for anyone that can read spanish... (specktra member related)

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Active member
Hi. I am the spanish Vogue moderator. Luinathiel told me about that post and I have closed it. I apologize for the lack of respect of many of the Vogue users.
First, sorry for my english, i don't write english very well because i'm Spanish, i don't usually post for this reason, but i can understand everything. And I hope that you can understand my post too

Second, if you don't understand spanish, please don't generalize. You speak about respect, but I only read in this thread: assholes, bitches, silly... and then I stopped reading. You can be absolutely right, but if you insult, you are wrong (No se cómo traducir esto al inglés, si alguien es bilingüe, por favor que lo traduzca como sería: " Tu puedes tener la razón, pero si insultas, tu la pierdes")

I'm spanish, and i'm very proud to be spanish! And I post in vogue Spain (I'm very proud too
If you read ALL the thread, you can see that it was created to help to other people to get some gorgeous looks, but it became in reviews of looks. If a look like or dislike you. Unfortunately, finallly, many persons made rude comments, but not EVERYBODY. (can you check it). Please, again, don't generalize.
I'm afraid to take a picture from here is not necesary be a Specktra member, you can take the pictures without log in yourself.
I understand you are angry (for the rude comments logically; but not everybody made rude comments, please, you can check it), but, about the reviews, you have to understand that someone can like or dislike one look (whenever the comment is done with respect)
Don't worry about "the thread" , it is already closed

But again, again and again...not all of us are like that (disrespectful), you can't generalize, and please dont insult.

Sorry for write too much. Thanks for reading.
Originally Posted by nek0
well.... as a born Canadian and also a Spaniard...

I can say that those girls are... stupid....

This is the kind of stuff I talk about with one of my best friends, a British girl who also lives in Spain. We share the same perspecive of life, and don't like some of the thinks that people do in Spain...

PD: I am reading the whole thing and I am frankly embarrased right now, of being a Spaniard...

This is generalize, I dont think that you can describe the entire population of a country. (especially if you don't live here), dont you think so?
Originally Posted by glam8babe
and i bet these are the types of girls who wear a tiny bit of mascara and some lip balm

i hear it all the time from girls like them.. they are just jealous
i bet they've never worn 'coloured' eyeshadow in their lives

Yes, I not need more, and its great when you dont need more
dont you think so?

I usually dont wear make up, but this doesn't mean that i dont know how to make myself up (and I love it!), but I'm not jealous, trust me. I'm sure that you make yourself up great, but please, again, don't generalize, for me, this comment can be offensive.


Well-known member
First off, I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion. When you start reposting pics of other people and posting negative things about them then it becomes wrong. Spanish, American doesn't matter.
Originally Posted by trip75
First off, I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion. When you start reposting pics of other people and posting negative things about them then it becomes wrong. Spanish, American doesn't matter.

Check that I dont defend people who make rude comments. But, tell you don't love a look its not "posting negative things", I think. You can love a look or not, and in Spain (I think in USA too) you have freedom of speech, and you can tell it (whenever the comment is done with respect). Perhaps other person thinks the look is great.


Well-known member
Yes, and people weren't just saying they didn't "love a look"; they were saying incredibly hurtful, disrespectful things.

The key issue here is that the FOTD forum is locked to anyone who isn't a member. To take that photo and post it on another site is one 1) dishonest and 2) disrespectful. It doesn't matter if some people liked it and some didn't; what matters is that IT WASN'T THAT MEMBERS PHOTO TO POST! Towards the end of that thread, pictures were being posted *simply* for people to make fun of. That is not cool.

My pictures were not taken. However, many people from Specktra did have photos stolen. Quite frankly, I'm disappointed the Spanish Vogue mods let it go on as long as it did. Totally unprofessional.

Respect is not handed out like candy. You want respect? *GIVE* it first.
Originally Posted by concertina
Yes, and people weren't just saying they didn't "love a look"; they were saying incredibly hurtful, disrespectful things.

The key issue here is that the FOTD forum is locked to anyone who isn't a member. To take that photo and post it on another site is one 1) dishonest and 2) disrespectful. It doesn't matter if some people liked it and some didn't; what matters is that IT WASN'T THAT MEMBERS PHOTO TO POST! Towards the end of that thread, pictures were being posted *simply* for people to make fun of. That is not cool.

My pictures were not taken. However, many people from Specktra did have photos stolen. Quite frankly, I'm disappointed the Spanish Vogue mods let it go on as long as it did. Totally unprofessional.

Respect is not handed out like candy. You want respect? *GIVE* it first.

