Fafi & MAC Collaboration Discussion


Well-known member
I WAS going to wait until midnight eastern time to shop but hell, I needed my sleep in order to make proper decisions this morning on what to buy lol. I just got a shirt, the first quad and flash-n-dash lipstick... It costed 105 dollars which is a lot, grr I hate raised Canadian pricing.


Well-known member
I went to the event last night at the Westfield Topanga Canyon mall. Talk about a mad house! There were so many people & it got quite hot & stuffy. You practically had to fight to view the products... but there were hot boys with Fafi shirts serving appetizers & drinks. And all the MAs looked so cute in Fafi shirts & hearts on their cheeks.

I definitely think the lippies are the highlights of this collection. I ended up with 4 of the lipsticks, all of the lipglasses, both quads (quad 2 is sooo pretty!), both nail laquers, 4 paint pots (all of them are so creamy in texture, very easy to work with!), 1 blush, 1 IPP, 1 doll and the 210 brush. I think I want the scarf too, its very cute.

And I know its been mentioned, but if you are going to place your order online, PLEASE check the swatch thread here on Specktra first because the swatches on the MAC site are horrid & completely OFF - especially for the paint pots.


Well-known member
Blah, I was so excited for this collection, and I hardly even want anything after seeing swatches. Mostly disappointed with the lipstick finishes...and everything is coated in too much shimmer and glitter for me! Heatherette is definitely more my style.
So at least I get to save money!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rchickos
I wonder what time it went up? I had a dream about it, sadly enough...I decided to go to the store instead of ordering online and it was a nightmare. When I came home to order online, it was all sold out.

Thankfully, that was just a dream, and I just placed my order.

LoL I had a dream about Fafi too. Weird...I don't remember exactly what it was. I just know that i had a lot of the makeup and I just kept putting it on. LOL

Question: For those of you who have Not So Innocent lipstick, can you describe it? I see the swatches but I don't want to get it if its just glitter/shimmer without any color. I mean, if it will show up nudey, then thats what i want. But it seems as though its just shimmer. Can anyone clear this up for me before I place my order lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lethaldesign
I definitely think the lippies are the highlights of this collection. I ended up with 4 of the lipsticks, all of the lipglasses, both quads (quad 2 is sooo pretty!), both nail laquers, 4 paint pots (all of them are so creamy in texture, very easy to work with!), 1 blush, 1 IPP, 1 doll and the 210 brush.

Did you get Flash N Dash l/s? And what blush did you get and can you describe the color?


Well-known member
I placed my order as I said above and then called my counter and he said he would hold stuff for until Thursday (gotta go out of town) The store here won't hold even if you give them a credit card. But if anyone has Flash N Dash l/s or Cult Fave l/g I was wondering if they are very bright. Below is what he is holding. I still may want some more lippies.

Strawbaby l/s
Flas N Dash l/s
Sugar Trance l/g
Cult Fave l/g
Mini bag
Eye Quad #2
Boom Nail
Girls Will Be Girls Nail


Well-known member
I just placed my order:

Not So Innocent l/s (I really hope this isn't just shimmer)
Utterly Frivolous l/s
Sugar Trance l/g

and Warmed MSF (hey I had to get it while its still here)

When I go to the store Friday (If they have anything left) then I MIGHT get Fafi Eyes 1, Hipness blush, and Cult Fave l/g. It depends on how they look. And I think that'll be it.


Well-known member
Darn it! I thought I couldn't be tempted... but those swatches that others have posted...
here's what I ended up ordering:
Ermine (white haired) Doll
Small (larger of the 2) MU bag
ALL the L/S
ALL the L/G
Hipness Blush
Sassed-Up Powder
Quad #1

All this... I can't wait!!!


Well-known member
I adore the figurines!! I bought one of each, they are so cute!
As for the makeup though, I have to see everything in the store before I buy anything because the swatches look awful. I might go with the first quad and a couple paint pots, maybe a lipglass. I'm not overly impressed with the colors in this collection though.


Well-known member
I went to the South Coast Plaza event last night! It was pretty crazy in there but it was so much fun. All the MA's and the food/bev servers were all dressed up in the Fafi shirts. There was a dj and some gal dressed up like the Ermine Fafinette! I forgot my camera so I didn't take any pics but there are some pics of the Topanga event on Nessasarymakeup.com.

Anyways, I came out with...
Fun 'N' Sexy and Flash-N-Dash L/S
Cult Fave and Totally It L/G
Cash Flow and Nice Vice P/P
Hipness Blush
Sassed UP IPP
Fafi Eyes 2 Quad
Fafi Scarf
Fafi Small Makeup Bag
All 3 Dolls

It was really crowded so some of my purchases were definitely on a whim. When I got home I played with everything and I believe the true keepers outta my haul are all the collectibles, the Quad and blush for sure.

