lil fat boy just hopped right on and sucked from day one, it was soo painful when my milk came in, like 4 or 5 days after he was born and if he latches wrong (doesn't have the whole nipple in his mouth) it can be soooo painful he actually broke skin from that and had me dreading feeding him but other than that I loved that when he woke up I could just put him in the bed with me and sleep while he got his fill haha and it was so nice that its FREE! formula is sooo expensive and its so easy, you don't have to worry about packing the supplies in case he decides he wants a bottle while you're out, I loved it and would continue to do it with anymore babies I have!! good luck


Well-known member
I breastfed my daughter till she was 10 months. The tenth month I worked on weaning (sp?) her off slowly. It was a great bonding experience.


Active member
My little Nelly-Poo is 10 months and I still nurse. Shes my first. I was determined to breastfeed!! The birth didnt go well...had to have an Emergency C-section. So i was completely out of it, lol my husband had to hold her to nurse cuz I wasnt strong enough yet. But It was painful, aint gonna lie! For a couple of days I didnt produce enough so I had to pump and have this bottle/tube thing taped to my nipple so it added forumla while still nursing. But after a while its a breeze!!!!

A womans body amazes me, my body grew her and my body feeds her...........Men aint got nothing on us!!! Hahahahaa


Active member
Originally Posted by n_c
I breastfed my daughter till she was 10 months. The tenth month I worked on weaning (sp?) her off slowly. It was a great bonding experience.

When did she completely wean? My daughter is 10 months and I planned on weaning when she was 1.


Well-known member
I breasted my boy till he was 15 months old
it was really hard the first 2-3 days but then milk started to come and I didn't feel any pain.I have to admit that it was much easer for me to breastfed my baby during the night than to go out of bed to prepare bottles with milk.


Well-known member
CONGRATULATIONS!!! being a mom is the most wonderful feeling in the world! i breastfeed my child for 18 months! and the best thing about it is, i never spent a dime on a formula! so give it a try...good luck!


Well-known member
Well I'm not a mother but I want to give a clear scientific point of view:

As it is right now, we haven't even been able to identify all of what the breast milk contains (and that's not a small thing, we even mapped the human genome) . There is so much complex proteins and unique molecules that we still don't know at witch extend they help and start your baby on the right path. Breast milk contains a lot of unique component that help your child brain growth, don't forget that it is still growing a lot after birth. One other thing sure is that steadily, new research shows how it cannot be replaced by any known artificial substitute. It is clearly the best thing for your baby, unless it's not a possibility. They found out (along with other things) that chronic disorders of the intestine are way more prone in persons lactated with artificial milk when they were baby.

I understand that some baby's are allergic to milk and stuff so please don't throw me rocks, but these information's don't come from the random internet. I'm a lot into science, studied it for years and still doing it, my best friend is a MD and I have an other good who is a pharmacist, all freshly graduated, with new knowledge of the modern practice (and Canadian MD's are well reputed all around the world). We talked about breastfeeding recently because I have a girlfriend who don't want to breastfeed because in her head, milk come from cows not women. I was profoundly disappointed in her views. It's the more natural thing on earth, believe me, human body is so complex, nature's know how to take care of herself, usually: we mess it up.

Pls excuse my english


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dz4shzy
My little Nelly-Poo is 10 months and I still nurse. Shes my first. I was determined to breastfeed!! The birth didnt go well...had to have an Emergency C-section. So i was completely out of it, lol my husband had to hold her to nurse cuz I wasnt strong enough yet. But It was painful, aint gonna lie! For a couple of days I didnt produce enough so I had to pump and have this bottle/tube thing taped to my nipple so it added forumla while still nursing. But after a while its a breeze!!!!

