Fake Brushes


Well-known member
From this seller

Just wanted to warn anyone who takes chances like me...

They looked iffy in the pics but I bought them anyway.
When I recieved them I was not terribly surprised.
I'm currently awaiting the refund, and she's still selling them.

Can someone please help me find the link to report the counterfits?
For the life of me I can't find it.


Well-known member
did you pay via paypal? if so you can file a claim and report it

the brushes dnt look fake to me... from what i can see..


Well-known member
They don't look fake to me either. I have the 190 and It loks exactly like it does in her pics! What brush did you buy from her?


Well-known member
the bristles were very different in color on the 190
the bristle quality was poorer than other mac brushes (on all the brushes)
and the type face was very messy (unlike in the picture)
in addition
when i confronted her about them, she said she got them from a whole saler that said they were factory rejects, which as far as i know, mac does not release


Active member
I bought the set of 8, not from this seller but from another who was selling exactly the same brushes and they are exactly like the picture so if the ones on the picture are/look real, they probably are.
I will post pics of mine later!


Active member
Here it is the pics! Please let me know what do you think!



Well-known member
The brushes look so like the genuine ones that it's difficult to tell without actually doing a like-for-like comparison with real brushes from an official source. I personally believe that the 8 brush sets being sold are fake - their origin in China, the price being below US staff discount price and the fact that M·A·C doesn't sell that combination of brushes in a case all suggest that. I do hope to get a definitive answer in the next few weeks though.


Active member
Thank you caffn8me! I will take better pics with better angles of the brushes! I saw the brushes in mac counter and they look so the alike and these work pretty well, they are soft and great aplying shadows and powders and I really love the way the 190 works... maybe they are real????


Bargainpad brushes are FAKE

I bought a 239 and a 168 from this seller. After reading this thread I compared those two brushes to the ones I know are authentic and see some difference. 1) The 239's black handle has bits of shinny specks compared to the matte black handle on the authentic brushes. 2) the rounded metal part on the fake isn't the same proportion as the authentic brushes. 3) The "V" between the "M" and the "A" on the MAC label on the handle is more rounded on the fakes compared to the authentic ones. and of course 4) the brushes did not come in the plastic packaging with bar code on it. The 168 from Bargainpad came with an additional clear plastic sleeve to protect the hairs.

Although the hairs on these brushes are very soft and comparable to real MAC brushes, I don't like being fooled by dishonest sellers. Help report fake MAC items by using this ebay form. http://cgi1.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?MfcISAPICommand=InlineSelfHelpWebfor m&wftype=2023&rcode=BN%25P10158&subject=Replica%20 and%20Counterfeit%20Items&bcrumb=+Home+%3E+Help+To pics+%3E%A0Rules+and+Policies%A0%3E%A0Rules+about+ Intellectual+Property%A0%3E%A0Replica%2C+Counterfe it+Items+and+Unauthorized+Copies&instruction=&expi rationDate=

In addition, I'm going to leave bargainpad NEGATIVE feedback, and I suggest anyone else here who has purchased from her to do the same. It's the only way other people interested in her auctions will realize the brushes she sells are fake.


Well-known member
i too bought brushes from bargainpad. i received mine 2 days ago and they are FAKE! i got the 316, 275 and 168. at first, i thought they looked genuine but as i compared the handles with what i have, the fake ones have darker handles with more sparkles. the original MAC brushes are lighter in color, matte, and heavy. the 275 i received felt so light-weight that i knew immediately something was wrong. then i saw the inside of the 316 metal case... ewww, it was rusting! i have filed with paypal and she said she'll refund my $$. hth.


Are you returning the brushes? It's such a hassel for me to mail things that I don't really want to bother getting a refund, but I'll file something with ebay and paypal to get her into trouble.

Don't forget to leave her NEGATIVE FEEDBACK. If she gets enough, people won't buy from her.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sundae
Hi there, I'm new here! I don't know much about make up or brushes either but i wanted you guys to see if these are genuine. I bought these from ebay.

thanks for any response

It's a bit difficult to tell because of the packaging but as they were a limited edition set they are very likely to be genuine. Perhaps when you've received them you could post some better pictures but to be honest I think you're OK.

Oh, and welcome aboard!