for anyone that can read spanish... (specktra member related)

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by trollydolly
i dont think i speak for just myself when i say that posting fotds on specktra makes me feel good about myself because i have lots of insecurities and we all get such lovely comments from everyone here on our fotds.

I agree with you 100%, the people here are soo lovely because when we post out fotd's/tut's they always compliment us and that boosts our confidence.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
Yes, except that sure as shit to get you banned here. It is cowardly to post hate on another forum, but it's cowardly anyway because of whoe anonymity aspect of the internet.

That's true, you would get banned. Which makes it so sad that someone would go out of their way to post such hateful things. I would really like to think that people had better things to do with their time. I can't even begin to describe how much I've learned from the TUT's and FOTD's on here.


Well-known member
You'd have to be pretty damn ignorant, narrow-minded and insecure to post those kind of insults about other people in a forum, how sad and horrible some people are


Well-known member
They are ignorant because they don't appreciate the time people take to do these tutorials and upload them. They are just jelous because they don't have the skills to post a tutorial.


Well-known member
and i bet these are the types of girls who wear a tiny bit of mascara and some lip balm

i hear it all the time from girls like them.. they are just jealous
i bet they've never worn 'coloured' eyeshadow in their lives


Well-known member
Originally Posted by joraye
I agree, we open ourselves up to any sort of crticism because of the internet's "openness" and Specktra is a "safe haven" for our creativity, our blunders, our experiments, our fabolousness, it's the net, it can house anything, with good and bad outcomes.

However, I agree that I've been thru a few pages, and I don't see these women posting pics of themselves.

Vogue being such a large company, internationally based, you would think their admins on that board could be made aware that their members are taking per se "protected" content (stuff that you need to be a member to see) and trashing it on their own board.

It's just not very classy IMO. I know nothing can be done, but it hurts me that some people are now afraid to post in fear that their pics will be linked and trashed. Sad sad world when your creativity is stifled.

I'm surprised at this too, and (like a lot of Aussie girls on here) I'm a member on the Vogue Australia boards, and they are so tightly regulated it's not funny, if a thread like that popped up it would be removed in literally a matter of seconds.

Don't let these sad cases get to you. You girls/boys have taught me everything I know.

I think the members responsible for this should be banned, not out of some thirst for revenge, but because clearly they are not acting in a way which is in keeping with the intentions and spirit of this forum.


Well-known member
They are just a bunch of bitches with nothing better to do. I mean, seriously? If threads such as that one make their life better and happier, I truly pity them.

I bet they wouldn't even be "brave" enough to say stuff like that in someone's face.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sikfrmthemirror
Uh haha im fluent in spanish, the girl posted the picture and asked people what they thought of the look, the girl who posted it said she thought it was nice but alittle to excessive to wear on the street.

alot of girls agreed that it was alittle to much on the eyes but they liked the overall look of it.

they said they didnt like the colours, and how they were placed but they loved the lips.

they arent all bad comments, they are comments that any of you ladies would have thought in your own heads, but of course not have posted on here.

its not right that she posted someone elses picture on another site, but i mean to each his own.

actually if you keep on reading ...after the first few posts then it gets critical ..and it just snowballs into 26 pages of bitchery.


Well-known member
wow. well let me say once again that it wasn't my intention on embarrassing or hurting anyone's feelings by posting the link to that thread. if i did, i apologize. i simply thought you guys had the right to know about how low these people are sinking by criticizing specktra members' looks on here. i find it funny that not one single person on there dared show their faces and it's pretty apparent why.

i see a lot of people on here that finally get comfortable enough to post their first fotds on here, only to get shot down by bitches like this. hopefully no one on here takes any of this to heart because by posting, that's what makes this site such a great source of information for ideas and for learning. so with that said, i hope no one is deterred from posting fotds and tutorials here!

janice is lucky to have a site full of people that can genuinely be nice as well as helpful!