A womans body amazes me, my body grew her and my body feeds her...........Men aint got nothing on us!!! Hahahahaa

Congratulations on your baby. I have a 10 month old little girl too, she is my 2nd. I nursed my son who will be 6 next month for a year. I had the same experience as you with the emergency C-section with him- I wa sin labor for 2 day andmy body just shut down at 8 cm so they rushed me for the C-section. It was really hard but I was determined to nurse him even after returning to work after 12 weeks. He stopped nursing at 8 months and I pumped the rest of the way. I'm still nursing my little girl and she loves it. I applaud your efforts. IMO this is the best gift you can give your baby. I'm not a doctor and I would definitely check with your OB or pediatrician before taking this advice: When my supply gets a low I normally try to pump after every feeding and my mom got me some mother's milk tea from Whole Foods that helps to get my milk fully flowing again. Is your daughter sleeping through the night? My baby was and now all of a sudden she's up like clockwork at 3:30am, luckily I'm still on leave.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Celly
I am a mother of two a 2 year old and a 2 month old. I breastfed both of them. With my two year old I was only able to breastfeed him until he was 3 months because I ran out of milk. Both my boys were big babies Mason(2 now) weighted 8lbs 2oz and Bryceson (2 months) weighted 9lbs 6oz( I had a c-section with him lol). Anyway, they both are some greedy babies lol who love to eat. They ate so much that I had to supplement with formula because they weren't giving my body enough time to reproduce the milk. So now my 2 month old is on formula.

I loved breastfeeding my kids, not only did it save me money, but it was so much easier when you have to wake up in the middle of the night for feedings. All I had to do was pull out the breast and they would eat while I laid on my side sleeping. Now I have to get up go downstairs make the bottle warm it up come back up stairs and then feed him while sitting up. They only reason your nipples will hurt is if you have them on wrong. Thats when you take them off and put them back on.

Hi Celly,

I noticed that you are a makeup artist, mother of 2 with your youngest being 2 months. I'm a freelance makeup artist but I've kinda put it on hold since having my babies- 6yr old son and 10 month old daughter. I'm still on leave from work, have you returned to work yet? I haven't worked as a retail artist in a couple years but after discovering Specktra, I've been so motivated to get back into it. Do you ever feel guilty leaving them? I ask because I know retail hours are so crazy. Any advice? (other working moms please feel free to chime in)


Active member
Originally Posted by jo2syd
Congratulations on your baby. I have a 10 month old little girl too, she is my 2nd. I nursed my son who will be 6 next month for a year. I had the same experience as you with the emergency C-section with him- I wa sin labor for 2 day andmy body just shut down at 8 cm so they rushed me for the C-section. It was really hard but I was determined to nurse him even after returning to work after 12 weeks. He stopped nursing at 8 months and I pumped the rest of the way. I'm still nursing my little girl and she loves it. I applaud your efforts. IMO this is the best gift you can give your baby. I'm not a doctor and I would definitely check with your OB or pediatrician before taking this advice: When my supply gets a low I normally try to pump after every feeding and my mom got me some mother's milk tea from Whole Foods that helps to get my milk fully flowing again. Is your daughter sleeping through the night? My baby was and now all of a sudden she's up like clockwork at 3:30am, luckily I'm still on leave.

She have never slept threw the night! I always thought that was so weird. I think nursing is also her security blanket, If I move she gets all figitiy, then searchs, then huggs my boob! Its funny but then I get worried.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Originally Posted by patty0411

I don't mean to offend anyone but....
I'm not saying that it's bad to breast feed your child, but I think that a 3 year old is too old to feed from the breast. Maybe if the mother puts it in the bottle, that fine, but I guess it's just me... haha...

I agree!
I feel when your child is old enough to ask for it, he's too old to breastfeed.


Well-known member
i'll be breastfeeding my lil one when she gets here, as for how long i guess for at least up to the first year or first tooth lol, but i'll prob pump as well. but this is all dependent if she takes it or not


Well-known member
I nursed my oldest until he was eleven months old ... three weeks after I found out that I was pregnant with my youngest Shelby bit me so hard I had to have three stitches and he was done breastfeeding from then out! Not fun ... but it was a great experience and I will take the scar anyday for what I was able to give him as a mom.

