for anyone that can read spanish... (specktra member related)

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
They're internet gangstas and real life wankstas.....

How about I make some business cards for them with that as their title? lol


Well-known member

just ignore the haters, don't give them the pleasure of being upset about it.


Well-known member
how sad. i'm disgusted that some of these people are members.


Well-known member
This is really sad and has me really pissed off. I've never posted a FOTD but be damned, I'm going to start.


Well-known member
Uh haha im fluent in spanish, the girl posted the picture and asked people what they thought of the look, the girl who posted it said she thought it was nice but alittle to excessive to wear on the street.

alot of girls agreed that it was alittle to much on the eyes but they liked the overall look of it.

they said they didnt like the colours, and how they were placed but they loved the lips.

they arent all bad comments, they are comments that any of you ladies would have thought in your own heads, but of course not have posted on here.

its not right that she posted someone elses picture on another site, but i mean to each his own.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Wow! That's too bad. You would think you wouldn't diss people from your own "family". At least that what this place feels like to me. Sorry if that is corny.

WOW, That is HORRIBLE that our own members would stoop to such a low level. I don't even want to know who they are. Omg.
Still wouldn't stop me from posting a FOTD if I ever do though. lol.

Most of the girls on here are absolutely gorgeous on the inside AS WELL AS OUTSIDE. It's a shame if anyone lets such petty and immature comments get to them from people who obviously don't matter; I mean seriously, who really cares what someone with that kind of mentality things, anyways? Those aren't the kind of people you want on your side.


Well-known member
like others have said, its the nature of what an FOTD/tut is. You post pics and ppl check em out, like them, and want to emulate someone's MAD skills. Honestly can you imagine if we didn't have these pictures here? I, for one, know I wouldn't have improved my blending skills, or have ventured into new/different colour combinations, or just plain being inspired by others makeup skills which makes me want to hone my own.

I don't care the fact that some were nice at first. The skanky wankers are either jealous of people's skills or just get kicks off tearing down pretty girls in order to make themselves feel better.

I hope hope HOPE this doesn't dissuade our members from continuing to post fotds and tuts, because seriously, you guys have helped COUNTLESS people feel better about themselves. its sad that there are a couple from this board, but i guess you have assholes in every bunch, its hard to keep them away.

Keep on keepin' on!! Love all you girls, and truly appreciate all you've taught me!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sikfrmthemirror
they arent all bad comments, they are comments that any of you ladies would have thought in your own heads, but of course not have posted on here.

its not right that she posted someone elses picture on another site, but i mean to each his own.

Hmmm... really?
Have u carried on to read comments on pages 3, 4 onwards?

A little respect and tact goes a LONG way... thats all most of us ask for.


Well-known member
yeah it starts out not bad
but by the time you get a few pages in
they start going off about peoples skin, teeth, facial hair, facial features, their before and after photos, etc etc.


Well-known member
To be honest I'm more pissed off that they hotlinked than them making fun of me. I fixed that little problem though.


Well-known member
I agree, we open ourselves up to any sort of crticism because of the internet's "openness" and Specktra is a "safe haven" for our creativity, our blunders, our experiments, our fabolousness, it's the net, it can house anything, with good and bad outcomes.

However, I agree that I've been thru a few pages, and I don't see these women posting pics of themselves.

Vogue being such a large company, internationally based, you would think their admins on that board could be made aware that their members are taking per se "protected" content (stuff that you need to be a member to see) and trashing it on their own board.

It's just not very classy IMO. I know nothing can be done, but it hurts me that some people are now afraid to post in fear that their pics will be linked and trashed. Sad sad world when your creativity is stifled.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by knoxydoll
To be honest I'm more pissed off that they hotlinked than them making fun of me. I fixed that little problem though.

LOL! I looked through all 26 pages to see if my picture was posted in there. If it was I was going to change the picture to goatse or some other gross picture


Well-known member
Originally Posted by janelovesyou
LOL! I looked through all 26 pages to see if my picture was posted in there. If it was I was going to change the picture to goatse or some other gross picture

I thought of goatse but I didn't feel like looking at it myself. so a big F U seemed appropriate. How hard is it to just save or reupload. Most uploaders have a url function anyways.


Well-known member
yes she did...i HATED the comment that they can't sleep at night after seeing a certain rude!!


Well-known member
I am apalled at the behavior of these posters and in no way condone this behavior
I am going to interpret a quote from the page in my best Spanish:
Nunca fue mi intención que este post fuera de crítica personal hacia las chicas de las fotos, la idea inicial era otra: looks exagerados, poco favorecedores, o cambios de aspecto extremos.
It was never my intention that this post be critical towards the girls of the photos, the initial idea was another one: looks exaggerated, little enhancing, or extreme aspect changes.

Well, despite the posters "intentions" this turned into some cruel hating shit that confirms the reason why I keep so few girlfriends. They used the photos without permission and that right there is wrong. Specktra has taught me so much and I am guessing that these posters wouldn't know that even the "natural look" requires a little make-up. I'd be harsher but I'm keepin' it profesh today. Squash them Haters and keep doin' what your doin'.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Some of them are members of Specktra. It's wasn't hard to do the math and figure out who they are. I am disappointed.

Definitely. Whatever happened to if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all?


Well-known member
It seems to me that if you truly had balls, you would just post your remarks here. If you are a member here and then you link up pics from this site to another strictly for the benefit insulting someone, you are a p*ssy. Excuse the terminology.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
It seems to me that if you truly had balls, you would just post your remarks here. If you are a member here and then you link up pics from this site to another strictly for the benefit insulting someone, you are a p*ssy. Excuse the terminology.

Yes, except that sure as shit to get you banned here. It is cowardly to post hate on another forum, but it's cowardly anyway because of the whole anonymity aspect of the internet.


Well-known member
i am absolutely gutted for the girls who's photos have been posted on there. i cant even put it into words how upset and angry i feel about this.
i dont think i speak for just myself when i say that posting fotds on specktra makes me feel good about myself because i have lots of insecurities and we all get such lovely comments from everyone here on our fotds.
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