FOTDs Peeves


Well-known member
People who post their FOTD and point out their own imperfections is a big pet peeve of mine. I don't care if your eyebrow isn't drawn straight, I'm more interested in the overall look!

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
When pictures don't show up or they photoshop it a lot and it makes it seem too different. Sometimes I like to buy the things they use in their FOTDs because I like how it looks and am a bit disappointed to have it not look the same in real life.


Well-known member
Not about FOTDs but the tutorials...
How some people post a bare face photo and must add the "OMG ew shield your eyes gross yuck disguting!!!1eleven", why they heck did you post it then? If you think it's so gross why do you think we want to see it, it's not like it's even necessary when you're posting an eye make-up tutorial? Full face tutorials are a different thing of course.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
my only pet peeve of FOTDs is when people do the same poses in their pics, in different topics i.e that person does a green e/s look and poses for pics, then in another topic of theirs they do a smoky e/s look and their pose is so similar that if you put the pics together, the head wouldnt move :| get what i mean?

It is annoying when people dont post what they're used but i think thats b/c they want people to ask them what theyve used and accept it as a compliment, idk.

I do eye shots only because i dont really have a face look you see, i only do the eyes and maybe lips when i take the photo, but you never know, i may post an FOTD hehe


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chic 2k6
my only pet peeve of FOTDs is when people do the same poses in their pics, in different topics i.e that person does a green e/s look and poses for pics, then in another topic of theirs they do a smoky e/s look and their pose is so similar that if you put the pics together, the head wouldnt move :| get what i mean?

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Well-known member
i hate when people post millions of pictures and call it an FOTD, even though you can't see their make up application in 90% of the pictures. there's a girl in the myspace groups who posts like 24 pictures, and you can only see her make up in like 3 of the pictures. freezes my computer, so i no longer look at her posts anymore lol


Well-known member
I'm just happy to be able to look at FOTDs, because I'd never have the courage to put up my own, I 3 pet peeves.

1. Blurry pics. I don't like 'em.
2. Not listing what you used. Then what else is the point? We post for inspiration right? Then I need to know what you used, or are you just fishing for compliments?
3. WHEN PICTURES DOESN'T SHOW UP! I hate browsing old FOTDs and the pictures aren't available because of photobucket, or hosted on a site that's shut down. I want to seeeeeeee


Well-known member
I love when people post lots of pics! The more, the better imo; especially if I would like to do the same look. I'm a detail person soo...

Anyhow, my only pet peeve is when people don't list what they use. If want to do a similar look, it would be nice and helpful to know what a person used.


Well-known member
people's expressions really REALLY bother me. i dont mean like smiling i mean like the same pose over and over again, kinda like the blowjob mouth thing or the fishy pucker thing. or its like one pic of the fishy mouth, then another fishy mouth but looking up towards the ceiling, then a fishy mouth from the side.

i dont wanna see it!

end rant


Well-known member
1. When people (mostly everyone
) post their pictures on Photobucket and imageshack rather than Specktra and I can't see them at work.

2. When the pictures are too small to see any detail.

3. I also hate that non-moving head pose.


Well-known member
I dislike when people don't list everything they have used and when they put links up! It's so annoying! I actually like when people post a lot of pics though!


Well-known member
1. When people post a FOTD and write "Don't look at my eyebrows/skin/whatever, they are sooo Gnarly!!" and the eyebrows/skin/whatever are perfectly fine. I am not going to post "oh no, your eyebrows are great!" just to placate you.
2. When people make kissy faces to the it for your boyfriend or girlfriend
But I'm grateful people post FOTDs, they all are really inspiring, and the first place I got to when I need to figure out what to pair w/ my new pigment or whatever.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
i hate when people post millions of pictures and call it an FOTD, even though you can't see their make up application in 90% of the pictures. there's a girl in the myspace groups who posts like 24 pictures, and you can only see her make up in like 3 of the pictures. freezes my computer, so i no longer look at her posts anymore lol


LOL!! i know EXACTLY who you're talking about. it drives me crazy!


Well-known member
Sometimes I feel cranky when I go to look at FOTD's for inspiration and the same people post, EVERYDAY, and they look exactly the same every day. I mean, hell, posting everyday is great...but maybe try something different ONCE in a while

I also hate it when someone prefaces their FOTD with the whole "Excuse my ugliness, bad eyebrows, disgusting hair and unworthy face" bs. They are always gorgeous and its annoying! Especially when they say they are so ugly and they look better than me

I'm guilty of most of these FOTD sins myself, so.


Well-known member
I agree whomever said when people photoshop their skin and try to pass it off as their own. I'd rather see what your skin really looks like than some retouched version of it.

I also don't like when people don't list if they used foundation, concealer, etc. I'd like to know! (That is if they did.)


Well-known member
My biggest pet peeve (and this is back from when I actually went through the FOTDs on a regular basis) is when someone posts and then you get like three pages of everyone going "Oh you're so hot" etc, and I'm thinking ok, but you really overdid it on the blush or something like that. And then I try to really nicely sugest what I think, the whole time waiting for everyone to get really mad at me for critisizing. I feel sometimes with the FOTDs it's more about posting compliments on the girls who everyone else seems to like rather than offering constructive critisim. I mean, why not offer a comment that's actually worth something to the person who made the original post? Sorry, that's just how I feel.