I was only able to breastfeed the baby until he was about four months old ... we both got thrush so badly that I had one inch bleeding cracks in my breasts. The thrush spread so wildly in my body that I still can't wear underwires because they hurt like a bitch and he is almost three. I would have loved to have nursed him longer and applaud any woman that gives it an honest go. It is NOT an easy thing to do for the first month or so, but after that it is so natural and rewarding.


Well-known member
I once read during a health class I think about the benefits of breast feeding and one of them was that breast fed kids were suppose to have less allergies and a better immune system or something of that sort? I was breast fed til I could be weaned as a baby and my immune system is totally out of whack and I have really bad allergies that have been getting worse as I gotten older. I just find it funny how Im the total opposite lol.

I was one of those overly attached kids when it came to my mom even though I dont think I was breastfed passed the age of 1.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I once read during a health class I think about the benefits of breast feeding and one of them was that breast fed kids were suppose to have less allergies and a better immune system or something of that sort? I was breast fed til I could be weaned as a baby and my immune system is totally out of whack and I have really bad allergies that have been getting worse as I gotten older. I just find it funny how Im the total opposite lol.

I was one of those overly attached kids when it came to my mom even though I dont think I was breastfed passed the age of 1.

Clinically speaking you are completely right ... there is a lower instance of immuno-compromise and allergies with breastfed babies, but that doesn't hold true to everyone. What is nice about that in most cases is that less allergies and colds means less ear infections ... and when you have kids you will understand how truly AWFUL having a baby with an ear infection can be.

My four year old was nursed until he was almost one and he has severe nasal allergies to the point that he is on two daily meds for it. My two year old, however, was only nursed for about four months and he has no allergies. True to form, they both get ear infections often which means LOTS of sleepless nights for them and for me. Sometimes it is just odd like that.


Well-known member
That's the thing about statistics that people often forget. Just because it doesn't hold true for you doesn't mean that it isn't true in general. A statistic like that is refering to a trend, which means that it is true for most people. There will always be people who are exceptions.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AngelBunny
Clinically speaking you are completely right ... there is a lower instance of immuno-compromise and allergies with breastfed babies, but that doesn't hold true to everyone. What is nice about that in most cases is that less allergies and colds means less ear infections ... and when you have kids you will understand how truly AWFUL having a baby with an ear infection can be.

My four year old was nursed until he was almost one and he has severe nasal allergies to the point that he is on two daily meds for it. My two year old, however, was only nursed for about four months and he has no allergies. True to form, they both get ear infections often which means LOTS of sleepless nights for them and for me. Sometimes it is just odd like that.

Yeah sick babies are NO fun. I remember clearly for some reason one time when my brother was sick and he threw up all over my dads back twice in one nite! TMI i know sorry lol.

My brother was both breast and bottle fed because I think my mom wasn't producing enough milk to just only breast feed him. He has allergies too similiar to mines but not as nearly as bad. So I guess the end results are different for everyone.


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Originally Posted by nikki
I breastfed both of my kids. My son for 4 months and daughter for 5 months. I went back to work fulltime after only 6 weeks. I was able to bring a pump with me and had a private area to do it in. I had a Medela pump and it was great! I would definitely recommend an electric pump over the other anyday!!

Im glad this thread was started because I have a TON of questions about breast feeding. Ok so do you HAVE to pump at work? Can you just do it when you get home and save it or something ? Lol I know its a silly question. But I have no clue how that would work for me. I am a Deputy Sheriff, so I dont know how working patrol is gonna work with milky boobs. "exuse me Sgt I cant go to the homicide call..I gotta pump my breast milk." or " Im sorry ma'am but I need to pump my boobs and Im gonna have to hold off on taking your robbery statement".... I just dont see how it would work.Ive heard your breasts can leak...is that because women wait to long to pump or feed so it just comes out ?

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