FOTDs Peeves


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981
if i like it a lot i'll just give a thanks, but if i LOVE it i give a thanks and a comment. ha! yes, i have my own personal fotd guidelines

We all have our guidelines



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
odee over sized pictures, like come on, ur effing my my PC with those big a^^ pics


when i got my cam i had to start SERIOUSLY scaling down my pics because they're like 3200x3000. f*cking HUGE! i need to figure out how to change that


Well-known member
Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ
i hope i don't annoy anyone with my fotd's!! lol i do the same angles and faces because why fix something if it ain't broke right?? hhehehehe but i do tend to do similar looks. -__- i need more ideas!

my fotd peeves would have to be blurry images, links (too lazy to click), bad lighting.

Your FOTD's are always perfect! Everytime I look at them I think - Dang, she found the perfect location for pictures and perfected the angles!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981
if i like it a lot i'll just give a thanks, but if i LOVE it i give a thanks and a comment. ha! yes, i have my own personal fotd guidelines

That's what I do too lol


Well-known member
^^ I do that as well.

I always read this thread too thinking oh crap did i do that


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carlierae26
I don't like it when they watermark the whole picture, especially when it's on an eye shot.. I'm distracted by the mark. Very annoying. I know people have to protect their picture.. but does it have to be in the middle dividing up your picture in half?

Unfortunately, yes it does. I try to put my watermark on the side but sometimes I have to put it smack in the middle because some thieves have gotten crafty and just cropped out the watermark and claim it as their own. A watermark in the middle of the picture is nearly impossible to remove, but I always make it transparent so you can still see it but it's not so strong.


Originally Posted by MissChievous
Unfortunately, yes it does. I try to put my watermark on the side but sometimes I have to put it smack in the middle because some thieves have gotten crafty and just cropped out the watermark and claim it as their own. A watermark in the middle of the picture is nearly impossible to remove, but I always make it transparent so you can still see it but it's not so strong.

I never understood why anyone would want to call someone else's face as their own. I'm in no way a beauty, but still wouldn't want to call someone else me.


Well-known member
1. When girls do that incredibly annoying pursed lips thing and they look like a fish.
2. Pictures that are sideways or un-cropped if they should be.
3. Links of images instead of pictures. I never click those because what a waste of time.
4. Too few pictures, too many pictures. I think 3-6 is okay as long as they vary enough and aren't just MySpace/vanity pics or something.
5. The girl needs to not look like a hooker.


Well-known member
This is a bit off topic but I hate it when people do tutorials on youtube but only ever do eye shadow tutorials. I enjoy seeing foundation, lips, blusher etc being applied lol. I'm not really an eye shadow person!


Well-known member
This is a bit off topic but I hate it when people do tutorials on youtube but only ever do eye shadow tutorials. I enjoy seeing foundation, lips, blusher etc being applied lol. I'm not really an eye shadow person!
lol! i filmed my first tutorial for specktra the other day and skipped filming foundation and then forgot to film applying lipstick! but it was more about time restraint and the fact that i am still learning :)


Well-known member
Too much photoshop, kissy fish lips and photos that are posted to make the user look hot, rather than show off their makeup


Well-known member
It annoys me whenever people post a ton of pictures. 5-6 is plenty. One straight on with eyes open, one straight on with eyes closed, one at the side with eyes open, one at the side with eyes closed, and one funny face.

Hahahaha I do this. Then again, I'm a retard.


I hate when people make a pose when they take a picture and its a stupid duck face, (And everyone does this with their lips sticking out.) Auuughhh it irks me.


Well-known member
I hate when people make a pose when they take a picture and its a stupid duck face, (And everyone does this with their lips sticking out.) Auuughhh it irks me.
Urrgh I hate that too! and SO many girls do it now! I'm sorry but they all look so silly making those faces, it doesn't even make them look prettier, cuter or cooler :/

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