Fake Brushes


Well-known member
Hi avjwc, I already sent the brushes and am just waiting for the refund then will leave neg. feedback. I've already reported her brushes as fake to ebay. I think that if you keep the brushes, she could use that against you. At first, I also thought of keeping the brushes and just filing with paypal b/c I was scared she'd leave a neg. on my over 300 pos. f/b but I have no use for scratchy brushes. Besides, the fact that she misrepresented the items to sell instead of putting a "like-MAC" note in her auction is fraud plain and simple.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
It's a bit difficult to tell because of the packaging but as they were a limited edition set they are very likely to be genuine. Perhaps when you've received them you could post some better pictures but to be honest I think you're OK.

Oh, and welcome aboard!

Thats a weight of my shoulders
thank you for that. I didn't even know they were limited edition. How do you guys no so much:confused: you must do a lot of research. Where do you get this info from?

thank you for the welcome


duch3ss25 - I left her 2 negatives already. I have an ebay account just for buying and the feedback is private so I'm not scared of her leaving negatives back.

I'm not asking for a refund so there is nothing she can complain about. I just want to make sure no one else gets tricked. If others leave negative feedback, her business will suffer and maybe ebay will remove her listings.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sundae
Thats a weight of my shoulders
thank you for that. I didn't even know they were limited edition. How do you guys no so much:confused: you must do a lot of research. Where do you get this info from?

A lot of us have been addicted to M·A·C for a number of years and the Petternmaker collection was very recent. Do a search on the forum here and use Patternmaker for the search term. It will tell you loads


Active member
I just received a fake 239 brush and I am asking for a refund. I can't even tell what material the handle is but it has glitter inbeded in it and none of my real MAC brushes have glitter on the handle and it's obvious that the handle is made of wood.


Bargainpad actually gave me a refund but I left him negative feedback anyway. He had the audacity to leave me negative feedback as a deadbeat buyer. I have a separate ebay account which I use to buy stuff and the feedback is private so I wasn't afraid of leaving him negative feedback. My guess is that many of his buyers are afraid he will leave them negatives in return and are just happy to get their money back. I really wish more people would leave him negatives.

I reported his auctions to maccosmetics.com. I hope they join ebay VeRO program and crackdown on fake MAC stuff.


Originally Posted by avjwc
I bought a 239 and a 168 from this seller. After reading this thread I compared those two brushes to the ones I know are authentic and see some difference. 1) The 239's black handle has bits of shinny specks compared to the matte black handle on the authentic brushes. 2) the rounded metal part on the fake isn't the same proportion as the authentic brushes. 3) The "V" between the "M" and the "A" on the MAC label on the handle is more rounded on the fakes compared to the authentic ones. and of course 4) the brushes did not come in the plastic packaging with bar code on it. The 168 from Bargainpad came with an additional clear plastic sleeve to protect the hairs.

Although the hairs on these brushes are very soft and comparable to real MAC brushes, I don't like being fooled by dishonest sellers. Help report fake MAC items by using this ebay form. http://cgi1.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAP...i rationDate=

In addition, I'm going to leave bargainpad NEGATIVE feedback, and I suggest anyone else here who has purchased from her to do the same. It's the only way other people interested in her auctions will realize the brushes she sells are fake.

ive reported there brushes and some other fakes items. we must get rid of them!


Well-known member
I also bought from bargainpad. The 8 brush set that I received, does not really seem fake. the only one that seems fake is the 190. the brushes don't have the glitter like you girls/guys described. hm....


Well-known member
The brushes may not seem fake but they are. Compare them directly to known genuine equivalent brushes and you'll find differences.


I just received 3 brushes today from this seller and they all have the white-speckled handles rather than the matte black handles of the authentic brushes. I contacted the seller for a refund claiming they are fake and put in a claim with Paypal. I can't believe that this seller is still allowed to sell considering they are getting so many claims against them for selling fake brushes. :confused:


Well-known member
To be honest, eBay doesn't give a damn. As long as they make their profit from the sales and aren't hassled by the genuine manufacturers whose products are being copied they'll allow counterfeits to be sold. I've reported over 1,000 counterfeit items to eBay and not one single auction was pulled, let alone the sellers banned.


I even reported bargainpad to MAC customer service but got a lackluster response from them.

In response to your inquiry, we would like to let you know that E-Bay is
not one of our authorized accounts, and we are therefore unable to control
the sale of products on this website.

We would like to let you know that we do periodically review the website
and as a rule, we do look into situations that warrant further

Once again, thank you for this opportunity to clarify our position. We
hope to have the opportunity to serve you in the near future.

We appreciate your interest in M.A.C and hope we have the opportunity to
serve you in the near future.


Virginia Swierupski
Global Consumer Communications


New member
I bought over 12 sets from this lady and they are all good, I own a mineral makeup kiosk and its right across from Cosmetic Company store where the manager sent one to their Atlanta store and got them authenticated. Oh well hope it helps.


Well-known member
M·A·C store staff do not have the skills, training or authority to authenticate products. There are many cases of M·A·C staff being fooled by counterfeits like pigments. The brushes currently being offered by bargainpad are definitely fake even though they will fool most M·A·C staff.


Apparently, Bargainpad is receiving a lot of complaints about her brushes and seems to be giving anyone a refund who brings it to her attention. I sent my brushes back yesterday and expect a refund, but have also put in a claim with Paypal as a backup. In the meantime, I ordered the three MAC brushes I wanted yesterday through Gloss.com using ebates when they were giving 12% back!!! And no tax to my state! It turns out to be even less than MAC's 15% off F&F event because tax in my area is 8.16%. So all's well that ends well. I'll be happy to be getting the real deal with 12% back.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
The brushes may not seem fake but they are. Compare them directly to known genuine equivalent brushes and you'll find differences.

thank you for your help. I have decided to get a refund and send them back. I am also leaving negative feedback. I figure, sure I spent 80 dollars, but why not spend 100 dollars more to get them from MAC? Every time I buy something from MAC it's at least a 100 dollars worth. When I do buy them from MAC, sure it will cost a lot more but at least I won't have to question whether or not they are fake.


Well-known member
Anyone sending brushes back should be sure to claim a refund for return postage as well as the original purchase costs.


Originally Posted by caffn8me
Anyone sending brushes back should be sure to claim a refund for return postage as well as the original purchase costs.

I agree. Bargainpad offered to refund my shipping fees for return shipping. I will post back here once she receives my return and I am fully refunded.


Just an update. The brushes Bargainpad is selling are DEFINITELY fakes. I just received the identical AUTHENTIC brushes from MAC and they are VERY obviously different than the ones I received from Bargainpad I'm so glad that I now have the real thing. The quality is superior to the fake "MAC" brushes Bargainpad is selling. I really wish eBay would do something about this seller. There are so many buyers still purchasing these fakes from Bargainpad and they have NO idea.