I went to a Fafi party tonight, and I got Fun 'n' Sexy lipstick, Sassed Up, the scarf <3, and the doll with the white hair and black dress (momoka or something?). I almost got Fafi Eyes 1 but decided to wait and get a Heatherette Trio, and I was looking at Sugar Trance but it looks like Love Nectar. They also gave out a blank DVD to give to some guy to record you getting your makeup done (I didn't even get mine done, it was packed and hot and I wanted to get my stuff and go), and a double sided poster. One side has the three Fafinettes, and the other has some of the promo images with a sketches of fafinettes over it (I'll take pics of both sides sometime this week and put them up). I don't know what side to put on the wall!!