I know the lippies have been said to be the stars of the collection but I wasn't completely impressed with them. I may end up returning Fun 'N' Sexy because it reminds me of Vivacious from C-Shock and Rocking Chick from Barbie, which I have and LOVE. Plus all the pink lippies that are coming out for Heatherette look so much hotter haha. Flash-N-Dash will probably be a keeper since I have nothing like it, it's basically a red version of FnS. I was actually going to pickup High Top as well but after swatching it, it made my lips look wayyyyy too blue.

As for the glosses, all of them are very pretty and are probably worth buying moreso than the L/S. I'm a sucker for pink l/g so I had to pick up Cult Fave. It reminds me of a more pigmented version of Take a Hint Tendertone. Totally It is sheer but buildable of course. It looks great by itself or over FnS or FnD. I love the texture. It applies smooth despite the glitter/pearl.

The paint pots are all beautiful! Cash Flow was a definite must for me since I passed up Uppity. It also kinda reminds me of Pure Ore from Metal-X but with a much better texture. Nice Vice has a great smooth texture as well. It's definitely not purple as others have mentioned. It reminds me of a lighter Macroviolet f/l or even Trax e/s.

Hipness blush is so pretty and pigmented. It's labeled a frost but it's a soft frost not glittery or anything at all. A lot of the MA's used this blush on themselves and it looked great on all of them. Sassed Up IPP is a keeper so far. It's not overly glitter or chunk in comparison to the others in the collection. It's not very pigmented though so that's why I'm still on the fence about it. It looks great over Hipness Blush.

Fafi Eyes 2 Quad is imo the better of the two. It has all LE shades for one and the textures and color payoff are amazingly enough AWESOME despite the fact that 2 are lustres. Definitely pick this one up! The colors are awesome for spring!

The scarf is super cute! It's going to look great with my Bright Sunshine AA Bag. The tote is a great size but I passed on it since I thought the repeating Fafinette design was a bit overkill. I picked up the small makeup bag instead. Oh and the dolls are the cutest ever! I wish they were a lil bigger but oh well.

Anywhos, swatches will be posted up soon! HTH!


Well-known member

Since you like pink, what made you choose Hipness over Fashion Frenzy?
I just can't decide if I really want either of these.


Well-known member
Jill thank you!! ... I have Fashion Frenzy blush on my wishlist ( I noticed you didnt get it ) but.. what did you think of it?


Well-known member
^ is that your blog...nessasary makeup?!?!
I love it!
thanks for the wonderful swatches....I ended up getting sassed up, cash flow and the makeup bag thanks to your pics


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one

Since you like pink, what made you choose Hipness over Fashion Frenzy?
I just can't decide if I really want either of these.

Originally Posted by MisaMayah
Jill thank you!! ... I have Fashion Frenzy blush on my wishlist ( I noticed you didnt get it ) but.. what did you think of it?

I passed on Fashion Frenzy because I have Pink Swoon, they aren't identical but I don't reach for Pink Swoon that often to warrant buying FF. It is pretty and pigmented. I think if you can't decide on which one, buy both hehe. I think they'd look great together layered or one on your apples and the other for contour.

Misa...if you still have the BLM Don't Be Shy or maybe even Dollymix, I don't think you really need FF.

Originally Posted by exoticarbcqen
^ is that your blog...nessasary makeup?!?!
I love it!
thanks for the wonderful swatches....I ended up getting sassed up, cash flow and the makeup bag thanks to your pics

Nope, it is not my blog. The blog belongs to Vanessa Garcia.


Well-known member
I just placed my order!

I got:
Ermine Doll
Mini Fafi Bag
Fafi Scarf
Fun n' Sexy Lipstick
Strawbaby Lipstick
Totally It Lipglass
Sugar Trance Lipglass
Rollickin' Paintpot

I might have to check out other stuff in the store. I only ordered things I was sure of. =)


Well-known member
This may sound like a dumb question, but is Hipness at all similar to Orgasm? I have Orgasm but rarely use it, and Hipness looks so pretty but if it similar I might pass on it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by newagetomatoz
This may sound like a dumb question, but is Hipness at all similar to Orgasm? I have Orgasm but rarely use it, and Hipness looks so pretty but if it similar I might pass on it.

I can't believe you were thinking that...so was i this morning! From the swatch pics it looked like hipness had more pearly shine/iridescent & orgasm has subtle shimmer.


Well-known member
I was wondering too if Hipness was at all similar to Blossoming or if it's more peachy/coral. I picked up Blossoming but haven't used it much, and some of the Hipness shots remind me of it.

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