I disagree with you, not all the people said "disrespectful things", if you understand spanish, you can check it.
About the FOTD, I dont know many about this forum, sorry. Then will be as you say, and I trust you
. Yes, I agree with you, that its not cool, I dont like rude comments.

Dont you think that i was respectful? I think that I never said nothing rude. (But, its not my language, if I said, sorry, i dont pretend it. )
Then, I want ONLY I give. (And, so I can speak for other spanish vogue members that was respectful everytime). I only want that not make generalizations about ALL the spanish vogue members, please.
The admin didnt know the rude comments, just she know, she closed the post. Then, she come here and apologize for the comments... I think she acts great and very professional.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melinda_warren
Check that I dont defend people who make rude comments. But, tell you don't love a look its not "posting negative things", I think. You can love a look or not, and in Spain (I think in USA too) you have freedom of speech, and you can tell it (whenever the comment is done with respect). Perhaps other person thinks the look is great.

Most of thoses comments were not respectful. It's one thing to say you don't like or agree with something it's a whole other thing to say your gonna go puke after looking at someones pic.
Originally Posted by trip75
Most of thoses comments were not respectful. It's one thing to say you don't like or agree with something it's a whole other thing to say your gonna go puke after looking at someones pic.

that is right, I dont defend this rude comments, I said yet...please dont back with the same that i said yet...

But, dont you think that generalize and say that ALL the vogue members or more generalization...spanish people, are: bitches, stupids, assholes, and a large list of insults, is awful?! I understand that you are angry, (yes, this I said yet again...) But if you pretend give a lesson, it's not the way...
I think that's enough nonsense, you can said that someone is not respectful, but insults....I think that is the same that they did...And this have no sense.


Active member
Hi again. I have spoken with the person who opened the post and I have deleted it. No post, no photos in it without permission.


Well-known member
What really makes me angry is they would post pictures of other people and instead of constructive critisism they post horrible comments. Talk is cheap, we all talk crap in one form or another. Why do they have to be so nasty? Some of those things are really hurtful.


Active member
Well, many people has no better things to do, and they find funny to criticize, but in the post not all were bad comments, many of them were ok (sorry for my poor english).
Originally Posted by trip75
What really makes me angry is they would post pictures of other people and instead of constructive critisism they post horrible comments. Talk is cheap, we all talk crap in one form or another. Why do they have to be so nasty? Some of those things are really hurtful.

yes, and trust me, most of the people that posted in the vogue thread and make offensive comments are knowing about this problem and they fell very bad, and fell had said these comments.
But, I underline, that insults are no the way...Same with genralization.
Please, respect. Like someone said to me, we can't want that we don't give. it's for everybody. Please, peace, and still making this greats looks.. I personally have learned a lot!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melinda_warren
I disagree with you, not all the people said "disrespectful things", if you understand spanish, you can check it.
About the FOTD, I dont know many about this forum, sorry. Then will be as you say, and I trust you
. Yes, I agree with you, that its not cool, I dont like rude comments.

Dont you think that i was respectful? I think that I never said nothing rude. (But, its not my language, if I said, sorry, i dont pretend it. )
Then, I want ONLY I give. (And, so I can speak for other spanish vogue members that was respectful everytime). I only want that not make generalizations about ALL the spanish vogue members, please.
The admin didnt know the rude comments, just she know, she closed the post. Then, she come here and apologize for the comments... I think she acts great and very professional.

When I said "You", I meant it as a general "you", not "you" specifically. Moreover, you were sticking up for the people at Spanish Vogue, sort of as their spokesperson. So, I made a comment about the posters there 'in general', not just about you. *THEY* (as a whole) did not give respect, made horrible comments and it was allowed to go on for quite some time. The Mod *did* close the post...very very recently. It went on for a long, long, LONG time. That tells me that either 1) the mods over there aren't incredibly watchful or 2) they agreed with it. Neither choice is incredibly professional.

Of *course* not everyone there said horrible things. I never said they did. However! Just as you are defending your forum, I am defending mine. People from your forum stole pictures, posted without permission and made horrible comments. I think that allows for a bit of outrage on our parts.
Originally Posted by concertina
When I said "You", I meant it as a general "you", not "you" specifically. Moreover, you were sticking up for the people at Spanish Vogue, sort of as their spokesperson. So, I made a comment about the posters there 'in general', not just about you. *THEY* (as a whole) did not give respect, made horrible comments and it was allowed to go on for quite some time. The Mod *did* close the post...very very recently. It went on for a long, long, LONG time. That tells me that either 1) the mods over there aren't incredibly watchful or 2) they agreed with it. Neither choice is incredibly professional.