Well-known member
why doesnt some1 just contact them over at spain vogues forum and ask that it be removed? vogue is an upscale fashion magazine, its not a freaking star mag or an ok! mag. they don't stand for trash and gossip.


Well-known member
The one great thing about spectra, is the people here. You can come up, and tell exactly how you're feeling. And you will always get some feedback. Always. Or people wont start any sht with you, even if the have absolutely different vision on a thing.

Here people treat you with respect. I seriously felt i can talk about my feelings here. When you post any fotos, people see the best in you. People notice bright eyes, glowy skin, beautiful smile. Simply cause that's how that people are inside. Kindness always goes all the way around. Janice built the unique community here. I never saw anything like that. I saw a few other female forums, but i could never imagine coming up with anything there. I remember 1 line from scecktra, when a girl named laguayca (sorry if i just screwed up your screen name) said that being on specktra is like having a dozen of loving cousins, who gonna have your back, and put you on the right way sometimes.

So what about that forum? Nothing i believe. Imagine that girls, they are making such comments over every pic from here. Would they ever feel confident at their forum themselves? Would they ever feel like posting any pics for their mates? Would they ever feel secure? Doubt it.

None of us is perfect. No one is even close. But a 1 thing i always knew, is that the most important thing about a person is how is he/she inside. Cause nowadays everything about the appearence can be worked out. But if you're pretty shitty inside, nothing gonna help.

So lets enjoy what we have here, and realise how special this is. You all are gorgeous, just like i said. I think thats a really good idea to lock other forums, just like deep thoughts and love & relationship. Thanks to everyone for how you are. Dont give a damn about being posted there. Let them enjoy, thats all they have.


Well-known member
The Vogue thread goes against the User Agreement. Legal

Under Rules of Usage 1.D; 1.E;

Althought waves any responsibility of anything posted up there it's still enough to get the thread deleted and the users who stole the photos banned.


Well-known member
OMG i hope my pic isn't up there because i really dont want to know what they have to say about it...



Well-known member
for all you lovely girls whose FOTD's were posted, i hope you didn't take any of their jealous gossiping seriously. it seems you've become celebrities ;P &thanks for always sharing with us, i like seeing pretty faces


Originally Posted by Corv's Queen
How sad is it that they have to go to another forum to trash people they don't even know. I mean, grow up already. I hate that Jealousy monster.

It's a very simple question. The most of them are very very young girls, and they love to ¿criticise? because it's what they use to do. They have no conversation at all. Teenagers or girls with teenager soul (and behaviour)

I'm Spanish, I'm proud of it, and I'd like to tell and explain so many things, but my English is limited (and so is my time).
Please, girls, don't think these girls are "Spanish typical girl", because they aren't. Vogue is a special forum and it has got a lot of troubles with its members because there were no moderators. The mods are beginning to take their place and make their job, but It will take a lot of time to make a "quiet place" with no arguments and only healthy? discussions about make-up and cosmetics.

I belong to Vogue, and I belong to Specktra, and I know a lot of girls doing the same. We look for information, for swatches, and we DO enjoy with your tutorials, and your comments about MAC and many other brands. You are "A fuente inagotable de conocimientos"

I'm easy to be recognized because I always wear the same avatar and nick

I forget to tell you that I have reported the thread in vogue to one of the mods, I hope she works about it.


Well-known member
Thank you Luinathiel for clarifying and reporting that to the Vogue mods. I personally never cared what nationality (or what language they speak) these girls were only that they had negative things to say about Specktra members. That thread still makes me sick and I personally will never be a part of the Vogue chat boards.


Originally Posted by coachkitten
Thank you Luinathiel for clarifying and reporting that to the Vogue mods. I personally never cared what nationality (or what language they speak) these girls were only that they had negative things to say about Specktra members. That thread still makes me sick and I personally will never be a part of the Vogue chat boards.

They said negative things about ALL the things surround them. Stupid questions, more stupid answers...stupid life I think.
Believe in me, they are only a very little part of Spanish women..
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