for anyone that can read spanish... (specktra member related)

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Well-known member
There's only so much that can be done from the server side to prevent image theft. Ultimately you rely on the goodwill of strangers and the knowledge and understanding that once you upload an image to a location where it can be indexed/reproduced/searched/otherwise found it becomes more or less public domain and there's little you can do to protect it from people who might want to make fun of you.

It's just a broader, more international version of taking pictures from your highschool yearbook and drawing moustaches on the girls you didn't like.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mizz.Yasmine
even if u disable right click they can hit ''Print Scr"" on their keyboards and capture whatever their viewing. theyd have to create/upload their own image out of that though so it would be a hassle to steal a photo. only a nutcase would go through all that trouble just to make fun of some1.
so it would help.

I think if you're using Mozilla, it can overide right-click disablers. So it wouldn't be very helpful either since a lot of people use Mozilla Firefox as their browser of choice.

If it's any consolation at all, the tutorials on Specktra get a ton of link-backs to other sites, and almost all that I've checked out (the links) have been gushing with praise for the tutorial that was linked, and for our website in general. I think there's always going to be a bad apple in the batch, unfortunately.


Well-known member
Oh well I guess you just have to ignore it. People are so mean/rude sometimes. I know I was hurt by this happening to me becuz they used personal information along with photos we were posting on the forum I was a member of. It just really shows you what can be spread around from posts on a public board.
I know I learned my lesson and now I try to stay friendly but not get into my lifes details online anymore.


Originally Posted by MissChievous
I think if you're using Mozilla, it can overide right-click disablers. So it wouldn't be very helpful either since a lot of people use Mozilla Firefox as their browser of choice.

If it's any consolation at all, the tutorials on Specktra get a ton of link-backs to other sites, and almost all that I've checked out (the links) have been gushing with praise for the tutorial that was linked, and for our website in general. I think there's always going to be a bad apple in the batch, unfortunately.

You can also disable javascript on any browser. There really isn't anything you can do to prevent images from being saved and used elsewhere on the internet


Well-known member
Guys. They're douchebags. It's a douchebag thing to do. We all know that. We all know how much time and effort goes into FOTDs, tutorials, etc.
There are tutorials on this site featuring looks and makeup styles that aren't 'me', but that doesn't invalidate the tutorial, and that doesn't change the fact that there ARE people who find it useful.

Remember bullies from high school? That's all they are, and that's all they'll be. Giving them the power to change you being -you- only validates and encourages their behavior.

Hell with 'em.


Well-known member
OK, so I'm english, but have lived nearly all my life in Spain. I'm relatively new Specktra, and still gathering up confidence to post a FOTD, but I love looking throught everybody else's, they are a great source inspiration and the talent you all have is amazing!
I just read through the whole 28 pages of the vogue thread, and it's obvious it just got out of hand. It started out ok, people just saying GlamYOURous's look was more suitable for going out at night, lots of compliments about the lip color and so on. And then some girls started to get plain nasty about it, posting other photos and being plain mean. BUT, lots of others girls have complained about how a select few were critisizing just for the sake of being mean, and then they started to post tutorials they did like. So, not all bad, just a few nasty people in the bunch.
Also, some of the girls on there must me Specktra members too, 'cause they were saying how we never say a bad word about any of the FOTD's, and only members can see them, right?


Well-known member
Just wanted to say that one of the girls that critisizes a lot is called BlackCat, and she must be a member here cause she posted one of Bonkisqueen's FOTD's.


Well-known member
I am just seeing this now and all I have to say is that I am shocked and appalled to see what is being done behind member's backs.

How low do people have to stoop to make themselves feel better. I know when I post an fotd, I am putting myself out there and I do it because it helps others and inspires them. The positive feedback I receive helps me to keep doing what I do

To all the haters, screw you. To those who have been put out there on the site, you are all gorgeous and we are lucky to have you on the forum


Well-known member
Me too, just seen this now. I am shocked but then not surprised at all... they wouldnt know talent/art if it hit them in their sorry-a*se faces...

The important thing to remember is that NOTHING ANYONE SAYS IS BECAUSE OF ME/YOU, ITS BECAUSE OF THEM.... full stop!

Those nasty, shitebags are clearly incapable of any form of art and lack any self-esteem.

Also show me where the hell this frickin RULE BOOK is about what look should be a daytime look only or whatever!?!

They have just completely missed the point! More fool them.


Well-known member
some are nice, e.g bonito means nice

sobrecargado meas to overload

but some are compliments!!

Originally Posted by jennifer.
i've stumbled across the spanish vogue forums and noticed a thread on "yes or no looks?" if i'm not mistaken, mentioning quite a few of our more "popular" members on here and it looks like insults! well, from what i can tell anyway. i can't understand spanish too well, but i'm kinda curious to know what is says. can anyone here roughly translate? these people on there sound downright mean!

here's the link:

vogue :: Ver tema - Looks que sí, looks que no!



some are nice, but most of them are VERY mean

there are some that say that it's cute, others that its nice, and others that its a bit overdone but... the truth is that... most of it is NOT nice >.<


Well-known member
yeah some of them even go as far to say they cant sleep after seeing certain members photos, I want to slap them, I cant sleep after seeing your sick comments is more like it! people need to learn some respect

I highly doubt theyd say any of that to our faces
they are cowards.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by emmy282
......Also, some of the girls on there must me Specktra members too, 'cause they were saying how we never say a bad word about any of the FOTD's, and only members can see them, right?

Some of them are members of Specktra. It's wasn't hard to do the math and figure out who they are. I am disappointed.


Well-known member
I know what they did was horrible, but this is why I don't post FOTD's or TUT's. I know I'd be on one of those forums. I'm a bit of a coward...But, I also know that if my face is on the internet, I've opened myself up for massive criticism. I have a couple wedding pics on makeup alley just waiting to be ripped apart....

Please note, I am not criticizing those who choose to post FOTD's and TUT's. I am actually envious because of their skills. I'm just merely commenting on the fact that the internet is the internet and bitches will always be bitches. If the bitches have free access to people to comment on, they will....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Some of them are members of Specktra. It's wasn't hard to do the math and figure out who they are. I am disappointed.

Wow! That's too bad. You would think you wouldn't diss people from your own "family". At least that what this place feels like to me. Sorry if that is corny.


Well-known member
It seem that many of the images were not shown in context. But anyhoo, I think these nutso are b*tches!! The ladies and men of Specktra (except for the folks who posted and clowned on wonderful members) are fabulous and we should not let these *bad words* affect how we operate on Specktra.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Wow! That's too bad. You would think you wouldn't diss people from your own "family". At least that what this place feels like to me. Sorry if that is corny.

It's not corny at all. Specktra is a great community and I love being a part of it. It's great that the members of this site feel a connection.

Don't let those petty trolls in that thread keep you from posting your FOTD pics. It's pretty obvious from this thread how highly us Specktrettes are valuing their feedback in that nasty thread. And in the wise words of my grandmother (who never concerned herself with what others thoughts of her ways)...."fuck 'em". lol


Well-known member
They're internet gangstas and real life wankstas. And, they know that foolishness is not tolerated here, so they have to take it elsewhere.
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