Of *course* not everyone there said horrible things. I never said they did. However! Just as you are defending your forum, I am defending mine. People from your forum stole pictures, posted without permission and made horrible comments. I think that allows for a bit of outrage on our parts.

I disagree, sorry, And understand it took me a lot of hard work answer you and add arguments in english, because is not my first language.
Dado que debes entender castellano, porque estás muy segura de todo lo que dicen los post (supongo que es porque lo entiendes). A mí me resultaría mucho más sencillo hablar en mi idioma y argumentarte largamente. Constantemente se vuelve al tema de que ha habido gente que ha hecho comentarios nada agradables para vosotras, ya he dicho que os entiendo perfectamente y que no lo defiendo. Entiendo que en caliente, dado el enfado, se pueden decir muchas cosas y muy graves. Y aún estoy esperando que alguien, sólo alguien, dé una disculpa por haber ofendido a aquellas usuarias de vogue que no increparon en ningún momento y que fueron totalmente respetuosas, además de comentarios más que ofensivos y si, racistas acerca de los españoles. Aquí constantemente se está generalizando, no digo que tu lo hayas hecho para que me hagas esta puntualización, pero sí el 90% de las que aquí han posteado. A pesar de que la propia administradora haya cerrado el post al enterarse de en lo que se estaba derivando el hilo, y además haya tenido la profesionalidad de entrar en este hilo y disculparse de parte de todas las foreras. La gente se equivoca, y es de sabios rectificar. Nosotras ya lo hemos hecho, y vosotras seguís en las mismas. No creo que sea muy lógico intentar defender insultos por muy enfadadas que esteis, igual que no se han consentido en nuestro foro (puedes buscar insultos explícitos que no los encontrarás porque no se permiten), sin embargo en este foro, tan loable que decís que es se han permitido insultos constantes (incluidos explícitos) y sin ni siquiera argumentos.
Vosotras os habeis sentido ofendidas, y en cuanto se ha sabido, se ha cerrado el hilo y se os ha pedido disculpas. Sin embargo vosotras habeis ofendido a mucha mucha gente y muy gravemente y nadie ha sido capaz de rectificar.
Otro apunte, las fotos no las han robado, eran públicas por lo que cualquiera tiene acceso a ellas, quizá se debería haber pedido permiso, pero siempre se ha indicado la procedencia de las mismas. En cuanto a las de fotd, no tengo ni idea de cuales son, y por lo que me has comentado, está claro que esas fotos son privadas, por lo que no se pueden publicar en ningún sitio sin consentimiento. Ya lo he comentado en vogue, para que quién lo hiciese rectificase.
Y lo mas interesante es que la mayoría de las chicas ni siquiera entienden castellano, cómo puede ser que entonces se permitan el lujo de insultarnos a todas? porque vosotras generalizais y las haceis pensar que es una cosa, sin objetividad.
Puedes tener argumentos muy sólidos, pero si insultas, esos argumentos dejan de ser válidos. Si pretendes criticar una actitud y tú haces lo mismo, entonces qué es lo que estas criticando? Si criticas una actitud baja y tú haces lo mismo, lo único que haces es equipararte al mismo nivel, llegados a ese punto dá igual quién tenía razón, porque ahora ninguno la tiene. Entiendes lo que he intentado decir antes pero no acertaba a que se entendiese en inglés??

Ahora te pido, que si eres tan amable, lo traduzcas para que las que no saben castellano, puedan entender mis motivos.
Siento todo este rollo que se que es muy largo para leer, sorry.
Gracias por leerlo, de verdad (y gracias de antemano si me lo traduces al inglés)


Well-known member
No, I will not translate the English for you. This is not a primarily Spanish speaking board. Thats not something I'm willing to do.

As for me? I translated many of the hateful comments myself. You can keep your thinly veiled hostility and superiority to yourself, thank you very much.

Your moderator did close the post....a long long time after it was opened and only *AFTER* it was brought to light here.

The photos in question were posted in a private forum. The person who posted them to the Vogue forum *was* a member here at Specktra; *THATS* how the photos got posted. They *were* one of our own; how wrong is that?

She took those photos and posted them for people to "comment" on. Interesting that she only chose very dramatic looks; none of the more subtle looks that are posted here everyday. Only looks that would illicit a strong response.

If you'd like this thread closed, perhaps you should take it up with one of our Mods; Shimmer, MAC_WHORE, or our founder, Janice.
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