Fafi & MAC Collaboration Discussion


Well-known member
I was added to their system back in October when I was at the Pro store in the Forum shops @ Cesear's. I've made two online purchases since then. Everything else is done at a Macy's MAC counter as the only freestanding stores are 3 hours away. The only mailer I've received thus far was one from "N" collection.... though it arrived a week or two after the collection launched. I'm not exactly expecting a mailer for Fafi.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *KT*
I was added to their system back in October when I was at the Pro store in the Forum shops @ Cesear's. I've made two online purchases since then. Everything else is done at a Macy's MAC counter as the only freestanding stores are 3 hours away. The only mailer I've received thus far was one from "N" collection.... though it arrived a week or two after the collection launched. I'm not exactly expecting a mailer for Fafi.

Ditto on that. I do a lot of MAC spending online and the only mailer I ever received was the one for the Holiday collection and the postcards that everyone gets in online orders.


Well-known member
ok---so I just got back from MAC. had a friend who wanted to take advantage of my 'vip' first dibs pass.
we walked away after doing over $400 worth of damage on this collection,alone.
I know I said I wasnt going to buy it, but I lied...*evil laugh*

I ended up spending near $250 on fafi for mac.
the colors online do NO justice to this collections, Mac seriously needs to figure out a better way of swatching their colors in relation to ACTUAL colors. Everything I thought I was going to hate, I loved... haha
I ONLY ended up with 13 items, 3 of which were the dolls (perfect for my vanity im working on---think grafitti chicc)

anyways, I didnt get any pressed powder because I didnt like it when I swatched it, it was pasty IMO and dry... plus, it had glitter..god, Im tired of every powder having glitter..ugh.
I might get sassed up when it releases online though..well see

I got both nail polishes (my free standing MAC store only got 3 bottles of EACH color!!!!! ps. i live in a large city) she said they dont expect anymore and that for some reason alot of MAC stores recieved limited quantities of quite a few pieces. BOTH are gorgeous gorgeous...they have a pearlish effect to them, glossy = <3
got both quads
two paint pots -perky and nice vice
blush in hipness
l/g-sugar trance,cult fave
l/s-utterly frivolous LOVE THIS ONE.

I bought the scarf but then took it back, it FELT blah, its cotton, for some reason i thought it was going to be silk...didnt get the tote bags, dont like the design.

BUT, my store was holding an event tonight and dont expect much product to be left by tommorrow..sucks for people who are thinking they are going to be able to walk right in on the 13th and get what they want. :/

while I was looking at the collection [they had me in the back room first and later came out into the front part of the store] all of these women came rushing over to see what we were doing, trying to grab things and swatch them. some lady even TOOK my mailer which was sitting on the table beside me and rushed off with it WTF. The MUA's kept saying it was not available for sale yet, but people kept touching and grabbibg..ugh.

good luck to everyone who is going in on 2/13 its going to be a circus, guaranteed.

Ps. the quality of the compacts, really does suck. they are super cheap feeling and the images are stickered on..ugh
does anyone else think MAC should put mirrors in their quads?? I WOULDNT mind paying a few more dollars if I knew the quality was going to reflect that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by exoticarbcqen
BUT, my store was holding an event tonight and dont expect much product to be left by tommorrow..sucks for people who are thinking they are going to be able to walk right in on the 13th and get what they want. :/

what store were you at?


Well-known member
SO, seeing as the collection comes out Wednesday, and collections usually go up online 2 days before it is in stores... Does that mean that tonight at midnight when it's officially Monday, it will be up on the site??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by clslvr6spd
what store were you at?

MAC store at arden fair

all the MUA's there said they expected to sell out of ALOT of the collection tonight during the event :/


Well-known member
Poop. I really hope it stays online long enough at least for people to order. I'm worried I won't be able to buy the l/s and pps I want. AHHHHH. Though I only have counters here (my understanding was they weren't having it before the 13th?-haven't heard anything) and would be there for door opening on Wed.

Well I guess I'll just have to wait and see how it ends up later this week. >< I wish everyone luck and hope you get what you want!!

I haven't heard anyone buy the High Top purple/blueish lipstick. Is it really not good? I'm intrigued if it would come off plummy...but I've only seen one swatch and it wasn't the greatest. Can anyone describe it? How about Strawbaby?


Well-known member
I went to the Fafi party tonight! The unveiling party itself was really fun! Light appetizers, brownies and cream puffs were served. Guests could sign a cardboard graffiti wall featuring the three MAC Fafi girls! They had two DJs there, too!

