FOTDs Peeves


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
My biggest pet peeve (and this is back from when I actually went through the FOTDs on a regular basis) is when someone posts and then you get like three pages of everyone going "Oh you're so hot" etc, and I'm thinking ok, but you really overdid it on the blush or something like that. And then I try to really nicely sugest what I think, the whole time waiting for everyone to get really mad at me for critisizing. I feel sometimes with the FOTDs it's more about posting compliments on the girls who everyone else seems to like rather than offering constructive critisim. I mean, why not offer a comment that's actually worth something to the person who made the original post? Sorry, that's just how I feel.

i agree with this to a certain degree. thats when i just not comment instead of getting hit with a barrage of comments.

i also get annoying when come people's "constructive criticism" isnt' really saying much. like for example if someone posts a picture and her intro says "this was takenw hen I got out of work, sorry the lips wore off" and then someone comments "it would look better if you had some lips on"


Well-known member
1) FOTD posts with excessive photos

2) When the poster makes a comment about their ugly, gross, fat, [insert any negative word here] body part

3) "If you want to know what I used just ask"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by madkitty
my pet FOTD peeve is that I cant do mine as well as everyone else LOL



Well-known member
I guess my only pet peeve with someone else's would be if the pictures are too small to see anything.

I usually put the "please excuse my eyebrows/hair" thing in almost every post. I've always been self-depracating, and I probably always will be. I'm not looking for an ego stroke, I'm just trying to head off the "It would look good if you did (insert tip here) with your eyebrows" comments. Not that I don't want them, it's just that I can't do anything, because they don't grow back in. What I've got now is what I'm stuck with.

Um, peeves as far as my OWN FOTDs would be the fact that my pictures always come out all BIG FACE for some reason. I should try a full face picture without that macro shit on.

And yeah, sometimes the makeup looks different/less blended in the picture than it does in real life. Dunno why, though.

I enjoy looking at FOTDs, personally, so please keep them coming, ladies.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by professionaltart
like the blowjob mouth thing or the fishy pucker thing. or its like one pic of the fishy mouth, then another fishy mouth but looking up towards the ceiling, then a fishy mouth from the side.

i dont wanna see it!

end rant

(Side topic) Now, I wonder. Can someone do a B mouth, fish mouth, and side fish pucker thing aimed up towards the ceiling while looking at the ceiling with their chin at a 70 degree angle all at the same time? It sounds like a rare talent to me. Have mercy! I can honestly say that I haven't seen that one. I would be interested to see that done.


Well-known member
Blurry photos
Over-processed & photoshopped photos
Bad lighting in photos
Really tiny thumbnail-sized photos (with no link to larger images)


Well-known member
Images shown as links. That REALLY annoys me. It's not really that hard, just take the image URL and stick it between

When someone posts links I just don't have the patience to click on them, and I end up missing out on potentially awesome FOTDs.


Well-known member
the *only* thing I kind of sigh at is when pictures are obviously photoshopped more than they need to be. Skin doesn't look like skin, or the lighting change is dramatic, or it's all too soft and glowy. Mainly it's a peeve because I'm sure the original doesn't look much like the edited version.

Other then that I don't really care what people do, I'm just glad they're posting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigiopolis
Images shown as links. That REALLY annoys me. It's not really that hard, just take the image URL and stick it between

When someone posts links I just don't have the patience to click on them, and I end up missing out on potentially awesome FOTDs.

When the images are oversized and are posted (meaning larger than 640x800) mods come in and link the images, unless the user is kind enough to do it in the f irst place.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
When the images are oversized and are posted (meaning larger than 640x800) mods come in and link the images, unless the user is kind enough to do it in the f irst place.

Ahh, I see. That's an adequate compromise then, rather than just shutting down the thread altogether.

Does Specktra have a bbcode that automatically thumbs an image? That would be super helpful.


Well-known member
Heh I close my eyes because if I don't you totally cannot see my awesome head work that I slaved over to get a damn good looking well blended crease thing. Granted if you were in front of me you would because I'm so short that you can look down and see.

And seconded the whole thankful people post FOTD's you guys give me so much inspiration I love looking at all of the combos and people's work.

Originally Posted by jess98765
yep, bluryness and when ppl don't close their eyes. Also when the colour doens't really show up properly... but i guess i shouldn't be complaining, but instead should be thankful that ppl actually post FOTD's



Well-known member
Heh I just try to fix the fact that I have pores from hell and usually mention "yes photoshoped for pretty face" but yah guilty

Originally Posted by as_cute_as_pie

1) blurry pics

2) when people photoshop their skin and then try to pass it off as their own lol



Well-known member
I guess you could call these pet peeves.

The usual blurry/too big/way to edited/all that jazz

I wish people would be kind and put not only what they used but similar shades but that's just me and is most likely too much to ask really.

When they don't put where they used the eyeshadow application.

No replies that always makes me sad not only for mine but others silly me.

Hate that no matter how hard I try I cannot get my blending to pop like it seems everyone else does.

Oh Oh! I super duper hate it when I go to see a picture and it's not there even more so on the tutorials....


Well-known member
I love looking at FOTDs for some inspiration.

Pet peeves..
*blurry pics or bad lighting ... can't see the makeup!
*a crapload of pics, just slows down my computer and most of them look identical
*doesn't list what was used - then I don't know what to buy!
*says things like "I'm so ugly without makeup!" or "Don't look at ____ because its so nasty." Its really annoying, stop fishing for compliments.
*links - I don't have the patience to click on and then let each pic load
*only posting the eyes - I like seeing how different people match eyeshadows to lipsticks

Other than that, its all good. Thanks to all the lovely ladies brave enough to post their faces!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigiopolis
Ahh, I see. That's an adequate compromise then, rather than just shutting down the thread altogether.

Does Specktra have a bbcode that automatically thumbs an image? That would be super helpful.

Currently, we do not.


Well-known member
My only main peeve is I don't like having to click on links so those fotds I normally don't view but one pic ...

And there are some yes that are the same over and over ...I just don't click them as much anymore...

But mostly I am just happy to see fotd's I wish more members would post I like seeing different faces and their interpretation of different colors.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Wattage
I think (I don't know why - I am PMSing just as an FYI) that it bothers me when people only post their eyes. I dunno, I want to see the whole thing! I don't wear loads of eye shadow everyday so I guess I just want to see how it looks on the overall face.

Sorry ladies - what a stick in the mud I am tonight

I am usually so boring that I need the whole face to get inspired! However, if i do manage to do an involved look on a weekday it usually just revolves around my eyes. I've made it to work before having to do the desperate dig in my purse for any sort of lip product! So i also love to see what other people manage to do for their eyes.


Well-known member
I'm not very into webcam pictures, all ''pixelized'' blury and such...

When the person doesnt show a close-up of the eyes, and you only see her (or him) eyes opened, far from the camera.

When the person puts a gazillion pictures that all look the same, 5-6 could do the job, and doesnt write any comments or such. Like, I post pictures and leave to do other stuff... like a robot

But anyway, I love looking at your FOTD's girls (and boys), you all do a great job. It's just that sometimes you (all of us) need a little adjustment

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