The collection was vibrant and fun. All the colors mixed and matched very well. I thought the lipsticks were the standouts! Not So Innocent lipstick was my favorite thing from the collection. It looks like Lancome's Fruity Pop JT in lipstick form. Fun and Sexy reminded me of Stiletto. High Top became an iridescent purple on the lips. Flash and Dash reminded me of a springtime version of Queen's Sin. The lipglasses reminded me of Bait, Malibu Barbie, Cultured and Lovechild.

The blushes reminded me of Goddess and Pink Swoon. The LEs in Quad #! reminded me of Bagatelle/Tan pigment and Knight Devine. Quad #2 reminded me Coral, Going Bananas, Contrast and Juxt. The IPPs were very glittery, but pretty!

You could do a new take on the Barbie look with Pink Venus, Bold as Gold, You're Fresh, Totally It, Fun and Sexy and Fashion Frenzy.


Well-known member
I really think the whole inventory issue will be fine.....look how long it took for Originals stuff to sell out.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zabbazooey
I really think the whole inventory issue will be fine.....look how long it took for Originals stuff to sell out.....

Yeah, but the Originals were that original or standout. This has way more buzz, special packaging and a world famous name tied to it. Just from hearing the raves of people who already got ahold of some of the collection and attack stories by woman who couldn't get it, it looks like it will move fast. Plus, there is greater appeal that there was for Barbie, and apparently there was a mad rush with that too. Thankfully, I only wanted two things and I already CPed em!


Well-known member
I can't believe how tiny those dolls are (but then again when i first heard $9, i thought was cheap!) someone in the swatches forum posted a pic of the dolls next to a lipgloss and they are they same height! I thought they might be at least double that size, like a little statue but those are really mini....but sooooo cute! I wonder how much they will be in Canada!

Can't wait to see sugar trance and one of the lipsticks....i think its called not so inncocent!


Well-known member

Go to maccosmetics.com/fafi and you can see in Canadian prices (as long as your country is set to Canada) for all things in the collection.

So to answer your question: 11 each for the dolls


Well-known member
Its kind of annoying how early this collection is out. I don't know if it is only released early in certain areas or whats going on. I hope it releases February 13th over here like they said. I have trouble making it to MAC and if its all gone I'm going to be pissed.

I don't want that much. I may skip almost everything except for the lipsticks and glosses and a blush or something. I don't have any paint pots but I'm not sure if i want to start with these seeing as how: I'm broke, and I really just want to get in and out when I go to MAC.


Well-known member
Wow! Got an invite to the Seattle Fafi event that was held tonight. All I can say is never again. What a zoo! The staff was overwhelmed as were the customers. Too many people packed in to too small a space for such an event.

My hats off to the staff of the Seattle freestanding store for handling the craziness with such grace and good humor.

The Fafi displays were the first thing in the door and it was next to impossible to get close enough to see them or anything else for that matter. When my friend and I did get close enough to look, we werent too impressed. The quads looked kind of washed out, the IPPs had zero color and we never did see the paint pots. The blushes were nothing special.

I will say the lips are pretty bright and hot but you have to really build the color.

In the end my friend got Violet pigment, Belightful IPP and Pewterpink glitter liner.

My haul was pretty small (for me anyway):
Fix +
210 brush
High Top l/s (B2M)
Fun n Sexy l/s (B2M)
Juiced e/s (B2M)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xbrookecorex
SO, seeing as the collection comes out Wednesday, and collections usually go up online 2 days before it is in stores... Does that mean that tonight at midnight when it's officially Monday, it will be up on the site??

I guess not. I keep refreshing, but no Fafi.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I guess not. I keep refreshing, but no Fafi.

OK Im not sure if this is just something wrong with my cache/browser/whatever, but now when I try M·A·C Cosmetics and M·A·C Cosmetics both of them just bring me to the main mac page!! Does that mean stuff is going up!?!? Im afraid to go to bed haha, reminds me of Barbie night last year!


Well-known member
I am glad that here are still some people who look forward to Fafi, just like me! I am really excited about Heatherette, too, but I don't spurn Fafi because of it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xbrookecorex
OK Im not sure if this is just something wrong with my cache/browser/whatever, but now when I try M·A·C Cosmetics and M·A·C Cosmetics both of them just bring me to the main mac page!! Does that mean stuff is going up!?!? Im afraid to go to bed haha, reminds me of Barbie night last year!

LoL I know....I want to go to bed and I'm getting off the comp. in like 10 min. I guess I'll wait til 1 and see if it goes up. I"M GONNA PASS OUT lol.

funny right, since I said I'm not really excited anymore lol. whatever I just want to be able to put it in my shopping cart lol

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